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Category: Melodic Rock
Year: 2014
Label: G Records
Catalog Number: G036INTX
1. | Let Me In Katie | 0:39 |
2. | Bang! | 3:55 |
3. | Get Up 'N' Move On | 3:05 |
4. | Feel What I Feel | 4:14 |
5. | C'est La Vie | 4:11 |
6. | Jump The Gun | 3:39 |
7. | Spread Your Wings | 5:35 |
8. | I Won't Look Down | 4:17 |
9. | My Belief | 4:34 |
10. | Maybe duet version | 4:28 |
11. | Red On A Sleeve | 3:56 |
12. | What You Get | 4:57 |
13. | Mr Ticket Man | 3:30 |
14. | Thank You | 10:53 |
15. | I Want It All bonus track | 3:30 |
16. | You Can't Stop Me bonus track | 4:39 |
Total Running Time: | 70:02 |
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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Gotthard CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.
EPs and CD-singles from Gotthard are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.
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From: 123charpenay | Date: April 24, 2014 at 11:48 |
i m the first ok,let s go.gotthard is coming back with a long cd(16 tracks 71 minutes for the japan import).like for their last record i m disapointed.leo leoni is a very nice guy(i ve speak with him in lyon,he speak perfectly french),a great guitarist but he is not a productor.next time gotthard have to recruted a real productor who give them the sound they deserve.make the test listen xorigin "state of the art" and immediatly after listen "bang".wow the difference of sound!with a so muddy production ,it s like if you want make a race with a ball and chain at one of your leg.it s incredible that the sound of their first phenomenal record (1992) was better than here(help to chris von rohr) .i ve the feeling to listen some great demos.it s a shame for a band of this quality.since lipservice,the peak of their carreer, the quality of their songs is lower.nic the new singer is excellent his voice looks like to steve lee ,even if he have not the class,the charismand the talent of steve. |
From: 123charpenay | Date: April 24, 2014 at 11:59 |
the record start with a short instrumental wich have absoluty no interest.track 2.12.13 and 3 are some great hard rock songs.not fantastic but great.track 4 is the best song of the record,a real hit.track 5 "c est le vie" (that s life in english)is a very very soft slow,so if you want sleep....track 6.7 and 8 are three fillers.track 9 is a super hard rock song who reminds me their extraordinary debut album.track 10 is a ballad with a duet with a girl who have a beautiful voice but the song is very very average.track 14 is a very very very long ballad who never finish (10.53 minutes).the two bonus tracks are "i want it all" a song with an excellent choruse but with an horrible modern riff of guitar,track 16 "you can t stop me"is an average bluesy influenced song.nevertheless i stay fan of this marvellous band,and i wait with impatience october 22 2014.gotthard in concert in lyon at ninkazi. |
From: Japangea | Date: April 27, 2014 at 9:05 |
"Feel What I Feel" is really a nice song.I can smell something similar from Pretty Maids "Little Drops Of heaven". |
From: 123charpenay | Date: May 1, 2014 at 15:49 |
2014 start humm sad.three big deceptions.: gotthard "bang" house of lords "precious metal" johnny lima " my revolution"".hope the rest will be better alien, free spirit,sunsrike, loud lion ect ect... |
From: Swedish Rocker | Date: May 9, 2014 at 13:37 |
Overall another solid album from a reliable band. Not their best and not their worst. Just pretty much what you realistically could expect from a band that keeps pumping out albums about every two years on routine, although the almost eleven minute Thank You certainly isn't your typical Gotthard-song. They could have cut it down to 12 tracks at most, but I would still recomending getting the one with the bonus tracks. They are, for a change, two new and pretty good tracks, especially the second one which I thought was one of the best on the entire album. |
From: 123charpenay | Date: October 23, 2014 at 13:09 |
yesterday evening in lyon at ninkasi we have the chance to see the gotthard s concert.like for the firebirth tour the songs of the new record are better live than on the record.gotthard play two hours.two hours of happinness,they deliver us, their fabulous hard melodic rock.what pleasure.the sound was terrific!!!!very hard of course and very clear and pure.they finished with "anytime anywhere " and "thank you".they promise to the crowd that they will be come back in france ,cause they " love speak french".i m waiting the next time. |
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