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[Accept Band Picture]

Artist: Accept

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Accept Homepage

CD Title: Eat the Heat

Accept Eat the Heat Album Cover Accept Eat the Heat Album Cover


Category: Heavy Metal

Year: 1989

Label: Columbia Records

Catalog Number: 44368


Peter Baltes bass
Dieter Dierks arranger, producer, engineer, mixing
Wolf Hoffmann guitar
Stefan Kaufmann drums
Bob Ludwig mastering
David Reece vocals
Topo assistant engineer, mixing
Ashley Kramer photography


1.  X-T-C  4:26
2.  Prisoner  4:15
3.  Love Sensation  4:42
4.  Chain Reaction  4:37
5.  D-Train  4:04
6.  Generation Clash  4:25
7.  Turn the Wheel  6:23
8.  Mistreated  4:58
9.  Stand 4 What U R  5:29
10.  Hellhammer  6:54
11.  Break the Ice  3:20
Total Running Time:  53:33

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Accept CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: WADE-LINK Date: March 13, 2001 at 19:25

From: SIXXSWINE Date: April 23, 2001 at 14:19
David is a better singer than UDO! I think the name ACCEPT actually hurt record sales on this one. When you think of ACCEPT you think of the little troll in camo, growling on stage.... Wish they would have kept crankin' out more tunes with this incarnation of ACCEPT. Generation Clash was ahead of it's time! 8.5 for sure!

From: Motley Date: October 27, 2001 at 3:49
A awesome cd!!! I really kicks when U put on the first song, and HELLHAMMER really blows your brains out!!! By many considered a 'bad album' coz UDO isnt doing the lead vox, but REECE kicks ass too. I wish he had done more cd's with them!!

From: Kim Date: May 26, 2002 at 1:57
Sure Reese is a better singer, but hasnt got Udos energy and rawness. Many singers sound too neat and nice. Udo`s voice doesnt, and fits the sound of Accept perfectly.

From: Axelinger Date: May 30, 2002 at 18:00
Contains some of my favorite Accept tunes from the entire catalogue; Chain Reaction, D-Train, Hellhammer, etc. Not to slag Udo 'cause he is the voice identified with Accept, but Reece did a great job on this disc, IMO...

From: Troy Date: June 29, 2002 at 8:15
While not what everyone expected of Accept, it was really a good album. Everyone I know really liked it. some great tunes, but production is not as raw as earlier Accept. Can't figure out why it didn't do better as it was better than most of the albums that came out in that year. Two different voices, two different productions. Overall a very good consistent effort rounded out by good performances.

From: Tony Date: July 13, 2002 at 23:45
I remember first hearing this album thinking to myself 'Who slipped this Judas Priest disc into my Accept cd?'. VERY 'Turbo', 'Ram It Down' era Priest sounding. I personally really dig this album. They sound energized on this and I saw this line-up on tour with Wasp in 89 and they smoked. Was there anything more annoying than the sprinkling of WIMPY keyboards on EVERY metal release in the late 80's early 90's? You can hear it (barely) on a few songs on here.

From: fretboardfrenzy Date: September 30, 2002 at 1:22
wolf hoffmann is talented guitarist n composer. great album catchy tunes, tuff played melodic metal, excellent! thunderous guitar work is unique.. crushing drums, superb vocals, good rhythm section. X-T-C, PRISONER, GENERATION CLASH, HELLHAMMER, D-TRAIN one of my favourite songs on this album great work!

From: robert Date: October 23, 2002 at 10:58
Q buen cantante el David!! Vaya cambio de estilo 'no? bastante bueno!

From: 9 CHAMPIONS A 1 Date: November 24, 2002 at 8:40
Cuando escuch' este disco por primera vez me descoloc' bastante,no me lo esperaba,NADA QUE VER CON LO ANTERIOR,te has de mentalizar que estos no son Accept,inventat' un nombre y colocaselo al grupo y tendras un disco BASTANTE ACEPTABLE de Hard Rock bastante afilado en ocasiones y con cierto caracter mel'dico.VALE LA PENA.

From: Scott Date: February 5, 2003 at 20:02
PURE CRAP! No Udo, no Accept! I agree with those who said the Accept name hurt sales. They should have changed their name rather than try to convince fans that this was the same mighty metal machine of the past. Whether or not Reece is a better vocalist or not is a matter of opinion. Udo is Accept. Udo has 100% more charisma, attitude, and aggression. This album is so generic in comparison to classics like Restless & Wild and Balls to the Wall. Eat the Heat is a generic, pop metal turd. I much p

From: Bilboker Date: March 3, 2003 at 20:53
Un disco que todo dios critica (parece ser que en esta web no.. pero por norma general muy criticado), pero a mi em gusta bastante. No es puro accept, pero esta bien. un 7.5/10

From: Larry Date: March 22, 2003 at 6:48
D-Train rocks!!!

From: Scandinavia Date: June 27, 2003 at 17:20
Unbelievably underrated album...If you go for the typical Accept sound you'll be disappointed but as a temporary Hardrock/melodic metal album it's amazing! I was blown to hell & back when I first heard 'X-T-C'...That intro...Phewww. Wolf knows his way 'round that fretboard of his! Highlights: 'Hellhammer', 'Generation...', Stand 4...', 'Prisoner', 'Chain reaction'. Take all the best 80s sounds, trix & melody. Blend it all together with German beer, guitar & Bratwurst...Then you have Eat the Heat

From: visitor Date: August 14, 2003 at 9:14
Come on... Udo IS Accept!! No one can replace him, the whole idea is a joke! The album is a good metal album in itself, but not really an Accept album. Just like Iron Maiden was nothing without Dickinson. I'm so glad Udo came back.

From: Rene Date: August 18, 2003 at 15:10
Visitor, i agree with you, this is not realy a ACCEPT sounding record and U.D.O is ACCEPT and ACCEPT is U.D.O but i still love this album, great voice, great songs....I dont agree about BRUCE DICKINSON and IRON MAIDEN. PAUL DI ANNO is the real IRON MAIDEN singer and he will always be the one for me.

From: RR-Finland Date: September 1, 2003 at 12:39
I agree with these guys who said that Accept is nothing whithout Udo. I don't own this record, but I remember there was also good tracks like XTC, Ceneration Clash etc., but I was more intrested of U.D.O.'s new coming with 'Animal House' album than this. I think 'Animal House' was next 'Accept' album after 'Russian Roulette', where was also original Accept appearing(Lay Down The Law). Anyhow, it's great that they did this line-up, so we can see how it works? And it worked. For somebody!

From: visitor Date: September 4, 2003 at 14:03
Rene, I meant that Iron Maiden was nothing with Blaze Bailey. Dianno is a great singer!

From: Great Dane Date: October 19, 2003 at 12:48
How the hell did they end up with this clown of a singer. They completely lack originality on this one. Ive seen them live with UDO many times, and D A M N do I 'miss them on the live scene. Everything on this release is wrong. Listen to the music, the only thing you can hear are the singer, and the drums. Highly NOT recomendable.

From: Great Dane Date: October 19, 2003 at 13:03
Uhh I just tried listening to this cd. Reese really annoy my ears. ACCEPT never made this much crap before. this suxx.................

From: Rene Date: October 19, 2003 at 13:31
You are right Visitor, Blaze was not a good singer for IRON MAIDEN. His solo albums are good and his voice sound a lot better then when he was with IRON MAIDEN.

From: Metal T Date: November 24, 2003 at 19:07
After the song 'XTC' this sucker goes downhill fast.An album of mostly pop music.The decision to part with Udo'on this one was the wrong one.The obvious attempt and failed mission was to break the american market.Don't care for Reese'on vocals,Udo has recorded 'XTC' live with his band and it smokes ! 4/10

From: ROBERT Date: December 12, 2003 at 21:54
3' DISCO DEL 89' Este con sonido mas Heavy, y con un cantante muy interesante... Grabdes temas con ca'a y melodia. para mi un 6'5 sobre 10!!

From: Steven Ertelt Date: December 18, 2003 at 18:43
Good music, but the production (especially the vocals) are a bit muddy for my taste -- not very clear and crisp. That holds this release back. It's a shame too, because Reese is a good vocalist. Though it didn't sell, the production on the Bangalore Chour album does a much better job of showing the kind of star potential Reese had. He would be a household name if he had been in popular bands in the mid-late 80s rather than just before the awful grunge explosion. 7/10

From: Kryiis Karl Date: January 17, 2004 at 4:53
It all depends on how you consider this release. If you consider this as an Accept release, then one big fan of this band can be disappointed because he may not find what he expects from an Accept album. When I play this record I don't think about Accept and so I find it very good. UDO has such a special voice that it would have been ridiculous to try and find another guy approaching his singing. Very good Heavy US like record to my opinion, though not an Accept release in fact.

From: songster Date: February 10, 2004 at 8:11
Man, David Reece is 10,000 times better than UDO!!! This guy knows how to sing!...

From: Metal Pete Date: February 10, 2004 at 10:50
Scott said it best. No Udo, no accept. period. They should have called themselves EXCEPT! bwa ha hah a an embarrassment to the band's legacy, this one is.

From: Metal T Date: February 10, 2004 at 12:57
This one is a joke!--Eat' is nothing more than pop music.Udo cannot be replaced.Where is David Reece now ?-Pumping gas ?------------ **Memo to foreign users if you don't post in ENGLISH,no one knows what the h*ll your trying to say** !!!!

From: Mid'Foxy'Nite Date: February 10, 2004 at 23:23
The best album from Accept , Very Very Hard Rock ! Stay(oYo)Glam!!!!!

From: Blue Tequila Date: February 11, 2004 at 2:07
Maybe they should have changed the name of the band for this one but it's really not that bad. Udo is The Voice of the band but David Reece does a great job filling in. Did anyone read the 20 Questions w/Wolf Hoffmann (Metal Sludge)? He talks about what it was like having Reece fill in and I guess he was doing drugs while on the tour and was real paranoid around the rest of the band because they all spoke German and he thought they were always talking about him.

From: Blue Tequila Date: February 11, 2004 at 2:07
Here's the link to the interview -

From: Steve Perrin Date: March 17, 2004 at 11:53
Udo and Wolf WERE Accept. Take one of them out and there was nothing. They did drop a couple of good tunes from Eat The Heat, mind. Generation Clash is one of my all time metal favourites.

From: emi Date: March 27, 2004 at 21:24
si te gustaban accept este disco entonces no te deberia gustar, a mi personalmente me parece una obra maestra. en cuanto a David Reece decir que fue uno de los mejores cantantes de rock melodico lugar que ahora ocupan otros dioses como jeff scott soto y johnny gieoli

From: Alejandro Date: March 31, 2004 at 9:14
'EAT THE HEAT' is a very good album. I don't like so much the Dieter Dierks' production (I prefer a sound rawer, like 'Balls to the wall' or 'Restless & Wild'. Of course, David isn't Udo, the voice's totally diferent, but is a great singer. As an ACCEPT fan, the first listening of the album was so rare for me, but later I was fall in love with it. Songs like X-T-C, Prisioner, Generation clash, Death Train, the ballad Mistreated... are a very great songs... For me, the best song is 'Hellhammer'.

From: CC Date: May 7, 2004 at 10:54
Finally managed to track this down on CD but the track listing is in a different order,there is an extra song (I cant believe in you) and it has a different cover!

From: James Date: June 7, 2004 at 15:17
i think this album just ROCKS HEAVY!!!! just like david says, ROCK OF LIFE IS LIKE A HELL OF A LOAD, and that is what this cd has, HELL OF A LOT OF ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! ROCK ON!!!! DAVID REECE HAS A MORE SLEEZIER VOICE THEN THAT GERMAN UDO!!

From: ROCKIN SCOTT Date: June 26, 2004 at 21:51
I remember when I first heard Generation clash on the radio,the song just got it's hooks in me .This cd is like no other Accept.I like UDO ,and I have been a fan from the early days when nobody knew who the hell Accept was.But after you listen to Udo for a while he gets under your skin .Now David Reece on the other hand has the right voice for this band .It was amazing to hear how much the band change with David .This cd really shows how great Accept is ,top notch production and great mix make t

From: christo Date: October 26, 2004 at 19:42
udo is a legend, saw him live and he kicked ass, he cant be replaced, udo is accept, check out udo animal house where he collabarated with his old accept band mates, that is the real accept,udo is an all time metal god, respect to the man

From: jeff Date: November 21, 2004 at 18:58
check out bangalore choir. david reece on vocals. 9/10

From: Scott Date: November 26, 2004 at 14:50
Bangalore Choir were good, but David Reece's band he formed with ex-Vengeance/Die Happy shredmaster Larry Farkas and ex-Hurricane drummer Jay Schellen is even better! Sircle of Silence. They released two excellent CDs the mid-90's.

From: metallian Date: December 7, 2004 at 14:13
Talk all you want about UDO leaving ACCEPT (or ACCEPT kicking Udo out of the band). But this is a damn good record! The time was 1989, and this disc has the real sound of that time! I won't dare to say the singer in here is better than Udo, but he has a better voice and suits fine with this cd! Udo was what ACCEPT was all about, tho. I love it!!

From: Geoff Date: March 16, 2005 at 19:37
This is the only Accept CD I have heard that I liked. I can appreciate what people took away from their other CDs, but it was completely lost on me. This is a good solid collection of hard rock and I suspect more like Bangalore Choir than Accept's own back catalogue. For me that's a great thing, and there are some very enjoyable hard rockers here, as well as the great ballad, 'Mistreated'. Yeah, I like this one.

From: Harry Date: March 17, 2005 at 7:33
I agree with Geoff. This is the only decent Accept cd out there. I like other songs from other albums, mainly Death Row (Sodom and Gomorra, Pomp and Circumstance), but for me Udo just kills the songs with that irritating voice.

From: spaniard Date: March 20, 2005 at 5:59
I'm not agree. accept is more than Udo. this is probably, one of the best records by this band. change of style, but awesome.

From: Dreamaholic Date: May 16, 2005 at 4:23
Though I don't classify this as a great album, it does have some great songs. My favorites are Prisoner, Love Sensation, Chain Reaction, Generation Clash, and Mistreated. Hoffman's guitars sound great, especially the solo on Generation Clash, and Reece's vocals aren't bad. There's some filler but overall I think it's worth the eBay price.

From: meradona Date: September 1, 2005 at 14:27
gran disco de accept. a mi me va ahora mas este estilo, pero tengo que reconocer que en los 80 me gustaba mas el estilo crudo de los otros discos. 8/10

From: Fat Freddy Date: April 17, 2006 at 16:54
My old cassette copy of this has the cover art of the band sitting around on their road cases... I've never seen the 'second' cover shown above, with the band standing and David Reece laying on the floor in front of him. Is that from a reissue or a foreign pressing? Just curious. I don't like this album as much as I like the Udo material, but 'X-T-C' has a nice thumping groove and come on, you gotta love 'Generation Clash.' Still, I was glad when Udo came back to the fold.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: November 26, 2006 at 12:41
dear fat freddy:this is a reissue as i have both of them.In fact the listed songs are different from your original cassette copy,(i mean they are the same songs but positionate differently);and for the comments...some of the writers said that david's voice is better than udo's...completely wrong guys,two different tones of voice simplely.Udo is unique that's for sure.David?,great vocalist but could be more aproacheable for a more melodic band.Maybe he has its tools but 'fast as a shark'Udo's!.

From: Metal T Date: December 4, 2006 at 16:56
U.D.O.'s 'Mean Machine' came out around the same time as this in 89' and that record just flat out destroys this thing.Having dealt with Reese' its no wonder Wolf wanted Dirk' back a few years later.--------

From: Metalmusicman Date: December 31, 2006 at 13:57
While this is clearly not an Accept album by any means, the bottom line is that is is a very good 80's metal album. Melodic as hell, great guitar work, and massive hooklines throughout. This is really good stuff and I recomend it, but remember when you listen to it. This is not an Accept album. If you listen to it with that in mind, I think you will like this one quite a bit.

From: erik Date: April 25, 2009 at 12:09
The only cd of Accept that got me hooked. then again its maybe not be considered an Accept album. Just look at the way what it is. A very good and solid hardrock album. David has a great voice that suits the music just perfectly. I personally could never overcome Udo's " voice". Excellent album. 80/100

From: GlamSlam Date: August 27, 2009 at 8:37
This is the only cd which really rocks from Accept. Rest of the Accept records r garbage. Udo cant sing he is just really bad frontman, singer should be atleast 5.3 tall itīs so funny seeing udo singing, he screams to the mic and heīs image is tough guy look LOL.

From: metalhead4life Date: January 3, 2010 at 12:09
I really like this singer David Reece; sure Accept will always be with Udo; those are the classics but this one off album with a different singer is really good. I was pleasantly surprised how much this one smokes!! Straight up ballsy metal and hard rock mixed with a hint of power metal IMO. David Reece can hit some good notes and I like the way his voice carries. Great musicians, songs, and production is also present. Stand out tracks to me are 1, 2, 5 (man d-train smokes), 9, 10, 11. How awsesome is "Hellhammer" - what a song!! Give this one a listen and a must own for late 80's hard rock and metal lovers. 89/100

From: iliketherangers Date: March 10, 2010 at 20:35
BEST ALBUM EVER. this album got me hooked to David reece. Every song is amazing, the guitars are great, the tunes are great, and it is the best singing i have ever heard! Strongly recomend. 100/100. I even have an entire concert performance by them from 1989!

From: kamd Date: July 8, 2011 at 11:20
I have to say David is a excellent singer and Eat The Heat also is a wonderful album of Accept.But I konw something about this album isn't attract the attention as more as possible

From: JOVIAOR Date: July 14, 2011 at 15:09
I Just must mention Hellhammer what a masterpiece of a song!!

From: hair metal again Date: February 1, 2022 at 10:58
excellent release once again for ACCEPT choosing a more commercial path(as most bands did at the time due to the hair metal movement that was on at the moment)without losing their guitar driven sound and identity!loved it from the start and still sounds great after so many years."prisoner","xtc","stand 4 what ur" and "love sensation" are great songs indeed!

From: mr.shoemaker Date: March 12, 2022 at 16:05
Best ACCEPT Album and the best David Reece has ever done.

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