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[Rik Emmett Band Picture]

Artist: Rik Emmett

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CD Title: Absolutely

Rik Emmett Absolutely Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1990

Label: Charisma

Catalog Number: 2-91606


Rik Emmett lead vocals, guitar, producer
Randy Cooke drums
Chris Brockway bass
Dave Tkaxzuk keyboards
Colleen Allen saxophones


1.  Drive Time  4:22
2.  Big Lie  4:15
3.  Saved By Love  3:58
4.  When a Heart Breaks  3:40
5.  World of Wonder  3:57
6.  Stand and Deliver  5:23
7.  The Way That You Love Me  4:18
8.  Middle Ground  4:03
9.  Heaven Only Knows  3:58
10.  Smart, Fast, Mean and Lucky  3:56
11.  Passage (For Big Nick) instrumental  2:30
Total Running Time:  44:20

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Rik Emmett CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Axelinger Date: October 27, 2002 at 16:50
What's with all the sax? Was putting Triumph to rest really worth this nonsense?

From: koogles Date: October 27, 2002 at 20:24
Yeah, sounds like a neutered version of Triumph, even though "Saved By Love" could pass for one of his old band's songs. Each release from Rik since has sucked harder than the one before it. Now he rocks about as hard as Bette Midler. Triumph needs to get back together TODAY!

From: Great Dane Date: January 10, 2003 at 1:07
Some of the tracks on this disc is outstanding.........Some is really...NO REALLY BAD. So was most of Triumphs releases. Good stuff, but filled with ``fillers`

From: Gar Date: January 18, 2003 at 23:55
Rik left Triumph because he wanted the band to move in a more commercial and watered down direction. The other guys just wanted to rock! If you liked the last 2 albums Rik did with Triumph, you may like this as well. Like the above post said, there are a couple of good tunes on this, but the majority is filler.

From: vandervelde Date: August 29, 2003 at 7:52
I like this very much. When i first heard "Saved by love" it was a movie "Problem child 2". This song is the best from this album but "Absolutely" have some other cool songs, for example fine ballad "When a heart breaks" . Good AOR. Check it out.

From: bdrums1971 Date: January 4, 2004 at 0:46
I have a differing opinion from the others above. I LOVE this cd. Granted, I am not a Truiumph fan (not by choice, I just never got to listen to them). So, having no expectations, I listened with a totally open mind, and I dig it! It may not rock like old Triumph apparently did, but there is some great stuff on here. It reminds me of Giant somewhat. Rik's vocals are very powerful, and I think the songwriting is good, and the playing has spark. Good production too.

From: Ordinary Man Date: February 28, 2004 at 10:50
I am the biggest Rik Emmett/Triumph fan in the world. But would have to say that this is my least favorite album of his. BUT...this album still has some good tunes. Drive Time is Great! It shows another side to his extrordinary guitar skills, as well as his vocals...very rippin! Heaven Only Knows is very Triumphish sounding. Saved By Love is also a good tune that he plays live for many of his shows. I actually seem him play in a bar for this album. Met him in the lounge after the show too!

From: Big Papa K Date: June 13, 2004 at 0:21
I agree with the earlier comments. Sounds like a watered down version of Triumph. I always preffered the Rik songs in Triumph, but maybe it was good that he only had to contribute half of an album with them. Some tunes are good like "Saved By Love" and "Big Lie" and there are disasters like "When A Heart Breaks". 5/10

From: John Date: November 16, 2004 at 13:35
I'm stunned at the low rating on this one. The whole reason this was released under Rik Emmett and not Triumph is that these songs didn't fit the band. It wouldn't make any sense to release a record that sounds like Triumph as a solo release. We got some great music from Triumph. He's moved on. We should too.

From: Metal Pete Date: November 17, 2004 at 15:31
NO! YOU move on! ;-) (j/k) Love that old Triumph, it was fantastic and Rik WAS the band. But, on his own we do certainly miss the rest of that band. I only liked one tune off this release--but that is one more than I liked off of 'Edg e of Excess'!!!!

From: Rycheage Date: November 19, 2004 at 20:46
I have no problem with a singer of a hard rock band releasing a solo record of stuff that wouldn't have fit the band's music anyway. I would hope they would do it right. Rik Emmett did just that. Much like Kip Winger and Geoff Tate's solo records, this is awesome. It's just different. Highly recommended for fans of Rik's voice.

From: Propane Date: November 30, 2004 at 12:24
I hate sax, therefore I hate this. Sorry Rik, I am a huge fan but exnay on the axssay.

From: Brian Mc Date: December 2, 2004 at 15:21
I didn't care for this one. I was expecting too much of a Triumph vine I suppose. FYI koogles, at the begining of her career Bette Midler was more parallel to the likes of Sammy Hagar than this limp-wrist. She even opened some shows with Hagar's song "Red". Please do your home work and you're forgiven!

From: z4roxx Date: January 13, 2005 at 22:03
That's incredible that there isn t a good comment about this MARVELLOUS cd!It's an"HEAVEN"release for me!!It's over the top aor as Triumph best realeses(maybe also better).But that's my only personal thought

From: Geoff Date: February 28, 2005 at 6:57
I remember this one actually had a couple of decent tunes, but not enough to save me from selling it off. It wasn't awful and I've heard worse, but it was certainly not for me. Very average, IMO.

From: george_the_jack Date: May 17, 2008 at 10:16
z4roxx GO learn English! I see you whether saying nonsense or doing grammatical mistakes! Other times you're rating albums with a strange rating scale of your own.....(!)I'm not either an English professor or master but I'm trying at least to be understood by the others! I saw you burying 'when angels call' from Heartland and I was wondering WHY...Now, I'm trying to figure out what exactly you want to say! Unfortunately, your opinion and rating, together with some others, form a false general opinion! Now,you're supporting the album that is responsible for the TRIUMPH's end! No words...In my opinion, DAN you should clear some comments and ratings

From: rick kerch vzla Date: December 10, 2008 at 20:39
Excelent debut album as a solo artist!!!.This album is packed with great songs "Drive Time","Big Lie" the wonderful AOR-ish "Save By Love","Stand And Deliver" and so on...even the instrumental one "Passage (For Big Nick)is outstanding!!!(and it's only 2:30).In other words there is not a single filler song in it.95/100

From: Remastered Reason Date: December 11, 2008 at 15:52
Looking at the album cover when i purchased this back when it first came out, i remember thinking this is gonna rock. Seeing Emmett with his guitar on the front, had me quickly running back to spin this in my player. After the first listen or two, it didn't meet my expectations of lick-filled, firey hotshot guitar playing. However, over time it has revealed itself for what it is in that this album is a definite keeper. Complete with memorable foot tapping tunes like "Saved by Love", "Big Love", & "World of Wonder, these gems still get played to this day. Good job Rik.

From: edwithmj Date: April 23, 2010 at 11:18
I like this album. Saved By Love and World of Wonder are great rockers and When a Heart Breaks is a smooth ballad. Nice stuff.

From: petermexico Date: May 26, 2012 at 13:43
Rik Emmett is a gifted musician, each and everyone of his works shows class, but I prefer Triumph albums by far, Sin duda un músico talentoso quien demostró su gran habilidad para las 6 cuerdas en todo sus trabajos con Triumph, lo cual lo llevó a ser parte del salón de la fama del Rock Canadiense, este es su primer trabajo como solista, muy en la línea de lo que buscaba hacer al final con su antigua banda y orientado a un estilo mucho más suave y comercial que se iría demostrando en cada trabajo subsecuente, para los fans de este gran músico. Buen disco aunque no memorable.

From: petermexico Date: May 26, 2012 at 13:43
Rik Emmett is a gifted musician, each and everyone of his works shows class, but I prefer Triumph albums by far, Sin duda un músico talentoso quien demostró su gran habilidad para las 6 cuerdas en todo sus trabajos con Triumph, lo cual lo llevó a ser parte del salón de la fama del Rock Canadiense, este es su primer trabajo como solista, muy en la línea de lo que buscaba hacer al final con su antigua banda y orientado a un estilo mucho más suave y comercial que se iría demostrando en cada trabajo subsecuente, para los fans de este gran músico. Buen disco aunque no memorable.

From: hair metal again Date: October 19, 2017 at 8:09
very good solo release by the great RIK EMMET that has a little something for everyone, from rockers like "drive time" ,"big lie" and "smart ,fast ,mean and lucky", to mid tempos like "saved by love" and great ballads like "the way that you love me' where Rik really sings in a smooth way!recommended

From: 123charpenay Date: November 28, 2021 at 19:59
good solo record not more.not to wake up in the night for this realise.for die hard fans of triumph.

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