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CD Title: Da Vinci
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Category: AOR/Hard Rock
Year: 1987
Label: Mercury (Germany)
Catalog Number: 832 780-2
Jarle Maloy drums
Bjorn Boge bass, vocals
Dag Selboskar keyboards, vocals
Lars Aass lead vocals
Gunnar Westlie guitar, vocals
1. | Lookin' For Love | 3:33 |
2. | Dreamin' | 4:27 |
3. | Tarquinia | 5:35 |
4. | Corina | 3:38 |
5. | Look at Me Now intro | 0:29 |
6. | Look At Me Now | 4:08 |
7. | Forever in My Heart | 4:00 |
8. | She's a He | 4:00 |
9. | Young Desperado | 5:12 |
10. | Light My Fire | 3:40 |
| |
Total Running Time: | 38:42 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: terry of cfc |
Date: December 1, 2001 at 14:25 |
someone please sell me this cd thanks
Date: December 11, 2001 at 13:05 |
From: terry of cfc |
Date: August 14, 2002 at 16:17 |
i now have this cd and it's great well worth waiting for CHELSEA RULE OK
Date: August 31, 2002 at 17:00 |
Grupo AOR con un sonido muy Escandinavo, recurda a Europe. Destaco el tema ¨tarquina¨. En general es un disco aceptable, no te defraudará ni te emocinará.
From: DAVID |
Date: September 24, 2002 at 9:43 |
From: Dani |
Date: October 30, 2002 at 16:54 |
Is not a bad album at all, I do agree with Mallorca's Rock, it's neither a masterpiece nor a crappy album. A matter of tastes.
From: Teo_3 |
Date: December 17, 2002 at 21:18 |
This is a great release for a great group.It has top grade guitars and production to go along with the songs.Better than the second release in my opinion.9.5/10
From: Scandinavia |
Date: July 28, 2003 at 4:59 |
Okay release...Like all above put it it's not an alltime classic but it has decent songs...Typical scandi-sound: Keyboard plus guitar driven hardrock. Vocals could've been better...'Lookin' for Love' is the best track according to me...
From: purrfect-kat |
Date: October 8, 2003 at 1:25 |
This is one of the most over-rated cds I continue to see sell for more then it's worth.
From: Scandinavia |
Date: November 28, 2003 at 9:50 |
'She's a he' is what AOR is all about! Great energy on that track...Too bad the vocals suck...
From: Scandi |
Date: February 2, 2004 at 18:04 |
I think DA VINCI always lacks 'energy' within their songs a bit, but on the other hand it's a quality scandinavien production on the highest level! The singer's voice sounds a lot like JOEY TEMPEST, doesn't he?? --By the way sorry Scandinavia, that we often have to disagree.. but that's life
From: Rycheage |
Date: March 13, 2004 at 22:16 |
What a wonderous slab of AOR this is. From the infectious 'Lookin' For Love' to the keyboard heaven of 'Tarquinia' this CD has it all. The ballad 'Young Desperado' is fuelled by impassioned vocals and is topped off by some excellent harmony vocals and delicate piano work. If there is a band you should try and obtain any or all recordings of, it's Da Vinci.
From: jessica96fish |
Date: March 15, 2004 at 16:41 |
not as good as dalton treat and rat bat blue.but it is the best of the two cds they did.worth getting if you can get it at a good price.
From: TIM (2) |
Date: June 7, 2004 at 5:52 |
I agree with Rycheage, both Da Vinci albums are awesome and prime examples of scandi AOR. The melodies are incredible, and the lead guitar work is not too disimilar from Kee Marcello's work on 'Out of This World'. The vocals are better on the 2nd album, but both contain monster AOR tunes and are worth every penny you'll pay for them from eBay these days.
From: gener8tr |
Date: August 20, 2004 at 14:51 |
This is a great CD! Very much a by the book / typical Scandi album from the mid 80's, but everything just works! Imaging the best of Europe mixed with a touch of Treat, blazing axe-work and tons of well-placed keys. You simply can't go wrong here. Sure it sounds like 1987, but isn't that what most of us on this page are looking for, anyway?
From: Kip |
Date: September 28, 2004 at 16:18 |
gener8tr - yes! The music today sucks ass
From: Scandi |
Date: October 26, 2004 at 17:26 |
Totally agree with 'gener8tr' & 'Kip'. WHAT a music, lightyears away from the nowadays productions (even the 'better' melodicrock Cds made in the 00s are poor against THIS)
From: TIM (2) |
Date: October 28, 2004 at 2:50 |
I'd also highly recommend searching for the unreleased 'Unfinished Business' album. The general sound/song quality is very high, every bit as high as the 2 official releases (apart from the demos on the end). The style is similar to this S/T album, very lightweight and keyboard driven, but songs like 'One of a Kind' and 'Where Eagles Die' are every bit as good as the best tracks on the 2 albums.
From: Scandi |
Date: January 16, 2005 at 14:15 |
Apart from 'Tarquinia' which is one of the best songs ever for me I appreciate UNFINISHED BUSINESS as an even better album as the official's My most recommended tracks are wonderful ballads 'Ain't no goodbyes', 'The light' & 'Won't be' and the stunning, happy rocker 'How many miles' 9,4/10
From: Erik |
Date: February 10, 2005 at 6:31 |
She is a he is a killer song. Damn catchy !
From: Geoff |
Date: February 10, 2005 at 6:53 |
I laughed aloud when I first heard 'She's a he' - brilliant stuff. This CD is not a scratch on the stunningly brilliant follow-up, but it's decent for what it is, and I believe 'Corina' is very nice. Good CD.
From: zinatra99gt |
Date: February 18, 2005 at 18:16 |
All of these are really good....nothing more I can say about these. Just that they are one of my faves. I am kinda wondering if the Da Vinci--Demos is any good? I seen it on ebay several times, and like a dumb ass I procrastinated on bidding on it.
From: Scandi |
Date: March 10, 2005 at 14:33 |
The 'unfinished business' album with demos and songs for the 3rd album is really really good. There is no sign that this will be (re-)released, at least I don't know about those signs, so you ought to buy it I suggest. But try to buy the 'official bootleg' (see cover & review on ' and not the version I own. My version is an 'AOR Moon Collector's Promo --for fans only it says-- and it sometimes crackles. I wonder if someone sold me a CD-R on ebay or something..
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: April 16, 2005 at 13:03 |
Good Melodic Hard-Rock/AOR album, siendo un buen grupo nunca fue de mis favoritos de la escena escandinava quiza por eso no me haya animado a comentarlo antes, no como los lideres Alien, Dalton, Treat... pero el album es bueno claro que si y por ley mejor que el siguiente   She's a He y Dreamin(las mejores de lejos, el tipo de canciones que busco en las bandas escandinavas), Look At Me Now, Lookin' For Love, Forever in My Heart(tambien de buen nivel)  . album recomendado de hecho.
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: April 16, 2005 at 13:30 |
A la mayoria seguro le ira mas el segundo por ser mas parejo, pero por estos 2 cortes me gusta un punto mas. Tarquinia buena balada. solo light my fire malogra el disco.
From: Robert |
Date: April 16, 2005 at 15:03 |
Otro buen discazo de rock escandinavo. Es musica echa para gozar. 7/10
From: georgeangel |
Date: May 16, 2005 at 10:55 |
This is a very good album and a Must Have. Not many copies are around so grab it when you find it. It wont be any re-release any soon now since its been rereleased once from the Japanese company so get yours when you can. The European edition is even harder to be found as most of the AOR lovers keep their copy to themsleves so its making it hard to find item. If you need more info please mail at :
From: Erik |
Date: September 9, 2005 at 9:20 |
Just a brilliant scandi sound rock album. My kinda music 9/10
From: SCANDI |
Date: October 18, 2005 at 10:44 |
Good news mates This will be re-released on mtm records as well as their second one. georgeangel is FORTUNATELY not right Cheers to Grecce
From: PAUL |
Date: October 18, 2005 at 11:30 |
Hi SCANDI,indeed good news...I'm not big fan of scandi sound,but very curious to listen to DA VINCI's works.MTM CLASSIX is THE label!I bought two days ago FATE's 4th album,gooooood cd and excellent guitar work.Cheers from Greece.
From: AOR freaky |
Date: October 19, 2005 at 3:29 |
Rather boring AOR IMO ! I don't like this one at all. No great hooks, not catchy enough, average songs and a bad singer ! Only the keys are decent. This is indeed typical scandi AOR, not my cup of tea at all ! Miles behind the american and canadian AOR stuff, MIIIII .. .LES !!! Paul, you're a real AOR fan, I know and this is not the best stuff to buy, I'm afraid. OVERRATED like most scandi AOR !!!
From: Erik |
Date: October 19, 2005 at 11:19 |
Thats great news indeed Scandi ! Love(d) this band.
From: mauricio |
Date: November 13, 2005 at 16:46 |
hi-from COSTARICA, Al fin logre comprar este diamante en bruto del rock melodico escandinavo son este S/T y el BACK IN BUSINESS de la banda noruega de oslo DA VINCI,clasicos del rock escandinavo,mega dificil de conseguir en ebay mega-caro,pocos pueden pagar y pueden hasta matar por el rock melodico que derrocha esta elegante banda.ala primera escucha diras que suenan mucho a EUROPE Y que LARS AASS suena muy a lo JOEY TEMPEST es muy inevitable la comparacion
From: mauricio |
Date: November 13, 2005 at 16:47 |
en veces te suena un poco a TREAT,es decir tienen un poco de cada uno pero despues de todo es un disco muy bueno y claro que si,si es de 1987 es una joya del rock melodico nordico desde la apertura de LOOKING FOR LOVE con esos teclados y guitarras,DREAMING otra hardmelodica cancion para dar paso a esa balada TARQUINIA y la lenta CORINA por citar unos cuantos muy completo en especial por que esta muy guapo no hay que perderse a este grupo por nada en el mundo y seria un gran crimen no tenerlo
From: mauricio |
Date: November 13, 2005 at 16:48 |
y que decir de LOOK AT ME NOW, un corte lento de aor y la mas EUROMANIA de FOREVER IN MY HEART,sin duda una finura de cancion y bonita la manera de cantar de LARS AASS,para dar paso a la mas poderosa escandinava de SHE IS A HE,para mi uno de los mejores cortes que tiene este debut y que decir de la preciosa YOUNG DESPERADO Y la final de LIGHT MY FIRE en si este es un gran disco.que vale la pena pagar por este tipo de musica y si no lo tienes la culpa es tuya,es un pecado no tener
From: mauricio |
Date: November 13, 2005 at 16:48 |
ese diamante de 1987,le doy un 10/10 RECOMENDADO.tambien su BACK IN BUSINESS de 1989 y UNFINISHED BUSINESS lo mas precioso una pena que no esta aqui=blame it on the radio-every highway-breathless-aint no goodbyes-how many miles-wait for you-wont be the one-last generation-close to the edge-one of a kind-where the eagles die-action-stand up-shadow dance-electric lady-the light.hazme caso y corre a buscarlo no lo dudes ( DA VINCI 10/10 rocks
From: SCANDI |
Date: November 21, 2005 at 13:38 |
Better erase my comment about mtm re-issuing this. In the AINA booklet there is a pre-announcement of this but I wrote to mtm but they never replied. On their website there's no hint either.
From: georgeangel |
Date: January 2, 2006 at 9:43 |
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL.Well my friend SCANDI I was right and mind that I did that comment on last May about NOT RE_RE_Release as Yet...Well all you all must get this cd in any way you can find it and even if ONE day comes out as a rerelease then buy it again cause it may have some bonus tracks and because nothing is better and precious more than the original so its good to have that album twice.For now if you are lucky get it in any original edition.More info
From: SCANDI |
Date: March 30, 2006 at 15:44 |
I don't wanna be a suporter of mtm but refering to their webside this album will be re-released on May 26 with one bonustrack from the 3rd unreleased album. So what georgeangel.. ? I'll try to sell my original now 'cos for me it's not important to have the original but to have some coins in my pocket.
From: hardrock90.00 |
Date: June 11, 2006 at 21:40 |
I love this CD. I konw that most of people rather 'back in business' but this album is awesome. Looking for love is a great song and has great keys. Tarquinia is great ballad and I really like 'forever in my heart'. Buy it now!!!!
From: Erik |
Date: July 4, 2006 at 14:01 |
Got the re-release today. Man what a band hey. Scandi class written all over it. Keys, catchy as hell songs like Looking for Love, Dreaming, Corina, Forever in my Heart and the killer sond She is a He. 9/10
From: Heavy.AOR |
Date: July 20, 2006 at 14:09 |
GOLD 9/10.Not bad no very good.
From: georgeangel |
Date: November 12, 2006 at 22:18 |
Its a fine album but not THE ALBUM...its a good must have album...I am acolector so I prefered 1st editions so its better for you to pay a bit more but to have the first edition of that album and then get the re-release. Its cheaper ofcourse with a song added but the first edition is collectable and ofocourse its the first edition...if you need more about please email me at
From: newscandi |
Date: September 13, 2007 at 11:13 |
I'm almost sorry to say (for myself too), but this one's only really good tunes are "Looking for love" with its hooks and the wonderful chessy and key-ish ballad "Tarquinia". OK, "Young desperado" is another chessy ballad who suits me. But the rest? What makes it more worth, may only be the best song (IMO) on the re-release. Anyways, the best DA VINCI songs are on the 3rd not officially released "Unfinised business".
Date: October 27, 2007 at 18:56 |
Pues otro grupazo de ese glorioso Hard AOR Escandinavo, Claro que Si!. Muy en la onda de EUROPE(a ratos el vocalista sonaba mucho a tempest, pero con un timbre mas rasgado), TREAT y DALTON se desgranan temas como: "Looking For Love", el baladón "Tarquinia", la vacilona "Corina" y la marchosa "She is a He". Mención especial para la fabulosa "Forever In My Heart"(la favorita de quien escribe) y la muy melódica "Look At Me Now". EXCELENTE
From: hernanHRM/AOR |
Date: October 28, 2007 at 14:01 |
Super genero musical, Da vinci aqui desplegando todo su extraordinario poder un albun tan completo con temas muy pulidos solo queda añadir que es un buen trabajo un Albun demoledor joyas del albun a escoger para mi todas son tan buenas la voz el sonidos las baladas todo es magico...
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: February 4, 2008 at 10:38 |
This is an album that you'll enjoy from head to toe!!!.Good and balanced songs with cathy choruses.To name just 2 songs,the opener "Looking for Love" & the most commented one "Forever in my Heart" are fine examples of "happy metal".Of course probably there are albums that will blow away this one but if you are in the softer & commercial side of the business then Da Vinci would be your perfect option.85/100
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: January 27, 2011 at 20:54 |
Wow i have undusted this and gave it another i realize that this album could be like the gets better as time passes by!!! ...hits such as "Lookin' For Love" & "Corina" are very pleasant 2 our ears...apart from those 2 others such as "Dreamin'","Look At Me Now"(nice),"Forever In My Heart"(still the best,haven't changed my mind about it ),"She's A He"(another killer one),"Light My Fire"" & the bonus track "Ain't No Goodbyes" is a beauty of a song...gonna change my rate...93/100 to your face
From: titothetitan |
Date: March 14, 2018 at 9:26 |
I'm not as thrilled with Da Vinci as I was with Europe, Alien, Treat. For me it's on the b-side of Scandi melodic rock bands along with Madison, Skagarack, Swedish Erotoca.
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