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![[McQueen Street Band Picture]](/bandpics/mcqueenstreet.jpg)
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McQueen Street Homepage
CD Title: McQueen Street
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Category: Glam
Year: 1991
Label: SBK
Catalog Number: 96428
Derek Welsh lead vocals and guitars
Michael Powers lead and acoustic guitars
Richard Hatcher bass guitar and backing vocals
Chris Welsh drums and percussion
1. | When I'm In The Mood | 4:23 |
2. | Woman In Love | 3:40 |
3. | Time | 4:54 |
4. | Money | 3:26 |
5. | Stick It | 3:41 |
6. | My Religion | 5:21 |
7. | Going Back To Mexico | 4:35 |
8. | In Heaven | 4:45 |
9. | Two Worlds | 4:43 |
10. | Only The Wind | 4:48 |
| |
Total Running Time: | 44:16 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: joe |
Date: May 2, 2001 at 8:15 |
great album.if you find it anywhere beat it!
From: Steve Marks |
Date: June 15, 2001 at 15:03 |
I would like to order the McQueen Street CD. Where can I purchase it?
From: Steve Marks |
Date: June 15, 2001 at 15:05 |
I forgot to add my contact info. If you know where to purchase the McQueen Street CD, please e-mail me at Thanks.
From: Joey |
Date: June 23, 2001 at 18:04 |
I love dis CD!!!!!
From: Joemama |
Date: June 24, 2001 at 12:44 |
This cd is 80's at it's best and i'm wondering how i never heard of these guys when they came out, they rock!!!
From: TIM |
Date: July 4, 2001 at 22:45 |
These guys aren't bad at all. Until recently, I had no idea who they were. I was really surprised.
From: tony |
Date: October 26, 2001 at 21:38 |
Montgomery fu////n rocks!!!!!!!!!!!! good memorys in odd times. where are they now? talent misjudged in a time when grunge was taking over..
From: Billy Boy |
Date: January 8, 2002 at 7:05 |
Listen "Only The Wind" and talk to me!!!
From: Mark L |
Date: February 1, 2002 at 23:19 |
Michael Powers (Cummings) rocks. How are ya Mike? The band was very good. Mike where are you now?
From: Glammiemonster |
Date: February 4, 2002 at 2:15 |
This albums kicks ass. Really. Get it. Now. Are you still here? Go buy it then!
Date: April 28, 2002 at 9:29 |
If u wanna buy their CD or their VCD with 2 PROMO VIDEOS: 'Money' and 'My Religion' ->!!
From: Desslar |
Date: April 28, 2002 at 17:40 |
Great no-frills hard rock. If you like AC/DC or Krokus you should like this.
From: tomcat |
Date: April 30, 2002 at 11:14 |
yeah another cool release that never had the recognition deserved... my faves are 'two worlds' and my religion;
From: jason |
Date: June 6, 2002 at 17:39 |
This album has some pretty good stuff on it. I think the best song here is "Two Worlds." They are your basic hair metal band but I don't think many people know them? If you ask me I think they could have been bigger. If you got this album and you haven't lissened to it for some time than I suggest you pull it out and give it another lissen.
From: jason |
Date: June 6, 2002 at 17:44 |
Oh, one last thing.... That song "Two Worlds", that was co-writen with Steve Stevens. BUT!..... thats not why I like it best! I'm not big on Steve Stevens, but thats a good song.
From: netsopm74 |
Date: June 24, 2002 at 10:15 |
Hey, remember a long time ago, there was a Jim Beam commercial with MONEY...great stuff!
From: Cotton C. Lover |
Date: June 25, 2002 at 6:41 |
Sucks!!!!!! Totally generic. In Heaven is a good song, remember Time from the radio, other than those, the rest is just re-hashed hair metal. imho
From: magicmandala |
Date: August 19, 2002 at 17:06 |
This album is a bonus to add to your hard rock collection if anyone is interested in it i curently have it on kazaa.
From: rocker |
Date: August 28, 2002 at 20:41 |
magicmandala, Do you have this on a cd?
From: marshall |
Date: September 19, 2002 at 6:15 |
I recently heard about this CD from a friend (even though it came out 10 years ago) and decided to purchase it. I absolutely love it. This may be the one of the best hard rock CDs ever recorded! If there are any bootlegs or other CDs I'm there.
From: nitrodoll |
Date: September 19, 2002 at 6:38 |
i love this disc..very good.. pity nothing happened with this band..wasn't steve stevens involved with this band? nitrodoll
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: September 19, 2002 at 6:49 |
This is in my car's CD player right now, it's just f*cking awesome, and I say that having had it since it came out. Without looking at the jacket I can't remember how much involvement there was with Steve Stevens, he may have produced it. I know he co-wrote and played on "Two Worlds" though, you can really hear his style of writing and playing come through on that.
From: Amanda C. |
Date: September 20, 2002 at 13:46 |
I was just watching MTV and noticed the singer from Puddle of Mudd is wearing a McQueen Street in the "She Hates Me" video. After that, I dug into my collection and I'm glad I did. Great Band!!
From: koogles |
Date: September 24, 2002 at 9:46 |
Good, full-sounding glam CD from the Sleeze Beez/Cry Wolf school. CD gets off to a shaky start with "When I'm in the Mood" but "My Religion", "Woman in Love" and "In Heaven" tore my head off cleanly. Had these guys had an earlier start, they would have been a household name.
From: redrocks |
Date: October 1, 2002 at 18:53 |
This is no doubt one of my favorite CDs of all time. I saw the "She Hates Me Video" by Puddle Of Mudd on MTV the other day and also noticed the McQueen Street shirt that their singer is wearing. Guess he's a fan too. Heard through the grapevine that their is a 2nd McQueen Street CD coming soon but trying to find out more. If anyone hears anything, please post.
From: T. Tantric |
Date: October 9, 2002 at 16:42 |
Is there really a 2nd CD coming out? I picked up the 1st one a couple of years ago in Germany and love it. These guys kick major ass and blow all of the so called "rock" bands these days out of the water!
Date: October 30, 2002 at 3:37 |
From: Izzy |
Date: November 4, 2002 at 18:25 |
man I cant find this CD any record stores!
Date: November 24, 2002 at 6:56 |
rare and fabulous..
From: David |
Date: December 10, 2002 at 22:10 |
Amazing!This is the best Glam of my collection.Is anybody knows those guys news today?I got this CD's in SecondSpin few years ago and until now it's still play round and round! Rocks!
From: Captain Jack |
Date: December 24, 2002 at 15:41 |
I've been a HUGE fan of these guys for years. Just found some info on them at: It looks like there might be a new CD in the works. I signed up for their newsletter.
From: M |
Date: March 12, 2003 at 9:06 |
Someone tell me what Michael Powers has been doing. An old friend wonders.
From: jason (FA - Q) |
Date: March 12, 2003 at 23:16 |
I heard he's a stripper in a gay bar.
From: Jimbo |
Date: March 13, 2003 at 2:26 |
And how much do you normally tip him, Jason?
From: jason (FA - Q) |
Date: March 13, 2003 at 5:04 |
I saw that coming...
From: ELLIOT |
Date: March 16, 2003 at 6:56 |
Date: September 22, 2003 at 15:45 |
Date: September 22, 2003 at 15:53 |
From: Blue Tequila |
Date: September 23, 2003 at 8:51 |
The 2nd half of this disc is much much better than the 1st half. Bought it for "My Religion" which pounds, "Going Back to Mexico" & "Two Worlds" are great rockers while "In Heaven" & "Only The Wind" slow it down and are outstanding. HEY RICHARD--why such a long layoff between albums? Also how about some MP3 samples of the new album up on the web site so we can hear if you guys still rock or if you've forgotten how (unfortunately like so many other bands). Good luck to you and the band!!
From: Rich |
Date: September 27, 2003 at 20:16 |
From: |
Date: January 10, 2004 at 18:19 |
Great band. Heard of them back in 1991 but never heard the first CD until now. Great stuff. The new one is available on eBay and their website.
From: James |
Date: January 11, 2004 at 12:14 |
I just got a copy of the 2nd CD at It's great!
From: Eugenio "Waite" |
Date: January 11, 2004 at 13:16 |
Is not that I don't like this, but it hastnt grab me like many other glam cd or bands. I think Im teh only one here not liking this, but I dont care. This is just a cheap second hand store cd.
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: January 12, 2004 at 10:56 |
Hey James, what's the second one like style-wise?
From: Desslar |
Date: January 13, 2004 at 6:41 |
That's not the actual album cover pictured there is it? My copy certainly has a very different cover.
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: January 13, 2004 at 10:17 |
Mine has that chick on it. Yours too?
From: MJ (Marla) |
Date: January 13, 2004 at 10:42 |
Mine too Blue Charvel. Chick / truck /
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: January 13, 2004 at 10:57 |
My three favorite things!!! Okay maybe not the truck...I'm partial to sport sedans....
From: AOR freaky |
Date: January 13, 2004 at 10:58 |
Their second is practically more of the same. Nothing really shocking, Blue Charvel !
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: January 13, 2004 at 11:00 |
Wow, yeah Freddy I sure wouldn't want more of the same kick-ass hard drivin' rock 'n' roll. I'd much prefer some majestic keyboard laden masterpieces...BUY! BUY! BUY! MUST HAVE!!!!
From: AOR freaky |
Date: January 13, 2004 at 11:09 |
Well, I'm disappointed Blue Charvel ! I tell you what to expect from the second album and you attack me again ! I have the strong impression you don't like me at all ! A pity, because you don't know me at all ! But, no hard feelings from my side !
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: January 13, 2004 at 11:23 |
Not attacking mon ami Belge, just saying that this is hard rock, you're out of your depth, and I liked the first one a whole lot, if you can tell by my previous post (see September 19, 2002). So for me, more of the same would be (as Martha Stewart would say) a "good thing". I can't say I don't like you personally, but I can say I don't like the way you confuse your opinions with facts. Your country produces many of my favorite beers, so I suppose I will have to give you the benefit of the doubt.
From: tomcat |
Date: January 13, 2004 at 16:21 |
the singer has a 'loud' voice sort of speak.., the beginning of 'woman in love' is just plain stupid but there are some songs on this cd that really 'two worlds' and 'going back to mexico (don't drink the water man)'.I have the video for 'religion' somewhere . nice cd..
From: AOR freaky |
Date: January 14, 2004 at 6:49 |
Let's keep it that way, Blue Charvel ! But don't forget that my roots are hardrock from the beginning ; Steppenwolf, Free, Uriah Heep, Black Sabbath,Led Zeppelin etc.
From: Metal Pete |
Date: January 14, 2004 at 14:29 |
Pretty good when they rock--favs here include "Goin back to mexico", "Stick it", 'in heaven' and of course 'My religion'. Those are about all I listen to off this one, but in my book they make buying it worthwhile.
From: Blue Tequila |
Date: January 15, 2004 at 21:45 |
Anyone wondering what the 2nd release sounds like can check out the 1 minute mini bytes at (
From: Ric |
Date: January 20, 2004 at 23:04 |
Great C.D!!Better than anything today,classic 80's hard Rock!
From: Sarah |
Date: January 21, 2004 at 13:00 |
Hey Blue Tequila, thanks for the info on the soundbytes. I checked them out and actually bought the new CD. Got it in the mail yesterday and it rocks! It's really, really good. I've owned McQueen Street 1 for years but I think I like this even better. World Machine and Psychosis are 2 of my favorites. By the way, there are more soundbytes on the band's Web site at:
From: PileDriver |
Date: January 22, 2004 at 0:15 |
All I can say is I'm so stoked that these guys are back and have recorded such a kick ass new CD. Loved the first one and can't quit listening to the new one. McQueen Street rocks!!
From: AOR freaky |
Date: January 22, 2004 at 6:46 |
What's the fuss al about ? Is this a special act ? Don't think so ; this is a rather poor act !
From: Dean |
Date: January 22, 2004 at 8:00 |
AOR Freaky- I just don't get you. If you don't like the band-that's cool but you don't have to speak up every time someone says they like them. Most AOR bores the hell out of me but I'm not going to waste my time going on all those bands' pages griping about how much I hate keyboards. It's called personal taste-deal with it dude. McQueen Street is a great(in my opinion) no frills rock band. The song "Time" is very cool.
From: AOR freaky |
Date: January 22, 2004 at 9:06 |
Fair enough, Dean ! But there are lot of better sleaze bands than this one ! It's all so one-dimensional. And after all, this site pretend to be the hardrock and AOR reference on the web, so it's logic that people talk about AOR ! You don't know what you miss, mate, in comparison to this average act (sorry, but that's what they only are !). But, it's up to you ! Enjoy !
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: January 22, 2004 at 9:28 |
Welcome to Freddy/Freaky's world Dean. He knows better than all of us and really we should be thankful that he is here to show us the path to the real music. I used to like that knock down, drag out rock 'n' roll but now thanks to Freddy, I have seen the light and now find happiness in extended keyboard solos and majestic arrangements... I'm sure you don't mean to be one dimensional, and you wish you too could be more "open-minded" like Freaky/ of luck!
From: wildiris |
Date: January 22, 2004 at 11:44 |
I was listening to the boneyard on XM Radio last week and heard "In Heaven" and a couple of other songs so I went out and picked up MS2. All I can is these guys are the real deal. I've worked in radio most of my adult life so I hear a ton of music. Two thumbs up for this band and the new CD!
From: Dean |
Date: January 22, 2004 at 12:53 |
Ok i know it's useless to keep pursuing this but i guess the point I'm try to make is just because there might be better bands out there doesn't mean i can't enjoy another one plus i don't consider bands like Tesla, Mr Hate, or Mcqueen Street sleaze. Pure killer hard rock. To tell the truth though- I think AOR Freaky/Freddy has been a lot cooler lately. The insults don't fly quite so readily anymore. Jason- on the other hand can go head to head with the best of them.
From: headbanger4life |
Date: January 22, 2004 at 15:52 |
Dean, I'm with you. No way is McQueen Street a "sleaze" band or "glam" for that matter. 4 on the floor hard rock. Sure, everybody's entitled to their opinion but I think AOR Freaky Freddy has his facts screwed up or hasn't bothered to listen to the new CD. In fact, what the hell does the package really have to do with the music. He's barking up the wrong tree with any negative comments on this page. Maybe we should write McQueen Street and tell them to send him a ticket to their next show!
From: Dean |
Date: January 22, 2004 at 18:54 |
No way dude-I'd keep that ticket for myself.
From: AOR freaky |
Date: January 23, 2004 at 4:49 |
Thanks, Dean, you understood my message, Blue Charvel not. A pity ! I'm not that terrible, you know. I only have a strong character and opinion, but I respect you choice. And yes, keep that ticket, I won't go to a McQueen Street concert, even not for free ! There are hundreds of other bands I like more ! All the best, mate !
From: sky child |
Date: January 23, 2004 at 9:18 |
I just found this site. Thanks for all of the McQueen Street info. Just went to their website. One of my favorite bands of all time!
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: January 23, 2004 at 10:05 |
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: January 23, 2004 at 10:06 |
...ever Freaky Freddy.
From: Marshall Stacks |
Date: January 26, 2004 at 6:02 |
This CD rocks as does this band! I first heard "Money" on a Seagrams commercial when I was stationed in Germany in the early 90s. I instantly became a fan and I'm hoping they come to my area this year. If anyone hears of tour dates in the San Diego, CA area please let me know.
From: tommy_h |
Date: January 30, 2004 at 17:45 |
Yes, no doubt a great band. My band once opened for them in Orlando FL at a place called The Station in the early 90s. I've honestly never seen a better live show in a club or in an arena for that matter. I'm glad to see them back kicking it.
From: veronica22 |
Date: February 4, 2004 at 1:41 |
I have to agree with you Tommy. I used to live in Salt Lake City UT and me and my friends first heard them on KBER, the rock station there. We all went to see them live when they came to town. They rocked the house like no other band ever has.
From: Devlbird |
Date: April 1, 2004 at 19:24 |
These guys are classic and I am glad that I finally found somewhere to get their music. I hope they come to Houston on Tour in '04
From: GlenRavine |
Date: April 2, 2004 at 0:41 |
Not bad at all - songs are great and the music production is superb - was impressed - great hooks - straight ahead glam-rock at its best.
From: Atomic X |
Date: April 29, 2004 at 22:25 |
This is probably one of my favorite CDs of the era. Kickin' songs, great band. "In Heaven" is one of the best ballads of all time. Just got "2" and it's even better!!
From: Metal Pete |
Date: April 30, 2004 at 14:43 |
"Yaahh-kik-a-kik-a-kik-a-kikkkOWWWWWWWW! Going BACK! Back to MexiCOOO!" ;-) hell yes.
From: Kip |
Date: August 31, 2004 at 17:48 |
Just another run of the mill, sleaze-glam, party rock album that came out at a time when that style of music was out the door already. The lyrics can be juvanile and silly at times (Which I guess is the point in that specific genre, isnt it?) But the cockyness of Derek Welch turn me off. His voice can be grating on the upper register and none of these guys were perticularly good songwriters. The only good tracks on the CD are the ballads 'In Heaven' and the minor gem of a song 'Time' 3/10
From: Scandinavia |
Date: November 28, 2004 at 10:12 |
This album rocks!! I love the sleazy vocal job...You can hear the spit hit the microphone...R'n'R!!! "In Heaven" is a very beautiful song but overall it reminds me a bit of BEAU NASTY.
From: Geoff |
Date: January 5, 2005 at 0:23 |
These guys have an awesome sound, thats for sure. Big guitars, massive drums and (sometimes a little too much) big vocals. 'Woman in love' and 'When I'm in the mood' are monster hard rockers. 'In heaven' is a wonderful ballad, but for me the show belongs entirely to the sensational 'Only the wind'. An amazing song and an overall pretty good album. A few fillers I guess, but still very well done. Good hard rock.
From: |
Date: January 9, 2005 at 17:43 |
if anyone gives me $15 iŽll sell it on ebay
From: rockinmyassoff |
Date: February 18, 2005 at 21:08 |
LOL @ Metal nailed it dude! Rock on!
From: Scandinavia |
Date: April 17, 2005 at 5:16 |
One of the finest gems of the genre!! Nuff' said...Get it while you can...It's right up there where SAINTS N SINNERS raze the airwaves...
From: headbanger4life |
Date: December 27, 2005 at 3:46 |
Wow, I never heard of these guys and stumbled into this release in a used cd shop quit a few years ago. This is total 80's glam/hard rock. I can't believe these guys never made it big. This is a must have.
From: aMetalhead1966 |
Date: December 29, 2005 at 12:43 |
A very cool release.Sounds great..Great songs and playin... We need more like this....
From: Butchwalkerulz |
Date: August 5, 2006 at 18:52 |
Very Good Album.When you know Jeff Scott Soto is doing b-vox you know the choruses are gonna be big.I'd class this album in the same vein as Jessie Strange cd.Good Rockin Tunes!!
From: anunnaki |
Date: October 18, 2006 at 0:17 |
Great album! There was another cover released in 1991 does anybody know what it looks like? Can you send me the picture?
From: Heavy.AOR |
Date: October 31, 2006 at 10:34 |
BRILLIANT 10/10.FUCKING powerfull Glam not only for glamish fans this is for all Hard Rocker great.
From: Swinginthing |
Date: January 17, 2007 at 4:57 |
This is an amzing cd! When ya look at them ya dont exspect much but they really belt out a cd here! Igive it a 10 out of 10!!!
From: 20gunsalute |
Date: September 18, 2009 at 3:06 |
A couple of good rockers on here, but overall I felt some of these songs just didn't deliver, like they started off with a strong riff and just never really let loose. Talented musicians though
From: madometal |
Date: January 20, 2010 at 23:29 |
oh yeah another classic gem from the late 80's.McQUEEN Street plays hard edged dirty SLEEZEE rock n roll!!!great line on the track 'woman in love'(if you spend the night with me girl,you've been around the world!!!!)ha ha ha .awesome must have & add to your collection won't regret it.
From: rockhardrock |
Date: February 3, 2011 at 18:46 |
well produced album with some great hair metal songs: time, my religion, money and in heaven and some not so great.
From: metalmaniac777 |
Date: February 10, 2011 at 8:45 |
The song "My Religion" alone makes this as necessary to a hair-metal collection as a crown is to a queen. While nothing else quite equals that rip-snorter of a track, other songs do come close ("Stick It"), though to be fair, there are slso some junk fillers sandwiched in between ("Going Back to Mexico"). This was given the royal treatment in terms of production (by Tom Werman, if I recall correctly) and it sounds great, with crisp, sizzling guitars and of thick, wall-of-sound backing vocals in the choruses. Bottom line, this will rock your stereo, your car, your house, or wherever else you choose to crank it up.
From: hair metal again |
Date: January 10, 2012 at 1:03 |
excellent hair metal debut by MC QUEEN STREET in a time when hard rock music was mainstream.their sound (Tom Werman) and musicianship is amazing and the songs pretty good!commercial hard rock music at its best with attitude,groove and fav are "stick it","woman in love","when i m in the mood" and "in heaven".a must have for hard rockers
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: August 31, 2014 at 15:44 |
Huge, big-budget production (Tom Werman in charge, Steve Stevens and Jeff Scott Soto stopping by), shrieky vocals with a "Wow!" or "Oh yeah!" about every ten seconds, big simple gang choruses and tons of sleazy attitude. Yep, by the summer of 1991, hair metal had reached such a saturation point where four guys from Montgomery, Alabama, had all the textbook moves down so tight, there was no way to tel by listening that they weren't straight from the gutters of L.A. This band reminds me of Wildside, in that they did everything right, but by the time their album was released, it offered absolutely nothing new, and failed to make much of an impact. THe two singles "money" and especially "My Religion" are pretty good, and other highlights are "Stick It," "Going Back To Mexico" and "Two Worlds." The number of ballads is surprisingly high (three in ten songs), especially given the extra-rowdy quality of the other songs, and none of the three are anything special.
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: August 31, 2014 at 15:51 |
I probably would've loved this if I'd owned it back in '91. I was a kid who had never bothered to wonder if there was anything besides hair-metal. Two decades on, it's easy to see McQueen Street for what they were--a talented but utterly derivative band playing the flavor of the day--and understand why they never made it out of Headbanger's Ball's third hour, or the lower rungs of the Z-Rock 50.
From: Tollitiger |
Date: September 3, 2020 at 2:40 |
A Strong 1st Record at the Wrong Time ,Great Hard Rock / Hair Metal
From: 123charpenay |
Date: September 3, 2020 at 17:21 |
good hard u s record in the vein of wildside.(wilside is better).the three ballads are superbs."in heaven" is a fantastic song a hit.but we have two fillers track 7 an average song.track 1 "when i m in the mood" a very weak song where the singer don t sing but yap like a dog in heat.horrible.nevertheless these two fault of taste i recommand this cd.
From: Dramarama |
Date: June 3, 2024 at 6:34 |
I love this album so much. I remember blasting my religion when I was a kid! Still brings back great memories and it deserves to be blasted.
From: Doug |
Date: June 3, 2024 at 16:52 |
Was playing this just the other day. I really like the song, "Time."
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