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Category: Modern Hard Rock
Year: 2012
Label: Frontiers Records (Italy)
Catalog Number: FR CD 548
1. | Disappear Again | Listen | |
2. | Stand Like Stone | Listen | |
3. | Souvenirs | Listen | |
4. | Don't Follow | Listen | |
5. | New Way of Living | Listen | |
6. | Voodoo Me | Listen | |
7. | Fear Alone | Listen | |
8. | Wasted on You | Listen | |
9. | Our Peace Someday | Listen | |
10. | Desert Suicide | Listen | |
11. | Voodoo Me acoustic bonus track | ||
12. | Souvenirs acoustic bonus track |
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From: Rafo Phoenix | Date: March 11, 2012 at 16:33 |
Decent Modern Hard Rock! "Voodoo Me" very good cut but the rest INTBT IMO, 65/100. |
From: andi | Date: March 14, 2012 at 6:18 |
Dogface meets Dokken....No big Highlights....Melodic Metal like every other,,,,boring.... |
From: YNGWIEVIKING | Date: April 14, 2012 at 2:35 |
Very good 87/100...FURYON's “Gravitas" was recorded 2 years ago and released back then confidentially, now the smart & clever Italians from Frontiers Records breaks the omertŕ rule and brings this jewel to the whole world …Even if this should shake some of us badly and even maybe crush some old AOR bones & destroy their monthly routine…In fact this album it’s heavier / sharper than the typical Frontiers Material. This band is composed by Matt Mitchell & Chris Green ex-members of the excellent UK band PRIDE… Both were the rising stars in this indeed promising AOR band… Anyone remember their great album “Signs Of Purity" in 2003 ???…And even the 1st album « Far From The Edge" was quite good…In 2010 Mr Green team-up with FIREHOUSE Singer CJ Snare… The result was a fine EP under the name of RUBICON CROSS… An interesting mix of good old and new / UK vs. USA Melodic Hard Rock…So now: You know why my expectations are so high… And… They are fulfilled… And even furiously upgraded…!!! (originall |
From: YNGWIEVIKING | Date: April 14, 2012 at 2:43 |
those who had the privilege to enjoy“Rubicon Cross” CD,this is not very far from “Gravitas”but with a more menacing&angry profile…Down tuned/Modern but highly melodic and heavy with a very competent to say the least pair of furious guitar players who Shred the hell out of their 7 strings necks with intensity, but above all :A Monster Vocalist… Like an improbable mix of M.Kennedy (SLASH/ALTER BRIDGE)&the high pitched side of M.Leven(TREAT/RISING FORCE)This young bloke M.Mitchell could share with them,in the future the same prestige and aura,as he’s truly the main attractive elements of this untamed CD“Gravitas” means gravity & heaviness.This is the perfect name for such an heavy demonstration of how modern Metal should sounds(“Fear Alone”)and weights ponderously… This is not your regular dose of safe Hard Rock.More risky&perilous/Original/reckless/groundbreaking/innovative/founder of a new lane… A masterpiece in the true sense of the word…(originally written for www.metal-temple.com) |
From: Axe Slinger | Date: April 14, 2012 at 8:28 |
Yeah, I like this one too. Here, you have 3 members of the fantastic band Pride turn up the guitars and vocal intensity. This is a mix of modern metal / hard rock with some rhythm and leads that are very familiar. Fans of Pride won't necessarily like this but it's very good on it's own due to the talent from that band. 87 / 100 |
From: andi | Date: April 25, 2012 at 13:26 |
Good stuff similar to hardlines "Double Eclipse" or XYZ´s "Letter to God" |
From: metalmaniac777 | Date: May 30, 2012 at 15:10 |
This is an infuriating CD, because the guitars sound absolutely fantastic, all powerful and beefy and muscular, but the songs just aren't that good with the exception of the first track ("Disappear Again"). To make matters worse, the length of many of the songs just drags on and on and on, turning what should be a tight, modern melodic hard rock album into a prog-polluted borefest. Featuring ex-Pride members, all they needed to do was take the sound of Pride and crank everything up into hard rock/metal zones and they would have had a killer album instead of this filler-fueled folly. |
From: Lennie | Date: June 13, 2012 at 8:08 |
'New Way Of Living' is still a killer track though. Ha ha, I see someone compared this to Hardline's 'Double Eclipse' album...........what planet?? |
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