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[Lee Aaron Band Picture]

Artist: Lee Aaron

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CD Title: Some Girls Do

Lee Aaron Some Girls Do Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1991

Label: Attic Records (Canada)

Catalog Number: 511 487-2


Lee Aaron lead and backing vocals
John Albani guitars, keyboards, backing vocals
Rob Laidlaw bass, backing vocals
Randy Cooke drums
Phil Naro backing vocals
Andy Curran backing vocals
Brian Allen backing vocals
Harold Hess backing vocals


1.  Some Girls Do  3:36
2.  Crazy in Love  3:49
3.  Hands off the Merchandise  3:28
4.  Wild At Heart  4:06
5.  Sex With Love  4:43
6.  (You Make Me) Wanna Be Bad  3:52
7.  Tuff Love  4:40
8.  Motor City Boy  4:15
9.  Love Crimes  3:54
10.  Can't Stand the Heat  3:42
11.  Dangerous  3:36
12.  Tell Me Somethin' Good  4:39
13.  Peace on Earth  5:13
Total Running Time:  53:33

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Lee Aaron CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: BERNARDO Date: July 27, 2002 at 1:15

From: fretboardfrenzy Date: September 11, 2002 at 12:25
lee aaron strikes again! tuff album, great guitar work n granite rhythm section. one of the best albums in 1991

From: Melodiker Date: December 28, 2002 at 15:57
What can i say ? Great Hard Rockin Album,with a voice that makes you crazy !!! Fantastic Guitars and Songs,like earcandys !!!

From: RR-Finland Date: September 19, 2003 at 3:39
Pretty good record again. Wild At Heart, Love Crimes and Dangerous are my favs.

From: Aero Force Mike Date: November 1, 2003 at 14:59
My favorite Lee Aaron album. It's a shame that 91 was the last year of prosper for music of this style, as some great albums emerged (Shotgun Messiah's Second Coming, Lita's Dangerous Curves, Chrissy Steele's Magnet To Steele, Damn Yankees' Dont Tread etc.) - this is my favorite album by Aaron, and features some great songs that really stand out on the record, a feature that Bodyrock i felt never had. All-round great girl metal! Totally awesome!!!

From: Legend Date: January 31, 2004 at 17:54
Una basura sin más.

From: iamCANADIAN! Date: February 11, 2004 at 4:23
Agree, Aero Force Mike! 1991 WAS the only good year during the disaster known as the 1990's. Bad bands, Bad music, bad bad bad!!!! Grunge?! I still listen to Chrissy Steele's 'Magnet To Steele' (I'm now getting it remastered with 24bit technology) and Bryan Adams 'Waking Up The Neighbors. I saw Lee Aaron in 1992 on Canada Day. Nice Ass! I'll check out those other albums you mentioned.

From: Blaine Date: February 24, 2004 at 1:55
Thank you, Aero Force Mike! 1991 was a great year for this kind of rock. I bought this CD for $5.00 at a used CD store in Vancouver. I also bought the Lita Ford CD Dangerous Curves used and I'm trying to get the Shotgun Messiah CD but no luck yet.

From: Aero Force Mike Date: February 24, 2004 at 2:17
No problem dude! Glad you enjoyed your purchases! You shouldn't have much difficulty finding Second Coming by Shotgun Messiah, since it's actually still inprint, so if you are unable to find it, a record store or any online CD stockists should be able to get it for you. I hope you'll dig it, cos it's basically my favorite album ever - it's gritty yet catchy, sorta like LA Guns first album crossed with Girls Girls Girls-era Crue, but with a unique flavor... I adore the album!

From: Brad Date: October 14, 2004 at 17:22
Excellent cd, tracks Dangerous & Crazy In Love are my favs....

From: Roisin Dubh Date: December 14, 2004 at 14:01
Another excellent album, not as strong as some of the earlier ones but still a big slab of melodic catchy female rock music. One disappointing track is the dire (stevie wonder penned ?) Tell me something good, no no no no, it just doesn't work. However more than made up for by the closing ballad Peace on Earth

From: Geoff Date: November 6, 2005 at 20:00
Yes, this album works just fine for me. 'Some girls do' is a great hard rocker, 'Wild at heart', 'You make me wanna', 'Love crimes' and 'Dangerous' are all also cracking melodic rockers and the closing ballad is also a very fine moment. Yes, very good release and great musicians as well - good to hear real drums again

From: Melo Date: April 10, 2007 at 8:06
nicht ganz so gut wie Bodyrock,aber trotzdem ein geiles Hardrock Sahne Schnittchen ! Ausser Track 12,gefallen mir alle Songs.Hervorheben möchte ich besonders Sex with love und piece on earth !!! Satte 9 Punkte

From: YNGWIEVIKING Date: September 11, 2007 at 2:10
GOOD CD 81/100 IF you like easy listening HAIR/PARTY METAL with big GANG backing vocals BUY IT DEF LEP meet AEROSMITH meet WILDSIDE meet EXTREME meet BRIAN ADAMS meet POISON ETC...

From: z4roxx Date: January 22, 2008 at 13:19
Great commercial hard rock!9,5/10!

From: 123charpenay Date: November 12, 2011 at 10:57
excellent album more bluesy than the the vein of alannah myles.class female bluesy hard rock.track n °9 'love crimes'is a killer songs.what a come in your brain and never go back.a hit.

From: hair metal again Date: January 1, 2013 at 1:26
excellent hair metal release by LEE AARON back in 91 that coulda make it better as it is perfect in every detail!the only thing that s missing is a huge ballad ,but it doesnt matter!all over there is a strong commercial vibe,a party feeling ,the guitar work is amazing,the production huge and the music flows without stoppings!all the songs are great and especially 'some girls do','dangerous','sex with love' and '(you make me) wanna be bad'.essential for all!

From: 123charpenay Date: January 1, 2013 at 4:22
happy new year 2013 from france!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: 123charpenay Date: October 8, 2015 at 11:24
very great realise of lee aaron.the more hard of her discography.far away from her best record (bodyrock)but nevertheless very great.some fillers on this album,tracks 1.3 and 10.big sound and excellent production.unfortunatelly no bonus tracks on the very very rare japan import.

From: Dx7 Date: October 26, 2021 at 12:31
Ugly. This her wanting to go back to sounding more raw fails to match the influence of outside songwriters like the aforementioned Meissner, Jim Vallance, Andy Curran and Paul Sabu. A wasted opportunity, as was Doro's 1993 album, True at Heart. On backing vocals on this record there is Phil Naro, who in 1986 tried to revitalize Coney Hatch after James La Brie tried to do so.

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