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Artist: Robin Zander

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CD Title: Robin Zander

Robin Zander Robin Zander Album Cover


Category: Melodic Rock

Year: 1993

Label: Interscope

Catalog Number: 7 92204-2


Robin Zander vocals, guitar, keyboards
Gregg Bissonett drums
Rob Laufer guitar
Mike Campbell guitar, bass, dobro, synth, keyboards
Bonnie Hayes guitar
Bobbye Hall percussion
Maria McKee vocals
Carlos Vega drums
Mike Fisher percussion
Robbie Buchanan keyboards
Steve Ferris guitar
Nate Phillips bass
Scott Humphrey keyboards, Synth
Pat Leonard piano, Organ, Synth
Tim Pierce guitar
Don Felder guitar
Tom Petersson bass
Kim Bullard keyboards
Christina Amphlett vocals
Dr. John piano
Dave Stewart guitar
Benmont Tench Organ, piano
Mick Fleetwood drums
Nathaniel Phillips bass
Mick Macneil keyboards
Stevie Nicks vocals
Gary Taylar guitar
Derrick Forbes bass


1.  Reactionary Girl  
2.  I've Always Got You  
3.  Show Me Heaven    Cover: Maria McKee
4.  Jump into the Fire    Cover: Nilsson
5.  Time Will Let You Know  
6.  Boy (I'm So in Love With You)  
7.  Tell It to the World  
8.  Emily  
9.  I Believe in You  
10.  Secret  
11.  Everlasting Love  
12.  Walkin Shoes  

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Robin Zander CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Robin Zander are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Nick C Date: June 28, 2009 at 17:37
A little patchy this I think, there are some good songs on it...most notably the lead off track Reactionary Girl. I could have done without the Show Me Heaven cover, which I never thought was a good song anyway. I'm a bit indifferent to this album, I don't dislike it but I'm not overly keen on it considering it's by the mighty RZ. The fact that he hasn't released another solo album may speak volumes, then again he may well be too busy with the super rejuvenated CTrick! I'd say grab it on the cheap (sic).

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Jez Date: June 29, 2009 at 12:28
Very different from his day job with the fabulous Cheap Trick, but very enjoyable all the same. One or two songs on here I don't care for at all, but the highlights really make up for it. The fantastic ballad 'Time Will Let You Know',(also done as a great live version on CT's 'Silver' album) and 'Boy (Im So In Love With You)' are my top picks. Very light and very mainstream Pop/rock, but I really do like some of this, RZ sound brilliant as usual and if you are a Cheap Trick fan, you will need to get it.

From: Doug Date: June 29, 2009 at 12:55
I'm kind of like Nick C. I picked this up when it had been originally released. Nothing memorable. I listen to it every so often. I will say though, the cast of personnel associated with this release is impressive. Wow!

From: juan carlos Date: May 15, 2020 at 0:12
Robin Zander is a talented singer/composer, very brilliant voice indeed! clear production, some good songs, very diverse album, a listenable album but not a classic by any means. "Secrets" with Stevie Nicks as a special guest on backing vocals, "I've Always Got You" ala Traveling Wilburys and the semi beatles ballad "Time Will Let You Know" are my favorite tracks. Good record, just that. 80/100

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