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Artist: David Lee Roth

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CD Title: Skyscraper

David Lee Roth Skyscraper Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1988

Label: Warner Brothers

Catalog Number: 2-25671


David Lee Roth vocals
Steve Vai guitar
Billy Sheehan bass
Gregg Bissonette drums


1.  Knucklebones  
2.  Just Like Paradise  
3.  Bottom Line  
4.  Skyscraper  
5.  Damn Good  
6.  Hot Dog and a Shake  
7.  Stand Up  
8.  Hina  
9.  Perfect Timing  
10.  Two Fools a Minute  

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular David Lee Roth CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Date: May 19, 2001 at 9:04
HOw could Damn Good not make the "BEST OF" CD? This is one of the best songs Roth did solo

From: Dragonfly Date: December 16, 2001 at 19:09
Another great release from David and company. Why he didn't keep this band going is beyond me. After he did this release his brick wall awaited him.

From: zakar Date: August 23, 2002 at 12:16
this cd not as good as the previous. actually, it's not good at all

From: Rockforever Date: August 27, 2002 at 15:28
David Lee Roth returns for a second proper studio album with his absolutely fucking killer band (Vai guitar, Sheehan bass, Bissonnette drums etc.). This is less raw and more commercial than eat em and smile,but is a great record. Just Like Paradise sees DLR singing more mature material,while the guitar solo on Hot Dog and a Shake is one of the fastest ever.

From: Baris Date: September 10, 2002 at 7:18
More "pop" sound than the previous. But still a great album. "Just Like Paradise", "Hot Dog And A Shake", and "Stand Up" are my favourites.

From: robert Date: October 22, 2002 at 10:31
incluso mejor q el 1º, espectacular. virguerias instrumentales, para una verdadera obra de arte del buen royo y la buena fiesta!!

From: MALLORCA´S ROCK Date: December 3, 2002 at 9:06
Sigue en su linea de dejarnos alucinados con temas divertidos, cañeros y con una personalidad increible.

From: Emilio Date: April 17, 2003 at 14:41
Fantástico disco, aunque para mi no llega al nivel del Eat em and smile. La edición en CD que tengo incluye 2 temas más: California girls y Just a gigolo/Ain't got nobody.

From: CC Date: November 3, 2003 at 11:25
The reason DLR didnt keep this band together was that Sheehan & Vai were both prima donnas like Dave himself so they all ended up hating eachother,in fact I believe Sheehan was gone even before the album hit the shops.(someone correct me if I'm wrong) Great album anyways!

From: robert Date: November 3, 2003 at 12:38

From: aormilwaukee Date: November 22, 2003 at 19:16
I agree with CC, but in my opinion I think that all the merit on the first three albums should be for vai, sheehan and bissonnette they just needed someone to sing their songs once they broke up david lee roth went downhill or rather he never ever made a decent c.d. But other than that a great album perhaps the best of his career.

From: red Date: March 8, 2004 at 22:31
Great album from a great line-up, but three super egos couldn't work together for long. This was a much sharper, more original sound that Eat 'em. I think CC is right about Sheehan leaving before the tour, I think Greg Bissonette's brother Matt played on the tour.

From: Big Papa K Date: June 28, 2004 at 16:26
I actually like this one more than the previous album. While the sound is very polished, the songs on a whole are better and "Just Like Paradise" is a great pop song. 8/10

From: SPOTLIGHT Date: August 9, 2004 at 0:09
JUST LIKE PARADISE and STAND UP are the only reason(s) I own this album. Well, that and the fact that even on his worst day, DLR is cool.

From: Propane Date: December 3, 2004 at 11:06
Diamond F@&%!$# Dave. Vai and Sheehan start to commercialize a little here, but still a grabber.

From: run2u Date: March 14, 2005 at 13:12
MALLORCA'sROCK y robert lo definieron de pm:disco cañero,divertido,con personalidad y talento a raudales.Pero yo añadiría que...todavía supera al anterior!No entiendo las críticas que lleva que recibiendo desde su edición,ya que Skyscraper conserva la energía del 1er trabajo y lo rebasa en originalidad y composición.A destacar JUST LIKE PARADISE(genial para la FM!),las espectaculares HOT DOG o BOTTOM LINE,y sobretodo joyas indescriptibles como SKYSCRAPER,STAND UP y HINA. 9/10

From: Sven Pelz Date: May 29, 2005 at 4:04
It`s a cool Hard Rock Album from down town L.A and from David SKyscraper Roth *g*, but not his best CD.

From: "el gran Ñako" Date: September 27, 2005 at 5:24
Me encanta este disco! Destila cachondeo por doquier, la guitarra de Vai suena maravillosa con unos solos originales y llenos de virtuosismo, Greg y Billy extraordinarios y Dave canta como nunca. De principio a fin suena de la hostia y la pena es que no se pusieran de acuerdo para grabar más discos, porque si el primero fue maravilloso y aquí le dieron un toque comercial, me quedo con las ganas de saber como hubiera sido otro trabajo de estos cuatro monstruos del rock. IMPRESCINDIBLE!!!

From: metalhead4life Date: January 9, 2007 at 15:32
This one is good overall; standout tracks for me are 2, 4, 6, 7, 9. Late 80's commercial rock and he does have a really good band in his corner. You will not be disappointed song wise or musicianship wise. Can't go wrong with Diamond Dave. 8/10

From: rick kerch vzla Date: May 10, 2007 at 21:00
I remenber paying 30 pounds (the double of the price of the ticket at the great Hammesmith Odeon-London,England)just to see the great Diamond Dave and his combo!.As soon as he released this album he came to Europe to tour the continent and of course it was a one in a lifetime experience.The album might not be as good as his previews effort but songs such as "Skyscraper","Knucklebones","Bottomline" and "Just Like Paradise"(cool)makes it indispensable to any self respected rock'n'roller.8/10

From: jedilato Date: June 1, 2008 at 14:35
Dave and his incredible band continued where they stopped in 1986. Outstanding songs like Knucklebones, Just Like Paradise, Skyscraper, Hot Dog and Stand Up makes this release almost as good as the debut. If there's anyone who haven't heard a song from Dave solo carrier, then I advise you to buy the first 2 cd's. They are worth of every cent spent on them! 9/10

From: pie75 Date: August 5, 2010 at 8:17
maybe DLR'S last good album great musicians dave should thank his lucky stars that he ever got to play with great musicians here and in van halen i don't know why he has such an ego cause he don't have one of the great voices to back it up but he has wrote some good songs and milked his talent for all he could knucklebones,just like paradise,damn good,skyscraper,hot dog and a shake,hina and perfect timing are pretty good never the less it's a great album

From: Wardy Date: February 12, 2012 at 3:39
While not as hard hitting as Eat Em, Skyscraper manages to smile wider regardless, simply for being less out of the box dabbling in sub genre's and occassional silliness, and instead stays focused for (almost) throughout. Sure nothing punches like Yankee Rose did but everything else is intact and raised to new levels. JustLikeParadise was everything Jump was in 84, StandUp and PerfectTiming both commercial wins, and HotDog showcases that Vai/Roth combo (and check out that stellar lineup!) but it's the more dark and trippy Knucklebones, title track, and Hina that work best, far from radio material but managing to be better for being a restrained Vai and co but loyal to the album proper (I know doesn't make much sense to me either!?)... Syscraper finds DLR and band coming into their own delivering an album of substance over hairstyles even if vids would lead you to believe otherwise. Personally found this to be the better and more complete album both in content and delivery! 8.5

From: hair metal again Date: October 30, 2012 at 14:01
excellent hard rock release by ROTH back in a time when our music ruled the charts !monsterous sound,very good musicianship ,fine songwriting and the unique personality of Roth better than ever!for me this is maybe his best moment and i really dig this release!"just like paradise " is a classic and "hina","perfect timing" and "damn good"are great songs too!essential and very hard rockin!

From: Ydol eM Date: December 16, 2014 at 17:00
Three roosters in one dump - it can't last forever. This is a proverb in my country. And it entirely corresponds with this album. Anyway, these guys deliver mature hard rock mixed with aor, soul or pop. Often a "narrative" style of the vocal, an almost everywhere obtrusive solo guitar, an expressive bass... but on the other hand excellent keyboards and effective drums. In other words Van Halen, Mr. Big and Glenn Hughes altogether. It's worth tasting, isn't it. 75/100.

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