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CD Title: Waiting for the Roar
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1985
Label: Columbia
Catalog Number: CK 40268
Fast Eddie Clarke lead and rhythm guitars
Dave King vocals
Shane Carroll guitars, keyboards
Paul Reid bass
Alan Connor drums
1. | The World Waits for You | |
2. | Kill Me With Your Heart | |
3. | Tired of Your Love | |
4. | Change | |
5. | Move Over | | | Cover: Janis Joplin |
6. | Little By Little | |
7. | Rock On | |
8. | Waiting for the Roar | |
9. | Girl | |
10. | Back Door Man | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: flybynt2112 |
Date: June 15, 2001 at 15:15 |
Fastway "Jump's the Shark" officially after this disc. They introduce keyboards to their sound and it spells the end of this hard rockin band. The first two discs are both great. AFU is the best, too bad it is so hard to find. I actually bought WFTR in the 80's and couldn't believe their sound totally changed. I traded it for an Aerosmith disc or something like that.
From: TT |
Date: November 21, 2001 at 9:36 |
A change in direction for the band, but I did enjoy this. The 3 albums before this one (includes Trick or Treat Soundtrack) were awesome. This one was different and if someone expected the same, it was a letdown. I expected a change after Trick or Treat as I had read a few articles therefore I actually enjoyed this one.
From: Tony |
Date: July 29, 2002 at 21:30 |
NOT, I repeat, NOT worth 36.00!! Not saying that to be a wise-ass as I love Fastway but just trying to save the casual Fastway fan a few bucks here. Basically a Dave King solo album and "Fast" Eddie, along with no songwriting credits, plays like he doesn't want any association with this. Take away the guitar on the first 5 songs and you basically have a 80's Fixx or Duran Duran album. HUGE 80's alternative modern rock sound here. Dave can sing the shit out of it but this is NOT Fastway!!!
From: poppy p.p. |
Date: September 14, 2002 at 0:35 |
es un disco muy especial, me encanta por melodico!!!
From: John |
Date: August 13, 2003 at 12:34 |
I don't know what to say about this besides what the hell happened to the guitars? It's not that the songs are bad, but it doesn't come with the signature Fastway riffs. King still sings well. Maybe it should have been released under a name. The cover tune is pretty cool.
From: Grim wulf |
Date: October 11, 2003 at 16:35 |
This was one hell of a rock n roll ride. Dave king blows most vocalists away, and Clark was superb. Little too much keyboards tho. All in all, a great listen from beginning to end!!! Rock on!!!!
From: Chessboarder |
Date: January 3, 2004 at 12:24 |
Auf diesem Album ist die Band absolut nicht wiederzuerkennen. Obwohl man auf diesem Album mehr Keyboard als alles anderes hört, finde ich es trotzdem GROßARTIG. Richtig "Gute-Laune-Disco-Rock" im typischen Stil der 80er. Ein Juwel von Fastway.
From: der Axelinger |
Date: January 3, 2004 at 16:03 |
Major Hochsteder undt Colonel Klink zimply love zhis album... To quote Herr Major: "Zhat Fast Eddie is a riffmeister ov unparalleled brillianze, undt little Davey King (alzough he zumvhat rezembles Ronald McDonald) iz a fine zinger in hiz own reich... er... right."
From: Blue Tequila |
Date: January 3, 2004 at 16:10 |
Axelinger I thought your post WAS in German until I paid more attetion--what a crack up
From: Blue T |
Date: January 3, 2004 at 16:15 |
Geez ok it's attention...or is it aufmerksamkeit?
From: red |
Date: March 18, 2004 at 17:31 |
We used to call this one Waiting for the bore because it is painfully dull. Fast Eddie was great in Motorhead. The first two Fastway albums are decent enough and the Trick or Treat soundtrack is great, but this one is pretty bad.
From: Metal Pete |
Date: March 26, 2004 at 18:40 |
I am one of those crazy fans trying to find this on cd. It's a great cd! Sure. the keyboards are a bit of a shock but the music is still great! 'World Waits for You' is classic! 'Tired of Your Love' 'Back Door Man' and 'Rock On' are other standout tracks. It's a good album, with solid musicianship, even if it sounds more like 80's Rush than FAstway. It's hard to go wrong with King and Clarke together. Too bad this was the last one.
From: Blue Tequila |
Date: March 26, 2004 at 19:26 |
This album was a major shock when I first heard it. I had bought this, S/T and A.F.U. at the same time. I listened to them in order of release date and was really enjoying things until I put this in. I popped the taped out and checked to make sure it was Fastway, then I thought someone had recorded over it. Then I realized that yes, it was unfortunatly Fastway. Tired of Your Love is my fav track off of an otherwise boring album. Krokus made a similiar move on Change of Address a year later.
From: Propane |
Date: December 2, 2004 at 17:54 |
Keyboards killed the MTV star. This is another sell out brought on by the corporate money promising goons. Might as well add MTV into the mix, that's what they wanted, also. Bands like this forgot who bolted them to the top.
From: Rob Babcock |
Date: December 21, 2004 at 0:45 |
I can see why some dont' care for this one, but it's my favorite of their albums. They don't go overboard on the keys, and the songs are stronger & more consistent than on any other Fastway album. If I didn't already have it I'm not sure I'd pay $40 on Ebay- but I might. Sound quality also tops any other their other discs; the producer got a great sound out of them.
From: LV KIX |
Date: February 1, 2005 at 22:37 |
As others have said... this disc seems to be a change in direction. That isn't always a bad thing. The keys are obvious, but they don't over-power the rest of the disc (my opinion only). There are a few songs that seem to be filler on this one, but over-all a very good cd.If anyone wants to get a copy, I do have cdrs to trade. This seems to be getting harder and harder to get ahold of... Dave
Date: May 28, 2006 at 8:40 |
From: wzcj02 |
Date: July 4, 2006 at 8:22 |
now available at for EU$13
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: March 29, 2007 at 12:04 |
Great Melodic Hard Rock/AOR album, cuando me preguntan cual es tu album favorito de Fastway sin lugar a dudas es este, el porque es simple por todo lo que envuenve el disco la atmosfera el aura ese estilo mistico aparte de ser del 85 uno de los años de la trilogia del mejor Rock a diferencia de sus anteriores trabajos de puro Hard Rock aca hacen un cambio total pero que bandas en estos 3 años no dieron ese cambio? la gran mayoria de los medios especializados siempre consideraran a su anterior...
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: March 29, 2007 at 12:12 |
... trabajo como el mejor de su muy buena carrera y meritos no le faltan pero para alguien que mas degusta de estos estilos se decantara por este disco y eso que es bien dificil la eleccion aparte de sus otros buenisimos albums de nivel como On Target y Bad Bad Girls   The World Waits for You, Waiting for the Roar, Change, Tired of Your Love...   demuestran el nivelazo de esta placa Gran album y altamente recomendado para los amantes de estilos asi muy en la onda de White Wolf.
From: dafoe21 |
Date: May 16, 2007 at 21:28 |
Other than Kill Me With Your Heart and The World Waits For You there is nothing else to get excited about.
From: darobinson |
Date: April 5, 2008 at 10:45 |
What is sad about the re-issue is the so called re-master. How can a re-master sound so bad. Just like the Hybrid Ice re-issues. They also sound terrible for a re-master. There are some killer tunes on this disc. To bad it sounds like it was re-mastered in my garage.
From: Ardian |
Date: November 9, 2008 at 0:49 |
The remaster doesn't sound as good as it should be. For example, you still need to turn up the volume in order to listen to the album properly. However, there is one BIG difference between the original pressing and the remaster. It seems that many of the songs were edited on the original CD. Thankfully, the remaster presents all of the songs in their inedited form, plus you've got one bonus track too. Take a look at track 1 "The World Waits For You" for instance. It is 6:27 on the original pressing, but the full length version (as found on the BGO remaster, as well as on The Collection CD from 2000) is actually around 7:36.
From: Ardian |
Date: November 9, 2008 at 2:08 |
Here is the comparison of the song duration between the original CD and the remastered CD: 1. The World Waits For You: 6.27 / 7.36 2. Kill Me With Your Heart: 4.52 / 5.01 3. Tired Of Your Love: 4.02 / 4.35 4. Change: 4.55 / 6.03 5. Move Over: 4.06 / 5.29 6. Little By Little: 5.48 / 5.53 7. Rock On: 3.22 / 3.22 8. Waiting For The Roar: 4.00 / 4.02 9. Girl: 4.08 / 4.07 10. Back Door Man: 3.19 / 4.39 11. Doin' Just Fine: 0.00 / 3.10
From: DeanOfHairMetal |
Date: June 4, 2009 at 16:00 |
Hi guys. This is my first comment to the site even though i keep watching all the ratings & comments which other members make since 2003 i think. Fastway are amongst of my favorite bands. What's wrong about keyboars to their sound?all their previous albums were more 'classic' indeed but i like most waiting for the roar, on target and bad bad girls. Taste & preference is purely subjective according to my opinion. They introduced better sound and better songwriting to their music. When i hear an album i certainly distinguish some songs,it's almost impossible, besides, for someone to like all the songs of a certain album. For example, Shaigon Kick, Harlan Cage, House Of Lords are awesome bands but i don't like all of their songs and style. However, i like better Fastway, Alien, Tommy Shaw, Danger Danger, Praying Mantis, Dare, Lillian Axe etc. As a final coclusion i wanted to say that i do my best to support this kind of music because it is an ultimate gift. Thank you very much and i apolo
From: MikeTuinstra |
Date: November 17, 2010 at 19:25 |
Keyboards add moods and are part of Rock too. Zep and Purple made use of them as well. I conclude the whole first few posts are a detraction against the whole AOR sound. This one sounds nothing like Duran Duran or The Fix. It's about the quality structures of the songs in the genres they come. Gives them the opportunity to be takes to a whole new level. Because, take away the guitar from the first two albums and it wouldn't sound right either. Bottom line: we all look for different things.
From: MikeTuinstra |
Date: November 17, 2010 at 19:27 |
Keyboards add moods and are part of Rock too. Zep and Purple made use of them as well. I conclude the first few posts are a detraction against the whole AOR sound. This one sounds nothing like Duran Duran or The Fix. It's about the quality structures of the songs in the genres they come. Gives them the opportunity to be taken to a whole new level. Because, take away the guitar from the first two albums and it wouldn't sound right either. Bottom line: we all look for different things.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: January 17, 2011 at 21:43 |
Another fine release and the last album with Dave King on vocals...killer tracks sure it has such as "The World Waits For You"(with a great video),"Kill Me With Your Heart"(a long time personal fave),"Tired Of Your Love","Rock On" & "Back Door Man"...albums by Fastway with both singers (Dave King & Lea Hart)are very good even though i prefered Lea Hart as a singer(somehow Lea was perfect for the AOR direction the band took after this album)...88/100
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