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Fastway Homepage
CD Title: On Target
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1989
Label: Enigma
Catalog Number: 7 75411-2
Steve Clarke drums
Paul Gray bass
Lea Hart lead vocals, guitars
Eddie Clarke guitars
1. | Dead or Alive | |
2. | Change of Heart | |
3. | A Fine Line | |
4. | Two Hearts | |
5. | You | |
6. | Let Him Rock | |
7. | She is Danger | |
8. | Show Some Emotion | |
9. | These Dreams | |
10. | Close Your Eyes | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: T-BONE |
Date: August 10, 2001 at 15:18 |
This is not Fastway!!! Fastway is Eddie clarke and Dave King. They should have changed the name. Piss poor cd
From: Chris |
Date: September 8, 2001 at 9:27 |
Total let down of a CD. Not recommended.
From: chips |
Date: September 14, 2001 at 20:54 |
may not be like the old fastway but is still a pretty good cd. they changed with the music scene at the times but has plenty of rockin not to mention catchy tunes
From: tonio chile |
Date: January 15, 2002 at 15:26 |
is all right t bone,fastway is david king and clarke
From: Van Alan |
Date: October 3, 2002 at 14:40 |
A Different Fastway compaired to the first CD. No songs are classics like "Say What You Will", but there are still some very good songs. "Dead or Alive", "She is Danger" and "These Dreams" are my three favorites!
From: Desslar |
Date: October 9, 2002 at 13:23 |
This is awful. Lifeless and amateurish. This is the only Fastway I've heard, and it doesn't encourage me to listen more.
From: Blue Tequila |
Date: October 9, 2002 at 20:45 |
I hope album doesnt scare you away from Fastway, Desslar, but it sounds like it already has. This is in my opinion the absolute worst Fastway album released, not the one you want to hear if you've never heard them before. Even "Bad Bad Girls" had something to offer. But this album is garbage. If you want to hear what made Fastway a great band check out "All Fired Up" or their S/T album.
From: Reno |
Date: October 9, 2002 at 20:57 |
I agree Tequila. Fastway WAS Dave King. Lea Hart was an OK vocalist, but did nothing for this band or it's type of music. The Dave King era of Fastway was the best. I had never heard of them until I saw the movie Trick Or Treat. I was hooked from then on until I accidently ran into this garbage. Stick with the King.
From: Blue Tequila |
Date: October 9, 2002 at 22:33 |
Trick Or Treat! Great soundtrack...cheesy movie. Ozzy playing as a minister was just too damn funny! I agree 100%, Dave King made Fastway what it was. It would have been interesting though to hear Hart singing old Fastway material to see how he compared. Anyone ever catch a Fastway concert with Hart?
From: Reno |
Date: October 10, 2002 at 0:43 |
The sad thing is that back then we didn't think it was all that cheesy. Hind site is 20/20. It was still a fun movie either way. I like then the underdog makes an ass outta the bullies. A friend of mine once told me that Blackie Lawless was actually supposed to be the Sammi Curr, but backed out at the last minute. That would have been great, but Tony Fields did a decent job. Did you see the part in the movie where Eddie is grounded and sitting home? His mom is going out for the night Cont....
From: Reno |
Date: October 10, 2002 at 0:46 |
....Cont and when he's standing in the doorway of his house, one of the stage hands accidently lowers the microphone boom down in front of the camera and they didn't edit it out.
From: Gar |
Date: February 8, 2003 at 22:32 |
This was the better of the 2 albums with Lea Hart. Yeah, its pretty different than the stuff with Dave King, but that doesn't make it bad. The albums with King got progressively worse(the debut is a classic; they couldn't really top it). ON TARGET trades in the bluesy hard rock for more pop hooks. It sounds dated today, but not when it came out. If you're a fan of 80s pop metal, you could do a lot worse than this album.
Date: April 25, 2003 at 8:33 |
Save money buy another copy of S/t or case of Bud....
From: BYRDMAN69 |
Date: May 8, 2003 at 15:45 |
From: Big Mike |
Date: November 12, 2003 at 11:02 |
Well it all depends what you like. If you like melodic pop rock then I reckon this is a good album. I like the songs and they flow well. personally, I thought the songs on the S/T album were total shit compared to this. Bad Bad Girls is similar and also another good album. These 2 both have symth added though. Trick or Treat rocks more and is Ok, but I don't think the songs are as good. On target is probably not for the heavy duty types but for fans of melodic hard rock, this is good stuff.
From: Rycheage |
Date: May 13, 2004 at 23:45 |
The album itself is very very melodic. Hard rockin' at best, but with class, and lots of keyboards. I wish Fast Eddie would break out some of his traditional Motorhead riffs. Nothing of the sort to be found on this disc, it's melodic rock all the way.
From: nazareth |
Date: June 8, 2004 at 23:07 |
lea hart is great on all 3 fastway cd's thank you very much if the cd's with lea hart is in your view buy them they rock and lea hart's solo albums rock too thanks
From: Big Papa K |
Date: June 13, 2004 at 0:46 |
More like a Lea Hart solo album. Everything about the album is generic and Hart is certainly no Dave King with the vocals. Having said that,"Change Of Heart" is pretty good, even if I have a tough time understanding what Hart is singing during the chorus right before he says change of heart. 3/10
From: James |
Date: June 14, 2004 at 0:14 |
i think Fastway-On Target is a great album!! like people say, this is ONLY for fans of the 80s melodic hard rock bands like Bon Jovi and Danger Danger, not in the same veins, but still is a good hard rockin album chalked full of keyboards. it makes the music more interesting i think. Lea Hart does a better job i think then Dave King. thats my opinion. this is the ONLY Fastway album that i've actually liked, i did not care for their s/t album either, not as hard rockin as i thought it would be. b
From: Chad |
Date: June 14, 2004 at 23:03 |
This album is crap. Stick to the Dave King stuff. Not worth the money at any price. Steer clear...
From: Richierocker |
Date: August 1, 2004 at 16:35 |
This isnt Fastway!! Some songs do rock like Dead or Alive , She is Danger, and a few other ones. Some cathcy beats and melodies here. Would have been better if they changed the name of the band. This album isnt that bad its just that they sound completly different to the Fastway we have come to love and respect. Buyer beware!!!! buy one of the first 3 albums before this one, they are a lot better.
From: Propane |
Date: December 2, 2004 at 17:57 |
This is a perfect example of "changing with the climate". Let this be an example in case this should ever happen again. Poor disc, shitty musicians.
From: Pirri |
Date: January 11, 2005 at 16:31 |
This is THE BEST album from Fastway. Great melodic rock with and incredibles keyboards. Este si k mola, los otros discos de fastways son mucho mas aburridos
From: Geoff |
Date: February 17, 2005 at 5:55 |
And in the corner of the room the door opens, and I slip my foot inside. Yes, there are WAY too many keyboards here- so much it is really sickening and way over-the-top, especially for a band with Fastway's history, but I'll be f*cked sideways if I don't enjoy most the songs. Very poor lyrics- unbelievably so; just check out the babyish rhymes, but great songs like 'Dead or alive','Change of heart','Fine line','Show some emotion' and 'These dreams' rise above shit lyrics and too many keyboards
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: March 29, 2007 at 12:43 |
Great Melodic Hard Rock, no es Fastway no recomendado? jaja que buena par de singustos este junto al Waiting son los mejores trabajos de la banda y Lea Hart tiene buena voz   Dead or Alive, A Fine Line, Two Hearts, You, Let Him Rock, These Dreams, Close Your Eyes   uds! si a uds les hablo que tanto les gusta el Hard Melodico Scandinavo de estos aņos claro con ese toque Britanico este disco es Imperdible! Big Papa le pone 3 yo 9.5/10 cuestion de gustos??? a esto le llamo Estilo.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: May 4, 2007 at 21:21 |
Estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo Rafo!!!.Excelentes trallazos de Rock melodico y con la inconfundible voz de Lea hart.Ok,a veces pareciera irse mas al power pop dulzon ("Two Hearts")pero no deja de tener lo suyo ("These Dreams")en lo que se refiere a la fuerza.Directamente le doy el 10/10 redondo!!!.
From: shoemaker |
Date: September 22, 2007 at 17:04 |
Brilliant AOR stuff. Typical 80ies melodic rock like RUSS BALLARD, DAVID ZAFFIRO, MICHAEL THOMSEN.
From: peter neal |
Date: August 20, 2009 at 14:20 |
they are not Fastway? perhaps. but this is a great AOR album, and the music is the only thing that matters. love it!
From: MikeTuinstra |
Date: November 17, 2010 at 19:54 |
This album is a typical victim of what happens when you replace your vocalist and introduce an updated sound. Therefore it's, as if not clear yet, quickly made evil, underrated, and overlooked. I can totally understand that. Make no mistake though, decide for yourself. Are you a fan of the old Fastway Rock sound in particular, or are you a fan of good Rock music in general? I can take it either way, and all bias aside, I say this is among the very best of what this band has done in general.
From: HeavyRocker85 |
Date: June 15, 2020 at 12:03 |
For the people who truly love Hard Rock and AOR: Don't pay attention to the negative comments above of some clueless haters, this album is an absolute AOR masterpiece with killer synthesizers, amazing guitars and the great and unique voice of Lea Hart. 10/10.
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