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H.E.A.T. Homepage
CD Title: Freedom Rock
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Category: AOR
Year: 2010
Label: Stormvox Records
Catalog Number: SVXCD 7006
Kenny Leckremo vocals
Dave Dalone guitar
Eric Rivers guitar
Jona Tee keyboards
Jimmy Jay bass
Crash drums
Re-issued in 2023 - Track 15 is a bonus track
1. | Beg Beg Beg | 3:01 | Listen |
2. | Black Night | 4:01 | Listen |
3. | Danger Road | 2:59 | Listen |
4. | Shelter | 3:28 | Listen |
5. | We're Gonna Make It to the End | 4:10 | Listen |
6. | Stay | 3:24 | Listen |
7. | Nobody Loves You (Like I Do) | 2:55 | Listen |
8. | Everybody Wants to Be Someone | 3:32 | Listen |
9. | I Know What It Takes | 3:03 | Listen |
10. | Living in a Memory Japanese Bonus Track | 3:20 | Listen |
11. | Cast Away | 4:04 | Listen |
12. | I Can't Look the Other Way | 4:14 | Listen |
13. | Who Will Stop the Rain | 4:08 | Listen |
14. | Tonight Japanese Bonus Track | 3:15 | Listen |
15. | Living In A Memory Original Version | | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: juan carlos |
Date: May 22, 2010 at 19:55 |
H.E.A.T strikes twice! Wow at first listens 'Freedom Rock' sounds fantastic! Catchy Chorus, good production, great songs! 'Cast Away' is probably my fav track, A Highlight indeed! 'Tonight' is also perfect, a crime that be a Japanese bonus! A Must Buy it! 9.5/10
From: AndyCODE |
Date: May 23, 2010 at 10:57 |
Absolutely must-have for all Hard/AOR funs. 9.5/10 PS: Much more interesting than debut album.
From: CMGio |
Date: May 24, 2010 at 23:39 |
Not as good as their self-titled debut (no wonder -- that's a TOUGH act to follow), but a GREAT disc nonetheless. Killer work here. H.E.A.T is quickly becoming one of my favorite bands of all time.
From: Heavy.AOR |
Date: May 25, 2010 at 1:20 |
For me debut brilliant this one boring.This is much commercial HDR/AOR.
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: May 26, 2010 at 19:14 |
I agree with 2 of the 3 comments here Heavy.AOR & CMGio not totally but yes not as their ST but a Great disc of course, sorry AndyCODE but i think their first release is better, tastes mate, good luck
From: Sly009 |
Date: May 28, 2010 at 10:48 |
This could have been easely disc 2 of the first realese. I think the 1 album is great, this is also great, some peoples complains but i have no problem at all with this one. Great band and keep on rockin' guys
From: aorjocke |
Date: May 29, 2010 at 14:05 |
Best album this year so far (with the new Moritz cd not far behind...), I think this is even better than the debut! With some fantastic songs like the mega "Everybody Wants to Be Someone" with a refrain out of this!! Then we have "We're Gonna Make It to the End", "I Know What It Takes", "Cast Away", "Who Will Stop the Rain" who all are fantastic pure AOR!And of course there is a monster ballad "Shelter" who would fit in any Giant album...
From: AndyCODE |
Date: June 2, 2010 at 0:54 |
I`m still sure 2nd is much better than ST. Really, it`s in my favourite style. 'Who will stop the rain' is my fav. track.
Date: June 13, 2010 at 12:27 |
HUGE album AOR/SCANDI MELODIC METAL mixed with 80's POMP 97/100... it's an Awesome disc...Brillant songwriting and very good vocals... I still prefer the 1st one, maybe it's because we can't have the same surprise fx twice in a row ! Strangely the single "beg beg beg" it's easily the poorest track out of their whole discography... In the mean time, once this is established, it allows us to realize how the quality of the group is awesome! That also allows us to project into the future and imagine what could be the impact of this group on the whole Futur AOR scene! For me H.E.A.T. is the strongest new MELODIC ROCK force by Far... Anyway that's a bloody fine album even if the prod. could have been better BUT the band isn't unidimensional, and it could satisfied almost every Melodic HARD ROCK fans... the perfect mix between AOR/SCANDI MELODIC METAL and 80's POMP is amazingly done
From: Swedish Rocker |
Date: June 17, 2010 at 12:20 |
SHIFT OF THE LEAD VOCALS IN H.E.A.T: No big surprise here...sad news though. Press Release / "We have the sad duty to inform you that H.E.A.T and vocalist Kenny Leckremo will go separate ways. The decision is taken in harmony by all the six members of H.E.A.T and we part as friends and brothers. Kenny has been the lead singer since the band formed in 2007. To our opinion, he is one of Sweden's most gifted rock singers and same time a talented and creative song writer. But recent years, Kenny has been attracted to another life in England. It is partly for strictly personal reasons - reasons we respect. Also, Kenny has been struggling with voice related health issues, that have affected both him and the band negatively. This all goes against our plan to become the biggest rock band in the world, a plan that we are fully committed to pursue. We have just released our second album Freedom Rock - and we have more in store for you. We intend to do all in our power to fulfil our engagements t
From: 123charpenay |
Date: July 6, 2010 at 13:46 |
the album of the year with the new scorpions and treat.absoluty no fillers only fantastics songs!a must have the 2 japans bonus tracks are excellents, at the same level of the rest."nobody loves you like i do "(track 7)is the song of the year.if the boss of the radios have some taste they will play this song 12 time by my country in france it is only a music we are bad(like in football).
From: aor-boy |
Date: September 4, 2010 at 4:33 |
This is a super album!! Brings me back to the early 90's Songs like We're Gonna Make It to the End,Everybody Wants to Be Someone are amazing uptempo songs & then the killer ballads "Shelter" album of the year. 8/10
From: hair metal again |
Date: September 21, 2010 at 1:21 |
2nd step for those youngsters and surely a brilliant one!not as good as the debut for sure but those guys surely have pure talent in feel good melodic tunes.i would prefer though not as many songs and improvement in musicianship in order to see them through different eyes.anyway just put the cd in the player and enjoy good hard rock in 2010
From: z4roxx |
Date: October 18, 2010 at 14:48 |
I am very disappointed about the cd edition.I did find in a used shop the Stormvox european press.They sign with Stormvox but they put for the japanese scene one of the best song as bonus.I would really sell the disc.what a painful choice,the jap cd edit goes to unhuman and uncorrect prices.
From: perillan |
Date: October 20, 2010 at 9:30 |
Hi, here this scandi boys but with an american sound give us a second effort that have the same ingredients that in their first CD...but, for me there are two problems: maybe the songs are not so good as in 1st CD, however choruses, guitars, keys... all OK, BUT Where is the voice??? In 2008 he remind me in some times to one of the biggest, his tone is high where only people like Mark Free can sing, and the production put the voice one step over the musicians. But in freedom rock he is covered for the sound and the voices of ALL the band... I think that maybe it is a “problem” in the production (Why you didn´t make the same here?) or maybe Kenny (even being a great singer) are more far away for M Free that we can believe after ear the 1st CD (I admit that I have never seen the band in live show). 1st CD = 9/10; 2nd CD= 7.5/10
From: z4roxx |
Date: November 19, 2010 at 13:09 |
If we talk about pomp rock/aor they are the best band out in the last 10/15 years;if we talk about melodic hard rock we must talk about other bands IMO.This isn't hard rock.Vocals and guitar are the essential things,the rest is normal administration(with all respect for the members).This was impossible to emulate the debut album but this is great too.Ballads here are better than the previous,the rest not but is very good,too."Stay" is the best up-tempo song even if very generic.I would like to listen more generic songs like that.Awesome band.
From: ROBERT |
Date: April 9, 2012 at 12:33 |
żand Address The Nation?????
From: elljam |
Date: April 15, 2012 at 8:03 |
I probably preferred the first album but this is another good release. A bit more AOR this time but enjoyable anyway. Favourites are "Black night", "Shelter" & "Who will stop the rain", although I haven't played it for a while & might have missed one or two.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: April 18, 2012 at 18:56 |
Great album in the same line as the first one...fully packed with great AOR songs!!!...the whole album is a blast but if i have to select tracks then i'd go for "We're Gonna Make It To The End","Stay","Nobody Loves You(Like I Do)","Everybody Wants To Be Someone"(great solid mid tempo),"Living In A Memory","Cast Away","Who Will Stop The Rain" & "Tonight"(killer song!!!)...highly recommended...92/100
Date: June 22, 2012 at 13:57 |
And the Oscar goes to....Sweden! After the great releases from Crazy Lixx, Crashdiet and Reckless Love, it's time for H.E.A.T.'s second album which titled "Freedom Rock". Their debut album was a big surprise for the melodic hard rock fans. An album full of huge melodies, great guitar work, tight songwriting, a very good production and an 80's feel. This time the band continues from where the debut album stoped! The melodies are bigger, the guitar sound is once again super and it seems that the band is tighter than ever. Their "Europe" influences are also here without loosing their own indentity. Every single track in this album is brilliant and from the first listening of "Freedom Rock" you know what to expect, a very enjoyable rock n' roll ride!! All in all this is another one high quality melodic hard rock album. A big must have album for every hard rock fan out there! Buy it!
From: $$ixx |
Date: October 3, 2013 at 17:11 |
Beg beg beg, Living in a memory and Tonight sound much better, both when it comes to mix and version, on the BEG BEG BEG EP that was released prior to the album. So I was a little disappointed that they messed them up slightly :/ Still, this album is HUGE, a very good follow up to the ultra-classic debut. But replace the titles mentioned above with the EP versions, and it will make the listening pleasure even better. What a killer young band from the best music producing country in the world = Sweden (3rd in the world even though only 9million!) Let's hope Kenny and Dave come back with new stellar music soon, too.
From: titothetitan |
Date: October 17, 2017 at 13:44 |
The songs are as good as the debut album, with better production. 'Stay' is an early song also included in the Tour Edition of the debut. The japanese bonus tracks are very good. 'Shelter' is a monster ballad maybe better than 'Cry'.
From: titothetitan |
Date: January 19, 2018 at 8:22 |
Hi $$ixx, I totally agree with! As the case for the demos for the debut album.
From: 123charpenay |
Date: January 20, 2018 at 5:24 |
their best record.fantastic realise it s a top class scandi a o r record.only killer songs absoluty no fillers.the two japan bonus tracks are exceptionnal like the rest of buy buy.
From: titothetitan |
Date: January 23, 2018 at 11:29 |
Hi 123charpenay, I noticed that you know my friend Ricardo kerch from Venezuela, mail-me so we can chat and trade bootlegs and other stuff:
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: January 26, 2018 at 20:24 |
Greetings 123charpenay!!!
From: guitarrizer |
Date: June 19, 2019 at 7:39 |
The only H.e.a.t album I have not bought (yet). "Danger Road" is one of their best songs anyway.
From: Auslander |
Date: January 26, 2022 at 11:07 |
When I first heard this album it just didn't grab me immediately like the first one did. I probably still rank it as my least favourite H.e.a.t album but considering they have never released a bad album that means I still rate it highly. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this album. Like all H.e.a.t it is essential to your collection. My release has the first album as a bonus disc. Considering I have the first album anyway, the bonus is really only the two versions of 1000 Miles which aren't on my original album copy. I give the first album an A, whereas Freedom Rock is a B+.
From: MelodicRocker |
Date: February 8, 2022 at 12:14 | StormVox Records SVXCDS 1002 CD (Maxi-Single, Promo) is the disc "Beg beg beg EP" that $$ixx refers to. I gotta agree that these three versions are better, the keys are higher in the mix and the single song Beg beg beg has more background vocals. Try it! Nevertheless a killer album, you can't go wrong with H.E.A.T, they release good album after album. Awesome!
From: Eric |
Date: January 18, 2024 at 12:27 |
In Nov 2023, H.e.a.t's 2nd CD "Freedom Rock" was reissued in a NEW totally REMIXED and simply amazing sound. Jona's a genious, he updated the sound to be very similar to the last H.e.a.t studio albums. Just brilliant! I seldom buy physical CDs, but these two (this and H.e.a.t debut, released in Oct 2023) are worth it! I am totally an audiophile, so these remix albums are like a musician's dream come true. From one of the best melodic rock bands ever, only solid output from this monster band!! The slightly "plastic" snare is fixed, sound is rich, warm, tight and just full score! The bonus tracks (last two), are brilliant, they totally deserve to be on this album! $$ixx and MelodicRocker - this remix is for you, since the by far best versions of Tonight and Living In A Memory are included in the end, both killer! AND the lost backup vocal lines are BACK in Beg Beg Beg, much better!! Remix 2023 version, 100/100!!
From: endtimes |
Date: May 19, 2024 at 15:33 |
Eric (review above), I finally also bought the 2023 remix CDs and wow what a good sound this time! It's SCARY to remix, ya might destroy some and make fans angry, but Jona is soo good. I LOVE these remix albums of the very first two 2008 and 2010 studio albums with Kenny. I hope both 2023 remix CDs are soon available also on Spotify site. A note: Tonight and Living In A Memory are included 2023 in their very first and best original mix, same as on the Beg Beg Beg EP disc, awesome songs all!
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