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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 2014
Label: Frontiers Records (Italy)
Catalog Number:
1. | Hell Raising Women | Listen | |
2. | Sound of the Loud Minority | Listen | |
3. | Outlaw | Listen | |
4. | Girls of the 80s | Listen | |
5. | I Missed the Mark | Listen | |
6. | All Looks, No Hooks | Listen | |
7. | Ain't No Rest in Rock N' Roll | Listen | |
8. | Call to Action | Listen | |
9. | Heroes Are Forever | Listen | |
10. | Psycho City | Listen | |
11. | Wrecking Ball Crew | Listen |
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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Crazy Lixx CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.
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From: pgborden | Date: November 14, 2014 at 2:16 |
The promise of Crazy Lixx is finally realized. Past albums have had a good song here, a good song there, but never a complete solid effort. This is THE Crazy Lixx album I hoped they were capable. Highly recommended. |
From: Doghouse Reilly | Date: November 14, 2014 at 17:28 |
The first thing that jumped out at me was ... Wow! They really doubled down on the gang-harmony vocals. Tripled down on them, even. Instead of three or four extra voices, it sounds like twenty or thirty. A bit overboard, really. Otherwise, it's the same Hardline/Lynch Mob/early Skid Row-style music that we've come to expect. Hysteria on crack, maybe? Tunes like "Helll Raising Women," "Girls Of The '80's," "All Looks, No Hooks," "Call To Action" and "Psycho City" sound great in 2014, but, as always, I wonder if they would have stood out as much, if we could transport them, and ourselves, back to 1988. Along those lines, songs like the worn-out "Sound Of The Loud Minority" (We're the young, we're the free")--even the title is borrowed from one of their own previous albums, and "Outlaw" ("Outlaw, quick-draw, you shot me with your love gun") just sound worn-out and silly. I love old hair-metal, don't get me wrong. But Crazy Lixxx's particular style of slick, smooth-voiced, huge-chorused, n |
From: Doghouse Reilly | Date: November 14, 2014 at 17:32 |
... nominally sassy hard rock is a style whose time, like it or not, has passed. It's just really hard to re-create outside of its era. Crazy Lixx do it better than just about everybody trying these days, but it doesn't change the fact that it's an attempt to make music from another time. |
From: the rocker | Date: November 27, 2014 at 18:17 |
Ok, I have had this for a couple of weeks now. I do believe this is not as good as New Religion(my #1 album of 2010) but it will be my #1 album of 2014. They are very close, N.R.is a 9 I'd give this an 8.9. This is just a fun and enjoyable album to listen to, nothing ground breaking(which does not bother me one bit).I'd say take Skid Rows s/t and Firehouse s/t, throw in some Def Leppard backing vocals( same formula as N.R.) and there you have it. Favorites are- I missed The Mark, All Looks No Hooks, Girls Of The 80's, Hell Raising Woman, Outlaw, Hero's Are Forever, but the whole album is very enjoyable and I highly recommend!!! |
From: the rocker | Date: November 27, 2014 at 18:25 |
Oh, and I disagree with Doghouse above. These are just young guys playing music that they love and that just happens to be 80's style hard rock. I will take it all day long! |
From: rick kerch vzla | Date: January 17, 2015 at 11:13 |
The band has improved on this,its 4th release,because their previous one "Riot Avenue" was a good one but IMHO it has been their weakest one...anyway best shots in here are tracks 1,2,4(AOR-ish)5,6,8(catchy chorus)9 & the japanase B/T called "Bad Luck"...89/100...so far "New Religion" has been its kickin' a** one IMHO ![]() |
From: Doghouse Reilly | Date: January 17, 2015 at 19:41 |
The Rocker may disagree with me, but he proved my point in his second comment. Sure, they're young guys making music they love, which is, as you said yourself, "'80's style hard rock." Or, as I put it, music from another time. |
From: hair metal again | Date: July 8, 2015 at 9:37 |
very good release once again by CRAZY LIXX ,but also their weakest one!the production isnt so clear &strong and i agree with Doghouse that they re overdoin it with the backing vocs!on the other hand they have a great commercial approach and they know how to write songs for the young!"i missed the mark" and "girls of the 80 s " are the highlights! |
From: CC | Date: April 25, 2020 at 17:49 |
Due to the sheer amount of bands out there these days, I kinda overlooked these guys for ages as I kinda always thought they were similar to Crashdiet for some reason, and I could never get into Crashdiet. Just recently I saw two videos on YouTube that were recommended (Girls of the 80s & All looks), and I thought I would give them a go and buy this album. Fuck me am I glad I did as this album is killer from start to finish (I actually picked up the Jap version with bonus track Bad luck). Now of course this means I now have to go buy the rest of their catalogue now as well. So many great tracks on this one to list my faves, but suffice to say 8 out of 12 tracks are in my rock playlist, and the four that didn't make the cut are still killer as well. |
From: 123charpenay | Date: July 12, 2023 at 17:39 |
super record from crazy lixx.hyper solid,hyper consistant,only killer songs.no fillers at the horizon.i recommand the very rare japan import cause we have a bonus track,track 12 "bad luck" maybe the best song of this record with "hereos are forever".bad luck is a hit. |
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