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[White Heart Band Picture]

Artist: White Heart

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CD Title: Freedom

White Heart Freedom Album Cover


Category: CCM AOR

Year: 1989

Label: Sparrow Records

Catalog Number: SPD 1194


Mark Gersmehl
Billy Smiley
Gordon Kennedy
Tommy Sims
Chris McHugh
Rikk Florian


1.  Bye Bye Babylon  4:06
2.  Sing Your Freedom  4:59
3.  Let the Kingdom Come  5:04
4.  Over Me  5:19
5.  Eighth Wonder  4:25
6.  Power Tools  4:20
7.  Invitation  4:53
8.  The River Will Flow  6:55
9.  Set the Bridge on Fire  4:31
10.  Let It Go  4:15
11.  I'll Meet You There  4:22
Total Running Time:  53:09

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular White Heart CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from White Heart are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: M. Allen Date: October 25, 2001 at 11:29
Many WHITEHEART fans feel this is the band's best simply because is cranks harder than WHITEHEART's other releases. The opening track ('Bye Bye Babylon') is an explosive, ballsy rocker, and the band follows it up with 'Sing Your Freedom,' 'Over You,' & 'Power Tools,' all of which are classic Christian hard rock songs. With its clean-yet-biting guitars, cool hooks, & high-quality production, this is a definite must-own for the Christian hard rock lover.

From: Janxy Date: December 5, 2002 at 7:30
Over Me is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.

From: Jay Date: May 10, 2003 at 3:48
I totally agree, Janxy. Over Me is soooo awesome. It's a ballad, but it has kinda a rock edge to it too....really gets ya pumped. I think I'll listen to that song right now! Yes, and the first 3 tracks make the CD well worth whatever you paid for it. 'Kingdom Come' has a KILLER ending..... and 'Power Tools' and 'Invitation' together make an awesome mid CD rock fix.....then you got 'The River Will Flow' and 'Let it Go'--- really awesome mid-paced songs that really get you singing. 10 STARS!

From: Impaler Date: February 22, 2004 at 13:32
This album is why this band is on this site. This is a great rock album (The only thing Billy Smilley ever touched that he didn't screw up). Kinda Styx meets Loverboy. Not real heavy but it does rock. If you like Journey/Boston/REO then you will likely enjoy this one. What sets this one apart from all other WhiteHeart albums is that all the songs are quality...not a stinker in the bunch.

From: illimey Date: February 26, 2004 at 17:33
Yup. This is probably Whiteheart's finest moment. Still falls short of greatness, though - and I can't quite put my finger on just why that is... I think it is simply too formulaic in parts. So - all good, mostly great, partly brilliant. 8.5/10

From: Harry Date: March 13, 2004 at 17:29
Just overall, one great album! The song 'Let It Go' is by far my favorite. Whiteheart is a band that has a produced a legacy all to its own. The lyrics and sound are perfectly well balanced on this album. A Great Buy!!!

From: Ncyclopda Date: March 20, 2004 at 3:01
I think my favorite is 'i'll meet you there.' I think it foreshadowed the breakup that occured after the tour...Gordon and Tommy stayed in the studio and Chris left...that was half the band.

From: Swriter Date: February 19, 2005 at 19:42
my fav CCM release, man!!!!! what an album, this is a killer, fROm all out rockers, to ballads, to middle of the road songs. A mix of Styx, U2, and 80's aor mix. This is in my top ten ever, I just wish we could have a remaster, the cd is a bit thin and low volume mixed, suberb songs!!!!!

From: TIM (2) Date: February 21, 2005 at 5:11
This is the only CD I have by the band, and to be honest it is all a little formulaic, but this disc is worth owning for the track 'Over Me' which is AOR perfection. If you see this cheap then it's worth buying for the one great track alone.

From: gugahardrock Date: April 8, 2007 at 20:26
The best AOR disc ever Period

From: metalmastermusic Date: July 11, 2008 at 10:49
I don't know about the bestAOR disc ever but this is their best album ever. They crank out for them on this album and I suspect that is why people have rated this one higher than the rest. After this album they disappeared into the music scene to never return for a good album. This is the disc you must have from Whiteheart if you are a CCM fan. 86/100

From: aorfan700 Date: October 22, 2008 at 9:40
This is a great album. Their best. Over Me, Eighth Wonder, River Will Flow, Let It Go & I'll meet you there are my favourites. You can see that maybe I am not such a rocker as these are not among the heaviest songs on Freedom. However, white Heart did not dissapear after this.. they made Powerhouse (1990) which was a classic almost as good as freedom in my opinion. It's an album that has held up just as well over the years and ironically, to me I love the hard rock songs on Powerhouse more than on freedom and it is not without stunning CCM ballads such as desert rose to name just one either (that song is as strong as any on freedom). These two cd's are perhaps their most accessable ones to non-christians too cause they also carry a lot of songs that have another beautiful 'side to the coin' for want of a better term

From: aorfan700 Date: October 22, 2008 at 9:46
This is not to say they are not seriously christian cd's but just that they did not end up talking about Jesus/Bible much on them (on a few songs yes, but not so much. In fact, freedom could a lot of the time almost be an album about 'a god' with nothing added... that is a little part of why it was so popular I think). Tales Of Wonder in 1992 then was a hugely celebrated album with many hits in the christian world, and considered by many as their best ever or as good as freedom (It has some great songs but lyrics overall are much more jesusy than on the aforementioned two) so they certainly did not dissapear after freedom. It's just the freedom is probably their best album and almost all people agree on that. As for the very early White Heart, they were a much more 'westcoast' sounding band overall. Had Dan Huff on guitar and although some songs were just so jesusy, they still would have some great messages for non-christians who were able to listen. FREEDOM 9.6/10. I agree it's A+ cd

From: rick kerch vzla Date: October 4, 2011 at 13:58
A fine release & actually my first "long lenght" WH album(i have "loose" songs in compilations) this after reading the good comments in here and well...just a fine release to me...good songs and flashy moments but did not get any blasting track of i said...a fine release..."Over Me","Invitation" & "Let It Go" are my faves...another possible goodies are "Sing Your Freedom","Eighth Wonder"(nice softy)& "Power Tools"(rocks!)....85/100

From: hair metal again Date: November 15, 2017 at 12:13
excellent release for WHITE HEART back in 89 ,with a smooth commercial sound ,sensational musicianship & vocals and remarkable songwriting!"bye bye babylon",'over me','eigth wonder" the highlights of this one!havent listened to their whole catalogue ,but this is a great way to get into their music and imho this one is better than Powerhouse

From: 123charpenay Date: November 15, 2017 at 14:08
sorry but i m not really agree with all these very great comments.yes it s a decent record.this album have his moments tracks 3 (killer song the best of the cd),4,7 and 9 are excellent but the rest don t hooked me it s average.i can add that the sound of the drums is totally dated.i prefer "powerhouse" a very brilliant record (their best without any doubt).for me the best christian rock record ever is "all stand together" from bloogood.

From: Auslander Date: June 14, 2021 at 3:30
Forget the CCM label, this is a classic of the AOR genre featuring a band on top of their game. Florian is one of the best vocalists to grace the genre. His emotive, pure voice is something to hear. The songwriting on this album is outstanding, with some very complex rhythms and structures while being completely accessible. Examples are Bye Bye Babylon with its snarly guitar, Sing Your Freedom with its amazing break and finale, and Let the Kingdom Come which builds up and then satisfyingly explodes. You have beautiful ballads in Eigth Wonder, The River Will Flow and I'll Meet You There (this song is my choice for my funeral music). Invitation and Power Tools dial up the rock. And Over Me is just amazing, the best radio-ready song. File with the best of Journey, Foreigner or Asia. Absolutely Grade A+.

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