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[Jackyl Band Picture]

Artist: Jackyl

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Jackyl Homepage

CD Title: Relentless

Jackyl Relentless Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 2002

Label: Humidity Records

Catalog Number: HUY 1362


Jesse James Dupree vocals, guitar
Jeff Worley guitar, vocals
Roman Glick bass, vocals
Chris Worley drums, vocals


1.  If You Want It Heavy (I Weigh a Ton)  
2.  I'm on Fire  
3.  Kill the Sunshine  
4.  Lend Me a Hand  
5.  Mr. Evil  
6.  Vegas Smile  
7.  Heaven Don't Want Me (and Hell's Afraid I'll Take Over)  
8.  Down This Road Before  
9.  Billy Badass  
10.  Sparks from Candy  
11.  Curse on You  
12.  The More You Hate It  

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Existing comments about this CD

From: The Fizzy One Date: January 13, 2003 at 5:22
Much more consistent than either Cut the Crap or Stayin' Alive, this is probably their best since Push Comes to Shove, and definitely trumps PCTS in the production department. The snarl is back in the guitars, the drums thump good and loud, and Jesse sounds ... welll ... like Jesse. The Fizz Picks: "If You Want It Heavy," "I'm On FIre," "Kill the Sunshine," "Vegas Smile," "Billy Badass" and "The More You Hate It."

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: January 26, 2003 at 0:29
The song 'Kill The Sunshine' was co-written by Brian Johnson (AC/DC). This album is another hard rockin' effort for Jackyl but not their best.

From: T-BONE Date: January 26, 2003 at 18:09
Nice to see you have re-joined the breathing world jason. Where have you been?

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: January 26, 2003 at 20:45
Sorry T-Bone, I'd love to tell you were I've been but off-topic posting is off limits here.

From: T-BONE Date: January 26, 2003 at 21:35
Solitary Confinement huh?

From: RATTLESNAKE 116 Date: April 11, 2003 at 18:11
thank god they didn't disappear,in this pitiful world of hiphopjerkoffs that don't could do anything musical even if they farted,these cats kick some serious ass,and will kick your teeth in if you call them pussies,

From: ThunderDan Date: April 19, 2003 at 18:37
I expected a kick-ass effort from these guys, and I got it! There isn't a song on this CD that I dislike, they all range from 'good' to 'fuckin' awesome'. They could've left the chainsaw home, though. The best release of 2003 so far. Welcome back, Jackyl.

From: Rycheage Date: June 15, 2003 at 1:50
"Relentless" features the same old songs - nothing too serious and lots of screaming vocals! That's ok, but it's not for everyone. If you are into that, this will please. The production is the other thing - that's a little up and down here - some tracks compare favorable to the band's past material, while others sound like they were recorded on a shoestring budget. An ok release, but nothing that will resurrect rock n roll.

From: John Date: September 18, 2003 at 17:00
Call these guys a guilty pleasure of mine. For tongue in cheek lyrics, see 'Sparks From Candy'. You'll understand the scope of the record based on that one. Great to see Jesse won't give up.

From: stickyygreen Date: January 24, 2004 at 15:17
there is not a band past or present that kicks ass like jackyl!!! cantwait til you bad motherfuckers come back to t-town [Tulsa] thanks 4 the free show and autographs.. even my kids R big jackyl fans

From: jake de snake Date: August 13, 2005 at 14:37
i am new on this site and this is my first comment. how could no one put a favorite as 'curse on you'???? 'heaven don't want me'... also is an awesome song!!! this cd made me feel like the good days of metal were back!!!!!!!!!

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: April 17, 2009 at 20:31
Finally, Jackyl get back to form. The aggression, the fire, the piss and vinegar are back. There are really only a couple weak tracks on here, like "Heaven DOn't Want Me," which just never appealed to me beyond the intro, and "Lned Me A Hand," which could've been good except Jesse screams the chorus instead of singing it. Even the "country song" is decent, but my favorites would be "You Want It Heavy," "Kill The Sunshine," "Sparks From Candy" and "Curse On You." Now that just need to quit fucking around and put out a new record. It's been over six years, and nothing. A major label is pretty much out of the question at this point, so I'm thinking they need to just suck it up and release something on their own.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: February 22, 2011 at 15:15
Very pleasant release..typical sound of the band and as usual..the use of the chainsaw in a track /m/ shots are "If You Want It Heavy","I'm On Fire","Sparks From Candy"(the 3 of them good rocking tracks),"Kill The Sunshine"(brilliant!) & "Vegas Smile" ( )...Jesse James Dupree is one hell of a frontman!!!...87/100

From: hair metal again Date: October 29, 2015 at 10:50
excellent release by the great and unique JACKYL , a band that i m a fan of since day 1!all their basics are present from the howling gritty vocs to the guitar riffs ,from the perfect backing vocs to the chainsaw!"kill the sunshine","billy bad ass","curse on you" and "sparks from candy" the best moments!welcome back JACKYL

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: July 9, 2021 at 14:16
I loved this at the time, but man, listening back, it's about half-good. The first three tracks are great, "Vegas Smile" is fun, and the late going, we have "Sparks From Candy" and "Curse On Y." But the rest? I dunno, sometimes Jackyl just tries too hard to be Jackyl. Plus, songs like "Mr. Evil" just have no hooks, Jesse just kinda wandering along in search of something like a melody. "Kill The Sunshine" is a good song but, as he tends to do, Jesse made such a big deal out of Brian Johnson's involvement that somehow you expect more.

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