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[Lordi Band Picture]

Artist: Lordi

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CD Title: Lordiversity

Lordi Lordiversity Album Cover Lordi Lordiversity Album Cover Lordi Lordiversity Album Cover Lordi Lordiversity Album Cover Lordi Lordiversity Album Cover Lordi Lordiversity Album Cover Lordi Lordiversity Album Cover Lordi Lordiversity Album Cover


Category: Shock Rock/Horror Rock

Year: 2021

Label: AFM Records (Germany)

Catalog Number:


Mr. Lordi vocals
Mr. Amen guitars
Mr. Hiisi bass
Mr. Mana drums
Ms. Hella keyboards

A 7-album creation of the back catalogue from the 1970s to today following the Killection timeline.
Disc 1 - Skeletric Dinosaur
Disc 2 - Superflytrap
Disc 3 - The Masterbeast
Disc 4 - Abusement Park
Disc 5 - Humanimals
Disc 6 - Abracadaver
Disc 7 - Spooky Sextravaganza


Disc 1
1.  SCG Minus 7: The Arrival  1:09   Listen
2.  Day Off of the Devil  3:33   Listen
3.  Starsign Spitfire  3:03   Listen
4.  Maximum-O-Lovin'  2:23   Listen
5.  The King on the Head Staker's Mountain  5:21   Listen
6.  Carnivore  3:30   Listen
7.  Phantom Lady  3:16   Listen
8.  The Tragedy of Annie Mae  3:45   Listen
9.  Blow My Fuse  3:35   Listen
10.  ...and Beyond the Isle Was Mary  2:15   Listen
Total Running Time:  31:50

Disc 2
11.  SCG Minus 6: Delightful Pop-Ins  1:09   Listen
12.  Macho Freak  3:41   Listen
13.  Believe Me  4:26   Listen
14.  Spooky Jive  3:55   Listen
15.  City of the Broken Hearted  4:03   Listen
16.  Bella from Hell  3:26   Listen
17.  Cast Out from Heaven  3:51   Listen
18.  Gonna Do It (or Do It and Cry)  2:51   Listen
19.  Zombimbo  4:53   Listen
20.  Cinder Ghost Choir  6:07   Listen
Total Running Time:  38:22

Disc 3
21.  SCG Minus 5: Transmission Request  1:35   Listen
22.  Moonbeast  6:29   Listen
23.  Celestial Serpents  6:07   Listen
24.  Hurricane of the Slain  3:00   Listen
25.  Spear of the Romans  5:46   Listen
26.  Bells of the Netherworld  3:01   Listen
27.  Transmission Reply  0:20 
28.  Church of Succubus  11:58   Listen
29.  Soliloquy  1:51   Listen
30.  Robots Alive!  4:09   Listen
31.  Yoh-Haee-Von  1:17   Listen
32.  Transmission on Repeat  1:04   Listen
Total Running Time:  46:37

Disc 4
33.  SCG Minus 4: The Carnival Barker  0:54   Listen
34.  Abusement Park  3:33   Listen
35.  Grrr!  3:48   Listen
36.  Ghost Train  3:18   Listen
37.  Carousel  4:24   Listen
38.  House of Mirrors  3:51   Listen
39.  Pinball Machine  3:34   Listen
40.  Nasty, Wild & Naughty  3:10   Listen
41.  Rollercoaster  4:45   Listen
42.  Up To No Good  4:02   Listen
43.  Merry Blah Blah Blah  4:05   Listen
Total Running Time:  39:24

Disc 5
44.  SCG Minus 3: Scarctic Circle Telethon  1:21   Listen
45.  Borderline  4:11   Listen
46.  Victims of the Romance  3:45   Listen
47.  Heart of a Lion  4:31   Listen
48.  The Bullet Bites Back  4:06   Listen
49.  Be My Maniac  3:39   Listen
50.  Rucking Up the Party  4:06   Listen
51.  Girl in a Suitcase  4:06   Listen
52.  Supernatural  3:46   Listen
53.  Like a Bee to the Honey  4:13   Listen
54.  Humanimal  3:54   Listen
Total Running Time:  41:38

Disc 6
55.  SCG Minus 2: Horricone  1:20   Listen
56.  Devilium  3:46   Listen
57.  Abracadaver  3:41   Listen
58.  Rejected  3:44   Listen
59.  Acid Bleeding Eyes  3:28   Listen
60.  Raging at Tomorrow  5:01   Listen
61.  Beast of Both Worlds  4:59   Listen
62.  I'm Sorry I'm Not Sorry  3:34   Listen
63.  Bent Outta Shape  5:05   Listen
64.  Evil  4:35   Listen
65.  Vulture of Fire  3:47   Listen
66.  Beastwood  0:56   Listen
Total Running Time:  43:56

Disc 7
67.  SCG Minus 1: The Ruiz Ranch Massacre  3:26   Listen
68.  Demon Supreme  3:31   Listen
69.  Re-Animate  4:13   Listen
70.  Lizzard of Oz  4:08   Listen
71.  Killusion  3:09   Listen
72.  Skull and Bones (The Danger Zone)   3:16   Listen
73.  Goliath  4:41   Listen
74.  Drekavac  3:28   Listen
75.  Terror Extra-Terrestrial  4:30   Listen
76.  Shake the Baby Silent  3:36   Listen
77.  If It Ain't Broken (Must Break It)  3:24   Listen
78.  Anticlimax  0:18 
Total Running Time:  41:40

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Lordi CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Lordi are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: X-Rocketer Date: December 27, 2021 at 22:19
Great Idea, and the two Discs Abusement Park and Humanimals are cool Hard Rock & Melodic Rock.

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