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CD Title: Winger
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1988
Label: Atlantic
Catalog Number: 7 81867-2
Kip Winger lead vocals, bass, keyboards
Reb Beach guitar, backing vocals
Rod Morgenstein drums, backing vocals
Paul Taylor keyboards, backing vocals
1. | Madalaine | |
2. | Hungry | |
3. | Seventeen | |
4. | Without the Night | |
5. | Purple Haze | |
6. | State of Emergency | |
7. | Time to Surrender | |
8. | Poison Angel | |
9. | Hangin' On | |
10. | Headed for a Heartbreak | |
11. | Higher and Higher | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: SNAKE |
Date: May 5, 2001 at 21:28 |
An asskickin' sure beats Pearl Jams depressing B.S.
From: Dusty |
Date: July 4, 2001 at 17:09 |
I am listining to this album right now. What the hell does pearl jam have to do with WINGER pearl jam sucks.
From: Powser |
Date: October 1, 2001 at 14:09 |
Pearl jam?!?! What a hell!!!
From: Rob |
Date: October 10, 2001 at 11:37 |
This album rocks. Feel good music.
From: John H. |
Date: November 26, 2001 at 23:09 |
Winger is made up of a group of long time and very talented session musicians highly underrated,to bad most of 'those beavis and buttheads' could not think for themselves and hopped on the band wagon,sad.
From: George |
Date: February 10, 2002 at 17:11 |
One of the best CDs from this era. I agree with John H. that this band was a very talented group of musicians and the music was good and fun. One of the few that I still listen to quite a bit.
From: Tony |
Date: April 23, 2002 at 4:05 |
You know what I'll always remember & love about this album? In college one of the hottest girls I've ever known Becky J***s requested I put this on the stereo while we engaged in after hours 'schoolwork'. Shit I wish ALL my cd's had a related story!! That being said while 'Hungry' & 'Seventeen' still stand up in 2002 the rest of the stuff can sound a bit dated. But hey for the Becky incident alone I salute you Kip!!!
From: Desslar |
Date: April 24, 2002 at 12:18 |
Some weak numbers in the middle, but otherwise great. I especially like the solo at the end of '..Heartbreak'
From: TIM |
Date: April 26, 2002 at 7:19 |
Desslar is right on the money again. Winger had some good stuff, but threw in some lame tracks as well.
From: The Prophet |
Date: May 12, 2002 at 8:46 |
I like everything from Winger. The best songs, here, are for sure Madalaine and Seventeen. I love the sound of the guitars polish and tight. About Queensryche, you should check out The sister site of heavyharmonies.
From: PaterSlovenske |
Date: August 25, 2002 at 12:27 |
I've only heard this band on a vinyl from a friend of mine a long time ago, I don't quite know it, but if it has the Dixie Dregs drummer and a keyboardist that played with Stu Hamm, Dio, Malmsteen and Greg Bissonete, it must be at least good.
From: Keenan |
Date: September 25, 2002 at 13:37 |
This CD Rocked...Without a doubt 'Seventeen' was literally the sex song of the 80's...and if you are a drummer playing Headed for a Heartbreak is a tough song
From: izzy |
Date: December 13, 2002 at 2:51 |
just ass kickin. Man check out the guitar work!!
From: izzy |
Date: December 15, 2002 at 21:52 |
From: geordie |
Date: December 24, 2002 at 10:44 |
saw him live in Newcastle England last year supprorting Magnum,Kip 12 string guitar absolutly awesome,there is non better
From: Georgios |
Date: February 6, 2003 at 15:26 |
Kip Winger, the new talent emerging from Alice Cooper band. 'Hungry','State of Emergency','Surrender','Hangin'on','Higher & higher','Headed for a heartbreak','Without the Night'......what a nightmare to choose which is the best!!! Reb Beach guitar fantastic, Paul Taylor keyboard super, Rod Morgenstein drums powerful.
From: Barbarossa |
Date: March 17, 2003 at 14:43 |
The ancient Greeks would say:'to lakonizein esti philosophein'.That means:not to talk too much is very wise.This is the appropriate statement that applies in the case of Winger's first cd.PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: daddys122001 |
Date: March 18, 2003 at 19:21 |
Some of the most innovative guitar work i have ever heard. Some of the tapping and swells in Heartbreak where fabulous. As a breakout album, this one was great.
From: Louis |
Date: April 2, 2003 at 0:39 |
Is there anyone here who actually perchased this album on cd in 1988/ I'm just wondering because I want to know if the original cd (actually from 1988 not a re-release)has the bonus track 'Higher and Higher' track 11. Anyone who bought this album in its heyday please just mention if it has this track or not please. Thank you!
From: Blue Tequila |
Date: April 2, 2003 at 0:57 |
Louis--the bonus track was a cd only addition. That means it only appeared on the cd, not on cassette or lp. The bonus track should be on all the CD's, not just the re-releases.
From: Louis |
Date: April 5, 2003 at 0:31 |
Hey, thanks very much Blue Tequila. I appreciate you responding with such a clear answer that gave me everything I wanted to know!
From: RR-Finland |
Date: August 29, 2003 at 6:46 |
Winger in their best! Anyone who likes mid 80´s Alice Cooper, Kane Roberts, Ratt and other hair bands at that time won´t dissapoint with this CD. Better understand, now it´s time to surrender!!
From: cruise |
Date: September 18, 2003 at 20:13 |
A fine slab of pop metal if perhaps a little over produced(rock vocals should be rawer than this!). That aside this has some very fine musicianship on it and great 80's rock songs. An excellent debut album. 8/10
From: Metalhead |
Date: October 6, 2003 at 17:08 |
They can what they want about this band (too pop, Kip too handsome) but they can never deny their musicianship. This band can go head to head with the best 'Supergroups' of the 80s still give them some music lessons. Even the most versatile drummers in the 80s like Rock, K. Mary & F. Banalli would learn something from Morgenstein. And IMO, Reb Beach belongs to the ranks of Vai, Bettencourt and Steve Lynch.
From: 80s fan |
Date: October 17, 2003 at 9:09 |
Underated band. This is a great band. Kip Winger played bass for Alice Cooper! This shows how big he should be! SEVENTEEN is the best song og the album. HEADED FOR A HEARTBREAK is a great power ballad.
From: 80s fan |
Date: October 17, 2003 at 9:13 |
'SEVENTEEN is the best song OF the album' Not 'og'. Wrong typed, hahaha.
From: K.K. |
Date: November 11, 2003 at 6:56 |
From: razor2467 |
Date: November 14, 2003 at 18:58 |
Great album, still listen to it today......'Headed for a Heartbreak' is worth the price of this disc alone. Very underrated band!!
From: Wingnut |
Date: December 4, 2003 at 3:28 |
Great CD, especially for a debut album. Great musicianship all around. If you like the 80's hair band sound, you should love this. I absolutely hate when people say they love 80s bands, then rip on Winger because f***ing Stewart on 'Beavis & Butthead' liked them! That's great-get your musical opinions from a goddam cartoon character. Check out the reviews on Amazon for this and you'll se what I mean!
From: Blaine |
Date: February 4, 2004 at 3:05 |
What a smart CD!!! Feel good rock at its finest! I never heard it on the radio. A good buddy of mine in St. John's, NFLD, introduced me to this CD. I played it for an ex-girlfriend who said if I like this I will like Harem Scarem who are from Scarborough, Ontario, Canada.
From: drummerfish |
Date: February 22, 2004 at 8:40 |
even though i'm very into hard rock,i can't get into this band.2 songs maybe...but here's a story ne year while working the namm show.i spotted nicko mcbrain so i went over to talk to him and get a autograph.while talking,i elbowed someone behind me,said sorry w/o looking behind me.later,my friend told me i elbowed kip winger! he said he walked away holding his ribs.even though it was kip,i still felt bad.
From: Impaler |
Date: February 22, 2004 at 9:29 |
Strong 1st release with several classic hits but does contain some filler tracks as well. Almost too poppish at times, targeting a rather young audience. Nothing special about the 'Purple Haze' cover. Favorites are 'Hangin On', 'Madalaine', & 'Seventeen'. Not quite 'Cherry Pie' but it's edible.
From: jack |
Date: May 25, 2004 at 3:41 |
Winger's music is quite similar to europe and white lion,except its better. There's something bout their music which makes them a class apart from both europe and white lion,maybe its their very meaningful lyrics.etc.Anyway this album is pure melodic metal classic.Its a shame there's no this kind of album any more that are produce nowadays!
From: TIM (2) |
Date: May 28, 2004 at 9:23 |
Jack, have you tried the band AdrianGale? They're not a million miles from this melodic hard rock sound with big production, and their new album 'Crunch' is every bit as good as this. These days the lyrics will make you cringe, but it still sounds awesome. The 'Purple Haze' cover was inspired...
From: jack |
Date: May 31, 2004 at 4:45 |
AdrianGale?sorry,never heard of them! But i reckon they are not as good as winger?Nevertheless,i'll go find it and take a listen to it in the music store!
From: Big Papa K |
Date: June 18, 2004 at 3:09 |
On this release, Winger play below their talent in releasing a half decent album. The first side, minus the awful Hendrix cover, is some good hair metal with interesting time changes thrown in (for a hair band). The second side though loses steam as all the rock songs sound the same, but 'Headed For A Heartbreak' is a good ballad. 6/10
From: erkaikai |
Date: June 20, 2004 at 12:54 |
From: Rycheage |
Date: June 26, 2004 at 16:15 |
Good pop metal but not as good as 'Pull'. 'Madalaine' has huge hooks and a wonderful chorus, as does 'Seventeen', the soundtrack for all cradle robbers alike. 'Time To Surrender' was a great song that had no popularity as the other 2 had. 'Without The Night' is real good too, but the jewel of this CD is 'Heading For A Heartbreak', a timeless pop metal tune as there is from this genre.
From: TIM (2) |
Date: July 12, 2004 at 6:34 |
By the way, this album was actually titled 'Sahara' (is on the bottom right corner of the album sleeve) but nobody ever picked up on it, just calling it 'Winger'.
From: Blue Tequila |
Date: July 12, 2004 at 10:17 |
That's interesting if true, but my question is why didn't they put the title 'Sahara' on the spine also? Probably a record label 'oops'.
From: TIM (2) |
Date: July 12, 2004 at 10:38 |
I have an old video with some promos and a band interview, and they called the album 'Sahara' and I wondered if there was an album I was missing?! If you go to Kip's website the album is listed as 'Sahara'...
From: TYTAN |
Date: July 12, 2004 at 19:13 |
I heard that before they were called Winger...the band was supposed to be called Sahara. TYTAN
From: Metal Jay |
Date: August 4, 2004 at 20:32 |
A little too polished for my liking. 'Hungry', 'Seventeen', and 'Headed For A Heartbreak' are inspired tunes however.
From: Uusiolli |
Date: August 5, 2004 at 18:05 |
A perfect example what went wrong with hardrock at late-eighties. Great talent, excellent playing but no attitude and pop-production. The only reason why bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam made it big, was that hardrockbands didn't rock anymore. for this album 4/10
From: Geoff |
Date: August 17, 2004 at 2:04 |
'Hungry' and 'Time to surrender' are my faves. I love 'Headed for a heartbreak' too, as well as 'Higher and higher'. I did really like the ballad 'Without the night' until they practically re-recorded the song with different lyrics for album number two and called it 'Miles away' - which is much better. You can say what you want about Winger, but this is well played commercial hard rock done very well! 8/10
From: |
Date: August 30, 2004 at 10:32 |
long live Becky J***s!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and all the record I've bee 'engaged' with like soundtrck!!!
From: BWH'Indonesia' |
Date: September 8, 2004 at 5:08 |
I often get bored listening to a standard hard rock that have straight and predictable chord progression, lack of harmony, dont have the sense of sweetness and usually hate keyboard sound. Winger is very different, sure they rock, but listen to Without The Night and Headed For A Heartbreak, both got excellent chords in the tradition of David Foster,Desmond Child,Dianne Warren or Randell Sisters. Not easy to write songs like that. Only rockers who have AOR senses can do it, not those guitar-minde
From: BWH'Indonesia' |
Date: September 8, 2004 at 5:23 |
guitar-minded heavy rockers. And I know Paul Taylor was behind it all. He also wrote great Miles Away from the 2nd release. His later works with Steve Perry in Mr Perry's solo had strengthened my opinion about him. He is a great AOR musician. And look their 3rd album Pull, without Paul soon it became a very disappointing release for me.
From: gener8tr |
Date: November 23, 2004 at 12:00 |
A perfect album for the time, and one I still enjoy today! Beats the Hell out of the sh+t being released now-a-days!
From: Hairball John |
Date: November 26, 2004 at 21:21 |
We played '17' by request this week. There are several songs on this disc that were fresh at the time. Check out the audio interview with Reb Beach that we conducted early 2004. He is a great guy and shares a hysterical story on how Beavis and Butthead destroyed their career. Check out The Hairball John Radio show every week at for many of the lost classics and new kick ass tunes. The Hairball John Radio Show the past is back to kick your ass!
From: |
Date: January 9, 2005 at 20:24 |
A 10/10 Aor Record , this one made Winger one of my favourite bands , if you dont have it , buy it !
From: glamster |
Date: February 9, 2005 at 0:27 |
Asombroso àlbum debut de Winger, uno de los mejores Lp's de Hard Rock que se editaron en 1988.
From: LV KIX |
Date: February 15, 2005 at 16:22 |
I must say I'd have to disagree with most on this one. Again...I am only stating an opinion here. YUCK... One of my lease favorite CDs (and yes.. I do own it..Thanks alot Columbia This is one of those bands where the parts are better then the whole. Kips voice is painful to the ear. Reb Beach is a good guitar player...too bad he wasn't doing some other project at this time...wasted talent on this one. Rod Morgenstein is also very talented.. hate to see it wasted here. Again...YUCK.
From: Andy |
Date: February 19, 2005 at 10:05 |
An amazing album - one of the best of the genre. The mix, however, is very interesting. The drummer must have forgotten his cymbals on the recording days as there are hardly any cymbals on the album - listen and you will see! Very odd!
From: Animal |
Date: February 27, 2005 at 14:56 |
Great album! 'Madalaine' and 'Seventeen' are both killer songs and both had great videos! 10/10!!!
From: bedo |
Date: April 14, 2005 at 9:42 |
This album by Winger is one of the best glam metal albums i ever heard.reb beach's guitar playing is excellent.a must for metal fans.
From: AOR freaky |
Date: April 14, 2005 at 16:01 |
Please, bedo ! If this is glam, I'm Napoleon Bonaparte ! My dear friend, it's even not close to glam ! Stop writing such BIG NONSENSE, please !, and learn you lesson before writing such foolish thing ! This is good party rock, mixed with hardrock and some AOR touches.
From: GLAM FAN |
Date: May 5, 2005 at 4:54 |
I agree with AOR freaky! Image wise(the hair,the makeup,the clothes),they are glam but song wise,i wouldn't put them in the same category as Poison,motley crue or kiss. I think they are more suited in the white lion,bon jovi and def leppard department. Like those 3,they are sometimes classify as glam becuase they sang about love,girls and sex a lot. But i think winger's music is just simple melodic hard rock,with some aor and metal(pull album) touches in them.
From: GLAM FAN |
Date: May 5, 2005 at 4:59 |
This album,to me is not as good as pull,as it's more poppy and the lyrics here are very cheesy and lame. But consistentcy wise,this album is much better. Nobody is more responsible for winger's sucess than reb beach whcih shows him display incredibly challenging solos in seventeen and headed for a heartbreak. Madalaine and hungry are two of those melodic rocker which gets the album going. Time to surrnder are one of my favourite while i like the solos on hangin on. The only song is their
From: GLAM FAN |
Date: May 5, 2005 at 5:03 |
I mean,the only song that sucks is the remake of jimi hendrix classic,purple haze which doesn't sound half as good as the brillaint orginal. The guitar is excellent but the vocals just doesn't mix. But overall,this album is very good. Ratings:8/10
From: Remastered Reason |
Date: January 25, 2006 at 20:52 |
Winger cashed in on the big hair metal scene for sure. At the time, Winger were as hot as Bon Jovi, Ratt, Cinderella, Poison, etc,. Fun tunes from back in the day but they ought to be ashamed of this version of 'Purple Haze'. It's a butchering job if there ever was one.
From: lduarte |
Date: April 4, 2007 at 17:19 |
One of my all time favourite cd´s , essential to anybody into this kind of music , 10/10
From: rockhardrock |
Date: May 7, 2007 at 15:09 |
their golden peak. 'Madalaine','Hungry','Seventeen','State of Emergency','Hangin' On'and(their greatest song)'Headed for a Heartbreak' are songs that makes that album one of my fave.
From: Rambo Rockerman |
Date: January 20, 2008 at 12:52 |
A very good start,this CD is great,go get it.
From: juan carlos |
Date: November 1, 2008 at 3:32 |
I agree with the short lduarte´s comments. This CD is in my top 10 of my book(of all times of course!). "Without The Night" and "Time to Surrender" are Awesome but i love the entire album. ESSENTIAL IMO. Buy it. 10/10
From: GlamSlam |
Date: September 15, 2009 at 8:42 |
Poor band, these songs just make me puke, so much cliches that omg. I mean cliches r good when u know how to use them, but this is just bad
From: edwithmj |
Date: September 15, 2009 at 9:54 |
This got me hooked from the first listen to Madalaine. Other notable tracks are Seventeen, the brilliant Without the Night, State of Emergency, Poison Angel and Headed for a Heartbreak. The album has very slick production and a lot of keyboards which automatically makes it a favourite in my book. 95/100
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: September 15, 2009 at 14:32 |
I loved this tape as a kid. Nobody told me I was supposd to be embarrassed byit, so I wasn't. It's got some pretty good riffs, vocals that go from gruff to smooth harmonies on a dime, and some catchy hooks. The lyrics and especially the videos were dripping with cheese, but based on nostalgia and the great musicianship, I can't rate this one too low. Favorites would be "Madalaine," "Hungry," and especially "Time To Surrender." And not to pick on you, Glamslam, but you, of all people, the big Pretty Boy Floyd fan, are knocking Winger for being cliched?
From: JamesEagle |
Date: November 2, 2009 at 15:55 |
Great album, the first four tracks are outstanding, what a way to kick off a recording career! The quality dips for a few tracks and the cover of 'Purple Haze' seems pointless, but overall very enjoyable.
From: hair metal again |
Date: November 3, 2009 at 4:07 |
i was 12 years old when isaw the "seventeen" video clip and what a shock that was for me!this masterpiece is one of my favourites ,an all time hair metal classic.there s no denying, simply an absolute killer release by talented winger.beau hill in production does it again,kip sounds great and reb s guitar work is fantastic.come on guys feel it,it would be easier without the night!
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: March 9, 2010 at 8:33 |
Here we go...a very good debut album having as stars a great combo of musicians..Hard Rock with some kind of Glammy image that brought some expectations in the music business back in the day...Mr Winger (a former Alice Cooper member,at least in live concerts) put together this band along with a marvellous six string man Reb Beach,a talented drummer Rob Morgenstein and Paul Taylor (perhaps the "underrated one", shamely coz he is a great keyboarder)..the rest is history..."Madaleine","Hungry","Seventeen","Purple Haze"( a very good Hendrix's cover)and 2 of the most beautiful ballads of the 80's 4 sure "Without The Night"(somehow this song never had the chance it deserved coz is really a very emotive and an excellent one!)& of course the mega hit "Headed For A Heartbreak"(with a fantastic video)...just a must for any 80's self respected rocker...92/100
From: guitarrizer |
Date: June 18, 2019 at 6:42 |
Brilliant album, guitar solos taken alone are amazing. One of the most technical skilled band among the 80's melodic hard rock bands.
From: 123charpenay |
Date: March 12, 2021 at 15:03 |
the name of this record is "sahara".look at the front cover in low at right,it s writing,ok very small and not clean "sahara".
From: dany69 |
Date: March 15, 2021 at 15:36 |
My Bro it,s only because the band wanted to call themselves "Sahara" Not winger !!! cause another band was called Sahara !!! Though they ultimately chose the name Winger, "Sahara" remained on the cover
From: 123charpenay |
Date: March 15, 2021 at 18:10 |
yes dany j avais compris mais vu qu il y a écrit "sahara" sur le front cover...j ai pensé que c était le titre de l album.
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: March 15, 2021 at 19:39 |
Although this album was released in August of '88, I'm not sure that it really came into its own until "Seventeen" and especially "Headed For A Heartbreak" became hits the following spring and summer. The latter in particular was all over MTV. Honestly, I rarely listen to this one anymore, just because it was in such heavy rotation on my boom-box in 1989. It was one of those tapes where I rarely skipped a song (unlike, say, the first Warrant album, where I almost never listened to about half of the songs). It's hard to hear these songs and NOT be transported back to my childhood bedroom on some endless summer afternoon, guitar-posing with a ukulele. It was a good disc for a nine-year-old to be into, because every gnarlyriff inevitably led to a happy, friendly-sounding chorus, and you're too young to think about the drivel Kip was singing, be it creepy or just nonsensical. For a long time afterward (like, far too long), I listed this as one of my all-time favorites, mostly on the streng
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: March 15, 2021 at 19:53 |
... mostly on the strength of that nostalgia, along with not having heard a lot of other albums I should have heard. As I was able to explore more music, I was able to see Winger's debut for what it really is: well-played, well-crafted, but entirely a product of its time. Even as I defend them, I can understand why people laughed at these guys. They were one of those bands whose fans seemed to be really young, like I was, or guitar-nerds who appreciated the musicianship above all else, or girls who were more into good-looking guys than they were into hard-rock music.
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: April 9, 2021 at 14:01 |
Have y'all seen this new book called "Nothin' But A Good Time?" It's a history of hair-metal, told in the artists' own words, documentary-style. The Winger guys confirm that "Sahara" was one of many band names they toyed with and discarded, nothing more. More interestingly, Kip still seems very arrogant and bitter. He acts like the _ow owed the band (and him in particular, naturally) for being Serious Musicians. What he still fails to recognize is that most of his intended audience didn't fucking care that he was Mr. Classically Trained Music Theory Guy. Most of the people buying the Winger record in 1989 never heard of the Dixie Dregs and probably wouldn't have liked them if they had. Reb Beach is great, no doubt, but he was far from the only flashy, technical guitarist on the scene. But in Kip's mind, they should have been afforded the same hushed reverence as Rush. To me, that's total bullshit—and plus, I don't like Rush that much.
From: Auslander |
Date: April 9, 2021 at 23:42 |
The book just arrived for me yesterday from Amazon. I can't wait to read it. If Kip Winger wanted the same reverence as Rush then he should have performed prog epics and not chased commercial acceptance. Still, I like Winger, but I love Rush. I do think Winger get a bit bashed around though among fans in our genre. But I'm not sure they are any more hard done by that Stryper, Poison, Bon Jovi or Warrant. People just like to knock down tall poppies. It goes with being successful in niche genres.
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: April 11, 2021 at 3:33 |
My feeling is pretty much the same, Auslander. It's hard to ignore how well-crafted these songs are, almost on a Def Leppard-like level. And then there's that nostalgia factor as well. But even Reb Beach says in the book that if he hadn't been in the band, he might well have made fun of them too.
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: July 13, 2021 at 15:43 |
Not to go back to the book again, but another thing that gripes me is that Kip openly admits to making music he felt was beneath him. He wanted to make sort of progressive pop music, like Peter Gabriel, but he looked at the bands opening for Alice Cooper (specifically naming Tesla and Megadeth) and said, "Wait a minute, you mean I can do what I did when I was sixteen years old and get a record deal?" Which begs the question: can you be both honest and disingenuous at the same time? Or maybe he's being honest now about how disingenuous he was back then. Add to it that the band was entirely a studio creation, whose first gig was in an arena opening for Scorpions. As individual musicians, they had paid their dues, but as a band? Nope.
From: Stixx |
Date: January 31, 2022 at 17:31 |
Kip brought Paul with him from Alice Cooper's band, Reb had already played on Twisted Sister's 87 album and on Fiona's albums et al, Rod was from Dixie Dregs. This extremely skilled group of musicians, a sort of hair metal version of Dream Theater, had the looks (Kip too handsome for his own good at the time) and was marketed towards the pop rock charts, and Atlantic managed! This album sold close to 2 million world wide, but unlike some bands that needed studio musician help in the studio, Winger already were the studio musicians that could play almost anything very complex. A "musicians' band" for sure, and these virtuosos were very very good live too! Check out the LIVE from 2007 on Frontiers (recorded in 2006), very entertaining. I like all songs on this debut disc, non-single tracks like Time to surrender and Hangin' on are also really good. Winger got heat from lots of jealous bands at the time, but they persevered and eventually received the recognition they truly deserve.
From: MetalllianStallion |
Date: April 2, 2024 at 8:56 |
Speak of the devil, Kip is up on his classical music HIGH horse in this entertaining 3 part documentary "I Wanna Rock: The 80's Metal Dream (2023)" Most of the face time is with Dave Sabo, K. Winger,John Corabi, and Janet Gardner (Vixen). Encrypted DL.
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: January 13, 2025 at 18:04 |
There's an old episode of American Top 40 from the summer of 1989 that you can listen to on YouTube. Leading up to "Headed For A Heartbreak," Shadoe Stevens (the first post-Casey Kasem host) relates how the band have been accused of not having paid their dues. Kip and Co. beg to differ, of course, and share some tall tales of grimy gigs from the early daze (one in particular involves a club-owner's dog peeing on their amps). The clear implication is that these hungry-years fables are about Winger, the band—four guys slugging it out together in the clubs before getting their big break. They might be from the individual members' pasts, but as noted above, Winger, as a unit, went straight to arenas.
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