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CD Title: Karma
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Category: Hard rock
Year: 2009
Label: Frontiers
Catalog Number: FR CD 429
Kip Winger vocals, bass, keyboards
Reb Beach guitar
Rod Morgenstein drums, piano
John Roth guitar
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Existing comments about this CD
From: CC |
Date: October 25, 2009 at 15:29 |
Absolutely amazing album. Although I am one of those people who thought that IV was actually a pretty good album, I am still glad that they have gone back to the well to draw on the influences of the earlier albums. More in the style of Pull (my fave) than the first two, its still somewhat different though, mixing the sound of Pull with the first two and a little bit of IV as well. Slightly heavier than Pull, imo, but still melodic. Probably now my second fave Winger album!
From: Axe Slinger |
Date: October 26, 2009 at 8:37 |
I agree with CC. Kip and Reb just rip on this disc. Of course Rod is always a great drummer regardless of pace but he holds the beat very well too. I'm not the biggest Winger fan but this one will be played a lot in the coming months. Very good!
From: joe123 |
Date: November 3, 2009 at 3:07 |
Could sombody please tell me if the lyrics are included in the booklet? TIA!!!
From: CC |
Date: November 3, 2009 at 19:04 |
yup, they certainly are
From: joe123 |
Date: November 7, 2009 at 3:07 |
Thanks, CC!!
From: z4roxx |
Date: November 8, 2009 at 13:02 |
This isn't good or amazing,it's decent but not to have as original IMO.I admit the disc is interesting and sometimes it has an original hard rock vein but any sonf is memorable or great here.I am against reunions,these bands were the history but now we must play the new and young bands.
From: CC |
Date: November 8, 2009 at 14:25 |
I totally disagree with that last line. We should play new and young bands, we should play whatever we like. If its young bands, so be it, but if its older bands like Winger that you want to hear, then play that. Who cares how new or old a band is, all that matters is how good their music is. I must play whatever the hell I want to play!
From: Abkerrang |
Date: November 10, 2009 at 10:45 |
The best since Pull...Winger are back!!!!! keep rockin!!!
From: edwithmj |
Date: November 12, 2009 at 19:24 |
Nice album and definitely better than Winger IV. Has a nice mix of rockers and ballads with the progressive tone of Winger IV. Still not as good as the first two albums but is slightly better than Pull in my opinion. A nice come back and I hope more albums follow.
From: hair metal again |
Date: November 30, 2009 at 1:52 |
kip winger is an amazing artist.he prooved that in all his career for so many years.WINGER release karma in2009 and i have to say that is surely one of the best releases of this year.the sound is fresh but still wingerish,the songs are straight and melodic and reb beach explodes here.the guitar work is astonishing and capable of everything.listen to the masterpiece "after all this time",to the beautiful "witness' and to the rockers "deal with the devil" and "feeding frenzy".absolutely great hard rock release
From: george_the_jack |
Date: December 2, 2009 at 12:09 |
The more you listen to 'Karma', the more you're getting addicted to its mature and rich arrangements.It's really getting better and better and growing bigger in everyone's head with every spin.I can pick at least 5 top quality tracks(Supernova/Always within Me/After All This Time/Big world Away/deal with The Devil)but the rest are very good as well while the production's standing out.Very strong album! No doubt,one of the 2009 winners. Winger are back!
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: December 12, 2009 at 18:13 |
An album that lies between the HR of Pull and the modern sound of IV...personally i think this is one of the best releases of the late 2009's..."Deal With The Devil" and "Stone Cold Killer" (powerful),"Witness"(beautiful).Kip is giving us great compositions as usual but the man's still kinda underrated artist...along with Reb Beach and Rob Morgenstein a real good team of musicians.90/100
From: marcopaulo777 |
Date: December 26, 2009 at 11:58 |
actually, i never expected winger to pull this off, after having listned to kip`s latest work! great guitar work, the first 2 tracks are awesome! when i first heard this, i was suprised! now this time we can say WINGER really sounds like WINGER again! great comeback!
From: ThunderDan |
Date: January 30, 2010 at 23:00 |
One great song after another! I was driving with this CD in my player, looked down to see 'Track 7' on the display and thought, 'this thing doesn't let up!' The guys really pick things up from IV, and the result is a better recording. I hope they tour the States soon. Two BIG Thumbs Up for this CD. Pick it up, it's essential!
From: Geoff |
Date: February 11, 2010 at 17:46 |
I really hated 'IV', so to hear an album this good from the same band really made my year in 2009. If I was being critical I'd say that the track running order is not done well, but that's a minor issue. Not sure why they put all the killer hard rockers at the start of the album (all are awesome - monster riffs all over the place) and only the killer hard rocker, 'Feeding Frenzy', on the second half of the disc, surrounded by 4 ballads (Well, 'Supernova' is a half-ballad). Either way, they're all great songs but the album could have flowed better. 'Witness' is the best of the ballads, and a great closer. Overall, a really great album from these guys. Brilliant return to form.
From: metalmastermusic |
Date: February 14, 2010 at 0:53 |
Now this is what I am talking about ...Winger reloaded. I too was very disenchanted with IV and was a bit skeptical at first at what this album would sound like. After the first song I was sold and it rocks throughout.I would rate this as the best Winger album to date. Reb shreds and Kips vocals have matured immensely. This is definetly a must buy disc ! 93/100
From: onemorecast |
Date: May 1, 2010 at 14:15 |
Pretty good cd. Reb really tears it up. Kip range isn't as high as it used to be. I think that makes the album seem a little heavier than early Winger. 7.5/10
From: Rob Rocker |
Date: September 16, 2010 at 15:32 |
I think they went from a low point with IV to their best album to date with Karma. Winger has had some really great albums but they all had their share of filler. Karma is the first Winger CD that I don't find myself skipping through songs. "Stone Cold Killer", "Big World Away" and "Come A Little Closer" are my favorites.
From: rocksoul |
Date: December 5, 2010 at 8:22 |
I don't like very much historic bands make a new sound. in this case I have to say that winger are come back with a great realease and the difference is only in talent. winger can do all what he wants and he had totally talent that can made s/t but also karma. not all has this gift. I give to this one 8/10 and my fav are "deal" "stone" " supernova" and "feeding"
From: burningchina |
Date: May 10, 2012 at 7:23 |
winger are back, this album is just fantastic.
From: halfordhughes |
Date: June 22, 2014 at 11:16 |
After All This Time
From: Auslander |
Date: April 18, 2021 at 19:36 |
Woo hoo, lucky me... rediscovering Winger and hearing their newer albums. Wanting to buy this on cd... it's only $200. WTF. Did they only press 5000 copies of this back in 2009? Why are these modern albums rare as hen's teeth? Frustrated hard rock fan here.
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: January 13, 2025 at 20:29 |
This is a terrific latter-day album by a classic hair-band! There are plenty of call-backs to the '80's in fun, carefree tracks like the rock 'n' roll lifer's story "Deal With The Devil" and "Stone Cold Killer," which features a girl struttin' around in her hot pink leather. A little darkness creeps around the edges of "Come A Little Closer," and the pace ratchets up for "Pull Me Under." Elsewhere, "Big World Away" and "Supernova" show more maturity, starting out fairly typical but veering off into unexpected places come chorus time—Kip and Reb showing off some of those chops they've been telling us about for so long. And there are a couple of earnest, semi-epic ballads that don't follow the '80's-prom-song withmula to top it off. The production is simple and uncluttered, with a heavy bass thud (you can actually hear Kip's bass, unlike the first two albums). The only weak tracks are a bad slow blues and a throwaway piano instrumental.
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: January 13, 2025 at 20:31 |
"'80's-prom-song formula," that was.
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