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[Whitesnake Band Picture]

Artist: Whitesnake

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CD Title: Whitesnake

Whitesnake Whitesnake Album Cover


Category: Blues Hard Rock

Year: 1987

Label: Geffen

Catalog Number: 9 24099-2


David Coverdale vocals
John Sykes guitar
Neil Murray bass
Aynsley Dunbar drums


1.  Crying In The Rain  
2.  Bad Boys  
3.  Still Of The Night  
4.  Here I Go Again  
5.  Give Me All Your Love  
6.  Is This Love  
7.  Children Of The Night  
8.  Straight For The Heart  
9.  Don't Turn Away  

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Whitesnake CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: TIM Date: July 7, 2001 at 17:30
Fantastic album!!! A must have for Whitesnake fans.

From: Date: February 6, 2002 at 5:24
Still of the night is powerful and Is this love is one of the best rock ballads that I have ever heard!!

From: Andre Date: May 21, 2002 at 12:54
Check out my critics for this one on whitesnake's 1987,and you'll see what it is all about!!I'm positive that if you buy this, you won't regret.Go to 1987 and read my discription!

From: RichieRocker Date: June 22, 2002 at 11:59
Awesome album, in-your face guitars turned up to capacity, and killer songs. 'Here I go Again' Still of the night, Is this love, and Gimme all you love' are great for any rocker, Buy this album You will love it.

From: ThunderDan Date: June 27, 2002 at 21:51
Quintessential recording of such a decadent period of time. Old songs remade to sound the absolute best! I can't even pick a fave, this CD is outstanding. A must-have, hands down.

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: August 16, 2002 at 21:54
I was never a big fan of these guys but, this is an outstanding album.

From: Date: August 20, 2002 at 18:20
no metal collection is complete without this album. Zeppelin on steroids! Still of the Night has the baddest riff ever - right up there with GnR's Welcome to the Jungle intro. (on a side note, if you like this, check out Badlands, Kingom Come and Tora Tora - all have a similar, but are not quite as heavy)

From: Trick Taylor Date: December 19, 2002 at 19:42
The Snake have just posted tour dates for the Whitesnake/Scorpions/Dokken package. Nothing kills a package like dragging tired old Dokken out on the road again. They have done every package in the last 5 years! This tour would rock with Tesla or Queensryche third on the bill. But no, we have to sit through Dokken mark IV, minus Lynch and Pilson. The good news is that Doug Aldrich is six stringin for Coverdale. Any chance they will play 'Powerlove'? I'm off like Donald's wig.

From: SEAN Date: January 8, 2003 at 4:12
Give me all your love is a hard rocking classic. Crying in the rain is the best hard rock song ever. Here I go again is the gem on the album. David Coverdale has the best vocals in rock history.

From: steve Date: May 6, 2003 at 17:24
hell yeah, is this love, here i go again, and chilren of the night are awsome

From: Rycheage Date: June 24, 2003 at 20:45
From the awesome power of 'Crying In The Rain' and 'Still Of The Night' to the beauty of 'Here I Go Again' and 'Is This Love' this CD has it all. It is a must own for any melodic rock fans.

From: Rocker76 Date: October 14, 2003 at 17:44
Rycheage pretty much summed it up - this is a definitive 80s hard rock album. And even though Whitesnake were stylish and trendy like the rest of them they were all solid and seasoned musicians who had been around the hard rock block before (Coverdale, Sykes, Dunbar, Aldridge, Campbell, etc.) Forget the Zeppelin comparisons - Whitesnake rocks all their own!

From: Fat Freddy Date: January 5, 2004 at 12:23
Great album, saw them on this tour in 1988 at the Garden State Arts Center in NJ and even though it was an open air venue and it was pouring rain the entire night, my friends and I didn't care because it was an awesome show! I still listen to this and SLIDE IT IN quite a bit, you can keep SLIP OF THE TONGUE though...

From: Impaler Date: February 22, 2004 at 11:24
This is a great album, clearly established them as one of the big boys of hard rock. Even though I like 'Slide It In' better, this is a true classic with something for everyone: ballads to catchy hooks to hard driving rockers.

From: jack Date: March 23, 2004 at 3:42
undoubtedly whitesnake best album. 'here i go again' is probably the best 80's metal ballad alongside 'carrie'(europe) ,'still loving you'(scorpion) ,'i remember you'(skid row) ,'every rose has its thorn'(poison) ,'love lies'(bon jovi) ,'when the children cry'(white lion) and 'love bites'(def leppard) while still of the night is a wild masterpiece of metal madness.

From: AORster Date: April 8, 2004 at 20:09
This is not Whitesnake as I'd define it. Shure all very competent and polished but where is the feeling? I was a big fan before this album but this put me off for good. The 'axe murder' versions of Crying In The Rain and Here I Go Again are just sad imo. Still listens to the older albums thou. 5/10

From: Aldas Date: April 18, 2004 at 20:11
Absolutely brilliant !

From: Metal T Date: May 28, 2004 at 21:17
As far as the album goes,it was pretty kick-ass.As far as the videos Snake' did for this album they were 'Real Crotch Pleasers'--Ha,Ha,Ha Yep,skank 'Tawny Kitaen' spread eagle on the jaguar---She did the covers for RATT'S first 2 records as well.One thing that i DID NOT need to see in those old videos were the members of Whitesnake flicking their tongues at the camera every freaking 10 seconds--get f**king real Coverdale' Was that your idea ???? ------------------

From: Big Papa K Date: June 30, 2004 at 17:04
What a year 1987 was for hard rock with 'Hysteria', 'Appetite For Destruction', and this album. Whitesnake at their peak. Finally Coverdale gets a backing band that can match up to his talent and a songwriting partner who is excellent in Sykes. Any song really off of hear could have been a hit. 10/10

From: MADMAX Date: June 30, 2004 at 21:24
Isn't the name of this album '1987', not 'whitesnake'..?

From: Renato Palhano Date: August 15, 2004 at 21:02
Sykes rules!!!Its a shame he never came back to Ws.Coverdale and Sykes work very well togheter, like fire and gasoline!!!

From: Propane Date: December 1, 2004 at 21:39
OUCHHH!!!!! This one snuck up from behind and cleaned my clock! Whoever was responsible for this absolute genious was also going to pay my medical bills. Superb lot just as I thought it couldn't get any better than this.

From: luis Date: December 22, 2004 at 18:45
I have about 400 Aor/hard/metal Cdīs this is my favourite album ever !! cant get any better than this , even Coverdale could not repeat it even if he wanted to.Hard rock at itīs peak , damn wonderfull

From: swriter Date: March 15, 2005 at 19:53
wow, what a great voice(David started on DPurple's Burn cd. This has it all, great production, musicians, vocals, songs, one of the standouts for sure from the time period, essential!!!

From: lduarte Date: February 22, 2006 at 18:02
MY FAVOURITE ALBUM OF ALL TIME 10/10 . Changed forever my way of understanding music.Coverdale is such an amazing singer (up there with Steve Perry and Lou Gramm IMO ), Sykes plays those fast licks like no one , Neil and Aynsley playing tight and flawless.Wish this line up would lasted longer.If anyone wishes to trade opinions email me at

From: metalhead4life Date: September 28, 2006 at 14:55
Definitely a must for any rock collection. John Sykes is sick on the guitar and Coverdale has a great voice. Excellent album!! Saw them live with Scorpions and Dokken a few years back and Whitesnake stole the show!! Coverdale still has a great voice.

From: *Say It With Love* Date: August 7, 2007 at 12:37

From: juan carlos Date: September 25, 2007 at 1:48

From: MikeTuinstra Date: October 10, 2010 at 13:19
The best of Whitesnake by my definition of the band. This album takes the old Blues Rock sound, which was upgraded to Hard Rock, and launches the band into Heavy Metal territory. Something that became part of them ever since. Benefiting from all the modern sound techniques, this album is out of the old fashioned into the modern. Because of its perfection in musicianship and appeal, accompanied by the cool looks with explosive live shows, I witness it often unjustly termed a sell out by pejorative means. It's heavier and shows evolution of a sound once started by Zep and Purple, with the soul of Whitesnake still in tact. An important album in Rock and Metal music history.

From: halfordhughes Date: April 23, 2011 at 11:50
great!!!great!!!great!!! whitesnakes best cd!!!

From: $$ixx Date: September 17, 2013 at 18:53
Obviously one of the most popular hardrock albums of all time, it contains only really good songs both the mega hits and the non-singles smoke, and it contains Coverdale's best vocal performance ever as well as John Sykes' best guitar performance ever imo. Fantastic album from start to finish actually. The only (very minor) negative thing is the mix of the drums. The drums sound much crispier on Slip of the tongue. But the rest is more or less melodic hardrock perfection, really a classic. As with many bands.. money, power and ego somewhat killed the moment - can't believe that Coverdale fired everyone - Sykes, Murray, Dunbar as well as the manager, just when the album was done. Very sad and hence we never got to see the real Whitesnake 1987 band live on stage together performing these excellent songs. The recent line-up with Doug Aldrich is very good too, but the new albums still do not come close song-wise compared to magic "1987". (But the 11 songs version is the best!)

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