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Tyketto Homepage
CD Title: Shine
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1995
Label: MFN
Catalog Number: ???
Steve Augeri lead vocals
Brooke St. James guitars, backing vocals
Jaimie Scott bass guitar
Michael Clayton drums, backing vocals
First album with new vocalist Steve Augeri, formerly of Tall Stories
1. | Jamie | |
2. | Rawthigh | |
3. | Radio Mary | |
4. | Get Me There | |
5. | High | |
6. | Ballad Of Ruby | |
7. | Let It Go | |
8. | Long Cold Winter | |
9. | I Won't Cry | |
10. | Shine | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: James |
Date: May 19, 2001 at 8:14 |
Not a very good CD. It has too much of a 90's flavor for my taste. Has a couple of good songs but far below expectations considering the band and who the new singer is. Steve's vocals resemble nothing like the Tall Stories album or his new work with Journey.
From: kevin |
Date: August 26, 2001 at 9:47 |
horrible album, does not even compare to the first two, steve does a poor job singing and it sounds like it was poorly made. one word, CRAPPY
From: koogles |
Date: January 1, 2002 at 14:46 |
One of the big faux-pases of the '90s. This should have NEVER been called a Tyketto record. Poor songwriting, lukewarm production and a change in musical style all did the Tyketto name a serious injustice here. Steve Augeri's career almost ended after this disgrace, but luckily his stint with Tall Stories was less forgettable than this grungy dreck and the Journey boys came calling. 'Shine' this DOESN'T!
From: Top Jimmy |
Date: February 16, 2002 at 13:22 |
I agree with James; it has acouple of good songs but with the total flavor of the 90´s. Nothing comparing to their great Strenght in numbers.
From: Splash |
Date: March 1, 2002 at 23:45 |
Well this album is tons better than anything Vaughn did with the band. Vaughns voice is too simular to Survivor land. Augeri's vocals are soulfull and have emotion which Danny always lacked. The songs have a nice groove to them and flow well. Tyketto was robbed by Journey and Steve is now a Perry clone. Too bad for a guy who can burn a hole through your soul with pipes like that... I disagree with all previous reviews!!!
From: Steve T |
Date: July 28, 2002 at 13:36 |
I disagree with Splash completely. I am a Steve Augeri fan but this album is poor in every department. This album sounds nothing like yketto and even makes Steve sound pedestrian. If you want great Augeri vocals go for Tall Stories and Arrival by Journey. I saw Tyketto live in the UK with Danny and Steve and the Steve version was a plae imitation...they were going through the motions and it showed. All the power of Tyketto was gone with this album....avoid.
From: Valhallen |
Date: October 25, 2002 at 1:39 |
I disagree, Although I prefer Tyketto with Danny Vaughn, Shine has it's own charm. Greats tracks on that album are 'High' and 'Let It Go'.
From: Trick Taylor |
Date: December 16, 2002 at 17:00 |
This album is one of the true lost classics of AOR. It is a rock album, not hair, not glam, just rock. Tyketto before this sounded like Survivor meets BonWhitesnake. 'Shine' has them sounding like a seasoned band after years of playing to smokey joints to drunks. Top 10 all the way.
From: manos |
Date: January 9, 2003 at 3:37 |
Hey Tyketto fans, be fair! I know, Danny Vaughn, is our hero, but I think ''Shine'' is a -by all means- excellent album. It has nothing to do with AOR and that is why it is really underatted. The approach is zeppelinish, and the playing is so powerful and energeting that reminds me of the Black Crowes at the peak of their career. Steve Augeri tries to be Robert Plant, but I dont think that this is bad. Blame David Coverdale who did it first, right?All credit to Steve. And of course Brooke!
From: manos |
Date: January 9, 2003 at 3:40 |
Hey Tyketto fans, be fair! I know, Danny Vaughn, is our hero, but I think ''Shine'' is a -by all means- excellent album. It has nothing to do with AOR and that is why it is really underatted. The approach is zeppelinish, and the playing is so powerful and energetic that reminds me of the Black Crowes at the peak of their career. Steve Augeri tries to be Robert Plant, but I dont think that this is bad. Blame David Coverdale who did it first, right?All credit to Steve. And of course Brooke!
From: John |
Date: May 5, 2003 at 17:27 |
I think if everyone who didn't dig on the album gave it some time and went back to it will be pleasantly surprised. I sure was. I think I finally 'get it' now. I'm the kind of person that needs to throw my pre-suppositions out the window before listening to an album (especially if band members change) or else I'll rush to judgment and be unfair. The back half of this album is diverse and lush and I'm glad I gave it another chance.
From: James |
Date: August 23, 2003 at 11:28 |
I read an interview where the band thought of changing the band's name to SHINE and nameing the cd tyketto to change over to the new sound. Maybe they should have done that??? Totaly different sound from classic Tyketto.
From: CC |
Date: November 1, 2003 at 22:20 |
I dont like this as much as the first two albums but I cant see why people keep saying its grungey,its a hard rock/aor cross breed! The band did want to change the name but the record label wouldnt let them. It is a good album but just doesnt have the personality of the first two,it just lacks something!
From: Mon |
Date: March 23, 2004 at 20:33 |
The album's average. I much rather Augeri on tall Stories and Journey.
From: yulog |
Date: March 24, 2004 at 6:24 |
this is a killer cd 1 of my favorites its shows many different sides of augeri maybe it didnt take the same path as the other tyketto albums but this guy can sing and the band supported his style perfectly if you like journey or someone that has a great voice with heavy/bluesy rockers as well as ballads this album is a 10 there is no grunge on this album these are seasoned rock musicians Grunge musicians are a joke they all play the same 6-7 chords buy this cd you will love it
From: Gazza Styx |
Date: August 18, 2004 at 13:33 |
Awful, awful album. 2 good songs High and Get Me There. The rest is utter garbage. Do not waste your money on this. Tyketto were great (with D Vaughan) Augeri is great on Tall Stories and Journey. The 2 just don't go together. Glad i sold my on e-bay for £9!! Cashback!
From: Knuckles |
Date: August 18, 2004 at 13:58 |
Even though this cd is not the best I have ever heard,there are some toe tappers on here,and it is a far cry from being pure shiiite.
From: tomcat |
Date: August 18, 2004 at 17:25 |
i always thought 'let it go' was a good song
From: Geoff |
Date: August 19, 2004 at 2:31 |
Got to agree with the majority here - a smelly pile of shit is what this album amounts to be. It's not in the style of the first two albums, but many great albums are not in the exact style of previous work. Problem with this one is that the songs are bland, lifeless and crap. As many have said, this is not Tyketto but should have a different name as a band. Just crap, to be honest.
From: Rycheage |
Date: August 21, 2004 at 23:43 |
I thought this had the makings to be a good album but it fell quite short. IMO not a redeeming quality on here. The production was bad and the choice of songs was weak and bad. Should've been a monster but it falls short.
From: Mixaplic |
Date: November 27, 2004 at 13:40 |
I thought this was Tyketto's best release. I read the reviews here and put off checking this out for a couple years. I was amazed at all who reviewed this negatively. There's not a real weak song on here and over half are excellent tracks. Loved the way they used the Prince sounding guitar on 'I Won't Cry'. The cd has a 70's feel that must of turned some off? The two previous releases had some great tracks but as a whole this is a far better cd.
From: Andii Vamp |
Date: December 14, 2004 at 22:59 |
I gave this album away years ago. I did nothing for me at all. Give me the previous Tyketto albums any day. Those were masterpieces if you ask me, but Shine was just horrible. I don't know, maybe i would have gotten into it a bit more if it HADN'T been under the Tyketto monicker. This was not Tyketto at all.
From: C.J. Scheck |
Date: December 31, 2004 at 11:30 |
I have the first 3 TYKETTO cd's and I LOVE them all BUT, This one (SHINE) is my fave! I think the TYKETTO fans NEVER gave this cd a chance. Some of my fave cd's today are cd's that took time to grow on me (that was the case with this cd). Give it a chance (It's a GREAT cd)! I LOVE THIS WEB SITE!!
From: Splash |
Date: July 10, 2005 at 18:48 |
I've commented about this album before was just reading through everyone's comments since mine was made in 2002. I keep seeing 90's ish or grunge... Where in the hell are your ears? This is a pure 70's inspired record with gritty rockers all over it. Danny Vaughn has a good voice but he still lacks soul. The solo albums are sung perfectly I hear ya. He still lacks feeling and emotion. I stand by my earlier comments. This is still a great record. Some comments are just plain rubbish!
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: December 29, 2005 at 13:47 |
This is a great disc, Augeri reminds me a lot of Louie Merlino of Beggars and Thieves the way he sings this stuff. I wouldn't call this grunge at all, not even close. Bluesy hard rock from the same school as Beggars and Thieves/Cry of Love. I do agree that it doesn't sound at all like the previous two releases, but that doesn't make it bad, just different.
From: bolin44 |
Date: June 20, 2006 at 0:08 |
I'll say this, this CD is a monster of an album! I love Augeri AND Vaughn. This CD is WAY different than the first 2. I love change in a band. I like new blood. Alot of the times it works, like this CD. It's a Hard Rock CD with killer vocals, very soulful, which Vaughn lacked. The guitar riffs are bad as hell. I thought the production was great as well. The guitar is upfront in the mix. It's a hard 70's/Blues rock CD like Cry Of Love or King Karma. NO GRUNGE here like some have said. GET IT NOW!
From: sluss528 |
Date: June 20, 2006 at 0:46 |
yea, i could not agree with you more bolin44! this cd rocks! those fucking yea who's who say that this is grunge sounding or is not like the first 2 tyketto discs need to put down the crack pipe and listen to this again. i love vaughn and tyketto but this is 70's in your face rock. so you pussys quit bitching. if you don't like it don't listen!!!!! out!!!!
From: dafoe21 |
Date: May 12, 2007 at 23:24 |
Get Me There and Let It Go are awesome tracks. Sure Augeri is no Vaughn but he does the band justice.
Date: September 14, 2007 at 2:31 |
good CD 81/100 even if it's not OUR TYKETTO like it use to be ! I remember seeing 2 show of this tour and this audience was really unrespectfull with the BAND and especially Mr AUGERI ! But IMO is still a nice of MELODIC ROCK
From: darobinson |
Date: August 23, 2008 at 22:33 |
Besides Jamie this album sucks. What happened? The next album is much better.
From: hair metal again |
Date: August 19, 2012 at 6:48 |
fantastic hard rock release by TYKETTO!surely Steve Augeri s influence is so strong here and the songs are more artistic than before!the band has the groove and the result is explosive especially in the great ballads "i won t cry" and "get me there" but in the rockers too as "radio mary","high","let it go".Shine is a wonderful release and i suggest you ignore all the negative reviews and buy it if you need some quality!
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: November 10, 2012 at 18:35 |
For me a step down comparing with the band's couple of previous albums...this one has some kind of "retro sound" with some influences of Led Zeppelin(track 3)and Aerosmith(track 9)...another songs that are ones are tracks 1,4(nice acoustic),7(probably the highlight of the album)& 10...just for open minded and easy listening ears...80/100
From: Reverend Mayhem |
Date: July 21, 2014 at 17:39 |
Tyketto indulges their Zeppelin affinity even further on this post-Vaughn album. They've always flirted with that sound (primarily on the acoustic-driven tunes), but songs like "Radio Mary," "Jamie" & "Raw Thigh" stomp like they'd be right at home on "Physical Graffiti." But there's some divergence as well, like the terrific slow shuffle "Long Cold Winter" and the in-your-face "Let It Go." Steve Augeri puts his Billy Squier voice to work (instead of the Steve Perry imitation he later did for Journey) and sounds great -- not Danny Vaughn great, but still a fantastic singer that suits this material well. With Vaughn's departure many people despaired what it would mean for this band -- and while I love D's pipes, this is actually a quite enjoyable rock 'n' roll effort by the talented Tyketto crew in the wake of what could have been a disaster. Maybe if they'd recorded this under a different band name it would've gone over better with fans who expected another "Don't Come Easy." 85 / 100
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