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CD Title: Don't Come Easy
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Category: AOR
Year: 1991
Label: DGC (Geffen)
Catalog Number: DGCD-24317
Michael Clayton drums, percussion, backing vocals
Jimi Kennedy bass, backing vocals
Brooke St. James electric and acoustic guitars, sitar, backing vocals
Danny Vaughn lead vocals, acoustic guitars, harmonica
1. | Forever Young | |
2. | Wings | |
3. | Burning Down Inside | |
4. | Seasons | |
5. | Standing Alone | |
6. | Lay Your Body Down | |
7. | Walk on Fire | |
8. | Nothing But Love | |
9. | Strip Me Down | |
10. | Sail Away | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: tom draper |
Date: February 12, 2001 at 15:08 |
One of the best AOR/Hard Rock albums of the early nineties. 'Forever Young' is one of the greatest rock anthems ever, and 'Wings', 'Burning Down Inside' and 'Walk On Fire' follow suit. Tyketto's best album.
From: kim |
Date: February 24, 2001 at 4:26 |
The songs Tom recalls alone are worth of buying this album
From: James Tate |
Date: April 27, 2001 at 10:59 |
I had to order my copy of this cd as an import but it is worth it. Great songs and an awesome voice. Check out the Vaughn cd. it is 3/4 tyketto members.
From: Marco from TS |
Date: June 9, 2001 at 17:52 |
One of my favourite of all time! Great songs,kick ass guitar and powerful voice. This cd will always be 'forever young'!!!
From: crathopper |
Date: June 12, 2001 at 17:04 |
From: Paulo Fernandes |
Date: June 21, 2001 at 15:44 |
And dont forget the song sail away, ass kickin ;-)
From: james tate |
Date: August 31, 2001 at 19:14 |
You guys have to check out the band WAYSTED. Danny Vaughan sang on one album and also on a best of which he covers the great CCR song Fortunate Son. The Waysted album is great.
From: Chris |
Date: September 16, 2001 at 11:42 |
One of the definitive CDs of the early 90's hard rock genre. Still holds up today. 'Forever Young' is one of the greatest hard rock songs ever. Highly recommended.
From: Andy |
Date: November 12, 2001 at 17:56 |
Didn't Tyketto cover the old Blind Faith tune 'Can't find my way home'?
From: Craig |
Date: November 20, 2001 at 3:49 |
Quite simply, the best Melodic Rock debut EVER! Hey Andy.... It was HOUSE OF LORDS who covered 'Can't Find My Way Home.'
From: koogles |
Date: January 1, 2002 at 14:53 |
Unbelievably good melodic hard rock with just the right amounts of everything. The songs are honest and real, and the vocals of Danny Vaughn impassioned and heartfelt. Very memorable and consistent throughout: easily one of the top 10 AOR CDs of the 90's. And yes, Waysted's 'Save Your Prayers' is well worth looking into... especially for 'Heaven Tonight'.
From: tomcat |
Date: January 20, 2002 at 16:22 |
the closest thing to rock perfection i've ever heard..i was amazed when i first heard the cd in 1991..
From: Richard Hall |
Date: March 9, 2002 at 13:21 |
A very underrated album released in the early nineties.They sound like a hard edge version of Survivor(Jimi Jamison era).Killer prodution by Richie Zito(as usual)great vocals,playing and songs.A definite must for collectors of this genre of music.Check out Danny Vaughn's earlier work with ex-U.F.O. members Pete Way & Paul Raymond on Waysted's 'Save Your Prayers'.It's not as great as this album but has some good moments on songs like 'Walls Fall Down' and 'Heaven Tonight'.
From: Tony |
Date: May 1, 2002 at 23:52 |
Great summertime wind in your hair cd. For this kind of music this cd is practically perfect. Doesn't sound dated to me now because the songs are just that good I don't care what type of music you call it. If you're a fan of melodic rock this really should be an absolute in your collection.
From: Desslar |
Date: May 5, 2002 at 1:48 |
Pretty good except for the heavy songs. Standing Alone is a fantastic ballad!
From: Steve T |
Date: July 28, 2002 at 13:31 |
Excellent album......period. Wings and Seasons are standout's 10/10
From: megan |
Date: August 7, 2002 at 22:59 |
i haven't heard this whole album, but i know i'll love it. brooke is the best guitarist. i saw him in him current band (the toys, located in MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN) and they rock. i'm going to see another one of their shows tomorrow!
From: baris |
Date: September 5, 2002 at 8:31 |
Another successful melodic hard rock record which had been released just before the alternative era. It is sad that such groups fell victim to Nirvana or Pearl Jam break out. But NEVERMIND!!!. Listen those melodic songs and dream about hairy days...
From: pukcat |
Date: September 26, 2002 at 11:23 |
Amen, baris. I still listen to these guys today.
From: robert |
Date: October 19, 2002 at 16:29 |
WINGS, BURNING DAWN INSIDE,STANDING ALONE,FOREVER YOUNG...De acuerdo q despues baja un poco, pero por Dios, esto no lo puede superar casi nadie, de lo magistral q suena y estas 4 canciones son irrepetibles y unicas, es imposible igualarlas(al menos pa mi)Yo creo q no se puede hacer un debut mejor. Este es otro de los mas grandes momentos de lo q yo llamo HARD/AOR de 1 billon de kilates!!! Este 1š para mi es irrepetible..
From: Baris |
Date: October 24, 2002 at 4:44 |
What does BURNING DAWN INSIDE mean amigo? Is it a kind of Spanish tounge? Bye...
From: manos |
Date: December 25, 2002 at 22:50 |
When I first listened to this record I just couldn't believe it. Danny Vaughn has the freshiest, most powerful, melodic voice in the whole scene. The guitar playing is amaziiiiiing!!! Fantastic riffing and soloing...Vaughn's Fearless is an excellent album but comparing to Tyketto's stuff, lacks of this guitar brilliancy. I think Vaughn should seek for a new guitar player...Greetings to all Tyketto fans from Greece.
Date: January 2, 2003 at 14:36 |
9 CHAMP. creo que exageras porque no es malo pero si es cierto que empieza con dos perlas y lo siguiente son teams normales de un cd normal (no es una super joya, pero no es malo) 7/10
From: mutha trucka |
Date: January 19, 2003 at 4:15 |
i have heard only 2 of their songs, and i happen to have both videos on tape. forever young and wings. good songs but the videos are nothing special. not a huge band so not much budget. i love screamers but the singer has a refreshng, soothing type of tone, fits the band well.
From: Drag-in-Bones |
Date: January 25, 2003 at 5:22 |
As these times change I have herd Metal/Hard Rock go thru more changes than a average pair of underwear. It's been Jacked,funcked,mashed, thrashed,synched,pinched, possessed,repressed, industrialized,rapped and so on and so forth. Even with all these changes the overall feel is growing stale and slowly hardining and cracking like a ten-year-old skid mark!!!! So dive back into the good old days when meat was meat and you got more to music than just bread. When you took a bite of this steak---
From: Drag-in-Bones |
Date: January 25, 2003 at 5:39 |
Tyketto Juices ooozed out of every suckulant bite!!! Break out the wet whippes because Tyketto is going to bleed its every last drop of sweet nectar and leave you with on shit eat'in grine!!! This was easily one of the hottest albums ever!!! Led by ace-in-the-hole vocalist Danny Vaughn, this NY guartet had the car-stereo-friendly spiel down to a science, Their sound was built in choruses so big, you can see them coming from the last verse of the previous song, and hooks so sharp that--------
From: Drag-in-Bones |
Date: January 25, 2003 at 6:00 |
Even Pin Head(Hell Raiser) would have been itching to be impaled by such razer sharp hooks!!! One might add that Neurosurgery would be the best recommended way to get Tyketto out of your mind!! Vaughn's delivery is so compassionate and heartfelt, the guy could recite the ingredients off a can of Spam and sound like he was suffering from heartbreak instead of heartburn!!! Juicy cuts like 'Forever Young'-'Wings'-'Burning Down Inside'-'Seasons'-'Standing Alone', and 'Sail Away'(wet wipe please)
From: MButt |
Date: February 23, 2003 at 23:48 |
I found this in a pawn shop for $1, best buck I have ever spent! get it, when you can.
From: Gar |
Date: February 26, 2003 at 4:11 |
Great band, great debut. Their 2nd album was slightly better, but I can wholeheartedly recommend both of them. All the songs are above average, but my favorite is 'Seasons' which got some decent radio play back in the day. Tyketto's music is timeless!
From: Gringo |
Date: March 19, 2003 at 17:58 |
Simply one of the best melodic rock CDs ever made. Every song is a true gem!
From: David |
Date: March 28, 2003 at 2:57 |
This is an absolutely fantastic pop-rock Cd. Every song is unique and catchy as hell. 'Seasons' is one of the many standout songs on this record.
From: freddy de keyze |
Date: April 17, 2003 at 16:16 |
When I heard this for the very first time, I was blown away. Especially 'Forever Young'was/is phenomenal. But now the rest of the material is a bit dated. Sorry, but true. It does not have any longer the impact on me, it had first. Still, it's a good hardrock CD, but not essential, because a lot of tracks are to weak for that.
From: James A |
Date: May 3, 2003 at 21:46 |
A truely amazing album that sounds as fresh now as when I heard it six years ago. It is a crime that such talent has never been fully recognised. If you think the albums are good, then see them live, because, incredibly, they are ten times better in the flesh! Weak tracks? Go and listen to boy bands freddy. Idiot!
From: Kryiis Karl |
Date: May 4, 2003 at 14:44 |
Just great album in the style. Singer is a phenomenom.
From: Dani |
Date: May 7, 2003 at 12:46 |
'Forever Young' is one of the best songs ever. This album is one of the best produced records I've listened in my life.
From: Decibel Dave |
Date: May 23, 2003 at 18:15 |
Wow, what a great album! I would venture to say that the first 3 tracks are better than the first 3 tracks of any other album in history!! After that, it slips only a little. The main similarities I hear are Tesla, a harder rocking Survivor, and a little Whitesnake. But no matter the similarities, this is a great album which would appeal to almost everyone here!
From: Theo |
Date: June 25, 2003 at 5:10 |
The best album of tyketto and one of the best in the history of Hard rock...I wouldn't say that Tyketto is an AOR band,i think they are more hardrockish...Anyway,songs here are great,the production is perfect and Vaughn gives his best...Strong cuts are: Forever Young(Anthem),Wings(anthem),Seasons,Strip me down,sail away,Walk on fire.. This is a rare cd,so if you see it,grab it at once!!! 10/10 easily...
From: Scandinavia |
Date: June 25, 2003 at 5:16 |
You're right Theo...In my opinion 'Burning Down Inside' is THE best track on this album...Some fillers but all in all a VERY decent album...
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: June 25, 2003 at 6:25 |
I forgot how good this was until I took it on vacation with me a couple weeks ago and listened to it again (and again). Really solid, I think Seasons is probably my favorite. The whole disc walks that fine line between melodic and hard rock without going too much in either direction. Production on this is really solid too. 9/10 in my book, maybe higher.
From: freddy de keyze |
Date: June 25, 2003 at 16:09 |
Blue Charvel: this was good at the time it was released. Now only a few songs have stood the test of time. Most of the material has aged and sounds dated. The production was indeed top notch for that time. Now 6,5/10 will be enough, at the time of release it was an 8.Good, but not classic.
From: jhonnyrocker |
Date: June 26, 2003 at 5:13 |
I think almost every aor/rock albums doesn't sound dated also in 2003 except for albums like too fast for love by motley crue for example... it depends not by the songs but by the can you say that this cd could sound dated?if this will be release next year for me it will sounded fresh....ADRIANGALE put out the last album in 2002 and the style s pure '80 rock but i think i could fit in a great way also in these days........
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: June 26, 2003 at 6:09 |
Thanks for setting me straight Freddy, as always your intuition and insight is a blessing all of us at Heavy Harmonies should be thankful for. Now that I have read your correction to my flawed assessment, I see the error of my ways and bow to your obviously superior knowledge of the music scene. It all seems so clear to me now as if the curtains have been thrown open and the sun is finally shining in. You are that sun Freddy, by all that is holy and sacred, thank you.
From: Trick Taylor |
Date: August 7, 2003 at 12:11 |
I hate Danny Vaughn's voice! It is squeaky clean and has all the attitude of a glass of apple juice. As an AOR record this is good enough, but personally this type of streak free perfection bores the hell out of me. For my money Shine sans Danny boy was the only listenable Tyketto effort. I will never understand why so many are so in love with this milk toast, play it safe, stay between the lines, waste of raw materials.
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: August 8, 2003 at 7:30 |
I had the same opinion for a long time. But I always liked Forever Young, so I kept listening to it from time to time. Then gradually I found myself liking the rest of the disc. Sometimes I just get in the mood for polished, refinde, 'no sharp edges' kinda stuff. I listen to it mostly in the car, 'cause I can sing along to it with my own apple juice vocal stylings.
From: MJ |
Date: August 16, 2003 at 22:26 |
This is hands down one of the BEST albums I have ever heard in my life!! Danny's voice is magic. The harmonies are on the money. For me it's 'Standing Alone' at the very top of favorites!! 'Strip Me Down' 'Lay Your Body Down' follow closely.....I.M.O.....not a back song on the album!!
From: CC |
Date: October 19, 2003 at 12:46 |
Ok as a friend of Danny Vaughns I might sound biased,but I love Tyketto. I must admit I didnt get into them til 'Strength in numbers' & by then this album was already deleted! Dont come easy is a more rock afair than Strength & not quite as mature lyrically but every song reeks of fantastic musicianship & song writing! Anyone who doesnt at least rate Dannys voice,really doesnt know a great singer when they hear one!
From: Michael |
Date: November 9, 2003 at 15:53 |
I still remember when this came out, love 'Forever Young' and 'Standing Alone'. Itīs a shame that they didnīt hit it big time 10 years ago. This is one of the few must have albums that came out in the early 90īs, very close to GIANT, UNRULY CHILD, ROBBY VALENTINE, SHOTGUN SYMPHONY, DAMN YANKEES(2nd), etc.....
From: Keenan |
Date: November 11, 2003 at 15:44 |
Great Album and Vocals as stated the best off this...well let me put it this way they all are i enjoy 'Forever Young' 'Wings' 'Lay Your Body Down' and 'Sail Away'...if your into Journey and bit of REO Speedwagon this is for you
From: Bunny |
Date: February 2, 2004 at 5:59 |
Sin dudarlo...Standing alone,Forever young y Wings,lo mejor de esta producció sé!!!...pero por momentos la voz de Danny Vaughn,me suena como al vocalista del grupo
Date: February 3, 2004 at 9:21 |
From: chad |
Date: February 4, 2004 at 22:36 |
simply the best
From: Impaler |
Date: February 28, 2004 at 12:32 |
One of the all time best hard rock/AOR albums...ear XTC.
From: illimey |
Date: May 9, 2004 at 7:36 |
Definitely a classic - 10/10.... No - not the album. The response Blue Charvel gave to Freddy earlier in this thread!!!! NICE!!!! The album? Pretty amazingly good really, and when taken together with it's follow it becomes part of an almost perfect AOR package! Definitely a band that deals with the classic anthems and ballads better than the edgy rockers, though. So - nearly perfect example of the genre but with a few rough edges. 9/10
From: AOR freaky |
Date: May 10, 2004 at 4:48 |
Overrated stuff ! Only the first song is really classic, the rest is simple straight ahead hardrock. Nothing special at all ! And comments of Blue Charvel classic ! You must be joking illimey !
From: Rockhead |
Date: May 10, 2004 at 5:06 |
Freaky's gone MAD!! This is a classic album,. Forever young and lay your body down are classic dancefloor fillers. Standing Alone is an awesome ballad. Wings, Seasons, Sail Away are great songs that still hold up today. The producion is solid and I am at a loss as to how this sounds dated! The record is 13 years old and sounds better than a lot of the recent releases (massive budget). I dont know how a song can sound dated but the production definately holds up.
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: May 10, 2004 at 8:52 |
Thanks illimey, always good to be recognised! Hey Freddy/Freaky, how many times do you think you'll be repeating yourself about the same albums by the same bands. Both positive and negative it's like you never check out anything new, you just keep posting to the same pages saying the same thing...yawn...oh excuse me, almost fell asleep reading one of your many glowing comments about Legs Diamond and/or Pride of Lions...are you boinking those guys or do they pay you royalties?
From: TIM (2) |
Date: May 26, 2004 at 13:13 |
... and on the subject of sounding dated, have you listened to Pride of Lions recently?? The bloody thing sounds older than Mr. Peterik himself... This is classic melodic rock, and 'Burning Down Inside' and 'Wings' are still favourites to this day.
From: Lynchomaniac |
Date: June 6, 2004 at 8:20 |
Truly amazing album, and 'Forever young' it just couldn't possibly get much better than that
From: Big Papa K |
Date: June 15, 2004 at 16:38 |
Classic, classy aor from a band that came on the scene too late and left far too early. Danny Vaughn's voice is just great and lifts tunes such as 'Forever Young' and 'Wings' to great status. 9/10
From: Dave |
Date: June 30, 2004 at 8:11 |
If you don't own this , you don't know what your missing!!!!!!!!!
From: giorgos-greece |
Date: July 8, 2004 at 20:14 |
what can we say about this superb album.I believe it could become a point of reference for releases of AOR/hard rock music, it's not easy to be overcomed.The band are excellent musicians but as always what makes an album classic is nothing but quality of songwriting,and 'don't come easy' delivers those kind of songs in the best way.Needless to say that a fan of this style should own in already ,unless he's a fragokiller or aorfreaky's friend
From: pmacFTO |
Date: July 14, 2004 at 15:19 |
Have to agree with u all - it's a great album - I saw them supposrting White Lion in Newcastle! We also interviewed Danny for an AOR fanzine and he was a really nice guy. Brooke St. James was feckin huge man!! He was towering over everybody but Danny Vaghan's voice gave him all the presence when singing live - and yep check out Waysted album - the guy can sing!
From: Christine |
Date: July 14, 2004 at 18:32 |
I could just kick myself for not being a Danny Vaughn fan years ago. What an awesome album! This will stay in my rotation for quite a while, along with Waysted's 'Save Your Prayers.'
From: Leozão |
Date: July 26, 2004 at 18:26 |
From: Blaze |
Date: August 8, 2004 at 12:07 |
I can't stop listening it even in 2004...
From: Gazza Styx |
Date: August 24, 2004 at 9:04 |
One of my favourite albums. EVER!! Still sounds great 13 years on. Forever Young, Wings and Standing Alone are 3 of the best melodic rock songs ever recorded. Pure Class. 10/10.
From: Wotty |
Date: August 24, 2004 at 9:46 |
To Gazza Styx,Solid album my friend,but with Danny involved do you expect anything else?....
From: Geoff |
Date: August 24, 2004 at 22:49 |
I may be frowned upon for saying this,but I think these guys did themselves in by putting two of the best melodic hard rock songs EVER recorded at the start of the album and not really backing them up.'Forever young' and 'Wings' are perfect,easily two of the best of the genre,but aside from that 'Burning down inside' is excellent except for the chorus,'Standing alone' is an outstanding ballad, and the rest is good melodic rock but dare I say sounds like a heavier Nelson to me? 4 killer songs!!!
From: Gazza Styx |
Date: August 25, 2004 at 8:53 |
To Wotty. Flesh and Blood my friend. Not a good album. Most of what Danny does is great, but that was the worst album and band he has been involved with. Did you like his 2 songs on the Gary Hughes - Once and Future King CD's? I would like to see Gary write some more songs for him. What is the Vaughan Fearless album like? The fact that its 38 mins long has put me off buying it.
From: Wotty |
Date: August 25, 2004 at 10:12 |
Hi Gazza Styx.Right here we go,Flesh and Blood,I totally agree with you.Once and Future King,Gary obviously wrote the songs with the timbre of Dannys vocals at the forefront of his mind,however Gary writing for Danny away from a concept/rock opera type of CD would be seen as a poor mans TEN.Fearless,well its solid and melodic,but as you say,too short.
From: Ardian |
Date: August 26, 2004 at 1:38 |
Geoff said it best. 'Forever Young', 'Wings', 'Burning Down Inside' and 'Standing Alone' are sooooo damn good and outshine the other songs (which are okay, actually). This would be a track-by-track classic if the other songs are in the vein of those aformentioned four songs.
From: Kip |
Date: August 30, 2004 at 23:19 |
Ditto everything Geoff and Adrian said. *sighs* lol... I guess what makes this CD an overall disappointment, is the fact the first 2 songs are so damn good, (And Standing Alone!) it puts the rest of the CD to shame. After hearing the performances given by Vaughn and James on the opener, it's easy to say neither artist lived up to their potential. Both were immensly talented and Danny Vaughn has one of the most flawless, cleanest, powerful voices to come out of this genre. 6.5/10
From: Rocketer |
Date: September 11, 2004 at 17:39 |
Maybe the best Melodic Rock Album Ever! It's not correct saying, only the first two tracks are outstandig. Sure, these two are the definition of the hole Melodic Rock Scene. But also the other Songs are excellent tunes, you only have to give them a chance after you listen to 'Forerver Young' and 'Wings' :-) If this is no 10 people come on what else can ever be a 10?
From: Wotty |
Date: September 11, 2004 at 17:50 |
To Rocketer.Great sentiment for this album,but best melodic rock album ever? Not being patronising,but I suggest a re-think,you may be surprised with what you remember...
From: Yiannis |
Date: September 28, 2004 at 4:47 |
The video clip of 'Forever Young' hit my eyes, haert and soul for the first time back in 1992. A little bit later Nirvana put the headstone to good rock music's grave and things were never the same for a long long time. But, here we are now with our melodic 'revenge' growing stronger day by day! 'Don't Come Easy' is one of the best AOR albums ever. Great songs (and a hymn...), crystal sound, fantastic vocals and musicians. And as we say dawn here in Greece... F(AOR)EVER YOUNG!!!!
From: Mark J |
Date: October 8, 2004 at 4:44 |
Has to be one of the best melodic rock albums ever. Danny is a great guy and has a wonderful voice. A must!
From: Harvey |
Date: November 14, 2004 at 5:49 |
Saw the original line-up on their reunion tour just this week and they played every song off this...Between 1988- 1992 there was a barrage of classic major label AOR/ Hard Rock albums (I should know, I was there) and this, along with Tall Stories, Diving For Pearls, Giant's Time To Burn and the debut Danger Danger album is up there with the best of 'em. A true classic.
From: GJ |
Date: November 20, 2004 at 12:31 |
Yes Harvey, I saw them last night in Plato Helmond. It was great to see. They had a lot of fun on stage and I hope they will make a comeback album soon. But I have to admit 'Don't Come Easy'is still a MASTERPIECE for ever !!!
From: lonnie |
Date: December 2, 2004 at 1:20 |
I got the chance to see brooke play in a band in milwaukee called the TOYS And not only is he an AWESOME guitar player but he sang the song crush by bon jovi and he has a awesome voice.He told me look for TYKETTO to get back together!
From: manos |
Date: December 11, 2004 at 14:27 |
Saw Tyketto play live in Thessaloniki - Greece on the 14th of November. The band was absolutely on fire and the magic was still there. Danny is a hell of a performer. Brooke is a fantastic guitar player. I think he is more oriented to blues rock right now. He applied some nice funky/bluesy chops onto Tyketto songs and changed the solos somehow but that was quite succesful I must say. Feel very honored and blessed to have watched the original line-up perform the best of their material.
From: z4roxx |
Date: January 29, 2005 at 13:55 |
I think the first 3 songs are maybe the best hard rock/aor tracks ever heard!And the rest the cd is totally awesome and amazing!Tyketto ruled!!!!!!!!!!And'strength in numbers'another fucking strike work!!!!But'shine'...what shit is that????
From: ROCKER76 |
Date: February 25, 2005 at 6:47 |
I was somewhat disappointed with this one because there were only 3 tracks that I really got into. 'Forever Young' is an awesome opener, and 'Nothing But Love' and 'Strip Me Down' were cool because the band seemed to kick things up a notch. This album was certainly not a poor effort by any means; I just think it could have used a little more energy on more of the tracks. But definitely recommended.
From: howe |
Date: May 8, 2005 at 8:35 |
Saw WINGS on vh1 the other day. Wow, what a great song! The kind that echoes in your mind when you're in need of something to cheer you up. STANDING ALONE is another great moment here. The rest is just more or less.
From: Nick C |
Date: June 11, 2005 at 19:34 |
Just played this tonight....I'd forgotten quite how good this is. In fact it sounds a hell of a lot fresher than a lot of stuff being released right now (please take note Pride of Lions)!!!Kicking guitar, vocals, drums and bass enhance excellently written songs. A milestone in the genre. Burning Down the Inside and Seasons for me are the standout tracks of an unbelievably strong set.
From: heaven&hell |
Date: July 23, 2005 at 15:40 |
one of the greatest albums I own. Forever Young is one of the best songs of the late 80s and early 90s. It's a shame this band didn't sell more records. Since they just recently toured europe it would be great to see them make another album. Every song on here is a perfect 10. If you don't own this one what are you waiting for?
From: swriter |
Date: August 4, 2005 at 19:02 |
great one, not sure what to expect, first album ever heard from Danny was From the Inside, thought this was metal, not really, very classy hard rock, with great songs that I can not believe were never played or marketed in the States, Forever Young, Wings and Standing Alone stand out for me, this is some good stuff!!!!
From: swriter |
Date: December 2, 2005 at 18:02 |
so when is the remaster or re-release coming on this masterpiece??????
From: BIG-TIME |
Date: May 17, 2006 at 11:19 |
I like AOR and Hard Rock, but I just dont like this album. I liked the first but for some reason I cant get into this, dont know if its the song writing, the melodies...ARGHHH can anyone clue me in. Keep Rockin all!!!
From: Butchwalkerulz |
Date: August 5, 2006 at 18:35 |
This Album changed my life!! Along with the first Firehouse cd this is the best Rock album out there.Every track is Superb and the production from Richie Zito is Class.I managed to get the longbox version here in Dublin which Danny Vaughn didn't know existed when I met him and showed him.Top Drawer Stuff!!!
From: The Jackyl |
Date: November 10, 2006 at 11:05 |
A few good songs up here, nothing real special about these guys.
From: Clayton77 |
Date: December 12, 2006 at 13:11 |
'Forever Young'...AOR/Hardrock at its very very best!!!!
From: Sex Driver |
Date: March 30, 2007 at 17:19 |
The Best Album from 91, is my just opinion, but Danny bring me back Tyketto!
From: metalizzer |
Date: May 17, 2007 at 20:27 |
i donīt say itīs the best album ever or that itīs a classic, but itīs a hell of an outstanding album!!! you guys that donīt now this and want to try it, donīt be intimidated by people that say this is reasnabole, or has 2 good tracks...bullshit!!! these are the people that for them classics are: casanova, fair warning, cold sweat, etc...
From: erik |
Date: May 18, 2007 at 5:51 |
metalizzer a bigger baby then you with your childish comments towards others has yet to be found. keep sending them in tho. its so childish its almost funny.
From: fenixx |
Date: June 11, 2007 at 17:24 |
this is one of the best melodic hard rock albums that came out in that year, for me it has 6 majestic tracks, the other 4 are very good also. but itīs hard to keep up those 6 tracks. a must have! just one more thing : why is matalizerīs comment childish? is he playing? to me it doesīnt look like!
Date: September 14, 2007 at 2:23 |
TERRIFIC cd 97/100  an absolute classic !!!get it !!
From: Rycheage |
Date: September 14, 2007 at 22:35 |
Classy release near the end of the hair band days, hence their not making it as big as they should have. 'Forever Young', 'Seasons', 'Burning Down Inside' and 'Wings' are all awesome. 'Standing Alone' is a killer ballad. This should have been huge but timing is everything. I hasn't quite held up over the years but it's still excellent hard rock.
From: hernanHRM/AOR |
Date: December 17, 2007 at 12:28 |
From: DANTE |
Date: April 24, 2008 at 12:09 |
From: rbrigade |
Date: February 16, 2009 at 8:01 |
It's a must have album! Not perfect, but surely has some of the best tracks your ears will ever have the chance to listen to. After all there's no album in the world that contains only killer tracks. And this one has enough killer stuff to be considered a classic.
From: metalmastermusic |
Date: March 8, 2010 at 12:43 |
This is still one of my fave album to kick back and listen to...the best work Vaughn has done to date in my opinion. This is a put the top down on the convertible type album for sure. A definite must have disc for any melodic metal fan, fave tunes are Forever Young, Standing Alone, Seasons and the punchy sounding Lay Your Body Down. If this had been released in the hayday 1988-1990 it would have been huge but alas it was at the beginning of the sound that would be grunge and fell flat because of the grungite senseless masses.
From: steveg1966 |
Date: June 18, 2010 at 18:54 |
I could not agree more with metalmastermusic.
From: edwithmj |
Date: January 1, 2011 at 20:53 |
Very nice disc! I'm especially fond of Burning Down Inside, Forever Young and Walking On Fire. Very melodic stuff indeed.
From: ROBERT |
Date: March 20, 2012 at 22:46 |
From: ROBERT |
Date: March 20, 2012 at 22:48 |
From: Harald |
Date: October 9, 2012 at 15:42 |
Definately one of the best melodic CDīs ever!!! Also, check out From The Inside - Visions - on Frontiers Records another monster AOR/MR release where Danny Vaughn has taken over the vocal department.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: November 10, 2012 at 18:30 |
Very good debut album by Tyketto!!!...good songs backed up with the splendid voice of Danny Vaughn...tracks 1,2(nice AOR),3,6,7,8 & 10 are my faves...recommended...88/100
From: Wardy |
Date: August 19, 2013 at 7:59 |
Interesting comments over the years particularly those scoring this one so low!? A swag of class releases back when the grunge swell was underway fell on deaf ears & same argument here again that had this been released earlier, major success & good fortunes were garuanteed. Instead albums such as Don'tComeEasy serve as long lost gems of the genre & while some of our members feel DCE has dated I'd argue only in style,'cause the record still sounds fresh & full to this day. & there's plenty more to be enjoyed other than the above popular picks ForeverYoung Wings & StandingAlone. SailAway & Seasons both serve well in their heavy acoustics as does WalkOnFire, its big intro & chorus make for a personal fave, BurningDownInside & NothingButLove continue the AOR leanings of those first couple tunes very digestible... This record was as complete & void of filler as any the big name releases of its day, & time has only revealed just how near perfect and essential this record really was. Rating 9
From: maulars |
Date: May 20, 2014 at 23:59 |
A true gem, a true classic, no doubt this is one of my really fave albums of all time!!!
From: 123charpenay |
Date: November 29, 2016 at 13:29 |
a classic record.absoluty essential in each hard fm s collection.only killer songs in this jewel.the ice on the cake is "forever young" ,this song is a hit,one of the best song never written and played by a hard rock band.danny vaughn is an exceptional singer,the others musicians are very talented and the production is perfect.of course this is their best realise so far.all their others cd s are great but they are absoluty not at the same level than dce.the reissue by rockcandy is essential cause we have an excellent bonus track "walk away".like always with rockcandy we have a super booklett with pictures and all the story of the band and all the story of the building of this fantastic and amazing debut album.
From: hair metal again |
Date: August 4, 2019 at 20:25 |
Killer hair metal debut for TYKETTO back in the early 90s that i had the chance of buying in vinyl when it came out and spinned it a lot!excellent sound,warm vocals and remarkable songwriting is offered asusual in such releases,along with a crystal clear production by Richie Zito!"forever young" had always been a classic of that era
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: March 7, 2022 at 17:56 |
This is a classy album, leaning more to the AOR side of things. Danny Vaughn has a real working-class-storyteller thing
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: March 7, 2022 at 18:05 |
As I was trying to say, Danny Vaughn has a real working-class-storyteller thing going on that makes his music feel closer to heartland rock than to neon glam-metal. Theres a 1like regular-guy feel to the songs, which is actually charming rather than bland. He and the band are all ace musicians, but the emphasis is on the songwriting, not instrumental flash or attitude, although those elements do pop up from time to time. First single "Forever Young" is a little too schmaltzy for my taste, but I've always loved "Seasons." To me, that song really captures the feeling of being at the beach in the latter part of August, when there's just starting to be a little coolness in the evenings and everyone knows it'll soon be fall. And the song did indeed come out in late summer, literally as well as figuratively. The sun was setting on this kind of music.
From: Oz |
Date: May 3, 2024 at 10:39 |
Killer CD and to me very consistent even after the two-punch-in-your-face starting singles. Also killer songs are Burning Down Inside, Walk on Fire, Nothing But Love and perfect ending song Sail Away. Richie Zito did many albums around this time with close to perfection-sounding results. Danny has a very strong voice, clear and powerful, and Brooke St. James is an amazing guitarist. This album just came out a little late ('91).
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