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[Southgang Band Picture]

Artist: Southgang

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Southgang Homepage

CD Title: Group Therapy

Southgang Group Therapy Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1992

Label: Charisma

Catalog Number: V2-86342 0777 7 86342 2 S


Jesse Harte vocals
Mitch McLee drums
Jayce Fincher bass
Butch Walker guitars


1.  White Trash With Cash  
2.  Water Under The Bridge  
3.  Tug Of War  
4.  Fire In Your Body  
5.  Final Resting Place  
6.  Legend Of C.C. Road  
7.  Culture Clash City  
8.  The Call  
9.  Misery  
10.  My Best Friend's Girl  
11.  Ode To Peggy's  
12.  The Blue Bird Has Landed The Uncut Trail Mix  

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Southgang CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Southgang are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: David Date: May 25, 2001 at 19:13
All I need to say is, do yourself a faver and try and find a copy, all will not regret it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: T-BONE Date: August 11, 2001 at 10:15
Polly says diddo!!! get this cd if you can find it. eBay always has these up for grabs. They are worth the hassle.

From: jersey Date: September 15, 2001 at 12:16
Much better than the first album. A must have!!!

From: koogles Date: January 1, 2002 at 18:20
Worth it for the Firehouse-esque "Fire in Your Body". These guys turned into Marvelous 3 but I thought they were marvelous while they were still Southgang.

From: Tony Date: April 12, 2002 at 6:15
Aaahh great memotries as I remember loving this cd in college. Graet band with great songs and absolutely pick this up if you see it on Ebay. A lost treasure that came out during the final declining scope of pop metal and therefore never got the attention it deserved.

From: T-BONE Date: April 12, 2002 at 22:05
For anyone interested, Butch has a new website.

From: paytor Date: May 4, 2002 at 13:28
this is a kick ass album. i niss not having it and am working on getting it again. i highly recommend this one

From: John B. Date: August 8, 2002 at 7:42

From: David Date: August 17, 2002 at 2:49
Purrfect Kat's cd collection is excellent, but gee it's missing a few classics like this one.

From: Purrfect Kat Date: August 17, 2002 at 17:04
nope....I have it ..but just no time to add it with the rest.....I have a couple hundred still in boxes and can't even remember what they all are.....Lots of music and just not enuff time to do everything I want to do....(am having a holiday now)....bye

From: Federico Date: August 18, 2002 at 7:23
This is a very good cd. Very cool lyrics . My favorite songs are Misery, Culture clash and Fire in your body( oh what the hell!). Tainted angel maybe was even better, for sure It was more main stream. I give this 9,5 out of 10.

From: David Date: August 19, 2002 at 21:25

From: nitrodoll Date: August 20, 2002 at 4:36
the 'secret" song is called 'secret song' and i found it on kazaa... i also believe it's on the "math and other problems' cd as a bonustrack...

From: T-BONE Date: August 20, 2002 at 13:13
Actually nitrodoll & David, the song is called "Lefty" and it can be downloaded here: Other songs by Marvelous 3 that can be downloaded are their cover of Reelin' In The Years, and their cover of Always Something There To Remind Me. It's not a bonus track on the Math cd. It was an outtake from the ReadySexGo cd.

From: T-BONE Date: August 20, 2002 at 13:15
I met Butch Walker on Oct 6th of 2001 at the Qwest in Minneapolis and he's the one that told me where to find it. He's a very funny guy.

From: David Date: August 20, 2002 at 21:54
Thanks T-Bone, but that site doesn't seem to be working.

From: ARXONTAS Date: January 17, 2003 at 11:22
I can talk about SOUTHGANG for hours.Tainted angel and Group Therapy are two of my all time favourites albums.BUT, fans as usually do, ignored this great band and "forced" them to change into an alternative commercial band called MARVELOUS 3 cause they had to live, for those who dont know it.I dont blame them.We are all responsible for that.SHAME ON US.As for the rating of this album i cant rate it less than 10...Abslolutely No Alternative...

From: Blue Tequila Date: April 29, 2003 at 2:38
Just found this and what a find it was! I never thought they would be able to improve on their 1st album but they came damn close. Jesse Harte sounds like a cross of Mark Slaughter and Jason McMaster depending on the song while the sound is a mix of Firehouse and Skid Row. Totally awesome! The only bad thing is that the jerk who owned this before me must have used it to wax a car because the thing has the s**t scratched out of it. But it plays...thats all you can ask for when you pay $1.

From: bondo Date: June 5, 2003 at 22:20
Please email me at if you have this cd would like to transfer a copy Via ICQ or send by mail...we could work out the details....thanks..

From: The Fizzy One Date: June 21, 2003 at 0:04
Sorta like a Firehouse Jr. Production isn't that great, as the drums seeem awfully loud in some songs, and the guitars, oddly, seem a little back in the mix. Jesse Harte sounds kinda feminine on a lot of songs. I gave it a 7.5. The best song by far is "Tug of War," with the other FIzz Picks being the faintly Jackyl-ish "White Trash with Cash," "Fire in Your Body" an "Culture Clash City."

From: alexx glam Date: August 20, 2003 at 19:24

From: METAL FAN 1 Date: August 21, 2003 at 18:00
As blues rock goes, this is by far the best any artist could possibly offer. Obvious influences of Blackfoot abound on most tracks. Any artist who has released a blues based album since the release of Group Therepy would be wise to take influence from Southgang. Group Therepy in only an improvement on the Tainted Angel album (wich seems a little glossy, a little over-produced, BUT, none the less a rockin' album). From first track to the last, Group Therepy gets it right. This is Real rock'n'roll

From: METAL FAN 1 Date: August 21, 2003 at 20:14
Just a quick post script from METAL FAN 1! I'd like to dedicate "Final Resting Place" to my father Allan Jones who passed away in december of 1998. This is a great song by Southgang that has obvious meaning to me. Thanks everyone!!! I miss you dad!

From: rockinmyassoff Date: August 22, 2003 at 13:00
Great dedication. May your father R.I.P., Metal Fan 1. By the way, "Fire In Your Body" is a killer track.

From: METAL FAN 1 Date: August 24, 2003 at 23:41
Thanks, rockinmyassoff!!! And you're right "fire in your body" is a cool ass track! Not to mention "My best friend's girl"; wich I've had the most unpleasent circumstance of having experianced. The whole fucking album ROCKS!!!!!!!! See ya!!!

From: Date: September 5, 2003 at 14:48

From: CC Date: March 4, 2004 at 20:49
I absolutely loved their first album,this one is even better!

From: Metal Erd Date: April 4, 2004 at 3:34
Their first album is better but this one is pretty good. Check out the Marvelous 3 and Butch Walkers solo album. This is great upbeat rock! Both Southgang albums are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

From: Dean Date: August 30, 2004 at 10:52
I'm not a huge Southgang fan but "Final Resting Place" will always rank as one of my favorite tunes. The lyrics for that song are intense and make me think about my best friend who died of cancer at 28.

From: Geoff Date: August 31, 2004 at 9:08
I still don't know whether I prefer this to the debut. I love both, and the debut had some killer commercial hard rock, but this is Southgang the way Southgang intended it, without Desmond Child. And I think the guys do an excellent job themselves. 'Misery' is probably my favourite Southgang song of all, 'Tug of war' and 'Culture clash city' are awesome peices of hard rock, the ballads are just beautiful, and overall it is much more consistent than the debut. Excellent CD.

From: Kip Date: August 31, 2004 at 18:24
Wow I have to disagree with you Geoff. I feel Desmond Child added a good lyrical element to their music, and even though they rock harder and more often here, the overall album quality was lessened by the lack of diversity here. In my opinion, Southgang went from a cross between a softer Steelheart and Unruly Child on their first album, to a Slaughter ripoff here. I still enjoy the music here, but I feel the debut was 100 times better.

From: RattnRoll Date: December 11, 2005 at 6:17
I picked this one up after a friend of mine kept raving about these guys. And guess what, she was right! These guys rock! It's a very good album. At some points it reminds me of Killer Dwarfs, 'specially the vocals.

From: luismanuel Date: September 22, 2006 at 18:28
no està mal pero no llega ni a la mitad en calidad de temas del primer album

From: darobinson Date: March 3, 2008 at 21:53
Not as good as Tainted Angel, but a nice addition to my collection.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: October 19, 2008 at 1:29
I gave this one a pretty low rating, I know, but after the first four songs, I find it really boring and average, like a second-rate Firehouse, or a southern Trixter. Jesse Harte has that CJ Snare kind of voice, but tends to sound kinda girly. "Tug Of War' is far and away the best song on the album. Terrific song all around, and if you see this CD cheap, it's worth a few bucks just for that tune.

From: 123charpenay Date: February 24, 2011 at 12:18
tug of war is the lone good song of this record.the production is better than the first album.but for the rest ,i confirm my comments of the first cd:this band is very average.the 2 ballads are very weaks and when they play hard rock they are some poor clones of motley crue or slaughter.but they have not the talent and the class of this 2 monsters.the instrumental (track 12)is a real is the picture of the band ,they have no style.i hate their southern influence.i you want listen a fantastic hard rock band with southern influence listen little caesar not this very little band!

From: hair metal again Date: January 28, 2012 at 10:53
no need to say much about this one!amazing release by SOUTHGANG that kicks ass from start to finish with no fillers!US commercial hard rock at its best!buy or die!

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: January 28, 2012 at 13:58
I just recently read Butch Walker's book, Drinking With Strangers, where he tells the story of Southgang in some detail. They were a big draw in Atlanta, but headed for L.A. after graduating high school, changed their name to Byte The Bullet (can'tv remember their original name) and became the house band at Gazarri's (a big deal), got signed to a not-particularly good label, changed their name to Southgang, got songwriting help from Desmond Child, had a miserable experience recording with Howard Benson. .Bill Gazarri died the day of their CD-release party, the "Tainted Angel" video (which Butch thought was stupid even then, he says) got only a handful of spins on Headbanger's Ball (spring of '91), and they hit the road with another band he didn't even bother to name, playing very lightly-attended, poorly-promoted shows.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: January 28, 2012 at 14:09
So by this point, BUtch was already losing interest in the band and the style of music, and not getting along with the other bandmembers, mainly Jesse Harte (whose real name was Jimmy something). Recorded Group Therapy with the hated Howard Benson again, this time without Desmond Child's help with the songs, and trying for a more southern flavor, Butch more or less done with the band in his mind, and deciding to just shred his ass off on the disc, fuck the songs (Jesse wanting to stay with the hair-metal sound). Album came out, barely made a ripple, and somehow they got hooked up to be the First American Band To Tour China, an very interesting, but overall unpleasant experience. Got back to the States, and were dropped by their label, and the band was effectively done. That's the story of Southgang. Butch was pretty dismissive of the whole experience, and, ownig both albums, I can't say I blame him. Talented but very immature musicians, showing up to the party just as everyone else is

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: January 28, 2012 at 14:14
... leaving, playing entirely unoriginal, formulaic and mediocre songs. They were just never a factor, and in hindsight, I don'tv see Southgang as one of those bands in the "should'tve been huge" category at all. "Tug Of War" is a great song, though.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: January 29, 2012 at 17:28
Hey Doghouse Reilly thanks a lot 4 sharing all that info and knowledge about the band,in fact some facts were unknown to me up to now that i found thanks to you dude... ...well talking about this second and shamely last release of SG it pales out if you compare it to their debut one "Tainted Angel" released just a year ago(1991) before this one saw the light of day(a matter of tastes i guess) faves in here are "White Trash With Cash"(a good rocking starter),"Tug Of War","Legend Of CC Road"( ),"Culture Clash City","My Best Friend's Girl" & "The Blue Bird Has Landed"...86/100

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