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[Michael Bolton Band Picture]

Artist: Michael Bolton

(click on Artist's name above to return to artist's main page)

CD Title: The Hunger

Michael Bolton The Hunger Album Cover


Category: AOR

Year: 1987

Label: CBS

Catalog Number: CBS 460163 2


Michael Bolton Lead Vocals, Background Vocals
Keith Diamond Drums, Bass, Keyboards, Linn 9000 Programming, Fairlight Cmi
Paul Pesco Guitars
Bruce Kulick Guitars
Ira Siegel Guitars, Acoustic Guitars
Timmy Allen Bass
Jeff Neiblum Programming
Curtis King Jr. Background Vocals
Joe Lynn Turner Background Vocals
Joe Cerisano Background Vocals
Dennis Feldman Background Vocals
Jonathan Cain Keyboards
Neal Schon Guitars
Randy Jackson Bass
Mike Baird Drums
Dan Hull Sax
James Ingram Background Vocals
Shawn Murphy Background Vocals
David Glen Eisley Background Vocals
Hawkins Singers Background Vocals
Steve Madaio Horns
R. Martin Horns
Thomas R. Peterson Horns
Jerry Jumonville Horns
Doug Wimbish Bass
Jeff Bova Additional Keyboards
Bob Halligan, Jr. Guitars, Background Vocals
Steve Rimland Fairlight Programming
Bob Khouzouri Programming
Skip Anderson Additional Keyboards
Karen Dreyfus Violin
Richard R. Hendrickson Violin
Anthony Posk Violin
Harold Kohon Violin
Katsuko Esaki Violin
Rebecca H. Young Violin
Jessy Levy Cello
Frederick Zlotkin Cello
Alex Foster Alto Flute
Leonard Pickett Reeds
Danny Merlin Guitars
Mugs Cain Drums, Percussion & Drum Programming
Eric Martin Background Vocals
Jeff Smith Sax Solo
Chris Parker Drums
Will Lee Bass
Rob Mounsey Keyboards


1.  Hot Love  3:48
2.  Wait On Love  4:28
3.  (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay  3:52
4.  Gina  4:08
5.  That's What Love Is All About  3:59
6.  The Hunger  4:19
7.  You're All That I Need  4:19
8.  Take A Look At My Face  4:01
9.  Walk Away  4:13
Total Running Time:  37:07

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Michael Bolton CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Michael Bolton are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Nick C Date: January 23, 2006 at 1:05
I suppose this could be called his last "rock" album. It contains some great songs but you can sense the shift over to MOR territory gaining an upper hand. Hot Love, Gina (great song), The Hunger especially are the MB of old and there are another couple that fit that description too...but I can't quite remember which ones as I haven't played this in soooo long (which should say something as his first two still get regular spins).It is still a good album tho, just not as good as what went before.

From: vandervelde Date: January 25, 2006 at 12:21
If you like ultra-polished aor/pop this is your best buy...for me it's best Bolton album with Gina and Hot Love his best songs...just look on the "cast" can't go wrong with that kind of names

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Jez Date: January 27, 2006 at 12:26
After the magnificent debut & 'Everybody's Crazy', it was always going to be a virtual impossibility to make it 3 in a row. This doesn't reach those heady heights, although there is still enough AOR stuff here to recommend getting this. The Title track is a belter, whilst 'Wait On Love', 'Hot Love & 'Gina' also hit the right spot. The ballads are a definate clue as to where he was going next as Nick mentions & that was pretty much the end of the 'Rock', bar the odd track on subsequent releases.

From: Axe-Machine Date: February 1, 2006 at 13:39
For people who actually bothered to listen to 'Soul Provider' (I understand if you didn't!), The Hunger wasnt actually Michaels last album to include some AOR numbers on it. By the time that The Hunger was cut, Mr. Bolton had roped in Jon Cain, Martin Briley and Diane Warren to help him out and give him what he deserved...a hit! From the Briley penned 'Hot Love' to the Schon/Cain penned 'You're All That I Need', this album has all the elements of any great AOR album. Essential.

From: HaremScarem Date: February 13, 2006 at 17:10
GINA es un auténtico temazo del más puro AOR de los 80. Muy buen disco en general.

From: juan carlos Date: February 22, 2006 at 22:39
Otro gran disco del gran Michael Bolton.. me agrada su forma AOR rockera de enfocar sus temas, aunque claro, este fue el último album en ese sentido.. se nota la mano de Jonathan Cain y Neal Schon en casi todos los temas.. y sin duda que "Gina" es un gran tema AOR asi como la 7,8 y la 9, sin olvidarme de las primeras canciones bien rockeras a lo foreigner.. muy bueno 8,7/10

From: TomStavely Date: May 26, 2006 at 5:29
Yes this is where it started to go wrong a couple of good tunes but ultimately a housewifes record of dull slimey ballads really sad to hear this record a sad end to such an amzing rock artist, Never heard another Micheal Bolton album after this and i dont think im missing out, strangely Jon Cain and Neal Schon helped make this album abit shit. Micheal if you ever fancy it make another cool rock album your vocie is amazing Why not call youself Mikey Bolotin then know one will know.

From: Nix Date: April 26, 2007 at 23:15
I bought this for cheap with 'Everybody's Crazy'. This album has some great songs, but tracks 3 & 5, the ones with the familiar Michael Bolton sound are just not AOR and are definitely not my thing. Track 9 is passable, but not up to standard with the other 6 songs. I really like those songs, but I really don't like the others.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: August 15, 2008 at 23:59
Michael Bolton live in Caracas Venezuela August 26th 2008!!!...Hotel Eurobuilding there!!!

From: DanDare Date: October 19, 2010 at 18:36
Another fantastic release, but in some ways it's difficult to see how he could fail with the cast of characters he has on the album. Anyway, that aside the songwriting is excellent, his voice seems to have matured and you feel that he's really hitting his stride with this album. I favour 'Gina', 'That's What Love Is All About' and 'The Hunger'. I'm not keen on the Otis cover, but it pointed to the way he was heading.

From: pibe Date: June 2, 2013 at 5:47
buen disco aunque ya se notaba el giro musical.7/10

From: rick kerch vzla Date: April 23, 2017 at 12:49
Lovely album with splendid songs in the shape of "Hot Love","Wait On Love" & "Gina"(these are my fave ones)..."That's What Love Is All About" & "Walk Away" are beautiful by all means...enjoyable stuff by one of the greatest singer in the history of contemporary music.88/100

From: tomdwa Date: May 4, 2020 at 16:37
Another fantastic album by the man with the big voice, and again one with no fillers. It doesn't reach the stellar peak of Everybody's crazy, but it's still a mighty album with some big songs. The cover of Sittin' on the dock of the bay (Otis Redding) is glorious, and there is some serious guitar playing by Neal Schon on the record. I still play this cd on a regular basis.

From: hair metal again Date: October 7, 2020 at 13:12
excellent release once again for MICHAEL BOLTON with many rock stars on board but unfortunately as mentioned before his last rock record!ultra commercial perfect radio friendly sound made for the masses with great vocs and musicianship along with big hits like "gina"hot love" and "you re all that i need "make Hunger essential

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