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Artist: RTZ
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CD Title: Return to Zero
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1991
Label: Giant
Catalog Number: 9 24422-2
Brad Delp lead and backing vocals
Barry Goudreau guitar, backing vocals
Brian Maes keyboards, backing vocals
David Stefanelli drums, backing vocals
Tim Archibald bass
1. | Face the Music | |
2. | There's Another Side | |
3. | All You've Got | |
4. | This is My Life | |
5. | Rain Down on Me | |
6. | Every Door is Open | |
7. | Devil to Pay | |
8. | Until Your Love Comes Back Around | |
9. | Livin' for the Rock 'N Roll | |
10. | Hard Time in the Big House | |
11. | Return to Zero | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: jonnathan |
Date: June 12, 2001 at 23:23 |
good album every boston fan should have this one
From: Desslar |
Date: April 11, 2002 at 21:33 |
Boston lite. It almost delivers, but never has quite the energy to compete with its parent.
From: TT |
Date: April 24, 2002 at 21:47 |
I always thought this was a pretty good album. It filled the gap for all of those years without Boston. Even now I find it holds its own. I think it could have been a little rawer production wise, but otherwise the performances and songs are pretty good. Not Boston, but it worked for a few years.
From: jason (FA - Q) |
Date: June 14, 2002 at 17:17 |
Hold on a minute! Whats all this talk about RTZ? I have this album, but never really lissened to it. I know the singer is from the band Boston. I have only skimmed though this CD and the only song I ever play off it is 'Livin' For The Rock 'N' Roll.' Maybe I should check out some of the other tracks on this one.
Date: August 13, 2002 at 5:28 |
GREAT ALBUM!!!'There's Another Side' ,'Rain Down on Me','Hard Time in the Big House' are MASTERPIECE!!!!!
From: jason (FA - Q) |
Date: August 13, 2002 at 10:32 |
JOURNEY, I listened to those songs that you were talking about. Sorry but, I don't hear a 'masterpiece.' Truthfully, I think this album is pretty bland.
From: knuckles |
Date: August 14, 2002 at 21:11 |
bland and RTZ should never be used togeter.I assume Boston's first release is just another release
From: jason (FA - Q) |
Date: August 14, 2002 at 21:22 |
Yes they should be used together. This album is BLAND, very bland.
From: knuckles |
Date: August 15, 2002 at 5:41 |
Fair enough,I will run out and sell my copy right away.
From: jason (FA - Q) |
Date: August 15, 2002 at 16:57 |
You won't get much for it.
From: koogles |
Date: October 23, 2002 at 10:41 |
This is what happens when Boston albums don't come out fast enough. Barry Goudreau, Stingray, Hybrid Ice & Orion the Hunter helped tide fans over between 1978-86. Thankfully RTZ was there for us in 1991 during the long cold winter between Third Stage & Walk On. I happen to think RTZ's debut is a better record than Walk On. Sure, Walk On rocks harder but there isn't a genuine emotion to be found, or 5 seconds doesn't pass without a cliche on that CD. RTZ is a more honest, stripped down Boston CD.
From: 9 CHAMPIONS A 1 |
Date: November 3, 2002 at 6:39 |
Supongo que sacarian este disco por que se sentirian aburridos y no tenian otra cosa en que emplear el tiempo,y lo que hicieron es aburrir hasta la saciedad.Un disco que lo unico bueno que tiene es el sonido,lo demas como diria Van Gaal ESTOY MUY DISEPSIONADO.
From: ROBERT |
Date: November 3, 2002 at 9:02 |
vOLVEMOS A COINCIDIR: para mi totalmente soso y aburrido hasta la desesperacion, muy muy flojo por no decir otra cosa, quien lo iba a decir con esos pedazo d musicos q tenia este proyecto..
From: Harvey |
Date: November 26, 2003 at 19:39 |
The sound of millionaire AOR session men dicking about with studio time. About as essential as a dressing gown on the moon.
From: Ric |
Date: January 25, 2004 at 19:23 |
Not a Glam type hair band but they are a damn fine band nonetheless.What do U expect when 2 ex-Boston guys get together.First side is the best by far but till your love comes back around is a fine ballad on the 2nd side(In tape terms).Worth your $!!
From: illimey |
Date: March 11, 2004 at 11:15 |
Errm, wot planet am I from? I've had this album for years without realizing it has anything to do with Boston... Also, I have hardly played it, but gave it a spin this morning and I honestly dunno why it's not in constant rotation in my little world. I never really connected with the whole Boston thing until my wifey came into my life clutching her precious Boston CD's. Still don't listen to them much - and from what I can recall I think this RTZ release is better than most Boston anyway! PDG
From: Tim - UK |
Date: July 6, 2004 at 16:17 |
I'm a lifelong Boston fan, love the Orion album, but this does nothing for me at all. Bland, cliched and disappointing.
From: TIM (2) |
Date: July 7, 2004 at 3:59 |
Agree completely with Tim - UK, this one has all the right ingredients and personnel but just sounds flat. I much preferred the "Walk On" album to this, although I have to say that "Rain Down on Me" (which looks - and sounds - like a Dianne Warren co-write) is magnificent, and would easily have been a highlight on any Boston album. 6/10.
From: AOR freaky |
Date: July 7, 2004 at 15:47 |
Well, dear Tim UK and Tim(2): I think this is smouth and great AOR, a bit laidback, but great. Anyway, much better in my opinion than the overrated Orion platter and even better than Boston, except their firs classic release !!!
From: Rockhead |
Date: July 8, 2004 at 4:54 |
Freaky- RTZ better than Orion?I don't think so!!
From: TIM (2) |
Date: July 8, 2004 at 5:09 |
Agree Rockhead, doesn't come close to Orion. I wouldn't call it smooth AOR either, is more like mid-tempo rock. Only "Rain Down on Me" has any hint of AOR, and for me that track is reason enough to keep the CD. Most of the rest sound like Boston B-sides.
From: AOR freaky |
Date: July 8, 2004 at 5:24 |
Yes, dear Rockhead, head and shoulders above Orion, which I find very, very average ! This is much better ! I'm afraid we have another opinion on both records. Give me RTZ any time, any day. I prefer them even above Boston, except for their classic top debut, as said before. Tastes differ !
From: Rockhead |
Date: July 8, 2004 at 9:20 |
We cross swords again Freaky LOL!! I can't a filler on the Orion CD. This I find is sub standard Boston. It is a good album but hardly classic. So you Ran, Dark and Stormy, Stand Up, Joanne all great tracks that 20 years on are still great. I doubt RTZ will be able to hold that acolade in 2011.
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Jez |
Date: July 8, 2004 at 12:42 |
Sorry Freaky, but the Orion cd pisses over this one big big time. The RTZ is good in places, but no comparison i'm afraid.
From: rocketron |
Date: July 8, 2004 at 12:53 |
I agree entirely Jez.Orion album is awesome.Incidentally,is the band name Orion or Orion The Hunter ?
From: Rockhead |
Date: July 8, 2004 at 12:57 |
Orion The Hunter
From: AOR freaky |
Date: July 8, 2004 at 16:09 |
Your opinion is as good as mine, dear Jez ! I don't like Orion The Hunter. No variation, same speed, boring songs and too hard to be called AOR. It's melodic rock. This one is pure AOR. Indeed , there is no comparison possible. This is head and shoulders above the mediocre Orion release I'm afraid !
From: Rockhead |
Date: July 9, 2004 at 4:13 |
RTZ better than ORion-only in a house in deepest darkest Belgium LOL!! Thank God the rest of the Universe can see the difference between a 12oz juicy steak and and horse meat!! I do sometimes wonder about the comments made-are they done to deliberately rankle? Anyways-sorry Freaky you appear to be a majority of 1 on this one. Orion appears to have touched far more people than RTZ-case closed.
From: AOR freaky |
Date: July 9, 2004 at 5:08 |
Hi Rockhead, I've listened again to this record (it was a few years ago since I did that !), and to my shame : it's not as good as I thought ! The first songs are good AOR, but then ? Hmm. . ., I'm afraid I have to admit I was wrong ! This is not that great, BUT neither is Orion The Hunter. Both are very, very average if I listen to 'em (I listened to Orion a couple of weeks ago, and it still did NOTHING at all to me, boring, weak !). But, RTZ is not better ! Case closed !
From: Rockhead |
Date: July 9, 2004 at 7:35 |
LOL-One of these days Freaky I will convert you!! Glad you see RTZ for what it is a good ablum (NOT great). BTW I got the Harlequin CD and I do like it very much. Reminds of the 80's teen movie soundtracks. Would have liked a slightly more bass heavy sound in the mix (OOOOPS im covering the cd on the wrong site).
From: AOR freaky |
Date: July 9, 2004 at 14:17 |
Thanks Rockhead and all you there for accepting my excuses ! I was wrong about this one ! Glad you like Harlequin, their albums are all worth checking out ! I know they're not that heavy, but they sound great !
From: Geoff |
Date: September 20, 2004 at 18:57 |
Amusing discussions above for this one. I haven't heard of Orion and don't really intend to, but I can say this one is not my fave either. I used to like it when I got it and it sat in my collection for many days with decent tunes like 'This is My Life','Every Door is Open','Until Your Love Comes Back Around' until I looked at the CD one day sitting happily in my collection and I said, "What the fuck are you doing there? Fuck off!" And now it's gone and I don't miss it at all. Average CD,IMO
From: Rockhead |
Date: September 21, 2004 at 3:51 |
Geoff-why do you not intend to listen to Orion?? A very peculiar thing to say.
From: Geoff |
Date: September 21, 2004 at 4:03 |
Hey Rockhead, I agree it's a pretty harsh and unduely blunt comment, and I'd like to rephrase. I will not go out of my way to get the CD as it does not sound like my type of album, and I am not a fan of Boston and it just does not rank anywhere in my priorities of bands to listen to. That said, if someone drops it in my lap I'll give it a good listen.
From: Rockhead |
Date: September 21, 2004 at 9:58 |
Hey Geoff-pm me with your address and I will send a copy.
From: Remastered Reason |
Date: September 1, 2006 at 20:53 |
Bought this on cassette back when it came out & thought not much about it at the time. Since then, my opinion has changed. Some nice tunes here including "Another Side", "Face the Music", "All You've Got".
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: November 29, 2006 at 19:09 |
"Face the music" is the best track of the album.The rest at least 4 me is not relevant.Not a bad album but is not a jewel either.
From: Leafsfan97 |
Date: March 10, 2007 at 12:01 |
We lost the greatest vocalist in Rock and Roll yesterday. God Speed Brad RIP
From: hernanHRM/AOR |
Date: June 27, 2007 at 23:22 |
lo considero un buen albun
From: rbrigade |
Date: May 25, 2009 at 13:23 |
ultimate boredom, I fell asleep 12 times trying to listen to this album...and I love Boston...
From: eirrom |
Date: October 3, 2009 at 12:26 |
I know the Boston connection will spike up the reviews, but this disc is boring. Face The Music is a great song, but really after that, the disc falis. Expected so much more. Big disappointment!
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: March 2, 2011 at 21:33 |
No no no....this is great indeed!!! rules basically ...favorites have to be "Face The Music","There's Another Side" & "Every Door Is Open"...also "All You've Got","Rain Down On Me","Devil To Pay","Until Your Love Comes Back Around" & "Hard Time In The Big House" are top notch ones!!!...every person who wants to pay tribute to Brad Delp should buy this record...95/100
From: Animal! |
Date: March 2, 2011 at 23:44 |
If you are a fan of Boston and its family tree, you should have this one.
From: BDrums1971 |
Date: March 13, 2011 at 15:55 |
I don't understand why anyone who likes AOR and rock wouldn't like this. It is not Boston. OK. It is just as good, IMO. Brad sings his ass off and the songs are well written. Kind of has an Reo feel to it soundwise. Either way, it is a really good disc or AOR. Not all songs are 10, but overall, a really nice release.
From: BDrums1971 |
Date: March 13, 2011 at 16:13 |
Listen to "Until Your Love Comes Back Around" and tell me Brad is not a top notch world class vocalist. Pure bliss. I LOVE this song!!! Can't believe Brad committed suicide. What a shame.
From: Doug |
Date: April 21, 2011 at 13:56 |
Picked this up the other day. Certainly not par to Boston level of music but a good spin. My faves are "Face the Music" and "Until Your Love Comes Back Around."
From: Ydol eM |
Date: August 5, 2013 at 7:05 |
I totally agree with BDrums1971. This is really good AOR, perhaps closer to bands like Reo Speedwagon and The Storm than Boston. When I first listened to it I found it rather as inconspicuous attempt only to fill the time between Boston's albums but afterwards the more I've listened to it the more I like it. And still now, after almost 22 years I can't find any substantial weakness of this album. 85/100.
From: 123charpenay |
Date: August 6, 2013 at 18:24 |
interesting to read different comments since 2002.i remember that rock time (french magazine) written that orion the hunter ( with members of boston) was a fantastic this time i had buying my cd s by coincidence.only with comments on the very rare (in france) specialist in hard you imagine 9 times on 10 i was wrong with record present like masterpiece result some big disapointed realises.orion was like this.i never understand that s girls on rock time present this cd like an absolute jewel.for me it was an average record not more.but rtz no.sorry s a fantastic record influenced by boston (masters in good hard rock n roll).for me rtz is a reference.friends be nice i will be in vacation 9 to 23 august in rhodes island (greece).in these hotel club no good music, no hard return 23 august and after will be terriffic.keep on rockin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: hair metal again |
Date: October 24, 2014 at 6:14 |
excellent debut by RTZ with amazing production,sound ,musicianship and songwriting!Brad Delp s vocals are sensational and shine all over ,while the rest of the band delivers also great commercial tunes!"this is my life","until your love comes back around","rain down on me" are the highlights of this great one!
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