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[Ratt Band Picture]

Artist: Ratt

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Ratt Homepage

CD Title: Infestation

Ratt Infestation Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 2010

Label: Loud & Proud / Roadrunner

Catalog Number: 178632


Stephen Pearcy Vocals
Carlos Cavazo Guitars
Robbie Crane Bass
Warren DeMartini Guitars
Bobby Blotzer Drums


1.  Eat Me Up Alive     Listen
2.  Best of Me     Listen
3.  A Little Too Much     Listen
4.  Look Out Below     Listen
5.  Last Call     Listen
6.  Lost Weekend     Listen
7.  As Good As It Gets     Listen
8.  Garden of Eden     Listen
9.  Take a Big Bite     Listen
10.  Take Me Home     Listen
11.  Don't Let Go     Listen

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Ratt CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: juan carlos Date: March 24, 2010 at 15:59
Great to see RATT be back with a new album, Great Comeback! Good HardRock. 'Best of Me' is my fav track, 'A Little Too Much' 'Look Out Below' and 'Eat Me Up Alive' are mine. 8.5/10

From: zld Date: March 25, 2010 at 18:18
Woow glad they're back with this superb album. Play it all the time. Super production, gritty sleaze rock. Don't let go and eat me alive are definatley the best tracks on offer here. 9,5/10

From: krisglam Date: March 26, 2010 at 6:15

From: edwithmj Date: March 26, 2010 at 11:12
This was intended to be a cross between the first two albums but it's nothing of the sort. The best description for it would be a cross between Reach For The Sky and Detonator. While it is a good album by today's standards, it fails to stand up to the first three albums of the band by a mile. Eat Me Up Alive starts up similarly to You're In Love but then sounds like something completely modern. Look Out Below has an intro similar to Lovin' You's A Dirty Job but again turns into a modern sounding rock song. On the plus side, Pearcy sounds better than ever but then again he always sounded good on the sudio albums so it's no surprise he sounds good here and the band are back to the twin lead guitar sound they abandoned on Reach and Detonator The main problem with this album is that there are no great hooks or solos in the songs that are really memorable. I listen to the album and I forget what the songs sound like afterwards so this is an album that needs getting into. 8/10

From: Japangea Date: March 29, 2010 at 7:39
Great to know Carlos Cavazo was back.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: April 1, 2010 at 13:21
If Ratt had put this record out in '97 or even '99, the world of music MIGHT be slightly different in the following years. The retro-hard rock revival MIGHT not have fallen on its ass like it did, thanks to so many half-assed releases from former stalwarts. They say you can't go back, and that's true enough, as this isn't 'Invasion of The Cellar Part II,' despite several obviously-recycled riffs. But, maybe after the overall embarrassment the band has been for the past ten years or so, maybe we appreciate such a 'traditional' Ratt record like Infestation all the more. I'm enjoying it for now, but who knows if it will have the staying power of the early stuff. Only song I don't like is the ballad 'Take Me Home,' but my favorites are 'Eat Me Up Alive,' 'Best Of Me,' 'Look Out Below,' 'Lost Weekend' and 'Take A Big Bite.'

From: CC Date: April 9, 2010 at 10:38
Fantastic album. Far better than expected. If I was to compare it to earlier albums, I'd have to say its closest to the Detonator album than anything else, but its still doing its own thing. Nothing on here wouldnt fit on a Ratt best of album, and while it doesnt sound dated, its certainly not a modern sounding album either. Its just classic Ratt n roll.

From: Metal T Date: April 26, 2010 at 17:05
Finally another solid,TRUE to form RATT record.The album they should of put out in '99 but were most likely uninspired to at the time.This badboy has all the sass,grit,bite and claw you'd expect from the band! Surprisingly good effort here.Some very well crafted,memorable tunes.1,2 and 7 make me proud i never threw in the towel on these guys.Well done-grab this disc and support 'em!

From: metalmastermusic Date: April 27, 2010 at 9:42
Well this is a welcome return to the Ratt of old! After some really lackluster to say the least albums this one hits the spot. Back to teh two guitar soudn found on Detonator which I consider Ratt's pinnacel album. This falls squarely between Detonator and Invasion in my opinion. I really dig the songs A Little To Much, Lost Weekend (which borrows from Lack of Communication) and Take a Big Bite. Welcome back to the ranks of quality rock n roll Ratt ! 91/100

From: Axe Slinger Date: April 27, 2010 at 16:45
Tremendous return to the Ratt 'sound' that we all loved. Warren and Carlos sound great and you can really tell that they all wanted to nail this record. I can't believe Stephen sounds the exact same as he did 25 years ago and Blotzer, well there isn't better from that era IMHO. I'm not sure Ratt can sound much better than this in 2010. 92/100

From: edwithmj Date: April 29, 2010 at 19:06
I've had a chance to get into this and songs like A Little Too Much, Best of Me, Look Out Below and As Good As It Gets are excellent. I fully appreciate the greatness of this album and actually think it's better than Reach For The Sky although not as good as Detonator. Catchy, hard rocking tunes: I like it.

From: onemorecast Date: May 1, 2010 at 14:12
It's only ok. I've listened a few times now and none of the songs are truly killer. Warren sounds great as expected, but the lyrics are kind of a miss for me. The songs are missing the hooks that you would expect from Ratt. The ones where they really try to be catchy are too contrived. I like the 99 album better. I was surprised that Carlos had so many writing credits. I would have thought that Warren and Stephen would have had a ton of material. Just a 7/10 for me.

From: wilmerAORespinas Date: May 3, 2010 at 20:08
le pongo un 6 de 10 puntos ... pense que sacarian algo mejor ... sobresale el tema Best of Me .. me hace recordar lo que fue Ratt

From: Geoff Date: May 4, 2010 at 21:52
Brilliant return to form. If you loved what you heard from Ratt in the 80's and on 'Detonator' then you'll love this. I just love that this sounds how a Ratt album should sound. A few of my favourite tracks are 'Eat Me Up Alive' which is just the perfect hard rocking opener, 'Best of Me' which could have come off 'Detonator' and is an excellent commercial rocker, 'A Little Too Much', 'Lost Weekend' (such a great traditional Ratt tune) and also 'Take a Big Bite', which is another huge fave of mine. In fact, the only time this album falters is with the very poor ballad, 'Take Me Home'. Aside from that everything else is excellent.

From: z4roxx Date: May 6, 2010 at 16:18
This is really very good disc,didn't think so for nothing.And it sounds like 'old',that's incredible.Ratt ballads are ever painful!

From: underworld king Date: May 8, 2010 at 2:38
What a great album! Definitely a return to form for Ratt. This album is full of good time rock and roll like they did it in the 80's. I believe the addition of Carlos Cavazo gave them the shot in the arm they needed. All in all a great album. I saw them live tonight and was blown away by how tight they sounded and how good Pearcy sang. He sounded much better than he did in 2007.

From: johnny hard rock Date: May 10, 2010 at 9:09
We are blessed to have Hard Rock bands like Ratt. This new master piece takes us back to the golden 80s.Great songs and awsomes guitar solos. Stephen is singing like never heard before.At least California is coming back to the roots. Long live to California Hard Rock. The unique and inequaled. Regards from Brazil

From: WookieEnthal Date: May 23, 2010 at 1:12
Welcome back Ratt! Very very good album and I think Geoff said it best, it sounds like a Ratt album should sound. Thank you Ratt for saying you were going back to your old sound and actually doing it \m/

From: JAYBONE Date: May 26, 2010 at 16:45
All i can say is its bout time this band finally got their shit 2gether and really ROCKED!!! Great production and everyone really kicks ass on here. Not a bad song on this cd imo. This cd will be in my player 4 a looooooooong time. This is one very happy RATT fan. Such a huge return...RATT is back with a vengence this time! 2 sweeeeeeet!!!

From: rick kerch vzla Date: June 7, 2010 at 21:25
I have always admired this band without being a die hard fan..musically they were one of the most representatives acts to came out from the L.A. scene back in the 80' with this new release they put the name of the band high up again!(memories are coming out of the time i met'em in England in a meet and greet session of the Detonator album..and of course attended the show afterward...a blast of good hard rock/glam!)..about this release for sure they'll gain more fans(the old fans are gonna stick forever as usual and of course gaining "new fans" is the idea)..."Eat Me Up Alive" what a way to start an album,explosive,great!,"Best Of Me" a highlight,"A Little Too Much" kicks heads off,"Look Out Below" has a catchy chorus,"Last Call" is a solid number,"Take A Big Bite" rocks the house and "Don't Let Go" is another killer on the loose,excellent! u can read,only good adjectives for a band that strugles through out the deeds of fashion..a big applause 4 them!.96/100.Stephen's great!

From: rocksoul Date: August 28, 2010 at 9:41
I dont know where ratt have take this energy but this album is grest. In this case, more years....more kick ass. such as italian wine....more aging more is good, great realese. my fav are best of me-a little to much-take a bite bite...but all instrumental parts are spectaculars. stephen voice is the same good times. 9/10

From: metalmaniac777 Date: March 31, 2011 at 12:51
Ratt goes oldschool and it sounds great, full of the twin guitar attack, hot licks, sharp hooks, and sleazy swagger that made the band a force to be reckoned with back in the halcyon days of L.A.'s hair-metal scene. Like all of Ratt's releases, some songs are better than others, but this is more than good enough to justify letting it infest your stereo.

From: Doug Date: July 26, 2011 at 18:53
Just picked this up today; am diggin' it. DeMartini is the man, but Carlos Cavazo is a great addition.

From: Mark Italy Date: February 13, 2012 at 2:12

From: vanitybinge Date: January 9, 2013 at 19:54
I'd give it a solid 100 but minus ten for leaving "Scatter" off the CD

From: visitor Date: March 31, 2013 at 15:15
As good as the songs are compared to the 90's albums, I'm a little disappointed with the production. The band writes songs in their mid-80's style, but the sounds are from somewhere in the grunge era. And what's with the terrible Motörhead-ish bass guitar?? I think this could be a great rock album, but it just doesn't sound and feel tight enough to really kick you in the butt, in my mind anyway.

From: $$ixx Date: September 17, 2013 at 10:45
This is how it's done, new album but with classic style and great tunes. Yes it's not as good as their very best albums, but close and personally I think the sound is excellent. The drums are in your face and powerful, nice twin guitars, and Pearcy sounds really good here. Ratt made the best album they could. After all, 20 years have passed since Detonator and that's a looong time Cavazo suits the band fine, but reading Blotzer's book I still got sad how "King" was taken away much too soon. He played an important role in Ratt's early years, seemed to be a nice personality too which can be rare in famous bands. Very similar to just surviving Steven Adler's life, and how he was treated when he was kicked out of GNR. Drugs seem to choose the sweetest members of the bands and destroy them :/ Anyway, Infestation is a very good album! Cheers

From: hair metal again Date: May 31, 2014 at 4:54
excellent release by the mighty RATT and to be honest didnt expect it to be SO good!the sound,the vibe ,the approach is totally in their classic unique style and we die hard fans are verry happy with that!the production is updated but ok in general and the guitar work is truly astonishing!"best of me","look out below","as good as it gets" are great songs and RATT just did it again!!!!!!!!!!

From: JONBONPIGO Date: September 25, 2014 at 18:28
"Best Of Me" is great..."Lost Weekend" & "As Good As It Gets" are also very good...Almost can't tell this release is 20 years removed from the Hair Metal HeyDays.. Well worth a spin... Rock On!!! \m/-_-\m/

From: guitarrizer Date: June 19, 2019 at 8:02
Relly, really good release.

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