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[Bonfire Band Picture]

Artist: Bonfire

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CD Title: Strike Ten

Bonfire Strike Ten Album Cover


Category: AOR

Year: 2001

Label: BMG Ariola (Germany)

Catalog Number: 74321 84038 2


Hans Ziller lead, rhythm, and acoustic guitars, backing vocals
Claus Lessmann lead and backing vocals, acoustic guitars
Jurgen Wiehler drums, backing vocals
Uwe Kohler bass, backing vocals
Chris Lausmann keyboards, rhythm guitars, backing vocals


1.  Revelation Day  0:41
2.  Under Blue Skies  5:36
3.  Strike Back  4:53
4.  Down to Atlanta  4:01
5.  Southern Winds  4:50
6.  Good Time Rock'n'Roll  5:00
7.  Until the Last Goodbye  4:32
8.  Diamonds in the Rough  4:13
9.  Damn You  4:21
10.  Anytime You Cry  5:35
11.  Too Much Hollywood  5:06
12.  I Need You  4:38
Total Running Time:  53:26

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Bonfire CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: M. Allen Date: March 29, 2002 at 2:47
The undisputed masters of German melodic hard rock return with this powerhouse of an album, once again displaying the great guitars, oh-so-catchy hooks, memorable choruses, and good backing vocals that have made them so popular for so many years. There is not a single disappointing song on this entire CD, which means that "Strike X" does not strike out. Pop this puppy in your player and let your speakers burn...

From: iaffprofireman Date: January 23, 2003 at 5:27
This is a fabulous album! All the songs are really good. I just found out about this band recently, and I'm not at all disapointed. Anyone who likes melodic rock w/ a hard edge will love them. It's great to see there are still a few groups out there who are still putting out good melodic rock today ( especially with all the alternaCRAP that has been coming out the past decade! ) If you long for that melodic late 70's, 80's & early 90's style of hard rock, check this one out!

From: monk Date: April 5, 2003 at 16:58
EXCELLENT! Strike back & No more hollywood.KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Rycheage Date: June 11, 2003 at 23:57
Another solid European melodic rock record. Bonfire have a commercial hard rock sound that is familiar, yet somewhat fresh, and these songs are all pretty strong melodically. The sound is guitar based, but there's nothing too heavy here - it's all pretty fluffy stuff and very enjoyable. More so for those that love the European rock sound, but prefer it sounding more commercial, over the heavier more progressive, guitar shredding variety

From: RR-Finland Date: August 29, 2003 at 5:54
This one has balls. Best album from their later times. Strike Back, Diamond In The Rough and bonus track Angel In White are pure Bonfire! Keep the ´Fire still burning guys. Recommended!

From: Hrudet Date: January 30, 2004 at 0:41
Bonfire's style is commercial hard rock, in that familiar Bon Jovi-ish way, but with a distinctly more European feel - closer these days to that of The Scorpions, Jaded Heart and Fair Warning.

From: Geoff Date: June 14, 2004 at 20:34
Another good one, though not as good as 'Fuel to the flames'. Still, a well-played album with a few gems on here. Great stuff.

From: MJ Date: August 10, 2004 at 8:36
I think this is Bonfires best work. Everyone praises Fireworks highly and so do I but I think this album is much better. Solid sound, great songs.

From: TIM (2) Date: August 10, 2004 at 10:11
I love my German melodic-rock, but really haven't warmed to a single Bonfire album since the magnificent first 3 albums. "Knock Out" and "Fuel to the Flames" had some reasonable moments, and this has "Until the Last Goodbye" that is as good as their early stuff, but nothing much else. Of course this is a whole load better than "Free", but that 'aint saying much. By their own very high standards this a very mediocre album. 5/10.

From: dokken6008 Date: December 10, 2004 at 19:02
This record is sort of 'Rebel Soul' & 'Fireworks' combined. A solid album with big production. The guitar tones and drum noises sound fantastic. Clauses' voice is in fine condition. Serious rockers though, do take note: there is a nice dose of cheese on 'Strike X'. "Diamonds In the Rough" proves my point. But what is Bonfire without ballads? Both of them (tracks 5 & 12) are genuine and quite beautiful. I know few bands that compose ballads as well as Bonfire (other than Dokken, of course).

From: pereira Date: November 17, 2005 at 21:37
OH F**K!!!! ....oops! just came out! the song STRIKE BACK really surprised me, just when i was expected something a bit weaker than their first albums i listen to this SUBLIME rock anthem! i had to buy this cd right on! after hearing this cd at home i enjoyed it alot! there are a few weaker songs on this album, but maybe its just me who´s been spoiled with their first albums, those ones really rock!!!! anyway, thumbs up for this one!

From: Melodiker Date: July 31, 2006 at 12:38
The boys are back in town ! Simply Great ! Thx Boys ! 9/10

From: metalmastermusic Date: March 10, 2008 at 14:58
This is the best album Bonfire has put out to date !! I know many people liked Fireworks but this blows Fireworks out of the water. Killer tunes like Under Blue Skies and Stike Back absolutely crank. Strike Back has some of the most catchy guitar riffs you will ever hear and the song Good Time Rock'N'Roll is the anthem of all metalheads around the world. Great production on this album as well. This is a must have disc 95/100.

From: hair metal again Date: March 16, 2010 at 3:08
excellent release by the mighty BONFIRE in the early of the last few bands that are so pure and faithful at what they re doing since the beginning.i m with them since that days and as we getting older is always a pleasure listening new songs from them like "damn you","under blue skies","too much hollywood" and "southern winds".this release is a pleasant surprise (not for me) and prooves that BONFIRE are masters of melodic hard rock

From: Swedish Rocker Date: July 17, 2010 at 0:46
Best post-reunion album from Bonfire, and the only one of those who manage to capture the "magic" of the earlier albums, especially Point Blank and Fireworks

From: rick kerch vzla Date: January 19, 2012 at 19:30
Yeah this one rocks!!!...most of the songs have that "i like" sticker on them ...."Strike Back","Southern Winds"(nice),"Good Time Rock'N'Roll","Diamonds In The Rough","Anytime You Cry" & "Angel In White"(B/T) are awesome indeed(apart from being my faves )...enjoyable & recommended eyes closed...88/100

From: 123charpenay Date: April 5, 2013 at 8:41
one more excellent bonfire record.always the same recipe with this excellent german band.a very solid and very consistant album.only good songs,pleasure guaranted for fans of german melodic hard rock."angel in white" is the japan bonus track.a super song a real hit but a demo sound.

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