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Ozzy Osbourne Homepage
CD Title: No More Tears
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1991
Label: Epic
Catalog Number: ZK 46795
Ozzy Osbourne vocals
Zakk Wylde guitar
Randy Castillo drums
Bob Daisley bass
John Sinclair drums
Michael Inez bass
1. | Mr. Tinkertrain | |
2. | I Don't Want to Change the World | |
3. | Mama, I'm Coming Home | |
4. | Desire | |
5. | No More Tears | |
6. | S.I.N. | |
7. | Hellraiser | |
8. | Time After Time | |
9. | Zombie Stomp | |
10. | A.V.H. | |
11. | Road to Nowhere | |
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Existing comments about this CD
Date: April 25, 2001 at 11:49 |
The list of Radio Hits on this one is endless. That says it all, great line-up for this recording & the strongest material OZZY has ever produced to date! Listen for yourself. 9.5 on the SWINE SCALE
From: McClane |
Date: April 29, 2001 at 16:07 |
His best. I do wish though that Randy Rhodes could have played guitar on these songs. That would make it perfect.
From: TIM |
Date: July 17, 2001 at 12:18 |
I agree with both of these guys. Fantastic album!!! Although I would like to hear Randy on these, Zakk Wylde kicked major ass. Mr. Tinkertrain, I Don't Want to Change the World, and Desire really rock. The others are great as well.
From: Kim |
Date: September 7, 2001 at 15:12 |
I totally agree on all guys. This cd contains one of the best metal songs ever written No more tears.
From: T-BONE |
Date: September 16, 2001 at 9:31 |
This is my Favorite ozzy cd to date. Killer guitar work on Zakk's part and awesome vocals from the Ozzman. Ozzy's strongest cd to date in my opinion.
From: Rob |
Date: October 10, 2001 at 11:11 |
Ozzy at his very best. I still listen to this disk all the time.
From: metal_man73 |
Date: November 1, 2001 at 17:22 |
I am a huge Ozzy fan!!! This is the only Ozzy album where I DO NOT like some of the songs! 'Mama.I'm Coming Home' and 'No More Tears' get on my last nerve!!! When either of these songs come on the radio, I change the station!I like the rest of the songs but I am more of an old Ozzy fan. These songs do not come close to 'Mr.Crowely' 'Diary of...' 'Waiting For Darkness' 'Secret Loser' or 'You Can't Kill Rock N'Roll'...just to name a few!
From: matias |
Date: November 15, 2001 at 18:52 |
This is the best record of Ozzy. 'Road to Nowhere' is a big fucking song
From: Dragonfly |
Date: December 16, 2001 at 17:22 |
This release has alot of great stuff on it but it also has alot of weak tunes. After the No Rest For The Wicked it seems Ozzy started to lose steam. Now in 2001 I have to say Ozzy is only played on my cd player once in a blue moon when I want to hear some classic Ozzy from the above release back to his first.
From: |
Date: February 27, 2002 at 14:18 |
screw you dragonfly ozzy is the best and always will be.
From: Iggy-freud |
Date: February 27, 2002 at 16:33 |
Unfortunatley I have to agree with the majority of comments here.I'm a fan but lets face it this was a deliberate and succesful attempt to get Ozzy on the radio.Whenever you set an agenda like this the music sometimes takes a backseat.I dont want Ozzy to live in the past but there is a heap o' turds on this album.Its obvious Ozzy had alot of 'outside' help with production and arrangements.Ozzy is the greatest however dont expect him to be relevant or interesting anymore.Good call Dragonfly!
From: WidoMakr |
Date: March 11, 2002 at 22:09 |
While I think Ultimate Sin was slightly better as an album..Mr Tinkertrain is one of my all time favorite crank to 11+ tunes of all times...the way it builds throughout the song is an awesome piece of musical composure.Ozzy's vocals in this song are amazing...yes not Ozzy 15 years ago range wise but the emotion in the song is awesome .many an ear drum has rung for a while after listening to this gem...Quote the WidoMakr....never more
From: Rockforever |
Date: June 26, 2002 at 19:40 |
Although No Rest for the Wicked was slightly better, this record kicks major ass.The opener Mr Tinkertrain has one of Zakk Wylde's best EVER guitar riffs,while the acoustic guitar on Mama I'm Coming Home is fantastic (aswell as the song itself!).Although there are one or two clunkers, this album is superb heavy metal/hard rock. The title track is an epic, the type of which Ozzy first provided on Diary of a Madman (the title track on that). Ozzmosis was a severe let-down after this.
From: ThunderDan |
Date: June 28, 2002 at 21:58 |
This is certainly Ozzy's last truly great album. It's been all downhill from there as Ozzmosis and Down to Earth suck! Ozzy needs to have Zakk write EVERYTHING on the next album. That would be his only hope. Anyway, this is such a good CD. I still love listening to it. Road to Nowhere gets my vote for best song.
From: Kim |
Date: July 19, 2002 at 15:28 |
From: Buster |
Date: October 16, 2002 at 23:39 |
This is a really good album but not as good as Ozzmosis. The title track is a ripper, and there's some other very good stuff.
From: Rycheage |
Date: February 14, 2003 at 3:15 |
This to me is the best Ozzy disc from beginning to end. 'No More Tears', 'Mr. Tinkertrain', 'I Don't Want To Change The World' and 'Hellraiser' are my faves. This is a 9.75 effort.
From: Gar |
Date: May 24, 2003 at 7:01 |
After a couple of slightly disappointing albums, OZZY came back strong with this one. Easily his best album without Randy Rhoads.
From: visitor |
Date: August 22, 2003 at 8:23 |
Yess!! This is excellent! Mr. Tinkertrain and Desire are great rockers, but the really fantastic track is the title song. All the songs are of real quality, and I think that on this album Ozzy shows his versatility as a singer. Both hard-rocking tracks and softer ballads. Really enjoyable!
From: nod |
Date: October 5, 2003 at 19:15 |
radio stuff or not,this is still a killer,should be grateful u other lo to get to hear it on radio cause down here in the land down under you will never get to hear ozzy on's pathetic
From: Great Dane |
Date: December 25, 2003 at 16:40 |
the best cd Ozzy ever made. No More Tears is fantastic.#8
From: Tocallo |
Date: April 6, 2004 at 18:13 |
Tiene buenas baladas, pero personalmente no me agrada este disco,esta muy ,pero muy lejos del Ozzy de los 80's.
From: charvel man |
Date: November 19, 2004 at 23:04 |
Out of the 3 ozzy disc's I have heard and own, this one is the best. Just pure rock. Zakk Wylde is metal personified and an awesome player and a nut. His guitars cost too much considering he is not that well know as say lynch or Satriani. But an awesome player. 3 of 4 *'s.
From: christo |
Date: November 25, 2004 at 16:46 |
i found this too commercialised, though no more tears and mamma im coming home are killer tunes, but on the hwole its a little two slick and poppy for my liking, but ozz is still a metal god
From: Propane |
Date: November 30, 2004 at 20:53 |
My ears bled righteously when I first heard this one. Very nice musicianship on this one, only way to make it better is to bring Jake back. Never happen, so rate this one a 10.
From: rockfan |
Date: December 1, 2004 at 14:41 |
Commercial OZZY. haha. But I love it! How can you hate this great cd? You have everything...from rockers like 'No More Tears', 'I Don't Want To Change The World' and others. And also you got the ballads like 'Mama, I'm Coming Home' which is my favorite ballad by OZZY and one of the best ballads of ALL TIME!
From: Geoff |
Date: December 9, 2004 at 19:37 |
I must admit I'm not an Ozzy fan - not through any fault of his. I've heard his music and most of it's pretty decent, but it's never made me need to purchase it, unless I see it really cheap, which I did here. No point saying I'm not a fan of his voice because Ozzy is Ozzy and that's just it, but I do actually think this is a pretty damn cool album. Awesome musicianship, killer riffs and overall I enjoy it. Still hasn't made me a fan, but good album.
From: Remastered Reason |
Date: February 15, 2009 at 10:52 |
This cd is comparable to Metallica - the Black album, production wise. It may have digressed from the rawness of some earlier realeases in Ozzy's solo career but the slickness is far superior for radio play & album sales. Anyway, lots of killer music here. Zakk is my second most favorite guitarist for Ozzy over the years. (Obviously, Rhoads is numero uno) Still, "Mr. Tinkertain", "Desire", "Hellraiser", "I Dont Wanna Change The World", & "No More Tears" fookin' rip. Zakk plays out of his mind on this disc.
From: aorluver |
Date: December 15, 2009 at 4:33 |
This record is like a ton of bricks on your head. So consistant heavy with kik-ass attitude GREAT It obviously makes Beavis and Butt-head yell COOOOOL and head-bang in ecstasy!
From: pie75 |
Date: August 3, 2010 at 9:34 |
great album one of my favourite ozzy albums mr.tinkertrain,i don't want to change the world,desire,no more tears and road to nowhere are great songs zakk's playing is awsome
From: hair metal again |
Date: September 17, 2010 at 12:50 |
amazing release by ozzy ,surely one of his best.the explosion of hard rock that was happening at that time helped everyone including ozzy.the sound is polished and the songs have a more commercial edge that i like very much.duane baron and joan purdell produced once again in high standards,ozzy s voice fresh and great job by zakk and randy.for me this is essential
From: lalo r.o.c.k. |
Date: March 11, 2011 at 12:56 |
What a great guitar solo from Zakk Wylde in Mama I´m coming home,this is one of the best ballads from all time for me, Road to Nowhere kick ass too,the rest also are great, but this two drives me crazy!
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: September 16, 2011 at 13:11 |
To me, No More tears is the beginning of "teddy-bear Ozzy." Old-timers will recall this was originally supposed to be his final release (the accompanying tour was called No More Tours), and he wanted to go out showing a more "human" side of himself than had previously been on display. He wanted to ditch the whole "Prince of Darkness" persona. And so we get a friendlier, more reflective Ozzy, but the music still stays fairly heavy. Tunes like "I DOnt' Wanna Change The World" and especially "Road To Nowhere" look back on his life, while "Desire" and "Hellraiser" don't seem quite ready to hang it up just yet. "S.I.N." and "Zombie Stomp" are underrated deep cuts, while "Time After Time" and the overplayed "Mama I'm Comin' Home" are terrific, not-too-sugary power ballads. Ozz gets a little too singsong-y and repetitive in places (like the otherwise cool "Mr. Tinkertrain"), but the title track is the closest solo-Ozzy has ever come to the heavy plod of Sabbath.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: April 5, 2014 at 23:30 |
One of Ozzy's most commercial and perhaps successful album for sure ..."Mr Tinkertrain" is my fave in here but obviously there are some other fine moments that i like in the shape of "Mama,I'm Coming Home","Desire","No More Tears",S.I.N.","Zombie Stomp" & "Road To Nowhere"....enjoyable stuff from the Madman...90/100
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