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[Motley Crue Band Picture]

Artist: Motley Crue

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Motley Crue Homepage

CD Title: Motley Crue

Motley Crue Motley Crue Album Cover Motley Crue Motley Crue Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1994

Label: Elektra

Catalog Number: 61534-2


John Corabi vocals, acoustic guitar, rhthym guitar, 6-string bass
Tommy Lee drums, percussion, piano, backing vocals
Mick Mars lead and rhythm guitars, 6-string bass, sitar, mandolin
Nikki Sixx bass, piano, backing vocals


1.  Power to the Music  
2.  Uncle Jack  
3.  Hooligan's Holiday  
4.  Misunderstood  
5.  Loveshine  
6.  Poison Apples  
7.  Hammered  
8.  Til Death Do Us Part  
9.  Welcome to the Numb  
10.  Smoke the Sky  
11.  Droppin' Like Flies  
12.  Driftaway  

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Motley Crue CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Motley Crue are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Harlan Date: July 31, 2001 at 9:55
Ooops. 'Let's try to be a HEAVY band now that no one is buying hard rock anymore'. I bought this tape from a cut-out bin in a Big Lots store. I skimmed through the tape and threw it in the garbage within two days, it was so bad. Really, just do yourself a favor and collect everything through Dr. Feelgood, then stop. Sad to say, but this band ceased to be viable once they all started marrying Playboy models and trying to 'clean up'...

From: T-BONE Date: August 10, 2001 at 16:12
Good Music, but not Motley Crue by any sort. Should have been released under a different name. It might have sold better. It pissed off Crue fans all over the world. No offense to John Corabi. He still rocks no matter who the backing band is. I gave it a 7 for effort. It would have been a 9 if it had a different name.

From: Glam Sexy Date: September 9, 2001 at 1:32
But they have a different name. It's not M'tley Cr'e anymore, the name changed for Motley Crue. looks like a strange diference.... but an accent make diference.

From: SleazyMusic Date: September 10, 2001 at 1:20
This cd came out during the sad grunge times. Nohting left to say....I'm totally agree with T-bone.....

From: WhiteLion Date: September 20, 2001 at 9:58
I for one do not care what letters that are printed on the cover. It is and will always be one of my favourite hardrock albums of all time. It's heavy, hard, soft, intense and yet with a bluesy touch!!! No one in the Crue has ever been a part of something this hard and heavy. The drum sound are also legendary over the world! Hats of for producer Rob Rock. I agree that it is a real difference from any other Crue album but still it sounds fantastic and it is ORIGINAL!!! Be brave and take this albu

From: T-BONE Date: September 20, 2001 at 18:32
Don't get me wrong, I liked this cd alot. It's got some really good tunes like tracks 1,3,6,8,10,and 11. It's just not the real Motley style. I think they should stick to their signature sound. They'd sell alot more cd's. Just like AC/DC and Aerosmith. Their sound is basically the same for all these years and their still at the top of the rock world. When a band totally does a 180 from 1 cd to the next, it pisses alot of fans off and that's the last thing that Motley needs these days.

From: Motley Date: October 30, 2001 at 11:18
Once and for all: MOTLEY CRUE IS NOTHING WITHOUT VINCE NEIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This album sucks from the very beginning and it makes the name Motley Crue stink too. Should never have been released.Waste of energy and money!!!!!

From: Corabi fan Date: January 1, 2002 at 10:04
Hmmm...Why do Vince Fans hate this record so much? Cuz the Crue sounded Modern and up-to-date, this album's a masterpiece. Corabi has pipes Vince can only dream of. It's a shame just a couple years later they release New Tattoo...Garbage! Corabi can you quit singing for Ratt and hook up with the Crue again please!

From: Motley Date: March 13, 2002 at 7:58
Fuck no. VINCE IS MOTLEY!!!!!Corabi should never had sung in Crue. His loser voice and trendy image destroyed Motley at that time. Hes better off being a flower decorater

From: gypsy Date: March 17, 2002 at 2:39
this cracks me up. This cd kicked MAJOR ass, but everyone whined and cried because it wasnt Vince. Motley is nothing without Vince?????? That in itself is a joke, Vince came back--and guess what--they suck even worse now. Atleast Corabi could sing an entire song without having to skip lines because of a) not remembering them or b) too out of shape to preform.

From: deflep1610 Date: April 16, 2002 at 1:35
This album is so underated, one of their best.

From: Tony Date: April 16, 2002 at 7:05
Loser voice?? Man that's a good one. I personally love this album and sadly this thing wasn't going to stand a chance at the time even if $100 dollar bills were given out with it. Great songs and Corabi definitely added a different element to these guys that I dug. I bought the remaster of this and the bonus tracks even rock. Love Vince too but taken as it's own entity this is one of the great underrated albums of the hard rock genre.

From: CHIRO Date: April 18, 2002 at 1:04

From: motley Date: April 23, 2002 at 1:33
Never never never. Vince is motley. How many times shall it be told?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?A shame it was ever released. Got nothing to do with any motley style compared to the other brilliant releases. Corabi fans:Suppport UNION instead and stop bother us VINCE fans!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: richierocker Date: May 26, 2002 at 21:30
If this wasnt Motley Crue than this album would go way up on the charts. Great hard rockin music, This album was good, but Vince Neils solo album was a little better, Check this album out!! You will be surprised, I sure was.

From: TIM Date: May 26, 2002 at 21:55
I didn't hate this album because Vince left, I hate it because it's horrible. I liked The Scream with Corabi but this album was beyond boring. If you like it- that's terrific. I think this was the beginning of the downward spiral for the Crue. Even though Vince came back I don't think they're the same. They changed what worked. I don't blame John, the Crue just lost their edge. If it makes you guys feel any better, I hate the Swine album too and the ones after.

From: TIM Date: May 26, 2002 at 21:57
I think Corabi's delivery just didn't fit. I think he's more a rock musician than a glam one.

From: SleazyMusic Date: June 26, 2002 at 12:00
I remember when I bought this record....and I was nearly cryin' know, I love John's voice and I think he got the perfect voice for a rock and roll album....but the times were changing and the Crue followed the trends....'Poison Apples' is great...and I like 'Hooligans holiday', 'Misunderstood' and 'Hammered' but...this is not a Motley Crue record...They had to take the Primal Scream musical direction....

From: RichieRocker Date: June 28, 2002 at 21:24
This is one of the ballsyiest albums they ever did. Nikki's bass is awesome and furious, Tommy's drumming is persistent and hard hitten. Corabi's voice is awesome and the guitars sound really intense. I think Corabi was under a lot of pressure to perform, and I think he held his own. Like I said before in an earlier statement.'If this wasnt Motley Crue, this album would have been huge'! I love the Crue with Vince better! but I really like this album.

From: From Mexico Date: July 9, 2002 at 17:08
Yeah, sure, This a M'tley album, and I don't care if you like it or not, besides, nobody tells the same about New Tattoo, and remember that Tommy is not in the album. MC94 rocks, and it's one of the best albums M'tley did..

From: motley Date: July 10, 2002 at 12:35
Motley without Vince isnt Motley....get the fuckin point. Nothing more to say about that issue

From: From Mexico Date: July 11, 2002 at 13:55
So, I suppose that New Tattoo is not M'tley Cr'e cause Tommy's not in this album... Am I right??

From: TMan Date: July 11, 2002 at 18:49
To say Vince Neil's solo album was better than MC94!!! Are you on fuckin' drugs? Vince's solo efforts are like Pop/Rock, if that! I loved Too Fast/Shout albums. The other albums with Vince their are 2-3 good songs, thats it. But MC94 was hard, heavy, and had some fucking balls! Bring back Corabi!!!!!!

From: RichieRocker Date: July 19, 2002 at 17:21
John Corabi played with the exuberance of a rookie trying to make the roster. He held his own on this album and I think its definatly the ballsyest album they have ever done.

From: rocknutter2001 Date: August 12, 2002 at 9:07
first of all im a huge motley fan why have people got a problem with this album it rocks its great to here a different sound and vince neils solo albums were great im glad the original crue got back together but do not slag of this album cause it rocks big time and remember if john corabi had not joined the crue we would not have got vinces great solo albums to wet our appetites just stick this cd in your player forget about comparing the great old crue albums and you will realise this cd rocks

From: dubie Date: September 19, 2002 at 20:36
It should have been called motley corabi. Just like van hagar, it's still good, but just isn't the same. Nikki wrote most of the music, but I know corabi never had what it takes to be glam. hes more rock, just like everyone else. with him they had two guitars, and sounded too muddy. Mick was phenominal, but then john corabi had to pick up a guitar and add in cheesy, distortion. rock on tommy, mick, vince, and nikki

From: Van Alan Date: October 3, 2002 at 22:21
Hooligan's Holiday is the only shining grace on this CD. I found this dirt cheap used, it's still in all the used bins and is very easy to find, but I traded it after having it only a few months. I now have the 1 good songs mentioned above on a compilation CD, and that 1 song is as close as I will ever get to ever owning this CD a second time. I won't buy it again, and neither should you!

From: Buster Date: October 16, 2002 at 23:26
Jeeze, there's some garbage comments posted here. If it had any label other than 'MOTLEY CRUE' on it, most of you would love it. Fact is it's a totally kick-arse album, with awesome production, great tunes, tuff tones and absolutely thundering drums. Who gives a flying foetus whether it sounds like Motley Crue or not? It doesn't, but it really foogin' ROCKS! BIG TIME! Get over it!

From: Jay Date: November 2, 2002 at 4:58
Not to say the Corabi was a bad singer, but this album was totally appalling, i also bought in as second hand and I felt like throwing up after it, it sucks it was a seelout and it was really crap. Look at the big bands that still sell and have gone for ages Kiss, AC/DC...these guys still sell but this was just rubbish, wouldn't take it even if I got paid for it.

From: dokken6008 Date: December 4, 2002 at 7:54
After listening to the cheese that was 'New Tattoo', you lose all hope for a loser band like Motley Crue. They were never consistent, never have been, and never will be. Soon enough, the band will CEASE to be. They'll most likely have a final reunion tour, grab some extra dough from it, and go back to getting drunk beyond K-Marts smoking weed and tweakin'. What a bunch of losers. It just so happens they are the most over-rated hard rock band out of the 80s.

From: Great Dane Date: January 8, 2003 at 20:49
..........Another Grunge Grave album.Saddening to hear a happy band turn into a moaning collection of ......... Sleepers

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: January 9, 2003 at 13:39
Best Crue since Theatre. Corabi's a great singer, just 'cause it sounds different than Vince don't make it bad. It's got some real kick ass rockers on it. Nice crunchy production too. At the very least they didn't go commercial on it.

From: JAVIER-MADRID Date: January 21, 2003 at 3:37
The only good thing in this album it's that I didn't pay for it. It was a present from a good frend but def.

From: JAVIER-MADRID Date: January 21, 2003 at 3:39
Lo mejor de este disco es que me lo regal' un buen amigo ,pero sordo. VAYA MIERDA DE CD, MASTERSHIT!!!!

From: Powder Date: April 11, 2003 at 19:05
Vince cant sing as half as well as John. Face pepole you r all about image and not about the music.He blows away vince .....

From: Live Wire Date: May 2, 2003 at 12:58
Vince Neil is Motley Crue!! Motley Crue does not have to be a up to date band. If they cling to the 80s era, that's cool. That's the era when music was good. Grunge is what killed Motley Crue in the first place. Thank God, Kurt Cobain is dead. By the way, Corabi is one of the guitarists for Ratt, not the singer. Any Ratt fan knows that Ratt is nothing without Stephen Pearcy. Vince Neil is and will always be Motley Crue. Screw today's sound...BIG waste of money. Vince Neil is a rock n roll icon!!

From: FM Date: May 11, 2003 at 1:26
Just wanted to underline that saying Corabi is a bad singer is just plain wrong. Listen to The Scream's 'Let It Scream'. Now that's a kickass rock'n'roll album you all will surely enjoy. It's quite difficult to find, though, but all the mp3s are available on the Racer X website (since John Alderete was also a member of The Scream), at this address: Enjoy!

From: HELLTOPAY Date: May 31, 2003 at 7:14
FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!!!! enough said.

From: HELLTOPAY Date: May 31, 2003 at 7:20
Get it right...NIKKI SIXX IS MOTLEY CRUE, TOMMY LEE IS MOTLEY CRUE, MICK MARS IS MOTLEY CRUE, and sad to say, VINCE NEIL IS MOTLEY CRUE!! I loved the album with Crabby but it just wasn't The Crue. Without all 4 of them it doesn't fit, Even New Tattoo was good but it was missing something...something that Tommy would've provided. Randy has always been an amazing drummer (and is sadly missed) but it wasn't the same without Tommy!

From: STRETCH!! Date: June 21, 2003 at 21:05
HELLTOPAY..I TOTALLY agree...and now w/ Randy gone (R.I.P).... and Samantha...not interested in rejoining..HOPEFULLY Tommy comes back..!?

From: STRETCH!! Date: June 21, 2003 at 21:08
And 'Powder' not that I don't agree w/ U...John IS a great vocalist...however I think he should stick w/ RATTs new lineup...but he'll NEVER beat/be Vince...Vince blows him away...hands down...

From: visitor Date: August 21, 2003 at 14:28
Hooligan's holiday is a great song and there's nothing really wrong with the rest of the album in itself, but play it to someone for the first time and don't say the band's name. I'll pay you a million dollars if anyone recognises it's Motley Crue. This is something totally different. Ironically, I think Vince's solo album (Exposed) sounds more like Motley Crue than this! The six first albums are all classics, but after that it's a long downhill. Unfortunately.

From: Edward Date: October 6, 2003 at 20:26
Maybe this album wasn't huge success because of the damn grunge movement. Damn! I hate grunge. They almost finished with the really good kick ass bands. Sorry to say this, but thank god Kurt Kobain is dead. His band was one of the first grunge band that turned everyone's interest (not mine) to the grunge bands.

From: Scandinavia Date: October 7, 2003 at 4:27
Not trying to play a wise guy but the 80s first really died when Kurt did...You know, when MTV made him a martyr. Up till then some great bands were still being signed but of course not in such a large scale as in the 80s.

From: Scandinavia Date: October 7, 2003 at 4:28
Regarding this album...Well, it sucks big time!

From: Eggs-L-Roze Date: October 9, 2003 at 15:24
This album has some great tunes with a lot of depth on it. But you can't change your musical style, your visual appearance, your image AND your singer from one record to the next and expect that to be accepted by the fans - we liked the Cr'e for a reason!! And part of the reason was being glamorous and over the top, outrageous in everything they did. With all these changes the excitement was gone and the guys were doomed to fail - no matter how good or bad their new style was.

From: Stich Date: November 26, 2003 at 5:43
What the f@#k is this shit???????? It's not Motley Crue. One of the biggest disappointments ever........

From: Metal T Date: December 10, 2003 at 19:13
Motley Crue are one of the most overrated piles of crap ever to come out.I always hear this 'Tommy is the best drummer' garbage.While there are better more talented skinsmen out there--Mikkey Dee,comes to mind.Ive never been a Vince Neil' fan,but his solo-work is better than this failed attempt to become hip.Like most Motley' this is one to skip !

From: Dean Date: December 10, 2003 at 22:13
I agree with the fact that Tommy's skills are overrated but just like Lars Ulrich and Kiss -their style has influenced a generation of drummers and musicians. This album just didn't sound like the Crue. Corabi is a good singer but here it doesn't fit. BTW Mikkey Dee rules.

From: Firechicken Date: December 15, 2003 at 11:23
For sure, Vince Neal sings like a beautiful angel on here. why does he sing like sad kitty cat on other albums? motley crew is fun party band. i like to be happy and they are making me this. even voices in head like this bands too.

From: open mind Date: January 10, 2004 at 23:40
In my opinion this album was the breath of fresh air the crue needed. none of the guys were getting along. The previous 2-3 albums were so-so. Man, this album is absolute genius! 2 guitar attack, a songwriter as talented as SIXX. Wow, give this record a couple of listens and you will love it!!!

From: headbanger72 Date: February 10, 2004 at 19:16
Thank God I'm not the only one who loves this album. It's better than Dr. Feelgood and anything the Crue has released since they mysteriously allowed Vince Neil back. It was a fresh new sound which didn't stick to a declining 80's standard and didn't become a grunge-like clone. Generation Swine sucked donkey testicles.

From: bundy Date: March 10, 2004 at 1:06
This was a great album with much better songwriting and vocal performance than Vince 'I blew out my vocal chords in '84 and now I can't complete tracks on a full length album without massive studio doctoring.' Neil could ever muster.

From: JERRY Date: March 25, 2004 at 17:53

From: John Date: April 15, 2004 at 3:45
This is a KILLER album, but it's not a killer Motley album. What this is, is a recording by three members of the Crue and John Corabi, and all of them were in the prime of their musical careers when they made it. If they had called themselves anything other than Motley Crue, this album would have been multi-platinum. I actually think I listen to it more than I do Dr. Feelgood.

From: sinnerboy Date: May 12, 2004 at 22:00
when i first bought it i listened to it then put it away out of spite for quite some time. Then one day i grew up and forgot that it was motley and just listened to the music. blown away. very heavy. they went a whole new direction. im not saying better just different. If some of you would just listen to the music and not focus on the name of the band you will see it is a great album. but i was very glad when vince came back.

From: cojonian Date: May 28, 2004 at 11:31
Good album, but too 'influenced' by Soundgarden. The booklet is exactly the same as the one in 'Superunknown'.

From: Chad Date: May 30, 2004 at 1:08
I consider myself a huge Motley fan and I liked this album even though it is very different than the Vince stuff. Smoke the Sky is a smokin' song. I still dust this one off every once in awhile and rock out. Corabi has such a different vocal style than Vince that it is hard to relate to this as a Motley release. While I am glad that Vince came back, I often wonder what a second release with Corabi would have sounded like.....

From: jack Date: June 8, 2004 at 7:05
A reasonably good album. NOT exactly a dr feelgood or girls,girls, girls but who cares? tHis album is ten times better than any nirvana or korn album produce during that year! Corabi is good in my opinion but he is no vince neil. Talent wise,maybe but vince is more suited to motley crue. Vince has been in the band since the start:more than ten years together and profuce more than five great albums. What about John?

From: ALEXX GLAM Date: June 25, 2004 at 14:01

From: Big Papa K Date: June 27, 2004 at 20:50
Don't expect the party hard sound of the previous work. John Corabi has a very gritty voice and the music is metal with some grunge and industrial influences. Having said that, this is probably song for song the second best album of their career. They strip away a lot of the filler and try out new sounds that actually work. 9/10

From: jack Date: September 7, 2004 at 4:52
I think no hard rock or metal band of the 80's showcase the rise and falls of a legend band like motley crue.their mega-multi hit album dr.feelgood in the late 80's make them into one of the biggest rock bands in the world and they later won a multi million dollars record breaking contract. Sadly,within months of signing,Nirvana banished hair metal from the charts and vince left the band.

From: manos Date: September 24, 2004 at 16:10
Motley Crue without Vince Neil? Why Not? OK, we still love individuals but what makes it to the end and stays untouchable is the music. So here we have good music. Please mind that the year is 1994, a year that the whole music scene was movin onwards a totally different sound. So here You 've got mid-tempo heavy riff based songs updated to the new sound but still with some style and attitude. Corabi does a good job and 'misunderstood' is in my top10 Motley playlist.

From: run2u Date: October 29, 2004 at 9:08
Buen trabajo.Consistente,diferente y poderoso en su sonido.Se nota el esfuerzo para a adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos:la dictadura del grunge(lo cual no tiene que ser necesariamente malo)y de la m'sica,en general,m's oscura y seria.En otras palabras,el disco es el m's heavy de los Crue y posiblemente el que menos pose tiene.Corabi,el nuevo vocalista,contribuy' en gran medida a la evoluci'n.Y por qu' s'lo le doy un 6'5/10?Porque este CD NUNCA debi' publicarse como MOTLEY CRUE!

From: Rene Date: October 30, 2004 at 2:19
Good record, good songs, good sound, nice evolution of a band???? You must be joking. This is just a shit album but i respect others opinion. Most of the Heavy Harmonies fans will hate this album like i do.

From: Propane Date: December 2, 2004 at 23:17
'Ouch!!!' He cried, as he promptly jumped on his own case for not checking this one out before wasting his hard earned cash on it. Not only did it suck completely, but he wondered if the Crue would ever make anything decent anymore. Sadly he wandered over to the trash can and dropped this off for the Tuesday morning pick up. 'So long, Crue' he said, as he shuffled off to get a good night's rest. The end.

From: Metal Pete Date: December 3, 2004 at 14:03
Listening to it right now, and I like it better than Vince's solo chit, that is for sure. Corabi has an awesome voice, gives the music emotion and depth. These are good songs! Maybe they should have changed the band name, true, as it is not the signature sound of the crue. But it ROCKS much better than just about everything after 'Feelgood'! I like this album. Probably would have been a hit with hard rockers if they released it under a moniker like 'Corabi's Hooligans' or something, LOL

From: Metal Pete Date: December 3, 2004 at 14:12
Let me just go ahead and clarify--Yep, I like it BETTER than 'Dr.Feelgood' and listen to it more often. There's only about 3 good songs on Feelgood, whereas this whole album kicks!

From: Marla (MJ) Date: December 3, 2004 at 14:42
Could NOT agree with you more Metal Pete!! I love Corabi!!! And I love this album! And I really think that if it would have been released under any other would have been better received. Shame...too many closed minded people missed out on something really rockin'.

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Whiplash1972 Date: December 3, 2004 at 15:40
I'll go with Pete & MJ on this one! This disc should probably not have been released as a Motley Crue effort, but aside from that, this s.o.b. SMOKES! Corabi is a helluva perfomer, and his fist-clenched, ass-kicking effort on this disc makes it worth owning...'true' Crue or not.

From: Geoff Date: December 4, 2004 at 23:22
Agree it's not really 'real' Motley without Vince, but aside from that this is a killer disc. 'Power to the music' is a monster opener, 'Till death do us part' is one of their best yet and I love the lyrics, and 'Smoke the sky' is a f*cker of a track! My fave off the album - I love it! Great heavy metal CD.

From: Papa Knows Date: March 21, 2005 at 12:48
What is that fuckin' shit? It sounds like those horrible 'modern' 90s bands! This shit is worse than nothing! And for the guy that got Motley Crue as a present, sell it and get a good money!

From: zld Date: June 14, 2005 at 7:33
Great cd. I love the gritty, raw, mean and heavy sound. Still they should picked another name for this release. 'dropping like flies', 'hooligans holiyday', 'hammered', 'smoke the sky' are just awesome.9/10

From: Giouri Date: September 12, 2005 at 7:42
I bought this one for 4 Euro and i have to say it kicks ass!!! More raw and aggressive but at least a decade ahead of his age. Zakk's Black Label Society sure owwes a tribute to this one! Power to the music, Hooligan's Holiday & Misunderstood are the standouts! 8.5/10

From: poproxx2007 Date: December 23, 2005 at 0:39
Very split here on this. Motley like other bands tried to move on with the times and failed miserably. Even if Vince didnt leave the band 1994 was not the year for a Motley record either was 1997. Some songs here are ok but we know whats missing. Where's the chicks, the party anthems? Same can be said for the supposed comeback release.

From: wzcj02 Date: April 19, 2006 at 5:37
yes, definitely not what you would expect from the crue. I would go as far as to say it was a sell out. Not for melodic rock fans.

From: CC Date: July 10, 2007 at 9:14
Surprised I havent commented on this before. As Crue is one of my joint fave bands, I was worried when Vince left, and annoyed when he was replaced, as Nikki had always said 'if one member leaves, then we will no longer call the band Motley Crue'. That said, being unfamiliar with Corabo at the time, I still loved this album just for the sheer 'ROCK' of it! Releasing it as a Crue album killed it though. Another name, and it might have had more chance of success.

From: z4roxx Date: October 28, 2007 at 10:50
Ahaha this is so great that I did already gave it to my dog for his dinner ahahaha!Painful!!

From: Rambo Rockerman Date: January 20, 2008 at 9:28
It's a pretty good record,but it sounds like a new band and they should have called it something else.

From: Buitre Date: April 27, 2009 at 4:53
If you don't want to hear Mötley Crüe step aside from their Dr. Feelgood sound keep your hands off this cd. If you like an harder & rawer sound give it a try, in other words ¿are you open minded? By the way, I didn't like it too much when I bought it (1995?) but now I listen to it from time to time and it's not too's just not Mötley Crüe

From: hair metal again Date: June 25, 2009 at 9:48
excellent cd by a great band.i remember john corabi from his scream days what a great voice!nice sound ,excellent songs not so hairy as the dr feelgood ones,but overall great was really a pleasure

From: pie75 Date: August 3, 2010 at 9:06
well guys john corabi can sing but this isn't motley crue suddenly they were taking themselves too serious hooligans holiday is alright might listen to it again some time as i haven't heard it in a while but they were no no longer fun but i will say one thing generation swine was just crap this was better then that easily

From: metalmajo Date: September 16, 2010 at 16:29
amazing album,great music and vocals,Corabi is better then Neil AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA+++++++++++++

From: metalmaniac777 Date: February 13, 2011 at 13:01
A change in vocalists (Goodbye, Mr. Neil...hello, Mr. Corabi) simultaneously brought a change in musical approach, evolving from the commercial/glam/hard rock style to a heavier, darker, beefier metal sound. As so many others have pointed out, this probably would have fared better under a different name, because Corabi is an excellent singer and gives it his all here, but Vince Neil's vocals and Motley Crue are inextricably linked like a pair of Siamese twins and fans rebel against drastic changes from their favorite bands.

From: J.Wylder Date: February 6, 2012 at 4:41
After reading all books Crue, there are almost too many now, it seems Nikki is a real besserwisser with a too big ego, Tommy is a lost little kid, Mick is the true musician tortured by his bone disease, & Vince, when he's sober & focused that is, is Motley thru and thru. This album with Corabi is great, but yeah should have been under a different moniker agreed, but still does not come close to the brilliance of Neil's Exposed CD from the previous year. If you compare the two, it is obvious that Motley needs a focused Vince in order to rule the world. Vince and Mick, vocals and guitars, is extremely essential in Motley, always great on record. As one of Vince's exes says in his Tattoos & Tequila book/interview "Nikki seems always to have been jealous of Vince, who as a singer with star quality was the centre of Motley with female attention and all that. Nikki wrote some cool songs, yes, but still he is just a bass player. Not exactly the coolest position in a rock band." S/T gets 3/5.

From: steve72 Date: February 6, 2012 at 20:26
Maybe they should have changed their name for this release... However it is Motley's most inspired and creative outing to date. Having shed the shackles of Vince (as much as i love Vince his style is very limited & one dimensional) the rest of the Crue used the opportunity to take the dealt lemons and made lemonade. Returning with something to prove and a renewed vigour this album has real purpose and intent. The tunes are more substantial & less disposable. One part of this is due to the strength of the lyrical content and delivery, Corabi has one the best set of lungs out there & his style and image totally fit. The other part is that their playing (especially Tommy's Drumming) has never been equalled on any records before or since. 'Smoke the Sky', 'Poison Apples', 'Misunderstood', 'Uncle Jack', 'Power to the Music', Hooligans Holiday', 'Driftaway' just kill... this CD is a testament to their greatness with or without Vince.

From: Doug Date: February 9, 2012 at 13:39
I've always liked this album. Hooligans Holiday is a great tune! My only "quibble" is that some of the cursing seems a bit forced which distracts from some of the songs.

From: Wardy Date: February 12, 2012 at 2:51
In hindsight yes, a name change to THE CRUE or otherwise may have paid off, but still, MC was a logical next step for my ears. Following on from the likes of the SpreadEagle's and SaigonKicks of the hair era and mixed in just a smidgen of the current flavor of the day. PowerToTheMusic is a huge opener the minute heard it's apparrant where the album is headed, dark nasty and for its time. No filler and every track's a winner, from the epic opener, grooving HooligansHoliday, speedster SmokeTheSky, to the sublime closer DriftAway, this was an album waving a proud new flag. Probably one of the most criminal of things that they didn't get to release a followup (other than the essential experimental EP recorded same time) and damn the many reasons that led to their reformation of original line-up, can't believe Corabi has since been pushed aside and not gotten to front a SixxAM or similar. For its time MotleyCrue was a larger than life near perfect release deserving of more. Rating 9.5/10

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: February 12, 2012 at 16:19
This is one of those discs, like Priest's Jugulator, DOkken's Dysfunctional, Skid Row's Subhuman Race, and even Maiden's Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son, where it was initially given mixed reviews, if not outright trashed , but in the fullness of time, has been given its due. Vince Neil said that with Exposed, he wanted to take the Motley sound into the '90's, but it was his old band that really did it. Corabi's a great singer, and Bob Rock gives them a sound very similar to Metallica's Black Album. It's a heavier musical direction for sure, but a logical one for the band, I think, and sounds "mdoern" without totally losing its identity (unlike the horrible Generation Swine). It's really a shame Ctis little adventure turned out to be a dead-end for Corabi, instead of a stepping stone to advance his career, but the disc sold poorly because MT quit playing "Hooligan's Holiday" after just a couple weeks, and the ensuing tour didn't do well and was cut short as well.

From: Zinny Date: February 18, 2012 at 7:13
J.Wylder couldn't have said it better - I also like this album, great production almost as good as Feelgood, but I also happen to prefer Vince's damn good first release Exposed over this. MC '94 has good playing yes, but the musicianship of Stevens/Foxx on Exposed is far superior. Sorry all MC '94 lovers, but that's the truth, as much as I also dig the Motley boys/men. The problem with this album, I believe, is that they wanted to get an updated sound just a little bit too much. The intention was good, but with a rawer singer, very good in his own right but with a limited vocal range, they went too far, something that alienated them from their core fan base. Also the lack of strong choruses, compared to earlier releases, did not help. Don't get me wrong, it's a good album, it just does not rock the world. It is really not about comparing, but when I listen to Look in her eyes or Living is a luxury, I hear revenge and hunger. Then came some sad years in Motley, lost identity for all.

From: $$ixx Date: September 11, 2013 at 5:43
At this time, esp Mr Lee wanted to follow trends. He was also jealous of Vince, who was the main attention of females and THE FRONTMAN, lead singer and face of the band. So Lee wanted him out, in came Corabi. Corabi's a great singer, I like The Scream, but he has limited range! And singing the older Crüe songs, he sounded freakin sad. If Nikki wanted a new band name, why the fuck didn't they pick one? Hmm, of course the answer is MONEY, GREED. Well, after Selling 5,000,000 copies of Feelgood, don't you think they could have afforded a new name if they wanted. Hoolingans and Smoke the sky rock hard, with amazing drum sound, but what is dearly missed is the fun, sleazy riffs and strong choruses. Tommy wanted to sound like Soundgarden, pathetic wanna-be, it's seldom good to follow trends. Even though the songs lack in quality, it's a good album! 6,5/10. I listen to Exposed almost every day though Its songs, sound, VOCALS - fucking solid, much better! Very underrated.

From: Dramarama Date: July 24, 2015 at 3:31
Vince Neil is a terrible freaking singer. I always liked Motley Crue's music but, could never stand Vince. I loved Scream's album it was a cross between Cinderella and Aerosmith and I was excited when I heard that Motley Crue was getting a singer with such a diverse voice and who could play guitar I knew that they were going to create a masterpiece. I LOVE THIS ALBUM. It is the only Motley Crue album I can listen to.

From: CC Date: February 17, 2018 at 17:12
Just listening to the new Corabi live album, where he performed this album from start to finish in 94 at a solo show and it made me come back here. I said it before and will say it again, this album is fucking great, but keeping the Crue name killed it. Blinkered Crue fans blasted it without even giving it a chance (thankfully I am more open minded) and no Grunge/Alternative fan was gonna listen to a band known for hair metal. Had they changed names, people from both sides might have been more willing to give it a go .. who knows. Every song on this is a killer, and for me, is Corabi's best work to date. Crue was always about changing and evolving, and from the sound of Primal scream they probably would have gone in this direction even had Vince stayed. Crue are my favourite band, I love this album, I just really really wish they had changed name. I also loved Exposed, so best of both worlds I guess isnt a bad thing.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: February 17, 2018 at 18:30
In hindsight, I don't think changing the name would have made that much difference. It would have quickly become known that it was "just Motley Crue with some new guy singing instead of that idiot Vince." It would've delayed the inevitable by a couple weeks, maybe, but in the end, the same people (diehards like us) would have been the only ones to truly embrace it. It's just hard to see a Donnie Osmond-style incognito campaign working for Motley Crue.

From: Dramarama Date: April 3, 2024 at 14:20
This is the only Motley Crue album that own. John Corabi is a special singer and if the fans had been more open minded this could have worked out the same way that Van Halen did with Sammy Hagar.

From: big tds Date: April 6, 2024 at 15:15
Best thing to happen was to bring in corabi .. this is the best motley crue album !!

From: Val Date: June 23, 2024 at 13:27
I don't get why Sixx can't give Corabi a little love, since he did very well here. If what Crab says is true, and I think it is, he seems honest. Then this is the VERY LAST album with only Mick on lead guitars and most of the other guitars too. Many awaited new songs from Mars+Corabi, after the samples a few years ago, but for some reason Mick was not that happy. It's totally different from Feelgood, but with same rich production. Later albums had less guitars from Mick, and more from Corabi (Swine) and Ashba/5 on new songs for compilations, which can be heard. If I die tomorrow was fine, Sick love song too, then way downhill. Song called "Sex" and those soundtrack tunes for The Dirt sucked hard. Can't even listen to them. Classic Crue REALLY ended with Decade of decadence. After that, Sixx has lost his once sharp writing pen, and last song Dogs Of War is just aweful. John5 can obviously play, guitar way too high, looks inappropriate. MC is milking the cow, understandable, but sad.

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