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[Motley Crue Band Picture]

Artist: Motley Crue

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Motley Crue Homepage

CD Title: Dr. Feelgood

Motley Crue Dr. Feelgood Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1989

Label: Elektra

Catalog Number: 9 60829-2


Tommy Lee drums, percussion, backing vocals
Mick Mars guitars, backing vocals
Vince Neil lead and backing vocals
Nikki Sixx 4, 8, and 12-string basses, backing vocals


1.  T.N.T.  
2.  Dr. Feelgood  
3.  Slice of Your Pie  
4.  Rattlesnake Shake  
5.  Kickstart My Heart  
6.  Without You  
7.  Same 'ol Situation  
8.  Sticky Sweet  
9.  She Goes Down  
10.  Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)  
11.  Time for Change  

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Motley Crue CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Motley Crue are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Spike Date: March 26, 2001 at 18:27
One of the best hard rock albums ever, pure hard rockin' expolsive fun album you'll ever wanna listen too!!!

From: Mentalizer Date: September 9, 2001 at 0:54
Best Mötley Crüe album no doubt! All the songs are great and explosives here. The best Party-Anthems are 'kickstart my heart', 'same ol' situation', 'she goes down' and 'dont go away mad'. The two ballads here always make me cry

From: Kim Date: December 4, 2001 at 15:22
Denne cd er fantastisk og ha en del fede numre. Bla Dr.Feelgood, total fed produktion og er en af de bedste Heavy Rock/Glam albums som nogensinde er udgivet.

From: Kim Date: December 4, 2001 at 15:24
Did anyone understand that.????. NO I dont think so, could we please have english written reviews on the site.???? If not I`ll keep posting in Danish.:-)

From: Thank U Ma'am Date: December 5, 2001 at 16:00
Nooo Please don't do it !!!!!! Che ne diresti di qualche review in Italiano ?

From: Thank U Ma'am Date: December 5, 2001 at 16:05
Did anyone understand that ???? I don't think so, could we please have a bathroom on this site ???? If not I'll keep on posting in Italian (eh eh eh ).

From: joe Date: December 13, 2001 at 9:06
The best Motley Crue album. Life would be poorer without it, great fun a must have.

From: destiny Date: January 6, 2002 at 20:07
I seen the crue in concert on this tour (with warrant) the show was awesome. this is one of the best rock cds of all time. Vince, dawn loves you!

From: mindy Date: February 3, 2002 at 9:08
This album rocks! Tied with SHOUT AT THE DEVIL for best CRUE cd (in my opinion anyway).

From: CHIRO Date: April 18, 2002 at 1:02

From: Drag-in-Bones Date: April 22, 2002 at 10:10
The jammed intro gives way to Sirens, which give way to the Fattest, Chunkiest and Grooviest Riff these Bastards have ever written. I love the Gritty, Greasy, 'Kick Start My Heart' and how 'Slice of Your Pie','Rattelsnake Shack' and 'Sticky Sweet' Whacks out in Spunky Style. So put this CD back into the stereo and allow yourself the full flavor of what is the Biggest Dog Beast Bastard of an album!! I recommend playing this one untell it BLEEDS!!! THE SLEAZE PATROL RULES!!!

From: Desslar Date: April 22, 2002 at 11:58
Great album. 'Kickstart My Heart' is one of my favorite metal tunes. There's a good bit of filler, but the singles rock.

From: Motley Date: April 23, 2002 at 1:39
Fuckin right in dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! couldnt agree more (drag in bones)

From: SleazyMusic Date: May 6, 2002 at 9:47
I felt in love with the band after listening 'Kickstart my heart'... some days after, I bought my first guitar... Over six millions of records sold in America only where it reached N°1... One year of shows all over the world... The band came back sober and clean to kick everyone's ass ! ! ! I like to dedicated this album to all the people that think the Crue is a bluff... Listen it suckerssss ! ! !

From: mark Date: May 12, 2002 at 21:52
Dont get me wrong I am a huge motley crue fan but when this album first came out i hated it vinces voice sounded like a rat in heat to fast and whiney compared to girls girls girls but after a few listens i grew to like it too bad they fell apart after this album.

From: Motley Date: May 27, 2002 at 15:52
does anybody know about the release PERSONALITY #19 that never hit the stores coz the record cokpany refused to release it?? Give some updates please....

From: From Mexico Date: July 11, 2002 at 14:01
I knew that Personality # 9 (not 19) was going to be the next record with Corabi, but when Vince came back, the guys in the band decided to re-write songs for Vince´s voice, so, Personality # 9 never came out.

From: dokken6008 Date: July 21, 2002 at 7:14
'Kickstart My Heart' always did something for me, I don't know what. None of their other songs gets me rockin' like that one does. Great, great, GREAT kick-ass rockin' album. Did I mention that 'Kickstart My Heart' kicks total FUCKING ass?

From: dokken6008 Date: August 10, 2002 at 0:23
As for the rest of 'Dr. Feelgood'? It's one of those 80's classics. It's not quite on par with 'Hysteria', but it's pretty high up there. Bob Rock's superb production combined with loads of sleazy hard rockin' songs and Crue at their best makes for a must-have. I am not an MC reprentative, but I might as well be. If you don't already own this cd, GO OUT AND BUY IT. I was really missing out on something when I didn't own 'Dr. Feelgood', I've gotta say. Now that I do, I am fulfilled.

From: rocknutter2001 Date: August 12, 2002 at 9:24
great motley album they all rock anyway but vince really kicks ass on this one and shows why he is one of the best rock n roll singers ever buy this cd if your a glam metal fan or go on living without one of the best rock n roll albums ever

From: dokken6008 Date: August 17, 2002 at 4:40
One of the best LIMITED-VOCAL RANGED singers in rock and roll. Neil at his best was probably on 'Theatre of Pain'. 'Dr. Feelgood' is more showcasing THE BAND at its best. Mars finally let loose on this one and Sixxes' songwriting is another big highlight on '..Feelgood'.

From: Baris Date: September 18, 2002 at 5:41
I think this was their last dirty-great effort. After this, they put an end to quality-rock music and became tools for magazine world. The sound here is harder than their previous records. This is the most-metal Crue album. If you're a sleazy-rock fan, collect previous Crue albums, also take this and stop here, no need to go further...

From: TIM Date: September 29, 2002 at 0:37
I liked this album, but didn't love it. They seemed to have lost the intensity that made the debut, Shout, and Girls album so fun.

From: robert Date: October 22, 2002 at 10:21
kickstart my heart UNA verdadera pasada! tan bueno o mas q el anterior. con ese sabor clasico a los Motley...

From: dusty Date: January 13, 2003 at 11:50
Crue is the best!

From: rising power Date: March 24, 2003 at 3:49
Motley Crue has done it again allthough there is slight change the AC/DC/Judas Priest/Accept sound has been filled in with a more swinging Aerosmith/Led Zep/Rainbow-feel They use more lose notes instead of chords but still very Motley Crue-ish. The best HEAVY METAL album of '89. Don't let people fool you with derrogative terms like hair-metal or party-rock. This is HEAVY METAL of top-class and you have every right to be proud of liking it!!!!!!!!

From: metalhead4ever Date: April 13, 2003 at 5:18
Obviously this CD rock's and will always be one of my favorites and that's all I have to say for this band. It would be amazing if all record stores could have ties to every record label (i'd imagine that computer's are there for a reason) so why not have every album ever made in this world be available so that when we purchase a CD in a record store we can make up our own CD's with whatever music or cover we wish from any album? I'm sure alot of people have thought of that idea before.

From: Date: April 23, 2003 at 15:44
It IS GREAT!!!That would be all.

From: STRETCH!! Date: June 21, 2003 at 21:02
MOTLEY CRUE RULES....short and simple..

From: Scandinavia Date: June 25, 2003 at 5:53
Well, I agree with all of you! TOTALLY OUTREAGEOUS TREMENDOUS FABULOUS AMAZING FUCKING ALBUM....The crue at their best! If you're a newcomer and want to know what Hardrock/Partyrock is all about then this is the perfect album to begin with! Everything from production, song writing, playing to sleeve design is perfect here! M A S T E R P I E C E ! ! ! ROCK'N'ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Slap Maggie Date: June 25, 2003 at 8:52
Please tell me you're joking.The Crue continues to pull punches with Feelgood.Throw in a few core metal songs and fill in the rest of the disc with filler,pop crap like 'SOS','Don't Go Away Mad', and 'Without You.'Like I really want to hear a heartfelt song from Tommy's inner being to his one love Heather.Consider the sound of the first release to Shout and that was the Crue people thought they would always get. Throw in Pain,Girls,and Feelgood and realize what a mistake it was. Dr. is mediocre.

From: Scandinavia Date: June 25, 2003 at 9:24
Fair 'nuff 'Slap Maggie'...But name me one band that didn't go that way? One band that didn't get just a bit more commercial along the way? Anyhow, if you thought the Crue were a metal band I think you're wrong...Check out their inspirations...I think this sound is more them if you understand. Saying that I'm taking their background into consideration. Seems their metal days were the actual commercial period doesn't it? Trying to ride along the early 80s wave of 'Evil' metal with satanic imagery

From: Scandinavia Date: June 25, 2003 at 9:27
and the ever present simplicity of the early 80s...But then again: If you like their metal days better that's just fine! The band probably doesn't care anyway....Taste differences make this page much better! Important thing is you like the Crue....SHOUT AT THE DEVIL!

From: VICROCK Date: August 11, 2003 at 18:53

From: Gar Date: August 12, 2003 at 16:39
'Pals of Motley are shame on this sheet'?! What are you talking about, dude?

From: Motley Date: August 13, 2003 at 3:12
Hola Mexican? got any problems you wanna air out? Seems you have no idea of what RnR is all about if you can talk bad about this masterpiece...

From: Vicrock Date: August 19, 2003 at 14:28
Hey , i know what rock is and this record are only publicity. There used to be a good Motley crue, the to fast for love and shout at the devil crue, but this?, maybe you must hear some other bands to learn about real rock. I give you a list: Cheap trick( influence of Motley), Aerosmith(masters of mpotley),David lee roth(father of motley, ask them!)Riot, Kix, Heavy pettin, this are much better and unknow contemporaneus bands of motley that really rocks.

From: Dusty Date: August 24, 2003 at 13:06
This is a great cd, a classic rock album and i don't think you really know what rock 'n' roll is. Motley Crue = rock 'n' roll. their is no better example of it than the Crue.

From: Metal T Date: September 27, 2003 at 22:24
This album is 'OVERRATED' big time,and by the way Mickey Dee of Motorhead is ten times better than Tommy Lee on the skins .

From: Great Dane Date: September 28, 2003 at 18:49
Overrated....By whom. NOT by me. I give it a straight 10. Cool comment, about Mickey Dee beeing 10 times better.....Why even compare those two.????? Lee is Good, and so is Dee. Dee was good when he was in King Diamond. Now he´s just a basher.

From: Rene Date: September 29, 2003 at 14:19
I dont agree, i love MICKEY DEE with MOTORHEAD a lot, he still kick ass. One of the best ever.

From: Great Dane Date: September 29, 2003 at 18:00
Rene I do too. I just got 'pissed' about the clown making the comments.Dee is really good. Im not sure but I think that he in a way saved Motorhead. The only problem with Mickey Dee is that he isnt danish. We could use a drummer here. We used to have one called Lars Ulrich, but he ''''passed'''' away some time ago.......;-)

From: Date: October 1, 2003 at 12:53
Now this is the big deal. The crue's most succesfull album. After all the drugs and alcohol addiction, they decided to be clean and sober on this one. It's great! I still remember the video for SAME OL' SITUATION. Cool video. This was also the time when Vince Neil was out of the band after this release. Maybe they had been having problems with each other. Vince returned briefly in 1997 for GENERATION SWINE, which was a disapointment. But anyway, like I said this is their most succesfull album...

From: Date: October 1, 2003 at 12:55, if you're a fan and don't have it yet go and buy it! If you're not a fan, that means that you love N'SHIT and BACKSTREET GAYS

From: Metal T Date: October 3, 2003 at 22:39
Clean and Sober on this one ? Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha--They don't know what sobriety even means.These jokers have made millions off of very mediocre music.How many bands do you know of in which the singer kills a friend DUI,the bass player Od's and both the singer and the drummer make cheap porno flicks.I might also add beat the hell out their wives and girlfriends,assault security guards etc.Great role models this bunch !

From: Edward Date: October 6, 2003 at 20:12
Well, not many bands can do that much! They were pure destruction with their own hands: drugs, alcohol, beating wife, ODs, car accidents, deaths... TOTAL DESTRUCTION! That is a rocker's life. I mean, how many times was Tommy Lee sent to jail? What about Nikki? He ALMOST DIED of a drug overdose. These guys surely know how to be controversial. But I've always loved MOTLEY CRUE, no matter what happened.

From: Elton Date: October 16, 2003 at 13:29
Demais!Eles foram originais sem fugir do estilo!Dr.Feelgood,Kickstart My Heart,Don´t Go Away Mad e She Goes Down são as melhores!

From: slashh Date: October 29, 2003 at 17:06

From: Stich Date: November 26, 2003 at 5:58
A little sleazier than 'Girls'(which is always good in my book!) This album is actually LOUDER than girls, which is cool also...all the songs rock out too!!! A definite must have! I got so much tail to this album!! -sigh-

From: Great Dane Date: December 25, 2003 at 16:38
Mostly this band was useless. A bunch of dopeheads, but this is a hard rocking load of heavy metal. Its fantastic. #7.

From: Nikki6 Date: January 11, 2004 at 18:11
10 out of 10!!!

From: bundy Date: March 14, 2004 at 2:53
A serviceable record for a band this overrated and devoid of talent. A drunk driver, a junkie and a wife beater. The only one in the band that passes for a decent, normal human being is their troll of a guitarist.

From: Date: March 15, 2004 at 10:15
Mick Mars a human being?? He looks more like a walking stiff to me!

From: John Date: April 15, 2004 at 3:53
A little overrated in my book. I feel like they got a little too cheesy with this one, but maybe that's an unfair criticism considering we are talking about the Crue. I liked Too Fast, Shout and Girls better back in '89, still feel that way 15 years later.

From: MARKY Date: April 22, 2004 at 1:46
Brutal,kickstart my heart k barbaro k solos k macarras esto es lo k deseo d un hard rock brutal k hizo historia,uno d los mejores discos d la banda

From: Guille Date: April 24, 2004 at 18:46
The best Crue album,Kickstart My Heart the best Crue song ever.

From: sinner boy Date: May 12, 2004 at 21:51
great album. Not my favorite from the crue. i know i know im sorry. very well written great melody great everything. one problem to great. i think its over produced to clean. though they ruled the world when this cd hit. the song without you one of my least favorite crue songs. beautiful song just not a crue 'love' song. take for example all thier other ones. on with the show, danger, too young,youre all i need. dont get me wrong great cd though just not my fav.

From: jack Date: May 14, 2004 at 5:24
Great album,as usual and as expected from a band of such calibre. On last week,After listening this album in my loud speaker and cd player,i heard linkin park's music being played on my brother's room next door and my next thing in my mind was Ughhhh! I've heard nirvana's smell like teen spirit and some of those crap nu-metal music on the radio and i will never spent even a single cent on their cd. Wonder why so many of people in my university listen to such crap?

From: jack Date: May 14, 2004 at 5:28
Also have no idea why some of them laugh when isay i listen to motley crue,van halen,ratt,dokken or even motley crue' music? I mean i think these band can play much better hard rock/metal music than any of them in the nu-metal or alternative or grunge genre can. Glam and sleaze metal forver!!!

From: Blue Tequila Date: May 14, 2004 at 10:15
Hey Jack--are you a politician? You keep on talking but you don't say anything!

From: jack Date: June 24, 2004 at 4:53
O.k...I'M THE ONE THEY CALL DR.FEELGOOD,I'M THE ONE THATS GONNA MAKE YOU FEEL ALL RIGHT! Actually i'm not a politician but one of the crue's biggest fan. Maybe a politician for motley crue!

From: Big Papa K Date: June 27, 2004 at 20:47
Really not as good of an album as everyone makes it out to be. The singles are all excellent, as is closing ballad 'Time For Change'. But the filler is so bad (tracks 3,4,8,9) that is makes the album sound like just a loose collection of singles. 7/10

From: manos Date: September 24, 2004 at 15:58
The real thing! Just another precious diamond to complete 1989's mythical jewellery! A best seller that is success both financially and artistically. It is a step further from Girls Girls Girls and that is mainly due to the big dollar production from Mr Bob Rock who helps Motley to reach perfection! Songwise, there is absolutely no filler. And plus, it is the first time I hear a real bass line from Nikki Sixx on 'Don't Go Away Mad'.

From: onemorecast Date: November 11, 2004 at 22:37
I can't believe how many post there are for this. I was the 1st kid in town to get this, skipped school so I could be at the record store when the UPS guy showed up. Truly their best album. One of the greatest hard rock albums of all time. I saw them in '90 w/ faster pussycat. Great show I will never forget it.

From: christo Date: November 14, 2004 at 9:31
i agree with metal t, motley crue have made alot of money out of mediocre music, you could call it bubblegum rock, but its not anything that you can call decent music.

From: Propane Date: December 2, 2004 at 23:07
SHEEIITTTT!!!!!! This ripped my head off and kicked it down the gutter! Awesome axe grind, bad ass percussion howl, excellent backbone boom! Nice album for the time, very nice.

From: Geoff Date: January 9, 2005 at 4:48
Still my favourite Motley album to this date. 'Dr Feelgood' contains one of the best riffs of the 80s, 'Sticky sweet' and 'She goes down' are pure naughty gems, 'Kickstart my heart' is a commercial haven and 'Without you' is actually quite a nice ballad. Overall, there's not a song I dislike on this CD and the band sound awesome. Love this CD!!!

From: Hard Rocker Date: January 25, 2005 at 22:05
'Dr. Feelgood' is a fuckin' MASTERPIECE!!!!! I bought this album back in 1989 and I was hoping to be better than 'Girls, Girls, Girls'... and you know what?... this happens to be one of the best hard rock albums of all time!!!! ROCK ON MOTLEY!!!!

From: z4roxx Date: February 19, 2005 at 19:25
IMO that's the most overrated band in the world.I can save from their discography only this one who contains some very good songs indeed but,I repeat,that's an average band who has written nothin'special in the music history of hard rock/glam....

From: 80sMetal1 Date: February 23, 2005 at 22:53
This is one of the best albums ever, definitely the best Motley Crue album, and one of my favorite albums ever. Dr. Feelgood gave us such killer rock n roll ANTHEMS as the title track, Same Ol' Situation, Kickstart My Heart, and Don't Go Away Mad. And She Goes Down and Sticky Sweet are some raucous underrated tracks. This album made the Crue the biggest band in the world.

From: Flawless Date: February 27, 2005 at 18:05
Best Crue record period! The heavy stuff like the title track, Wildside, and Kickstart My Heart set the bar for future releases that could not reach with various lineup changes and reunions. Decade of Decadence gives a great inside look at the Crue but skips some key tracks like Don't Go Away Mad and S.O.S. The rest of this CD (Slice of Your Pie, Rattlesnake Shake, and She Goes Down) is just filler. Get the remaster for some bonus tracks!

From: jakki steal Date: April 17, 2005 at 16:20
dr feelgood is a killer cd! Motley Crue are just so damn cool!Last year when I dropped out of high school. I became a stripper to make some money so I could support myself! And the club I worked at would play a lot of motley crue songs.'she goes down' 'sticky sweet' and 'same ol situation' got heavy rotation(as well as 'girls girls girls')Nikki Sixx is a killer songwriter! Vince Neil is a vocal god! Tommy Lee is the greatest drummer ever! Mick Mars is a badass guitar player!

From: Artie Date: June 29, 2005 at 17:42
Along with Warrant's Cherry Pie, this is the best 'party'-metal album out there. The non-hits aren't quite up to par with the hits, but I think they complement the album very nicely. A 9.6 (give or take) out of 10 for me.

From: memole Date: August 2, 2005 at 9:10
probably their best album, all-time classic!!

From: lulla Date: October 31, 2005 at 6:49
This is not their best release musically speaking in my opinion. There are great tracks here, like S.O.S., Dr. Feelgood and Kickstart My Heart. All instruments are sounding perfect here, guitars are heavier than hell here, brillian production. So, why isn't it my favourite record? For a simple reason: apart from the fact these tracks I mentioned are great, the rest of the album is just warm. Without You, a mediocre ballad. Time for change, sounds like a goodbye song. Slice Of Your Pie, boring.

From: poproxx2007 Date: December 23, 2005 at 0:27
I hate to see closeminded comments like THIS IS HORRIBLE. Have some substance to your argument or why do you think its horrible. Yes this was the Crue's highest charting cd, they're most popular and by far the most expensive budget wise but to me not they're best. The original raw glam sleaze sound is gone. Looking back its still some great songs but growing up with the Crue I always felt this was overrated and I dont like the hit singles on it. Thats just me. I also like Theatre of Pain so my o

From: headbanger4life Date: February 14, 2006 at 23:52
This is my favorite release by the Cure. It just kicked ass from beginning to end. I finally caved in and picked up the remastered version of this one three demo's and the unreleased track 'Get It For Free'. Being the Japanese version, it also has a bonus demo of 'Time For Change'. 'Kickstart My Heart' is one of my all time favs.

From: moncreature Date: June 27, 2006 at 4:52
Stole this cd from my dad after listening to it.Its one of my favorites

From: rockhardrock Date: March 6, 2007 at 9:56
Listen to that one and you ll feel good.My personal fav. is 'Dr.Feelgood','Kickstart my heart' and 'Dont go away mad' are real gems but the ballad 'Without You' should have been better-its good but compare it with 'home sweet home' or 'You are all i need' and you ll see the diference.This is my best crue release another great one is Girls,girls,girls.

From: Maxi Date: May 31, 2007 at 10:11
Crue Rules...!!!this is one of the best hard / glam rock album ever!!!Dr.feelgood is an awesome album..motley crue is the most glam rock band i like the most..great sounds, glamour lyrics, amazing cover art work, what a fun glam rock album!!tommy's drum sound straight to every single beat of my heart like a rollin' thunder,you fuckin' kick ass man..u're bring a lot inspiration for me..!! To all the guys in motley crue : hail you mother fuckers..stay glam n lewd, crued & tattoed!!!fuck yeah..

From: Rambo Rockerman Date: January 20, 2008 at 9:29
The last true great record by Motley Crue.

From: Maxi Date: April 9, 2008 at 12:58
i agree with you Rambo Rockerman..glad to konw that we're stnading in a same line..rock on!!

From: altacet Date: April 9, 2008 at 13:09
This is just the best album ever in its genre . As simple as that , period!

From: PC Rocker Date: June 27, 2008 at 12:17
Saddle up! Just when you thought it couldn't get better than Girls Girls Girls! 1/2. TNT/Dr. Feelgood- 11/10. As the title track for Girls Girls Girls is a classic rock anthem, so is Dr. Feelgood. This is just an all around great rock n' roller! 3. Slice of Your Pie- 10/10. Starts off ballad-like, then starts kicking ass! 4. Rattlesnake Shake- 10/10. From the sexy guitar purr at the beginning to the horn section outro, this song just adds so much to the album. 5. Kickstart My Heart- 12/10. The best song on the albums, and arguably, the best Motley Crue song ever written. Listening to this song in moods: If you're mad, you'll get madder. If you're sad, you'll get happy and aggressive. If you're bored, you'll get estatic. Just a great damn song, unbeatable. 6. Without You- 10/10. Nice power ballad. Really like it. Brings out the emotional side of the band. 7. Same Ol' Situation- 10/10. Great song that is very easy to sing along to. Gets you wondering: is this based on a real event?

From: PC Rocker Date: June 27, 2008 at 12:25
CONTINUED: 8. Sticky Sweet- 10/10. This song is just plain fun! The parts that I'm not banging my head at, I'm laughing my ass off. The lyrics are just plain funny! Sixx truly has a sense of humor! 9. She Goes Down- 11/10. Listening to this for the first time from track to track, one might think that "Sticky Sweet" is this album's dirty track. WRONG! Just the name of the song is all the explanation you need. This is a damn good tune though! 10. Don't Go Away Mad- 10/10. Another good power ballad. Two on one album! Gotta love it! 11. Time For Change- 10/10. OH MY GOD! COULD IT BE?!? THREE POWER BALLADS!?!?! Yes, it's true. This is the weakest of the three, even though I gave 'em all 10s. OH WAIT! Didn't I give every song a 10? I think so. This song is deep, and will satisfy anyone in need of a sappy ballad! Dr. Feelgood album= This album is a masterpiece, head to toe. NO filler. Sadly, this will be the last great release that our beloved Crue will have. Buy this album!!!!!!!!

From: zoomanthree Date: December 15, 2008 at 8:13
1 of my fave glam best from crue. kick ass!!

From: hair metal again Date: June 21, 2009 at 3:39
hair metal masterpiece by the favorite album of the band sounds fresh andimportant still after 20 years.anyway we may not be doctors but we definitely are feelgoods

From: poser forever Date: June 23, 2009 at 14:38
What can i say. A great release by the Crue. It has it all:Great tracks, excellent production by mr Bob Rock himself and a great attitude.The best by Motley. It brings back great memories.Simply a masterpiece!!

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: June 25, 2009 at 14:00
To me, this is Motley's last great album. They were a great band in the '80's, and their music was a perfect symbol for the time, but after this? Well, "Primal Scream" was terrific. The Corabi album was good too, but doesn't sound very Crue-like. To be honest, they should've called it a day when Vince got canned in '92. It would've saved the world a LOT of mediocre music to come, and of course, the steaming turd that was Generation Swine. All right, for Dr. Feelgood, it's a nice mix of heavy tunes "the title track, "Slice Of Your Pie," "She Goes Down"), and more melodic stuff ("Same Old Situation," "Don't Go Away Mad"). Seems like back in those days, Vince used a different voice on every record, and this is the one he eventually settled on. Oh yeah, adn in the band's quest to do another "Home Sweet Home," we get two absolutely AWFUL ballads.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: June 25, 2009 at 14:00
To me, this is Motley's last great album. They were a great band in the '80's, and their music was a perfect symbol for the time, but after this? Well, "Primal Scream" was terrific. The Corabi album was good too, but doesn't sound very Crue-like. To be honest, they should've called it a day when Vince got canned in '92. It would've saved the world a LOT of mediocre music to come, and of course, the steaming turd that was Generation Swine. All right, for Dr. Feelgood, it's a nice mix of heavy tunes "the title track, "Slice Of Your Pie," "She Goes Down"), and more melodic stuff ("Same Old Situation," "Don't Go Away Mad"). Seems like back in those days, Vince used a different voice on every record, and this is the one he eventually settled on. Oh yeah, adn in the band's quest to do another "Home Sweet Home," we get two absolutely AWFUL ballads.

From: Put-Put Date: August 10, 2009 at 14:57
what can i say 10million people worldwide can't be wrong this album still want be forever one of the top5 albums in the 80's from start to finish the boys are at there peak

From: pie75 Date: August 3, 2010 at 8:45
bob rock made the crue commercial without taking away their edge or attitude the last of the great crue albums and an out and out 80's classic before the grunge crap turned up motley would never live up to this again

From: metalmaniac777 Date: February 13, 2011 at 11:54
Motley's masterpiece. Crucial Crue. If you're jonesin' for that fun, sleazy, late 80s hard rock sound, then this is just what the doctor ordered. Bob Rock's powerful production lets you feel the music burrowing right into your bones and damn does it feel GOOD. A lot of bands released great albums during the hedonistic excess of the 80s and this ranks right up there with the best of 'em.

From: kamd Date: May 29, 2011 at 12:10

From: hair metal again Date: June 6, 2012 at 1:25
hair metal masterpiece by THE CRUE and one of all time classics in hard rock music!perfection is what you get and this one is a clear 100/100 that marked the golden era of our beloved music!

From: HEAVY PARADISE Date: July 7, 2012 at 10:27
I just love this one, this is my favourite, along with Shout at the devil, CrUe release. Great commercial heavy rock with attitude and big ballsy sound!!!!

From: dany69 Date: August 21, 2013 at 10:10
Nothing to say,,AMAZINGGGGGGGG,,5 first albums are the best,,,

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: December 19, 2019 at 18:17
This album turned 30 years old this fall, which somehow makes me feel older than other '89 releases. Maybe because it's one of the first albums when I was fully aware of the hype surrounding its release. I remember lying on my living-room floor watching the videos every night on Dial-MTV. Listening back with a bit more perspective (and the familiarity with their back catalog that I didn't have then), one thing that jumps out at me, aside from Bob Rock's massive production, is the "happy" quality of a lot of the music. Not many songs retain the dark menace of Shout At The Devil. "Rattlesnake Shake," "Same Old Situation," the near heartland-rock of "Don't Go Away Mad," and even "Kickstart My Heart" just have a cheerful quality to their riffs and singalong choruses that I don't hear nearly as much on past releases. It seems like a friendlier Motley Crue in a way. And there's "Time For Change" sending the album, ade, off on a note of sunny optimism that proved to be misplaced. Change was c

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: December 19, 2019 at 18:20
Damn phone! "Time For Change" sendthe the album, and the decade, off on a note of sunny optimism that proved to be misplaced. Change was coming all right, but little did the Crue know, they wouldn't be part of it.

From: Auslander Date: May 6, 2021 at 0:41
If someone asked me if I could only listen to music from one year for the rest of my life, what year would it be. 1989. I have so many albums from this year that I love. In the glory years of hard rock 1982-1992, this is the best year IMO. Top stuff from Alice Cooper, LA Guns, Pretty Boy Floyd, Skid Row, The Cult, DAD, Enuff ZNuff etc. But, in choosing a single release I have to go with this album from Motley Crue. Same Ol Situation, Don't Go Away Mad, Without You and the furious Kickstart My Heart are great tracks. But the title track is phenomenol. Just surviving the decade was an achievement for the Crue, but they delivered their best album at the close. A+

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: May 6, 2021 at 13:33
1989 was my first full year as a metalhead. Also, my family got cable in the spring of that year, and suddenly I could watch MTV and see all these bands that didn't make it onto "American Top 40," which had previously been my go-to source. I remember thinking that Skid Row and Winger were somewhat obscure (this was before both had big Pop its in the summer). Rick Krim of MTV wasn't exaggerating one bit in Nothin' But A Good Time: Dial-MTV was the top fifteen viewer requested videos every afternoon, and all through 1989, the list consisted of Madonna, Paula Abdul, one or two rap videos (Tone Loc, Young MC, etc.), New Kids On The Block, and ten metal videos, the vast majority of the hair variety.

From: Auslander Date: May 6, 2021 at 13:40
Me too Doghouse! I just turned 13 in early 1989 and that was the year music became ultra important to me. I worked so many jobs just to spend all my pocket money on cassettes every week. Maybe that is why I love that year in music so much, because of all the hard rock groups and albums I first bought. Some of them much to my parents displeasure.

From: AJManiac666 Date: August 5, 2021 at 9:07
There goes MTV strikes again ruining Motley to have radio play once again. Kickstart my Heart is just as poppy as it goes they should'nt change too much with this fifth album and oh! Please MTV stop ruining this band for radio play of cheap excrement!

From: MetalllianStallion Date: June 3, 2024 at 11:05
Bob Rock - Nikki Sixx Couldn't Play Bass Before 'Dr.Feelgood"

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