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25,000th CD added to Heavy Harmonies!
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CD Title: Full Frontal Attack
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Category: Glam
Year: 1990
Label: BMG
Catalog Number: 9889-2-R
Jeff Hoad
Clifford Hoad
Anthony Ragg
Glenn Morris
1. | Crazy | |
2. | Lock Me Up | |
3. | Drop the Gun | |
4. | There is Danger | |
5. | Hooked on it | |
6. | Vampire | |
7. | Rescue Me | |
8. | Full Frontal Attack | |
9. | Howling Wind | |
10. | I Get Lonely | |
11. | Haunt You Baby | |
12. | Overdrive | |
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long as they are at least 4 songs in length.
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Existing comments about this CD
From: Stew |
Date: February 27, 2001 at 20:13 |
Kings Of The Sun is a phenominal hard rock band, with hard drums played like keith Moon and power chords that get you rockin till the sun goes down and up. I wish there about them on the net. Stew/Montreal, Canada
From: Nev |
Date: April 26, 2001 at 14:03 |
great aussie rock band..straight out kick ass rock n roll...why didn't australia take to them???next to ac/dc their greatest export
From: TT |
Date: November 26, 2001 at 9:32 |
This was an excellent release. The first album was good, but this one is dead on. Makes the first album look like an average album by a great band trying to make waves. Not a naff tune here.
From: ironkeef |
Date: December 14, 2001 at 19:39 |
along with THE ANGELS kings of the sun are definitely AUSTRALIAS PREMIER ROCK BAND.
From: nogoodsinner@ho |
Date: March 25, 2002 at 8:53 |
Kings of the Sun weren't good, they were f*cking GREAT. Jeff and Cliff Hoad are the two of the three greatest talents Australian Rock has ever produced (the other being Bon Scott), and it's a tragedy that they are no longer playing. They should be superstars, and that is NOT an exaggeration. I recently heard some un-released Kings stuff. One was called 'Higher Power' and the other "Stagefright". Classic Kings! I'm thinking of starting a website dedicated to them. THEY DESERVE MORE THAN THEY GOT!
From: Drag-in-Bones |
Date: September 2, 2002 at 1:14 |
"Goin' outta my mind, goin' outta my head, let's do somethin' crazy!" This simply sung request is fallowed by a detonation of power chords and a flurry of extreamely over-the-top, flash rock drumming that we forgot existed since "Keith Moon" packed it in. This is how "Full Frountal Attack" by "The Kings of the sun", begines. Gentleman, start your engines. Aaaand, they'er off! Believe me, it dosen't let up from there, not even for a second!!!
From: Drag-in-Bones |
Date: September 2, 2002 at 1:28 |
Even "There is Danger", the only thing resembling a ballad on the whole album, is so gritty and convincing that it's not even in the same league as the so-called power ballads that pollute the airwaves!!! The King's are not new, but refreshing. Hailing from Australia. Sometimes refered to as the Aussie pub-rockers. The king's are basically just a slobbering, drooling, raw- assed mofo of rock band!!!
From: nitrodoll |
Date: September 2, 2002 at 11:45 |
i was totally into their debut disc but this one didn't do it for me...don't know why but there were a few good songs on it but nothing in compare to the classy debut... sorry, my opinion ...
Date: January 13, 2003 at 21:00 |
Does anybody have the third Kings Of The Sun CD "Resurrection", it was for sale on ebay but the seller wouldn't ship to europe. I'd like to trade.
From: shoulders |
Date: January 16, 2003 at 9:04 |
To Aor Messiah.Why would anyone want to trade such a fantastic release? Ressurection is the best KOTS album ever.
From: Glenn |
Date: January 19, 2003 at 3:16 |
I have Ressurection if you want to drop me an email.
From: Jeff |
Date: January 19, 2003 at 4:25 |
Very underated band that never got the respect in North America. I looking to buy all their cd's...any info e-mail at
From: Fable Stable |
Date: February 6, 2003 at 2:28 |
This was the very first CD i ever got and i still have it from like 10 years ago and i still listen to it more than any other music i have it's definitely the DOGS DANGLY'S
From: peter mayes |
Date: February 12, 2003 at 3:06 |
Jeff and Cliff...get ur arse's back into a band-any band- Australia needs you, we need you, hell... i need you ! Aus music needs a shot in the arm and you guys have the medicine.
From: Big Mick |
Date: March 19, 2003 at 5:09 |
This music is not GLAM as the category suggests. It is Rock n Roll! Long live the Kings and i wish they were still rockin'. If anyone knows of any websites on them please advise. All their albums are brilliant and man, did they put on a rock show. As someone mentioned in an earlier post, if Cliff & Jeff read this, please get Ragg & Morris & start the Ressurection lads. It's time to rock again!
Date: June 12, 2003 at 19:50 |
Hey everybody out there thats into Kings of the Sun, and the avid praise of Jeff snd Cliff, please dont forget Glenn Morris the guitar player. He is just as important to the sound as either of the Hoad brothers. Just listened to Resurrection for the first time, thanks to a cool guy in Portugal. Glenn Morris is awesome!!! Unbelievable licks and tasty runs and solos. And that TONE!!!!
From: Jeff |
Date: June 15, 2003 at 23:01 |
Anybody know even where I can download MPe's of Resurection please let me know @ I can't find that Album anywhere... Thanxs
From: visitor |
Date: August 21, 2003 at 3:18 |
I saw the video of "Drop the Gun" as a teenager and thought that the drummer was absolutely awesome! The song is great also, but unfortunately the only one I ever heard from them.
From: stan boutilier |
Date: November 20, 2003 at 15:42 |
bought this album in 1990 and still have it.i listen to it every day cruisin in my 69 dodge charger r/t. excellent piece of work every song rocks and brings me back to my younger days when rock and roll ruled'.is there a fourth release called bombs away? if so where could i get it?
From: Sir Vincent |
Date: March 30, 2004 at 21:07 |
Incredible album from a good band. I haven't heard Resurrection. Pounding drums, no-frills power chords, and funny-ass lyrics by an inspired vocalist ("Sistaaaa- your lover was loose 'til he hanged himself with a home made noose. Now you don't know who you can trust cuz they'll cut you down with their primative lust") Nothing not to like!
From: dhalgren |
Date: July 16, 2004 at 10:25 |
my heart bleeds....these guys walked the walk and talked the talk. Rock and roll can break your heart, heads down, hands in pockets and walk the lonely miles after and dream the dream of what could have been...but smile too, you guys can be proud.
From: |
Date: August 13, 2004 at 3:58 |
Kings of the Sun Rocks . Drop The Gun Kicks Ass . Doug From Cincinnati , Ohio USA . Anyone want to trade CDR's . I'm lookin for the other two Kings of the Sun On CDR .. Let Me know
From: ACF |
Date: October 29, 2004 at 10:07 |
"and then she took me to a room that was cold & damp, & licked my body like a postage stamp" "lights & dogs, there was cops & cars, & choppers in the sky. he came out runnin' with his hands in the air screamin' "I don't wanna die" JUST FRICKIN' KILLER STUFF!
From: No Good Sinner |
Date: November 14, 2004 at 23:26 |
Hey KINGIZDEAD, I'm almost certain that Hoady played all the guitar parts on all of the KOTS albums. The Hoad brothers are back now with a band at the Gold Coast called "Rich and Famous". God knows they deserve to be. Saw them at the troccadero on my birthday. It was great to see the boys back in action. Bona fide rock stars if ever i saw two. The music's different to KOTS obviously but the Hoad brothers would be entertaining if Jeff Played a xylophone and Cliff a triangle.
From: Easyrider |
Date: February 9, 2005 at 4:26 |
RIGHT - ALL THOSE WITH TASTE. No Good Sinner is telling the truth. They've reformed and are now called THE RICH & FAMOUS. They have one CD out already that is available on their web site with one more on the way - you should all check it out!
From: Erik |
Date: February 9, 2005 at 5:53 |
This is great news indeed. I really like(d) this band. But i have to say that IMO their debut album was the absolute best. Awesome cd !
From: Erik |
Date: February 9, 2005 at 5:55 |
Oh yeah and this aint no glam band ! Its rock all the way !!!
From: briscoe1 |
Date: July 5, 2006 at 14:27 |
Good time rock. This was the first cd of theirs I heard and then I couldn't wait for more. The cd grabbed my attention from Crazy and held it throughout the cd. All of their cds are worth keeping. I can't wait to hear The Rich and Famous
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: December 3, 2006 at 18:24 |
This album and specially this cd sound like a band called "Junkyard".Have you heard of them?.Good band(not glam but rock).
From: Put-Put |
Date: August 11, 2009 at 6:46 |
this is still the best hard.-rock record that came out from australia the kings still kicking asssssess what a shame that the band don't become famous this album is full packaged with hits let's go CCRRAAZZYY
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: April 15, 2011 at 15:01 |
Yes,similar to a band named Junkyard...this album rocks pretty good...raw rock and roll with no major efforts but quite effective..."Lock Me Up","Drop The Gun","Hooked On It" are goodie ones...the best tracks 4 me were "Vampire" & "Rescue Me"...87/100
From: Doug |
Date: November 28, 2011 at 15:37 |
I don't hear the "Junkyard" comparison. To me they have a cleaner sound. Perhaps like "Danger, Danger?" I guess a good album but it does not resonate with me. I'll listen to it though from time to time.
From: hair metal again |
Date: January 25, 2022 at 20:39 |
very good release for KINGS OF THE SUN in the early 90s that offered that energetic hard rock n roll sound of bands like LITTLE CAESAR,CIRCUS OF POWER &JUNKYARD along with a dose of Aussie boogie of course!all the songs are straight rockers and you ll sure move to the rhythm ,but on the other hand you wont find any real big hits!loved the attitude back in the day,still sounds good
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