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Artist: Chris Catena

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CD Title: Freak Out!

Chris Catena Freak Out! Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 2003

Label: IMR/Frontiers Records (Italy)

Catalog Number: IMRC008


Chris Catena Vocals
Glenn Hughes Vocals On Track 2
Jeff Scott Soto Vocals On Track 8
John Lawton Vocals On Track 15
Bruce Kulick Lead Guitar On Tracks 2 & 14
Stevie Salas Lead & Rhythm Guitar On Tracks 3,8,12,13
Bernie Marsden Lead & Rhythm Guitars On Tracks 4,5,9
Micky Moody Slide Guitar On Tracks 9 & 11
Dave Meniketti Lead Guitar On Track 6
Johnny Olhin Lead Guitar On Tracks 1 & 10
Kelly Simonz Lead & Rhythm Guitar On Tracks 1 & 10
Max Spurio Guitars On Tracks 2,4,5,7,11,12
Marko Pavic Rhythm Guitars On Tracks 2 & 6
Yuri Roveri Lead & Rhythm Guitars On Tracks 3,10,11,13,14,15
Hakan Granat Rhythm Guitar On Track 6
Marco K-Ace Capasso Lead & Rhythm Guitar On Tracks 10,14,15
Tony Franklin Bass On Tracks 2 & 3
Chuck Wright Bass On Tracks 9 & 14
John Taylor Bass On Tracks 5 & 12
Doug Wimbish Bass On Tracks 8 & 13
Frank De Groot Bass On Track 1 & 13
Myron Dove Bass On Tracks 4 & 7
Nobby Bass On Tracks 6 & 10
Alex Ferrara Bass On Tracks 11 & 15
Eric Singer Drums On Tracks 9 & 14
Tommy Aldridge Drums On Tracks 1 & 10
Stephen Ferrone Drums On Tracks 5 & 12
Chester Thompson Drums On Track 8
Daniel Flores Drums On Tracks 2,3,7
Stefano Baldasseroni Drums On Track 4
Mauro Munzi Drums On Tracks 6 & 15
Paolo Patrizi Drums On Track 11
Virgil Donati Drums On Track 13
Gianni Francesconi Percussion On Tracks 2,5,13
Davide Spurio Moog, Piano, Clavinet
Enrico Cosimi Organ
Al Kooper Piano On Track 5
Vitalij Kuprij Organ, Keyboards On Track 1
Vivien Lalu Organ On Track 6
Marco Quagliozzi Organ On Track 14


1.  Crazy Man  5:12
2.  Freak Out Tonight Duet With Glenn Hughes  5:35
3.  Hey Man (Freedom Calls)  3:27
4.  Lady Starlight  5:06
5.  Desire  5:25
6.  Take Me Away  3:40
7.  To A Friend  4:45
8.  What You Gonna Do When Your Love Is Gone Duet With Jeff Scott Soto  3:24
9.  Sweet Talker  4:08
10.  Don't Stop Running  3:57
11.  Follow Me  4:25
12.  Gimme Your Love  3:50
13.  Getting Tighter  4:11
14.  The Stronger You Are The Harder You Fall  4:01
15.  It's A Long Way To Go Duet With John Lawton  5:08
Total Running Time:  66:14

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Chris Catena CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Chris Catena are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Christine Date: August 27, 2004 at 3:16
Poor Chris, what a shame he couldn't get anyone to play on this... Seriously though, it sounds great musically, but I think I'd have to get used to his voice. I'm only going by samples I've heard on MR, so I'll have to hear much more of this to make up my mind. Anyone have this one yet?

From: Bob Date: August 27, 2004 at 17:19
This one Is hard to get In to but after I have heard It for the 5th time or so It's really grows on you....If you Into the "Glenn Hughes funky stuff". He really sounds like him t...and that's cool. Great musicians, just look at the this one Is worth to get.

From: Adam Blackheart Date: September 6, 2004 at 6:37
wow, what a band

From: kyny Date: October 8, 2004 at 10:54
a awsome band but a poor result, i trusted in other result maybe more intersting, but i think that the best songs are the covers and that it´s a awfull

From: Frankie Date: October 10, 2004 at 5:19
This is a real cool album !! Great groove, great sound, wonderful performances of the guests artists and Chris Catena himself have a stunning voice with a great range of colours, not so different from Glenn Hughes but with a darker timber and more blues than soul.

From: Solskiar Date: October 17, 2004 at 9:36
Just a "poor" man with a lot of money..

From: Chevalier Date: November 13, 2004 at 6:11
If u look at the musicians you could almost think it worth a listen.Well it sounds just like a bunch of everything with no style at all.And the bad thing is seeing all these guys once so famous putting their name on this crap just for money...this is one of the bad habit of today's music.Let some famous guy 'play' on your record while he doesn't even know you and maybe laugh at your music.He could have had his band play it everythin maybe with a better result too.Too bad.

From: Tamara Date: January 4, 2005 at 15:54
Con una band cosi, dubito che sto catena "muoia di fame"....(e si capisce anche dalle foto). La prox volta dalli in beneficenza.

From: presagio Date: February 28, 2005 at 20:16
ˇˇˇWau!!!...Daniel Flores of Presagio play drums in this disc....It are not anything of bad to work with guys like Glenn Hugghes...

From: zld Date: March 18, 2005 at 5:58
Great disc. Lots of variety. Chris Catena reminds me a bit of that other Glenn Hughes wannabe: John Sloman ("disappearances can be deceptive"-cd). 8,5/10

From: Lory Ann Date: April 28, 2005 at 12:20
The fact that this singer was helped by so many great musicians doesn 't mean he paid all of them, isn 't it ? Anyway the album is very good. I play it in my car goin' to work and makes mee feel really happy. The sound is rough and hard but the groove gets out in any song. Catena sings with great control and emotional involvement. Great songs such as Freak out tonight or It's a long way to go as well as Hey man, deliver !!!!!!! my vote is 9 !

From: juan carlos Date: August 5, 2014 at 13:50
Quite average album, don't like it a lot to say the truth. Too bluesy and funky HardRock for my taste. If you want to have it fun with some cool funky and bluesy riffs this is for you. "Sweet Talker" is cool 7.5/10

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