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CD Title: In Heat
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1988
Label: Geffen
Catalog Number: 9 24180-2
Jamie St. James lead vocals
Tommy Thayer guitars
Woop guitars
Patrick Young bass
Pete Holmes drums
1. | Rock On | 3:45 |
2. | Sight for Sore Eyes | 3:31 |
3. | Heat it Up! Burn it Out! | 4:21 |
4. | Suspicious | 3:42 |
5. | The Snake | 4:41 |
6. | Live it Up | 3:37 |
7. | Gimme Your Love | 3:45 |
8. | Get Wise to the Rise | 4:36 |
9. | Great Guns of Fire | 4:36 |
10. | Stranger | 4:28 |
| |
Total Running Time: | 41:02 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: Nelson |
Date: July 22, 2001 at 2:33 |
This is a very underrated 80's disc. I find it's their best effort, but unfortunately their last. Songs like "rock on", "live it up", and "get wise to the rise", which has to be the most melodic hard rockin' kick ass song in their whole career. If you ever come across this classic c.d., don't hesitate to buy it.
From: TIM |
Date: May 17, 2002 at 8:31 |
I'm not a big Black 'N Blue fan because of the vocalist. I like the rest of the band but not the vocals. The one song that I do like and listen to repeatedly is "Suspicious." It's awesome.
From: Desslar |
Date: May 18, 2002 at 15:29 |
Their best effort? I sure hope not. This is very bland and generic, sounding like a bunch of discarded Kiss demos. Track 8 stands out, but the rest is forgettable. I've heard this band's debut was their peak.
From: Steve T |
Date: May 20, 2002 at 8:44 |
The bands debut and Without Love were the peak. Gene Simmons put paid to their chances.....
From: Toronto17 |
Date: November 16, 2002 at 2:41 |
Not a fan of the Vocalist eh Tim? You seriously can't tell me that James Hetfield, Vince Neil, or Dave Mustaine can actually hold a tune? All you have to do is listen to "I'll Be There For You" off of "Nasty, Nasty" and you'll have your proof!!!
From: John |
Date: January 31, 2003 at 3:37 |
This is the cd that sealed their fate and got them dropped by Geffen. After 3 solid hard rock releases, they chose to put this steaming pile out at a time when this kind of music was EXPLODING. It was terrible and they got what they deserved. It's too bad they settled. If they would have put anything remotely close in quality to the self-titled or Without Love efforts, they were poised to be absolutely huge. They screwed up. Huge.
From: Tony |
Date: February 4, 2003 at 1:25 |
I agree with the review by John here on this one. Very astute mi amigo. I LOVED these guys albums up to this point and I bought this the day it came out and was just like "Is this the same band??". It just PLODS along at a turtle's pace and has that Gene Simmons sludge-like bass heavy, bottom thumping production throughout the whole thing. I still dig Black-N-Blue but this is the last album I'd recommend if you're checking them out. They were RIGHT on the crusp of stardom at this time too!
From: M. Allen |
Date: February 14, 2003 at 18:06 |
Some folks want to beat the band for releasing this CD, but frankly, it's a good hard rock album. Gene Simmons is a hit-n-miss producer (just think what Beau Hill could've done with this album) but this is one of his better production jobs. The songs aren't quite as explosive as those on the debut or "Without Love," but tracks like "Heat it up, Burn it Out" and "Get Wise to the Rise" still rock in a big way. Bottom line, this band should have been a whole lot hotter than they ever were.
From: vince |
Date: February 28, 2003 at 17:42 |
not their best...but still well worth the money.......and yes...some of their stuff IS worth the price you will pay!!awsome band
From: Kim HP |
Date: July 13, 2003 at 8:25 |
Walked into my local cd store and found this used for $6. Pretty good deal... Anyways, this is a good album with some decent 80's tunes. I actually haven't heard their other releases but from what I've read on this page they are even better. Don't know if I'd pay the $100 for "Nasty Nasty" though...
From: pablo |
Date: September 20, 2003 at 9:53 |
Quiza sea mi disco favorito de esta fenomenal banda ,es su disco más melódico ,excelente 9,5/10
From: Scandinavia |
Date: September 25, 2003 at 10:07 |
"What goes up ain't never coming down...We're alright...ROCK ON!!"
From: |
Date: October 8, 2003 at 8:52 |
what da hell is supposed to be!?it rocks?!oh god...boring and considering what was on the charts that's a crap...pure crap
From: koogles |
Date: October 11, 2003 at 16:14 |
You'd know pure crap wouldn't you, ( After all, that's what they smeared on the nursery walls when you were a baby to keep the flies off your FUCKING FACE!
From: Nanteau |
Date: October 18, 2003 at 18:51 |
Hey Koogles! You really really know how to talk big. I've to respect Northern Americans for that fact.
From: Fat Freddy |
Date: January 2, 2004 at 20:21 |
Found this cassette in a bin of cut-outs some years back for 99 cents, can't beat that with a stick eh? I hadn't heard a B&B album since the debut, which was decidedly more "metal" sounding, I think they were going for the Poison crowd here, however it does have one really good, heavy track, "Heat it Up (Burn It Out)." Not a bad album if you can find it.
From: |
Date: January 3, 2004 at 17:47 |
All of Black N'Blue's CD's have been re-released on Majestic Records for anybody wanting them. Go here to order
From: red |
Date: February 5, 2004 at 14:14 |
This is a pretty good album. Very Def Leppard sounding to me.
From: graham |
Date: August 23, 2004 at 17:08 |
this cd is the best rock cd from this band
From: Geoff |
Date: August 23, 2004 at 20:23 |
Thi sone was never my favourite Black n'Blue release. Good commercial hard rock, but there aren't any real standout tracks for me. I much prefered the more melodic earlier releases. Still, a good and very solid straight ahead hard rock disc from an always great band.
Date: September 2, 2004 at 19:22 |
As a B&B fan, I have all of there stuff and I think it is all good. When I first got "In Heat" some years ago I liked it but didn't think it was as good as there first two but a clean verison of "Nasty Nasty". I also think that Gene Simmons is a hit an miss producer but did a great job with this one. Every time I here it I like it better and better even to this day. It shows the band was growing but at the wrong time for them, to bad because they do stand out from the rest.
From: Chad |
Date: October 2, 2004 at 22:51 |
My 2nd favorite release from the boys! Gene Simmons did a better job of letting them be themselves on this release. While it is still really raw, Jamie is allowed to sing and to let his voice carry many of the songs. The guitars are turned up on this album too. Stand out tracks: Heat it up, Suspicious, Rock on and Stranger. It gets a 9/10 from me. Much like all the B+B releases, not a bad song on it.
From: Dreamaholic |
Date: October 27, 2004 at 6:03 |
I actually like this more than the older stuff (which I still have on cassette) because it just sounds more polished. Sight for Sore Eyes and Suspicious are great songs, and I also liked Rock On, Heat it Up! Burn it Out!,
From: Dreamaholic |
Date: October 27, 2004 at 6:05 |
and Get Wise to the Rise. Back in the day when I was liquidating my collection for $$$, this is one CD I held on to...
From: Dean |
Date: November 27, 2004 at 13:33 |
The only song that got regular airplay from me on this one was "Stranger" a very cool moody mellow tune. The rest of this one just never hit me like the first 3 releases.
From: Erik |
Date: February 23, 2005 at 8:00 |
First 3 releases were better. This is ok but nothing outstanding.
From: jeff |
Date: March 8, 2005 at 21:36 |
I love First 3 albums.. but this is real suck..
From: mauricio |
Date: December 27, 2005 at 16:35 |
hi-from COSTARICA,muy buen disco de BLACK N BLUE remasterizado por parte de majestic records al igual que toda su discografia de 4 albumes y con la produccion de GENE SIMMONS(KISS)al igual que el album NASTY NASTY en donde todavia se retiene el sonido melodico de la banda de portland y editado en 1987.una pena que una banda como esta desapareciera en la cuspide de su carrera,ya que todos sus discos son muy buenos con sonido hard rock no glam.buenas guitarras,buenos temas con sonido ochentero
From: mauricio |
Date: December 27, 2005 at 16:36 |
solo escucha ROCK ON-THE SNAKE-GIMME YOUR LOVE-SIGHT FOR SORE EYES-LIVE IT UP una de las mejores del album y SUSPICIOUS en fin todas son muy buenas al igual que toda su discografia que retiene y conserva su tipico sonido melodico.para mi GENE SIMMONS es un buen productor no se por que le han dado palo para mi ha orientado muy buenisimos discos como los 2 de KEEL=THE RIGHT TO ROCK-THE FINAL FRONTIER.Y que decir de JAIME ST JAMES Y TOMMY THAYER muy buen guitarrista lo ha hecho muy bien en esos 4
From: mauricio |
Date: December 27, 2005 at 16:36 |
discos al igual que sus otros 3 chicos,el mismo TOMMY THAYER ha jugado muchos roles en la banda KISS de ser el roadie,cordinador de produccion,tour manager y como si fuese poco el 5 guitarrista de KISS haciendo el rol de ACE FREHLEY.hasta donde ha llegado el tipo este. sin mas nada ve a comprar todos sus discos remasterizados o porque no su BOXSET (4CDs+1DVD+LIBRITO) no esta en tu pais mandalo a traer por pedido como lo hice yo,ya que en CENTROAMERICA no se consigue.
From: Metalmusicman |
Date: January 1, 2007 at 15:34 |
Hmmm, what can I say about this one? "Heat It Up, Burn It Out" is probably their best heavy song. There, how about that.
From: underworld king |
Date: August 6, 2007 at 5:20 |
Just picked this up cheap at a used cd store. I still like the S/T cd better but this still rocks out nicely.
From: RockMan10 |
Date: August 19, 2007 at 3:16 |
Compared to the rest of THEIR stuff, this was not as good. Some good tunes but just not as in your face as the first two. Great live tunes that Gene butchered in the studio. Live It Up, Wise To The Rise and Rock On should sound much better than they do. Still, it's better than the best of most acts in this genre.
From: petermexico |
Date: April 23, 2009 at 14:10 |
All the BNB albums are great, differents from each other, but well. This was my 1st. album from them, and i´m still like very much as in 1988. Very good rock from USA.
From: rockhardrock |
Date: May 26, 2009 at 17:49 |
i would say that this one is as good as their prevoius album but far from their first two. this album has some great moments too, but it just does have some fillers. my favs: Rock On, Heat it Up! Burn it Out!, Suspicious, Live it Up (the best here) and Get Wise to the Rise
From: edwithmj |
Date: December 18, 2010 at 13:08 |
No wonder this was their last album. This continues on from Nasty Nasty which, while a good album overall was a drastic departure from the first two. This one seems to lose the last remnants of good song writing and all we have left is very forgettable hard rock. It's still good compared to other bands but is too standard compared to the band's first three discs.
From: the rocker |
Date: January 11, 2012 at 18:08 |
I love this cd just as much as the other 3. I don't really understand the problem with this cd, full of commercial hard rock. Sight For Sore Eyes, Suspicious, Gimmie Your Love, Heat It Up, Get Wise To The Rise, & Live Up are really good rockers. I still listen to all 4 to this day. I recommend.
From: hair metal again |
Date: March 13, 2013 at 13:41 |
excellent release by BLACK N BLUE and this is very fine commercial hard rock music with some of the best lyrics ever written and amazin vocs by the Saint!the strong part are the rockers with songs like "heat it up!burn it out","gimme your love" and "live it up"!Simmon$ s production is ok i think and the whole result is quite rockin!
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: April 14, 2013 at 15:49 |
After the very good "Nasty Nasty" album of '86(and by far one of the best releases ever by B'N'B) came this "In Heat" that one way or another caused a fuss too but in my personal opinion it doesn't have the greatness of the aforemetioned release...obvioulsy it has some fine moments such as the cool cuts "Sight For Sore Eyes" & "Gimme Your Love" plus the catchy ones "Heat It Up!,Burn It Out!","Live It Up" & "Get Wise To The Rise"...enjoyable?,yes!...naturally,but that's about all.80/100
From: Buitre |
Date: May 15, 2013 at 10:15 |
First I bought "Without Love" and thought: "It's not bad, but it's not that good either" Then I bought this one...maybe I should have gone for their first release. This one is not for me. 55/100
From: SgtRock |
Date: December 28, 2024 at 6:09 |
Very underrated album and much maligned by many of the fans of the band. But this is a desert island disc for me full of shout em out choruses, foot stomping, fist pumping hard rock with pop metal pretensions. Rock on!
From: Milky Joe |
Date: February 24, 2025 at 16:51 |
This is my least favorite of theirs, but I do still enjoy it. I don't mind a bit of pop in my glam sometimes, though.
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