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Artist: Soundtracks

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CD Title: Days of Thunder

Soundtracks Days of Thunder Album Cover


Category: Various

Year: 1991

Label: DGC Records

Catalog Number: 9 24294-2


See below.


1.  The Last Note of Freedom - David Coverdale  
2.  Deal for Life - John Waite  
3.  Break Through the Barrier - Tina Turner  
4.  Hearts in Trouble - Chicago  
5.  Trail of Broken Hearts - Cher  
6.  Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Guns N' Roses  
7.  You Gotta Love Someone - Elton John  
8.  Show Me Heaven - Maria McKee  
9.  Thunderbox - Apollo Smile  
10.  Long Live the Night - Joan Jett and the Blackhearts  
11.  Gimme Some Lovin' - Terry Reid  

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Soundtracks CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Soundtracks are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: April 1, 2005 at 17:29
Ahhh Days of Thunder, que gran pelicula, queee??? donde esta Kenny Loggins, Cheap Trick ??? el tema de Chicago es muy buena. but where is Kenny Loggins??? Cheap Trick???

From: vandervelde Date: April 2, 2005 at 12:37
First 5 songs plus Maria Mckee hit are terrific and worth the price of disc. I rate Coverdale song here as his best of all, also Tina Turner is at she's best here. Waite as always brilliant, Chicago song although sounds like ripoff of Mr Mister song Broken wings is very good cut, Cher don't have a bad song in 80s. But the best music from this film is made by the always great Hans Zimmer. Two his cuts Victory Lane and Car Building are god made music.

From: HaremScarem Date: February 9, 2006 at 9:44
El de David Coverdale y el de John Waite son dos temazos que merecen mucho la pena; el resto mediocre en general.

From: lalo r.o.c.k. Date: February 23, 2010 at 22:46
For me this soundtrack has one of the best AOR songs of all time,the great John Waite with Deal For Life,What a song!,pure AOR,with perfect keys and amazing guitar from the six strings God Neal Schon,this song is a blast of melodies and feelings,other pearl is Last Note of Freedom amazing too.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: February 24, 2010 at 15:17
This has got to be the least sporty soundtrack for a race-car movie ever! If this disc were a race car, it would be one of the ones thar are five laps down, getting in everybody's way and bouncing off the wall until finally parking it for the day halfway through the race.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: March 11, 2012 at 13:39
The majority of this isn't exactly heart-pounding music for a movie about race cars. Back in '90, the two reasons to get this were of course, GnR's cover of "Knockin' On Heaven's Door," which they completely and totally made their own, burying the overrated dinosaur Bob Dylan. Of course, that became readily available on Use Your Illusion II, in just a slightly different form. So the real treat here is a great, fist-pumping anthem by Joan Jett. And I'm not even a huge fan of hers, but "Long Live The Night" is a badass song!

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Jez Date: July 2, 2015 at 14:00
This is a great soundtrack and as mentioned, it's the first 5 tracks and the beautiful Mariah McKee track 'Show Me Heaven' that are the key tracks on here. The best of the lot is definitely John Waite' fantastic 'Deal For Life', which makes this a worthy purchase for that song absolutely perfect AOR track in all departments. Of the rest, Coverdale and Cher come off well, although the cracks in Coverdale's voice are beginning to appear. G'N R, Elton and Joan Jett are all ok tracks too, rounding off, for a soundtrack, a very enjoyable listen

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