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[Velvet Revolver Band Picture]

Artist: Velvet Revolver

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CD Title: Libertad

Velvet Revolver Libertad Album Cover Velvet Revolver Libertad Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 2007

Label: RCA

Catalog Number: 82876 88859-2


Scott Weiland Vocals
Slash Guitar
Dave Kushner Guitar
Duff MacKagan Bass, Vocals
Matt Sorum Drums, Percussion, Vocals


1.  Let It Roll  
2.  She Mine  
3.  Get Out The Door  
4.  She Builds Quick Machines  
5.  The Last Fight  
6.  Pills, Demons And Etc.  
7.  American Man  
8.  Mary Mary  
9.  Just Sixteen  
10.  Can't Get It Out Of My Head    Cover: Electric Light Orchestra
11.  For A Brother  
12.  Spay  
13.  Gravedancer / Don't Drop That Dime Hidden Track  

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Velvet Revolver CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Velvet Revolver are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Geoff Date: July 20, 2007 at 2:37
I guess it depends what you were expecting from this as to how you judge it. I expected very little, and it isn't great... but maybe a little better than I expected. 'Get out the door' and 'She builds quick machines' are actually pretty cool songs, and a few others are okay. There's nothing great here, I wouldn't recommend it, I probably won't even hear it more than 5 more times in my entire life, but for what it is it's not too bad.

From: wsr88d Date: July 28, 2007 at 10:01
All I can say is, 'what they hell happened here?' I was so looking forward to the VR album, the 1st rocked, event the FF track rocked, then we get this? The sophmore blues is a rough hurdle to get over...and I think VR tripped and stumbled a little here. I was really bored with this album, there are 3 maybe 4 tracks that are worth listening to again. Production is fine...but there is something about this that just doesn't get itself out of 3rd gear - nothing stands out as great! 'C'..being nice

From: Rob Rocker Date: August 2, 2007 at 10:21
I have mixed feelings on this C.D., The production is cleaner and the songwriting is more consistent than on the debut with highlights being 'She Builds Quick Machines' and 'The Last Fight'. My problem with both VR's C.D.'s is that both Scott Weiland and Slash sound 'restrained' on almost every song. Maybe it's the 'modern' production, but Weilands vocals sound like they are recorded 10 feet from the microphone and Slash seems lost 900f the time. Neither reaches the intensity shown in their pa

From: Rob Rocker Date: August 24, 2007 at 11:13
My initial comments from August 2nd were indecisive about Libertad, but after having the C.D. for a month now, it has not left my stereo. In my opinion Libertad is 100 times stronger than their debut album. I still think a 'rawer' approach to recording would benefit this band. I would recommend giving the disk a few spins to really appreciate it.

From: Nightrain Date: August 26, 2007 at 11:11
VELVET REVOLVER (VR) builds a good quick machine with producer Brendan O' Brien, generating a major classic-rock influenced high-speed rock with a lotta commercial appeal. While 'Let It Roll' and 'Get Out The Door' succesfully bringing up the tense, the big-chorus monster ballads, 'The Last Fight', the dusty old 'Can't Get It Out of My Head', as well as the hidden piece of 'Don't Drop That Dime' will easily got stucked in our brain and have a great potential of becoming hits.

From: Nightrain Date: August 26, 2007 at 11:11
Apart from a forgivable couple of fillers, this album is what the fans expect, if they can keep the good work up in the next, VR will maintain their height in the future.

From: ninjapeter Date: August 28, 2007 at 15:15
All I can say is this album is boring crap. It is count by number formula rock. The singer has to go because his voice has no life to it and drab. Also, how many times do we have to hear the same synthesized megnaphone voice over, how cliche. Don't bother with another album boys. I rate this a poor 20/100.

From: Doug Date: August 30, 2007 at 11:11
I'm still trying to get into this CD. First one was great because they brought some rock and roll back into the scene. This second one is I guess OK, but nothing very memorable and most of the songs seem to 'play the same.' The lineup is amazing and I know they can do better!

From: Scrounger Date: July 22, 2008 at 12:22
I know a guy who thinks velvet revolver are the best band ever. What an absolute idiot that guy is! This is boring cash-cow, modern grunge, rock by-numbers.

From: hair metal again Date: December 30, 2009 at 1:38
good release by VELVET REVOLVER.i would prefer a more clear sound like their first effort but that its ok also i guess.straight hard rock in the slash way and amazing vocs in style by scottie."let it roll","mary mary" and" she mine" my favs.i believe though they could give us more

From: CC Date: February 15, 2011 at 6:55
I was somewhat underwhelmed by the first album as although it had 3 brilliant tracks on it, the rest of the album was totally uninspiring. Maybe I felt let down because I expected so much more. So onto this, the second release. Its been 3 - 4 years since it came out and I have finally got round to purchasing it. Main reason I held off is because of not being impressed by the debut, and a lot of people saying the follow up was not as good. Well, with the debut I expected a lot and it failed to deliver, so by rights not expecting much from this should help this one, but it doesnt. I honestly cannot believe how dull this album is. People say that the new GNR is nothing without Slash, but quite frankly Chinese Democracy is 100 times the album this shit is. Apart from the odd song here and there, I have been very unimpressed with Slash's work outside GNR and Duff's Loaded is weak as well. I honestly cannot recommend this to anyone who is a GNR fan.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: June 27, 2011 at 22:01
Less consistent than their debut and the last album recorded by the band as they have already split faves in here are "Let It Roll","She Builds Quick Machines","Pills,Demons & Ect","Mary Mary","Can't Get It Out Of My Head"(lovely cover of ELO) & the japanese bonus track "Gas And A Dollar Laugh"...a band that because its internal egos "fell into pieces"...85/100

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