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[Velvet Revolver Band Picture]

Artist: Velvet Revolver

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Velvet Revolver Homepage

CD Title: Contraband

Velvet Revolver Contraband Album Cover Velvet Revolver Contraband Album Cover Velvet Revolver Contraband Album Cover


Category: Modern Hard Rock

Year: 2004

Label: RCA

Catalog Number: 82876 60524-3


Scott Weiland Vocals
Slash Guitar
Dave Kushner Guitar
Duff Mackagan Bass
Matt Sorum Drums


1.  Sucker Train Blues  
2.  Do It For The Kids  
3.  Big Machine  
4.  Illegal I Song  
5.  Spectacle  
6.  Fall To Pieces  
7.  Headspace  
8.  Superhuman  
9.  Set Me Free  
10.  You Got No Right  
11.  Slither  
12.  Dirty Little Thing  
13.  Loving The Alien  

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Existing comments about this CD

From: AOR freaky Date: June 18, 2004 at 6:27
A bit of a disappointment. Too many modern influences. I expected sometithing better from these guys. Not that bad, but far from good.

From: Aero Force Mike Date: June 18, 2004 at 13:32
Musically decent, but the vocals are really dull & uncharismatic and just make the whole album sound really dull and tired. Had Rod Jackson of Snakepit sung on this, it could have been stunning... but as it stands it's simply average. I'll take Snakepit over this any day of the week. 6/10.

From: anamal Date: June 18, 2004 at 14:35
the more i listen to this ..the more i discover how great it is..modern or not this cd is great..slashs guitar playing is phenomenal..and scott fits perfect for the band.......

From: jess Date: June 18, 2004 at 14:52
man this cd is great!! I love slither, it is a great rock song and seems to be doing really well on all the rock stations in georgia. But I also really enjoy loving the alien and fall to pieces. They are really great power ballads. Overall, with slash, the greatest guitarist there is, duff, the coolest bass player, matt, one hell of a drummer, and scott, one of the most charismatic frontman there is, this cd ROCKS!!!!!

From: Carmine Rose Date: June 18, 2004 at 20:24
To me this album has the Appetite For Destruction formula with somewhat of a modern feel. No, it's not as good as Appetite, but I think this is a very good album. I wish Sebastian Bach had stayed the singer would have sounded better. Or Josh Todd, he was another potential singer early in the process of this band forming. Best tunes are 'Sucker Train Blues', 'Set Me Free', 'Slither', and 'Do It For The Kids.'

From: jason (FA-Q) Date: June 19, 2004 at 16:34
Not too bad. I've never really cared for Scott Weilland, but Slash is great! I've been listening to it in the car for the last week and I like alot of what I've heard. In it's first week of release the album was #1 in America. That's pretty cool. I wonder if Axl's 'new' album will go number one, if it ever get's released that is.

From: Adam(Poland) Date: July 3, 2004 at 17:55
Good Rock N Roll Album!!!! Slash plays really great. Duff and Mat beat like in their best time. But i don't like Scott Weiland, he is very poor voc.. For me 7/10.

From: Carmine Rose Date: July 10, 2004 at 22:10
I know, the real problem with this CD is Scott. This would have owned had they chosen Josh Todd or Sebastian Bach.

From: Slikk Vicc Date: July 21, 2004 at 6:34
Yawn, yawn.....wake me when its over.

From: love metal Date: July 21, 2004 at 20:53
This Sucked big time, i hated STP and i hate this. Amen, they should have gotten sebastian bach or josh todd or hell kenny loggins would have been better then this crap!!!

From: Chad Date: July 23, 2004 at 0:26
I totally agree with Love Metal! What a bunch of overrated crap. 3 good (not great) tunes on an album that Slash fans have been waiting for forever. This sucks. They would have done som much better without Weiland. He is a drug addict and always will be. A good vocalist for this band would have been Chris Robinson of the Black Crowes. He would have kicked these guys in the Ass!

From: 80's_man Date: July 23, 2004 at 22:48
This cd is great!!! very tight, but not overdone. I have not heard a cd this good since the 2001 release of Joe LeSte (from bang tango) new band beautiful creatures. BTW Chad if you are a big black crowes fan check out Chris Robinson's band 'new earth mud.' As for Scott Weilland give it a chance this cd will grow on you. Very good stuff ;-)

From: Uusiolli Date: August 5, 2004 at 21:49
A big hype. I can hear lots of GNR rip offs here and there. Slash get back to Slash's Snakepit. Same thing as it is with WASP's Neon God. One week in my car cd, and I can't remember a single song. 4/10

From: Tony Date: August 7, 2004 at 18:55
This album was worth it for me. I was sceptical having a 'alternative' lead singer would bring this whole thing down a few levels but Scott does a good job with this stuff. Love hearing solo's again too!! The ballads are awesome (Fall To Pieces, Loving The Alien) and the rockers are fueld by Slash's riffing. Yeah there's no BIG 80's style choruses and the lyrics have a tad too much whininess & cry-babiness to them. C'mon Scott you're a rock star!! Overall though it had my toes tapping!!

From: markstar99 Date: August 14, 2004 at 17:10
I've tried really, really hard with this c.d. and have finally come to the conclusion that it's not actually very good is it? It has all the right ingredients, great players, big upfront rock production but there are no memorable songs. No great hooks or choruses to be found anywhere. And they certainly scraped the barrel with Scott Weiland....they should have stuck with Josh Todd from Buckcherry! A great front man and 100% true rock n'roll star. If you want to find a great rock n' roll c.d. the

From: markstar99 Date: August 14, 2004 at 17:14
second c.d from Buckcherry is the one you want 'Time Bomb'. Here's hoping that Velvet Revolver can deliver in the live department cos this c.d. is DULL and BORING.....and you could never accuse Guns N' Roses of that!!!!!!!!!

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: August 17, 2004 at 16:09
Man I WANTED to like this in a big way, hell I even like Weiland's vocals with STP. However I think he just drags this stuff down and gives it a much darker feel than it deserves. The music's kickin' underneath but it rarely gets to see any sunlight. I don't hate it, more disappointed that it didn't live up to the hype. I'd have to agree with all the people above who mentioned Josh Todd...that woulda kicked some major booty for sure...

From: Trick Taylor Date: August 17, 2004 at 18:30
I try not to focus too much on the STP vibe and am just thankful that Slash and the boys are back at it. Matt Sorum just KICKS through this whole disc, worth the price right there. It gets boggy in the middle, but Suckertrain, Big Machine, and Slither are as energetic tracks as you will hear this year. John Corabi would have been a cool choice, Josh Todd is a one-TRICK pony. Didn't they make a movie documenting the singer selection?

From: Geoff Date: August 18, 2004 at 1:48
For me, the jury is still slightly out. I actually like the vocals quite a lot, the music is cool, and so are a lot of the songs. My one issue with the CD? I've heard it a whole bundle of times and am still not too familiar with the album. I just heard it last night and can't recall the songs I really dig. My fave is the one about 'lying there' - can't recall the title. Anyway, I do actually like the songs when I hear it, so yeah, it's a pretty damn good CD. Good hard rock.

From: jayglam Date: August 25, 2004 at 8:10
Call me narrow minded but I can't listen to a grunge vocalist playing with Rock Legends that just don't mix. Weiland is not a rock vocalist he's a whining nasally grunge vocalist, but slash is a legend.

From: Paulão Date: August 25, 2004 at 12:46
Grande album de rock n roll, Slash está em grande estilo, confira.

From: steveyboy Date: September 5, 2004 at 12:29
I think this album rocks !!, after having to listen to some of the so called modern rock music over the last decade , this a breath of fresh air.I'd never heard the singer guy before this album but I think he sounds ok , not an 80's style rocker but he does a good job.Overall a great sounding debut rock album.....roll on the second.

From: ALEXX GLAM Date: September 30, 2004 at 11:08

From: andrew Date: October 3, 2004 at 19:04

From: Rock On Date: October 5, 2004 at 7:56
i have a track called PLEASIN' from these guys.... it's not listed on this it a demo? or is it an alternate title for one of the songs on this album?(i don't hav this album)

From: Motley_69 Date: October 15, 2004 at 4:29
You don't knwo HOW MUCH I wanted to like this record. Really. I love all the GNR albums, and both the Slash's Snakepit albums, and I was really hoping to like this, but just didn't find enough. I didn't mind STP because hey, I'm 24, I listened to them before, but I kinda got out of that music. THE ONLY song worth it on the WHOLE album, to me, is Fall To Pieces. THATS A KILLER TRACK. If their next cd is more in that vien then ok count me in, but if it's like this one, more STP than GNR, then coun

From: motley_69 Date: October 15, 2004 at 4:30
count me out like Axl's career.

From: Motley_69 Date: October 15, 2004 at 4:31
BTW Trick, HELL YEA CORABI WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER. Corabi is better than most, but that's just my opinion haha. Come to think of it, hearing him sing ANY of these songs, would make them like 10 times better haha. OHHH to wish.

From: Rockhead Date: October 15, 2004 at 7:43
hey Motley-I had exactly he same opinion of this album but I have persevered and I have to say it has become a real grower.

From: Nigel Date: November 6, 2004 at 21:26
VR is a good band with a SUCKY singer. Scott Weiland SUCKS BIG GOAT BALLS. Seriously. If you were to lay him under a goat, he would literally suck the goat off. Lose him, or lose all your fans, Slash.

From: Nigel Date: November 6, 2004 at 21:27
The only reason Scott Weiland is in the band is because he's Duff's booty buddy.

From: Kelly Knox Date: November 30, 2004 at 22:57
Hey guys!... this album...what can I say? it's a cool album...we're in 2004 not the 80's...Slash,Duff and Matt are killers! Scott is a cool singer.... He gave up drugs to do his thing...come on guys don't be jerks... you kick ass scott... ps. check out my band we're WILD WRATH and I'm the singer fuckers!

From: Propane Date: December 1, 2004 at 20:08
Disappointing, no doubt. I have to say this though: This thing's selling like hot cakes. My point here is, the public (young and old) want hard rock! So when are the U.S. music industry execs going to get it? You said it yourselves, 'Tried to like it'. We need to bury the crap they've been trying to spoonfeed us and bring some good stuff back in.

From: DE Date: December 6, 2004 at 10:42
This CD grows on you. Give it a few spins before trashing it! It stayed at #1 for awhile...that's gotta mean something! A rock and roll CD at #1 is a start in the right direction to get the music scene back to where it needs to be.

From: SlashsNo1Fan Date: January 7, 2005 at 22:22
This is the best cd i have ever heard!!! Slash's riffs and solos are the best ever. Sure the vocals are a bit depressing but if you ignore thhe actual words and listen to the music you'll find it's really worth it. The best part is that all the songs rock and three of them really rock!!! best songs are slither, suckertrain and fall to pieces. When you can actually play the songs on guitar you learn to appreciate the music more.

From: Hexx Date: January 11, 2005 at 11:17
As soon as i heard slither i was hooked on velvet revolver, a very cool band, cool songs, great album (and plus it has slash in it lol)

From: mattboy71 Date: January 11, 2005 at 11:45
I hate to slag but this is pretty boring and tedious with the exception of 'Fall to Pieces' and 'Loving The Alien.' Two Great tracks stuck in with rambling and uninspired songs polished as high caliber filler. The musicianship is top notch don't get me wrong, but I agree with a few of you that just can't get into it. I tried and tried, but a rock record shouldn't take 10 listens to grow on you, it should grab you from the get go. Check out a good band called Revolver minus the velvet...www.revol

From: mattboy71 Date: January 11, 2005 at 11:46
Got cut off

From: Big Papa K Date: January 13, 2005 at 23:18
I agree with the above poster on this one. 'Fall To Pieces' and 'Loving The Alien' are good, not great tracks, but sound so much better than everything else on this. The playing is good, but the vocals are just too buried in the mix. The band does not seem to know how to write a good chorus. 5/10

From: SlashsNo1Fan Date: January 14, 2005 at 19:13
Hey if ur gonna dis VR then do it sumwhere else this band rox motherfuckers!!! I do agree tho that sumtimes the singing is kinda lacking in sum parts but Slash, Duff, and Matt all rock so who cares. Never heard of your band b4 Kelly sounds kul tho. My bands Silver Bullet we're from NZ and i'm the lead guitarist!!!

From: VRRox!! Date: January 18, 2005 at 9:02
I love this album, great songs, great vocals, great guitar, i love all the songs on here, well worth getting this one.

From: Metal Pete Date: January 19, 2005 at 12:40
A fresh kick in the pants for Rock n Roll. 'Slither' is incredible. There's a lot of layers on this record...I agree it takes time for most of it to grow on you. That is a GOOD thing. Very original and refreshing blast of rock music on this slab. Thumbs UP.

From: nasty suicide Date: February 25, 2005 at 19:37
this album suxx...........I dont'give a damn it's not sleazy,it's not glam,it's not punk........I didn't expected 'appetite part 2',I expected a real good rock album.but this is a real heavy goddamn shit......I've always loved slash matt&duff,and the sounds are very good but the songs are horrible..

From: CC Date: December 10, 2005 at 8:34
How many versions of an album can one band release? The Euro release has the track Bodies added. Theres a two disc version with no extra tracks. Theres an Aussie version with a bonus CD that has extra tracks. And lets not forget the amount of covers this one has! All those versions and they still only have a handful of decent songs (the new one on the Fantastic 4 soundtrack is good but that aint here). Shame!

From: rick kerch vzla Date: May 20, 2007 at 18:31
Very good debut album by this lot of Rock'N'Roll mercenaries!.Personally i think this album is more sincere than any Guns and Roses albums.Even though i was not a Stone Temple Pilot fan(generally i was never a fan of grunge!)i think that the voice of Scott fit this one's necessities.'Fall to Pieces'is a hard kickin' song with a good lyric composition.Hope the second one's agood as this one.

From: kipvanpearcy Date: September 18, 2007 at 13:23
Just like Adler's appetite, this CD would have been trashed by all the critics if Slash and other celebs weren't playing on it. This is your average, 'I've heard this a million times already' hard rock... boring piece of shit, few good guitar riffs though.

From: Scrounger Date: July 22, 2008 at 12:20
awful, modern grunge.

From: zoomanthree Date: December 15, 2008 at 9:11
like this album, slash is the best!!!

From: edwithmj Date: February 20, 2011 at 19:57
Not bad at all. Slither is an excellent song but there is a fair bit of filler thrown in the mix.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: June 27, 2011 at 21:49
I'm giving another listening to this album and i haven't changed my mind about album that is more sincere than any Guns & Roses releases except "Appetite For Destruction" tracks are "Fall To Pieces" & "You Got No Right"...another goodies are "Big Machine"( ),"Headspace","Set Me Free" & the live bonus track "Bodies"...good effort by ex gunners Slash,Mckagan & Sorum plus Scott Weiland of Stone Temple Pilot fame...90/100

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