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![[Prophet Band Picture]](/bandpics/prophet.jpg)
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CD Title: Prophet
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Category: Melodic Metal
Year: 1985
Label: Total Experience
Catalog Number: TEL6-5709
Ken Dubman lead and rhythm guitars
Dean Fasano lead vocals
Scott Metaxsas bass, lead vocals
Ted Poley drums, lead vocals
Joe Zujkowski keyboards
1. | Street Secrets | |
2. | Heart Of The Night | |
3. | Away From You | |
4. | Slow Down | |
5. | Power Play | |
6. | Everything You Are | |
7. | It's Real | |
8. | Sail Away | |
9. | Listen To Ya | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: James |
Date: December 29, 2001 at 16:13 |
This band has Ted Poly from Danger Danger in it. Of course it is pre D2 and Ted Splits time on vocals and plays drums but it is worth a listen. 8.0 out of 10
From: koogles |
Date: January 1, 2002 at 16:50 |
Outstanding pomp/melodic CD that carries with it overtones of Kansas, Asia and Styx. The late Joe Zujkowski's keyboards are truly amazing and the whole CD is replete with memorable hooks and a progressive element that keeps things interesting. Highly recommended!!
From: José Carlos |
Date: February 25, 2002 at 11:47 |
Muy bueno, pero no llega al nivel de Cycle on the Moon"
From: José Carlos |
Date: February 25, 2002 at 11:48 |
Muy bueno, pero no llega al nivel de "Cycle on the Moon"
From: Tarkus |
Date: April 24, 2002 at 5:40 |
I've seen the band live and have many photos. Can anyone provide obituary for Joe Zujkowski?
From: rager |
Date: April 29, 2002 at 22:36 |
scott and kenny dubman were in the hands down best cover band gaurenteed called edgar cayce they blew the doors off the birch hill nite club and all over jersey for years ill never forget it because ive never seen a club band that great ever again even russell arcara was always great
From: Grew up in NYC |
Date: August 13, 2002 at 1:41 |
I have this on vinyl, and recently bought the CD at ($13.99) Definitely a cool record, I saw the band live way back, great musicians!
From: freddy de keyze |
Date: October 24, 2002 at 3:04 |
Great pomp record indeed. What more can I say ? You should buy this as soon as possible ! Recommended !!!
From: AOR FAN |
Date: October 30, 2002 at 23:01 |
un pecado no tenerlo 100/100
From: Xabofar |
Date: March 15, 2003 at 17:47 |
In my opinion, this is better than the second. What a fantastic keys!! Play with power!
From: 9 CHAMPIONS A 1 |
Date: March 17, 2003 at 10:18 |
Rock Melódico de caracter pomposo,o sea que bastante teclado hay en este disco metido,algunos temas llevan un rollo sinfónico con saborcillo a los 70.Hombre tienen algun tema que vale la pena,pero la mayoria de los temas son de segunda fila(por lo menos para mi).Pienso que mejor disco que este los hay a patadas,aunque tambien los hay peores,o sea que NI FU NI FA....
From: James |
Date: August 12, 2003 at 17:11 |
Played this after a long time gathering dust and all I have to say is Fans of Kansas and Styx would really enjoy this album. I do like it quite a bit.
Date: September 29, 2003 at 21:33 |
un disco muy progresivo y a la vez me}lodico altamente recomendable, un popco setentero pero tambien ochentero!!!
From: Bill |
Date: November 11, 2003 at 17:45 |
This CD is one of my alltime favorites, the balance of keyboards and guitars have never been done better by any other band. As mentioned before this is more for Styx and Kansas fans and in my humble opinion far better than anything PROPHET (DANGER DANGER too!!!)later. TOP 10 AOR/Pomp release of all time!!! ....They "played with power" >>> what a song...
From: ROBERT |
Date: December 12, 2003 at 20:14 |
From: Tony |
Date: January 4, 2004 at 1:13 |
Listen to "Slow Down" on this album and tell me with a straight face Jon Bon Jovi didn't hear this song before writing 'Dead Or Alive". The beginning accoustic playing is just too similar to be a coincidence. That being said I checked this out being a Poley fan from Danger Danger and if you dig Saga, Styx, Rainbow this is definitely up your alley. BIG mid-80's keyboard sound here too. Good listen every once in a while but not earth shattering.
From: Carole |
Date: January 10, 2004 at 20:57 |
Totally enjoyed seeing this band in early incarnations when they played the circuit under Tom Fullers, Icarian, Prophet, Edgar Cayce. Recall the fond memories and enjoy enjoy all the music they put forth on all levels. This album has great tunes. Heart of the night is a favorite. I would love to see this band again. My best to all-
From: Prydian |
Date: February 6, 2004 at 14:36 |
Great CD -- This one is classic AOR. A must for any AOR fan. I played the audio tape until it broke and then searched out the CD so I would never again have that problem. One of my top 10 favorite CDs of all time.
From: MARIA |
Date: July 9, 2004 at 3:10 |
From: AOR freaky |
Date: July 9, 2004 at 5:11 |
Let's say this is not pure AOR, ladies and gentlemen, but a mix of AOR and a lot of pomp rock !!! And what a record it is ! Great stuff, nice songs and powerfull !
From: Jonny_B |
Date: September 1, 2004 at 19:57 |
So how does one classify this release? Progressive Pomp AOR? Whatever the case, this is one of my favorites of the 80's era. If Prophet had written "Sound of a Breaking Heart" earlier and put it on this album instead, I'd have no need for "Cycle of the Moon."
From: Swriter |
Date: April 3, 2005 at 0:03 |
this is a good one, had this when it came out, Street Secrets is a great opener, Away from you is great as well, Everything You Are is a beautiful ballad and among the best ballads ever!!! just amazing, if this one don't get you, nothing will!!! Probably the strongest Prophet release!!!
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: April 26, 2005 at 1:27 |
Good AOR release pomp, with progresive touches and sinfonic, pomposo, algo progresivo y claro con sus toques sinfonicos como dice Champions, quiza con ese sonido de los 70 pero con clase ellos si lo saben combinar bien con el aura de los 80 aca si encuentro un album que se disfruta ese aire de los 70 pero que no opaca lo que uno quiere escuchar que es la atmosfera de los 80 a diferencia de otros grupos que mas se nota el sonido de 70 y opaca los 80.
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: April 26, 2005 at 1:29 |
y que no quiero mencionar muchos grupos que no saben que los 80 es lo que manda y Profhet saben de eso, y si tiene un sonido que se parezca a mi juego favorito de siempre Castlevania entonces vale jejeje, disfruto de ese sonido en cortes como  Street Secrets, Heart Of The Night, Away From You, It's Real, Power Play  quiza un punto menos que su siguiente trabajo que es mas AOR neto, pero IMO ambos albums son recomendados.
Date: April 29, 2005 at 10:40 |
From: velez |
Date: November 23, 2005 at 12:24 |
un buen album con toque progresivos al estilo de kansas e incluso styx, un sonido muy interesante y diferente a los 2 siguientes cds, 8/10
From: Vinfer |
Date: September 18, 2007 at 7:50 |
Melodic Metal?!?!? That's mad. Good album?! No comment. This is authentic MASTERPIECE of great AOR with pomp touches. One of a best album ever. 9,5/10.
From: niagara |
Date: October 18, 2007 at 10:37 |
para MI gusta esata super bueno el disco ademas miren kien toca la bateria Ted Poley claro esta ke el segundo disco como lo dicen anteriormente es muchsiisismo mejor y si escuchand el ultimo tema llamado Listen To Ya lo canta ted poley kepara es una de los mejores vocalistas ejje saludos y un abrazo para todos
From: camelot66 |
Date: September 9, 2008 at 3:15 |
Hello everybody I just managed to get hold of this Gemm,the cds seams to get better and better as it just flows through quit brilliantly,so do yourself a favour and get this Prohet cd,great stuff with a hint of Magic allround this Album.
From: rbrigade |
Date: November 2, 2008 at 20:47 |
One of my favorite albums...Pomp AOR, powerful songs full of emotion. Street Secrets, Away from you, Slow down, Play with power are perfect songs. The Kharma album with Edman has a lot of similarities to this one. Just listen to It's real. Surely a must have and hands down their best album
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: December 27, 2010 at 19:46 |
Very interesting album..agree with the comments above about the Pomp/AOR thing...melodic metal?..where???..wrong labeled i guess ...anyway plenty of good songs and with the talented Ted Poley(Danger Danger fame)doing the drum parts in here fave ones were "Heart Of The Night","Away From You","Power Play" ala Kansas ,"Everything You Are" power ballad,"It's Real" a song that has a lovely chorus & "Listen To Ya"...a nice one to have 4 sure...get it!.90/100
From: hair metal again |
Date: November 7, 2017 at 8:26 |
superb hard rock debut for PROPHET ,a band that had the ability to be commercial and proggy at the same time in a well balanced sound between keys and guitars ,plus the sensational vocals all over!ehow unique debut ,with the 2 ballads stealing the show ,that i was blessed to buy in vinyl somewhere in the late 80s !essential
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