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[Starship Band Picture]

Artist: Starship

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CD Title: Love Among The Cannibals

Starship Love Among The Cannibals Album Cover


Category: AOR

Year: 1989

Label: rca

Catalog Number: R32P-1211


Mickey Thomas vocals
Craig Chaquico guitar
Brett Bloomfield bass, backing vocals
Donny Baldwin drums
Mark Morgan keyboards


1.  The Burn  4:24
2.  It's Not Enough  4:51
3.  Trouble in Mind  4:35
4.  I Didn't Mean to Stay All Night  4:51
5.  Send a Message  4:50
6.  Wild Again  4:44
7.  Love Among the Cannibals  3:43
8.  Dream Sequence/We Dream in Color  6:27
9.  Healing Waters  4:57
10.  Blaze of Love  4:34
11.  I'll Be There  5:31
Total Running Time:  53:27

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Starship CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Jez Date: April 8, 2005 at 12:40
After the dissapointing 'Knee Deep In The Hoopla' & 'No Protection', I had virtually given up hope of this lot ever releasing anything decent again. Then this one appears from nowhere & a monster it is aswell. Their most consistent release since (Jefferson) Starship's 'Freedom At Point Zero' album 10 years previously. There is some excellent material on this, notably 'The Burn' & 'We Dream In Colour' aswell as the very Def Leppard like ballad 'I Didn't Mean To Stay All Night'.Very good indeed.

From: peter poland Date: April 8, 2005 at 13:56
I wasn't dissapointed with those two you just mentioned. This one is more AORish, and great aswell. My favourite track on the disc is Wild Again wich were used in Tom Cruis movie "COCKTAIL'' and We Dream In Colour which btw i've heard for the first time while wathing first two Baywatch episodes in 89/90. Clear production, on of the best vocals out there, and awesome choruses believe me.

From: AOR freaky Date: April 9, 2005 at 3:17
Acceptable AOR. No more, no less !

From: The Dolphin Date: April 9, 2005 at 5:09
Aor ala Def Leppard.The burn,it's not enough,we dream in colour are the highlights of the album

From: TIM (2) Date: April 9, 2005 at 6:35
Like Jez, I too didn't like the 2 previous discs much, but this is a very high quality AOR release. A real polished sound but some very good tunes, with the first 2 tracks really setting the scene and only the title-track being a little lacklustre. The CD-only track "Wild Again" is excellent and a little harder rocking than the smooth AOR of the rest of the CD. Thomas never sounded better before or after and despite the slightly contrived sound this is an excellent disc. 8.5/10.

From: robert Date: April 9, 2005 at 9:10
my bueno!!

From: robert Date: April 9, 2005 at 9:13
Cooooño!!! Ya puedo escribir dd mi pc!!! Curiosamente dp d una año baneado!!! Ha tenido q ser con un disco de 1989 como no podia ser d otra manera! Muchas Gracias Dan! y por supuesto mi agradecimiento especial a Rafo por su ayuda para q me volvieran a dejar escribir en esta pagina tan maravillosa. Lo dicho: THANKIU VERY MUCH!!!

From: Wachen Date: April 11, 2005 at 14:39
I think this is THE ultimate Starship album! "No Protection" has it's moments but Grace Slick just doesn't do it for me as a vocalist in A.O.R. But Mickey Thomas shines on this one on his own and "The Burn", "It's not enough" and "We dream in colours" should be in everyones record collection! 8/10

From: ezacharie Date: April 12, 2005 at 8:29
magnifique album de hard-fm mixé par mike shipley ( def leppard) le meilleur album de starship avec mickey thomas !!

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: April 15, 2005 at 1:03
Great AOR album, sin duda un Clasico del AOR, que gusto da escuchar joyas como esta con cortes Demoledores como Wild Again (como me van las que tienen mas energia esta es mi favorita), We Dream In Colour(mi segunda un tema a medio tiempo, Extraordinaria), It's Not Enough, Blaze Of Love, The Burn, I Didn't Mean, ... un Clasico Imprescindible en tu coleccion. un saludo a todos los que amamos esta musica Unica que nos llena de Vida. que bueno robert que vuelvas a escribir.

From: phaffas Date: May 6, 2005 at 10:17
i think the band lineup on this may be wrong, as there are different people pictured and listed on my release?

From: Kim HP Date: May 7, 2005 at 5:37
You're right phaffas... Grace Slick does not sing on this release.

From: Lovedrive Date: January 6, 2006 at 7:32
Uhmm.. aunque prefiero el "No protection" este tiene temas mas cañeros, como Healing Waters o I'll be there, q son una pasada

From: poproxx2007 Date: November 28, 2006 at 11:10
Excellent AOR release!! Many great songs on this. Grace Slick can go back to her Octopuss garden for all I care-leave it to the real musicians here. She bugs! 10/10

From: PODEROSO YIRO Date: January 8, 2007 at 22:51
Amigos, debo confesar que era esceptico a Starship (Ok, claro que siempre he considerado joyas como "Sara" y "Nothing´s gonna stop us" como sendos clasicos del AOR)... hasta que estoy escuchando esta maravilla de Disco que es Love Among The Cannibals y debo decirles que los pocos temas que he estado oyendo como "The Burn", "Not Enough" y "Trouble In Mind" hasta ahora, me parecen autenticas gemas. Mickey Thomas posee una voz sensacional y el resto de la banda practican aqui un AOR magnifico!

From: juan carlos Date: February 18, 2007 at 10:20
Tommy Funderburk como Background Vocals y composición en para mí el mejor tema del disco: "It´s Not Enough" Puro AOR! "The Burn" la 2da, el último tema "I´ll Be There" es mi 3ra favorita, estupendo final. "Wild Again" y "We Dream in Colour" tambien excelentes. De ahí temas pop/AOR como 3 y 5 o la 4 que es una balada a lo Def Leppard. Gran disco y bien cuidado en cuanto a producción. 8.8/10

From: ferstyx Date: August 14, 2007 at 22:32
I Didn't Mean To Stay All Night, es Def Leppard total y como no va hacer si fue escrita por Mutt Lange. It's Not Enough una de las mejores canciones que tiene este grupo. Para ser honesto cuando lo compre me parecio demasiado comercial. Ahora considero que es uno de sus mejores discos, es verdad las canciones mas conocidas no estan aca, pero este disco mas uniforme y con una produccion muy buena. Otras que me gustan son la 1,10 y la 11

From: aorluver Date: April 13, 2008 at 15:28
WILD AGAIN sounds like some reject from Loverboy's WILDSIDE session Sorry to always compare other bands to Loverboy but to me they are an ultimate AOR band. This album is also fine very smooth and nice to listen .If you like Loverboy , Night Ranger , Tony Carey and the like you will take to it as well. I recommend it a lot.

From: lalo r.o.c.k. Date: May 23, 2008 at 15:17
The first 2 songs are a wet dream for melodic ears,AOR at it´s finest,remember Def Leppard´s Hysteria in some songs like I didn´t mean to stay all night, The Burn, other highlight is I´ll be there,in fact a great adition to your collection, a "must have",9/10.

From: DanDare Date: August 10, 2008 at 18:31
To my ears this is excellent stuff. 'The Burn', 'It's Not Enough', 'I Didn't Mean To Stay All Night' and 'I'll Be There' are all good AOR tracks although there really isn't a bad track on here. Some tracks sound like Def Leppard, but then it's the same producer. Well worth the money. 9/10.

From: hernanHRM/AOR Date: November 26, 2008 at 17:05
Hermoso Disco

From: aor4sale Date: August 25, 2009 at 9:56
To me Starship will always be one of my favourite bands. They were the ones (along with Journey, Night Ranger & Loverboy) that got me into AOR. This album is fantastic. Heavier than the previous 2 Starship albums and it shows a sure progression in where they wanted to go. A shame (a crying shame in fact) that they never continued to make albums into the 90's. In an alternate universe they did go on to do great things during this decade - but then again in that universe Grunge never happened. Your collection is not complete without this.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: July 22, 2012 at 1:30
Well, just to show I'm not a 100% Starship hater, "It's Not Enough" sounds like it could've fit on Def Leppard's Hysteria. Not a bad tune. As a side note, if I recall, Mickey Thomas got into a fight with some of the other band members not long after the disc's release, thus ending his tenure in the band, rather abruptly.

From: CHESSBOARDER Date: April 11, 2014 at 3:40
Who "Walk in the Fire" from Strangeways like will love this Album! Fantastic AOR, believe it!

From: playhogan Date: April 27, 2014 at 16:18
Not sure why in the hell I waited so long to add this to my collection. This is great! I suppose due to the last couple of releases being crap I just gave up. Go out and get this. You will not be disappointed.

From: Locoaor Date: June 20, 2014 at 22:35
Uno de los mejores disco de AOR de la epoca, sin duda este disco tienes gemas del genero que ninguno amante del AOR debe dejar pasar, señores año 1989!!!

From: edwithmj Date: September 15, 2015 at 8:21
This album probably makes use of Mickey Thomas' impressive vocal skills the most out of all the Starship releases I think and the fact that Grace Slick isn't on the album gives it a slightly harder feel too. The Burn is a smooth AOR song which sounds actually a bit like McAuley Schenker Group - not least because Mickey Thomas has a similar voice to Robin McAuley. It's Not Enough is another melodic AOR rocker with great hooks. I Didn't Mean To Stay All Night sounds like it could've been on a latter-day Def Leppard release but that's not surprising since Mutt Lange wrote it; it's a decent AOR ballad. Other highlights are Wild Again, Dream in Color and the powerful I'll Be There. Great stuff.

From: titothetitan Date: March 8, 2025 at 9:32
I had never listened to this band before because I was skeptical due to the comments about the first two albums. Then I listened to this third one and really liked it. It's a very solid AOR album. 'Healing Waters' is the best song for me.

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