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[Dio Band Picture]

Artist: Dio

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CD Title: Inferno - Last in Live

Dio Inferno - Last in Live Album Cover Dio Inferno - Last in Live Album Cover Dio Inferno - Last in Live Album Cover


Category: Metal

Year: 1998

Label: Mayhem Records

Catalog Number: 11115-2


Ronnie James Dio vocals
Vinny Appice drums
Tracy G guitars
Larry Dennison bass
Scott Warren keyboards
Recorded live in Chicago and Schaumburg, Illinois; New York City; Bremen, Germany; Tokyo, Japan


Disc 1
1.  Intro  
2.  Jesus, Mary and the Holy Ghost  
3.  Straight Through the Heart  
4.  Don't Talk to Strangers  
5.  Holy Diver  
6.  Drum Solo  
7.  Heaven and Hell  
8.  Double Monday  
9.  Stand Up and Shout  
10.  Hunter of the Heart  

Disc 2
11.  Mistreated  
12.  Guitar Solo  
13.  The Last in Line  
14.  Rainbow in the Dark  
15.  The Mob Rules  
16.  Man on the Silver Mountain  
17.  Long Live Rock and Roll  
18.  We Rock  

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Dio CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Mike Date: January 3, 2002 at 19:06
Oh my GoDDDD!!! Another CD butchered by the thing that will not stop playing guitar....... What is going on in Ronnie Dio's mind when he picks a guy that cannot play the solos of his prior guitarplayers??? This Tracy G. guy is not fooling anyone anymore. He shuold hang it up already! What is the point of being a 50 yearold, bald wanna be that will never live up to those that came before and after him??? Good riddance!

From: Melanie Date: January 10, 2002 at 1:22
The best thing about this CD is that it signifies the end of Tracy G's career. Let us all pray that he will never make another CD! Very unlikely considering his being over 50 and getting to be quite obese but one never knows. I, just like so many others, am still completely bewildered as to why and how he ever got lucky enough to play with two of the greatest metal vocalists of our time? Good thing Mandy Lion and Ronnie Dio woke up and got rid of this no talent before he was able to drive away a

From: Melanie Date: January 10, 2002 at 1:24
all of their fans!

From: Tony Date: April 19, 2002 at 10:38
Does anyone play guitar here?!?! I do and I'm pretty dman good. I don't play drums though so I have neither the knowledge or first hand skill to comment on someone's drumming. But since I DO play guitar here goes. Tracy G is a fantastic guitarist who pulls off pinch harmonics and hammer-ons like it's nothing. Didn't know a thing about this guy till this cd and was blown away by his playing on it. These critiques seem more personal than musical anyways. Does this guy owe you money man??

From: colt Date: June 1, 2002 at 9:14
I think Tracy G sucks too. Nothing personal but he is the worst player Ronnie ever had.

From: Dio rules Date: June 2, 2002 at 10:22
Colt, you are right on the money!

From: Metal T Date: October 23, 2003 at 15:57
This is a really cool double live disc.Defintely worth the money.RJD sounds killer throughout.The overall sound on 'Last in Live' has alot of punch.As far as Tracy G goes,this guy CAN play !C'mon...

From: Carlos Date: February 11, 2004 at 19:35
This guy CA NOT play! He ruined three CDs for Dio and thank goodness it stopped there. Trazy G. is the only guy bad enough to make even Dio look bad. But he is gone and Dio went on to do more great CDs.

From: Metal T Date: February 11, 2004 at 22:01
Ive noticed that Tracy G gets "ripped" all over the net',a real f**king shame,considering that he can indeed play the guitar pretty well.Nobody put a gun to Ronnie's head and said "hire Tracy G" .RJD obviously thought he was good for awhile being that he was in his band for 3 albums .

From: Propane Date: December 2, 2004 at 17:33
I like this one. Traci redeams himself here wizzing through and wielding that battleaxe just perfectly.

From: juan carlos Date: September 20, 2005 at 22:13
de acuerdo con metal T! y en este cd se reafirma. no se que tienen con el pobre de tracy G, me gusta su forma de tocar, y aunque no es regular, mucho menos grandioso, pues para mi es un buen guitarrista. y en este doble en vivo se luce en muchas canciones. y ni que decir del amo RJDio! despues del live evil de black sabbath con Dio, esta este entre mis favoritos cds en vivo. magia total! la voz de DIO esta en excelente forma y se le nota mas maduro y con muchisima fuerza. 9/10

From: underworld king Date: November 1, 2009 at 19:30
You know I like this album quite a bit especially Mistreated. Tracy G may not have been the best guitar player for Dio but I thought he was decent on this live album and pretty good on Strange Highways. I'm glad Dio went back to the more classic sound on his follow up albums though.

From: Buitre Date: February 13, 2011 at 6:52
This cd was the reason for not buying Strange Highways and Angry Machines...I thought everybody was exagerating about how crappy this Tracy G was...but, no, he was even worse. I saw Dio Live with Craig Goldy during the Master of the moon era and maaaan, What a change!

From: ShadowAngel Date: March 23, 2013 at 16:00
That Tracy G. was with Dio for quite a long time baffles me. Dio played with two guitar legends and recruited talented guitarrists like Campbell and Goldy. Why did he fell for Tracy G? Did Tracy have something to blackmail him? If it wasn't apparent on Angry Machines it becomes obvious here: The guy can't play. He butchers all the classics from Mistreated to Heaven and Hell, rushed through Man on the Silver Mountain like there's no tomorrow and the Guitar solo is crap too. It's a shame, because Dio and the others guys are in top form here.

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