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[Dokken Band Picture]

Artist: Dokken

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CD Title: Shadowlife

Dokken Shadowlife Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1997

Label: CMC International

Catalog Number: CMC 06076-86210-2


Don Dokken lead vocals, guitar
George Lynch lead guitar
Jeff Pilson bass, backing vocals
Mick Brown drums, backing vocals


1.  Puppet On A String  
2.  Cracks In The Ground  
3.  Sky Beneath My Feet  
4.  Until I Know  
5.  Hello  
6.  Convenience Store Messiah  
7.  I Feel  
8.  Here I Stand  
9.  Hard To Believe  
10.  Sweet Life  
11.  Bitter Regret  
12.  I Don't Mind  
13.  Until I Know (Slight Return)  

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Steve F Date: July 24, 2001 at 22:14
The worst album that Dokken ever made -- and you can thank George Lynch and Kelly Gray for it! The band's personality conflicts came up again, Lynch started to go into his 'I want to be relevant in the 90's' mode, and Gray said he wanted to eliminate all the 80's influences from the songs. Consequently, the album sounds like a misguided attempt to be a musical version of Nirvana and only bears a slight resemblance to the band. A few songs have a good groove or vibe and it's too musical to dismis

From: Steve F (more) Date: July 24, 2001 at 22:15
...and it's too musical to dismiss entirely, but PLEASE!!! It's all right to be an 80's band! Pick this one used or in the bargain bin. (6.5 out of 10)

From: MelodicBoy Date: August 31, 2001 at 8:09
I give it 1/10. Musically, not in the same universe as other Dokken CDs. If you like Dokken's signature sound, you may not even recognize this album. Very dark, moody, grungy sounding crap. No great Lynch guitar licks, no big choruses. Just a depressing collection of junk. I wouldn't take this if somebody gave it to me for free!!!

From: WAZZBONEZ Date: October 28, 2001 at 22:06

From: WADELINK Date: October 29, 2001 at 5:25

From: metal_man73 Date: October 31, 2001 at 18:08
To be honest with you, until I saw the list of Dokken cd's here, I forgot all about this one and Erase The Slate. I am a huge Dokken fan so what does that tell you???

From: mojo Date: January 9, 2002 at 21:41
Shadowlife(along with Scorpions Eye II Eye/Van Halen III) is a terrible CD for such an awesome band.The 90's ruined alot of good rock groups(long live the 80's!!).

From: Karl Date: March 13, 2002 at 14:00
I always loved the old Dokken albums and I saw that one day that they are still around when I saw the Shadowlife album in a music store. The question I have to ask myself after listening to this album is WHY? What the fuck is this complete bullshit.

From: ZAKAR Date: March 26, 2002 at 7:39

From: ?? Date: April 24, 2002 at 4:06
shadowlife? i wish this cd had never come into my life.

From: dokken6008 Date: May 20, 2002 at 7:20
I think that the guy with the two question marks said it best.

From: booper71 Date: July 13, 2002 at 3:41
Well, I think Erase the slate made up for this one and dysfunctional -

From: dokken6008 Date: July 16, 2002 at 4:04
After having listened to about six songs off of 'Shadowlife' once again recently, all I can say is that this album fucking sucks. I like guitar solos and all, but 'Shadowlife' showcases some of his WORST and most SLOPPY work that I have ever heard. For a so-called guitar virtuoso, I would expect something a hell of a lot better than this.

From: dokken6008 Date: July 16, 2002 at 4:07
Oh, and b71, ever since George has left, all I can say is good riddance. I don't care if Dokken hires and fires a few more dozen guitarists. Reb, Norum, now Alex? I don't give a freak. Life goes on past 'Shadowlife'. This was Dokken's first death if you ask me. They still have eight more to go, so I wouldn't sweat it too much.

From: Andre Tekken Date: July 26, 2002 at 10:44
FUCK,WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ALBUM!I just could't believe this was true!At that time I thought g Don is FUCKED UP!!Doing this post-grundge shit!One of my favourite bands is finally 6 feet under!Later I knew it was Linch's fault,and also the producer's!Who TOLD Don to stay away from the studio during the recordings!He only showed up to do the vocals!It was a George Linch's album(crap!)featuring Don Dokken on vocals!If you see BURRNN this album!!!

From: Andre Tekken Date: July 26, 2002 at 10:50
Ah and also the producer was from Seattle.Does that tells you something hun??!!I think he is also the new guitar player on Queensrÿche.Another ex-good band he did fucked up!!!

From: dokkendude Date: August 12, 2002 at 10:29
worst cd ever by these guys even new cd long way home is better then this crap

From: dokken6008 Date: August 24, 2002 at 3:07
A.Tekken voiced his opinion very well on 'Shadowlife'. d.dude is right on as well. That Seattle-producer thing.... Man, Georgey-boy really sold his ass out. Do you want to play rock and roll or are you looking to follow the current trends? I wonder if that moron is working on a nu-metal cd right now. What? Oh, that's not in-vogue right now, either? Good riddance once again!

From: DAVID Date: September 25, 2002 at 6:28

From: Reno Date: September 26, 2002 at 10:00
Now Wild Mick has quit Dokken as well. Could it be that it was Don all along that no one can get along with? Hmmm? My Band, My Name, My Way? Sounds like a dick-tatership to me.

From: J Scott Date: November 1, 2002 at 20:39
I think I agree with the rest this album really sucked. I don't think I found a song on here that I could stomach for more than a few seconds. I hate it when the 80 bands try to sound alternative.

From: dokken6008 Date: November 14, 2002 at 7:18
Hey Reno, George Lynch is a dick too! What'supwiththat?

From: Jason Date: November 28, 2002 at 16:22
Don Dokken told me that he hates this cd. George wanted to do it, not him. IS IT TRUE...Wild Mick Brown is out of Dokken? Someone please tell me it's not true.

From: Great Dane Date: January 7, 2003 at 0:14
This is on my alltime ``bottom 25`list

From: iaffprofireman Date: January 7, 2003 at 5:20
Dokken was a terrific group. But this, yuck! It's horrible. I'm sorry to say, but I think this is one of the worst albums I ever heard ( and like I said, I personally like Dokken really well ) This just doesn't sound anything like them. Too much like alternaCRAP! Be smart, and avoid this one like the plague!!!

From: Gar Date: January 7, 2003 at 22:42
Yeah, it is their worst album. But at least they made up for it a little with ERASE THE SLATE. Every band is entitled to one sucky album.

From: ART Date: February 8, 2003 at 19:12
Sorry guys, I am a big fan of Dokken, but this however has to be the worst thing I've ever heard! What happened here? It is terrible!

From: tooth+nail Date: February 18, 2003 at 21:34
SHHHHIIIIIIT !!!!!!!!!!!

From: Rycheage Date: February 19, 2003 at 1:50
Other than 'Puppet on A String' this is a complete waste of time. Only worth a buy if you want to complete your Dokken collection.

From: Bobby Date: March 2, 2003 at 17:23
Even 'Puppet on a String' is bullshit.....

From: Rycheage Date: March 17, 2003 at 2:00
'Puppet on A String' is a good song on a terrible album.

From: dookeenfuckya Date: April 7, 2003 at 21:40
this album is crap. i like george lynch's playing but in this album he is completely LOST and UNFOCUSED. crapcrapcrap.

From: JC Date: April 10, 2003 at 14:04
I agree with most of you. I simply could not get into this album. Not really a listenable song on the album.. I give it a 1.

From: jem71 Date: April 27, 2003 at 3:30
This another attempt by an 80's band to change their style and try and become alternative. well i dont think that there is an 80,s band yet that the kids of today like no matter how much they change their style. they need to keep rockin and keep the fans that have been with them for a long time. these hair bands of the 80's were so talented and had guitar players that could tear the strings to shreds,unlike music now that has no guitar solo's and most of the singers can't sing a lick. I want do

From: CHACAL Date: April 29, 2003 at 10:29

From: Bobby Date: May 12, 2003 at 16:04
This album makes Dokken's new album 'Long way from home' sound like a masterpiece even though that album f**king sucks....

From: Hrudet Date: June 22, 2003 at 15:03
If I wanted an album like this, I would go out and buy Pearl Jam or Warrant's last record. I must seriously question any band that would turn to alternative in these times, where it is becoming possible to once again make a living, by being true to yourself.Stand clear!

From: freddy de keyze Date: June 24, 2003 at 5:18
I fully agree with you, Hrudet. Couldn't have said it better !

From: keebler Date: October 8, 2003 at 1:28
this is a very strange cd for dokken it's not my fav.. that's for sure but i do like some of the songs.

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Whiplash1972 Date: November 8, 2003 at 1:40
For the love of all that is holy...what in the HELL were they thinking? Hands down the worst release in Dokken's history,and the band will tell you that themselves.This disc is almost a complete waste, with 'I Feel' and 'Here I Stand' being the only songs I can stomach off of this one.How 4 guys as talented as Dokken,Lynch,Pilson, and Brown could produce this is beyond me.Thank goodness they came back screaming with 'Erase the Slate'!

From: Fat Freddy Date: January 5, 2004 at 12:09
I actually like a couple of songs off of this ('Cracks In The Ground' and 'Puppet On A String') but this album shouldn't have been released under the Dokken name. I picked this one up cheap from Columbia House during one of their clearance sales and all I can say is THANK GOD, 'cos if I'd paid full record store price for it I would've been REALLY pissed. Buy only if you're a diehard who needs to have everything in the Dokken catalog.

From: pablo Date: January 12, 2004 at 11:07
Aqui si que grabaron su peor disco 100% alternativo y con unas guitarras sucias y grungeras de George Lynch ,lo mejor Don Dokken que amolda su voz bastante bien a ese horrendo sonido Seattle

From: Metal Pete Date: January 14, 2004 at 14:22
Absolute chit. I listened to it in the store and walked away in disgust! A terrible 1 rating.

From: andreasb Date: April 4, 2004 at 19:33
DOKKEN BACK TO ROOTS IS THE FUTURE !!! T H I S is not a DOKKEN album.... must be a fake! :-0

From: Metal T Date: April 21, 2004 at 12:13
My version of Shadowlife' came with a cool 'Dokken' frisbee (the cd) and some really neat designer toilet paper (the liner notes) ! Can't blame any particular band member for this one--it took a total group effort to give birth to this piece of sh*t !!!---------------

From: jack Date: April 30, 2004 at 6:24
i don't want to bad mouth dokken again like i did in most of the other album comment because dokken is a great band. in fact, dokken is my fifth favourite band after cinderella, motley crue,skid row and gun'n'roses. but to be frank and honest, this album is again too much of the alternative crap lke the previous 'dysfunctional' album.

From: run2u Date: May 14, 2004 at 13:10
Ni se parece al brillante 'Dysfunctional',ni a Dokken,y ni por asomo suena a hard rock.Pero tampoco voy a abriros los ojos,efectivamente estamos ante una basura de álbum.Para quien no lo haya escuchado,podríamos definirlo como DOKKEN intentando ser ALICE IN CHAINS.Pero el intento es lamentable,a mí AIC me encantan y sin embargo aún no he encontrado nada positivo en Shadowlife.A ver si me atrevo y le doy otra oportunidad... 3'5/10

From: r Date: June 23, 2004 at 5:20
I can't believe that george was the blame on this, the dokken album long way home sound identical, george had nothing to do with that one.

From: Metal T Date: June 23, 2004 at 10:43
'Dokken' as a whole were to blame for this excrement, but looking at what George' has done since (Smoke This,Stonehouse,Revolution,Lynch/ Pilson etc .) one would be led to believe that this was indeed his brainchild .

From: Border Rat Date: June 26, 2004 at 8:11
Hard to believe is the only good track on this cd.When I bought this album I could not wait to get rid of it.Absolute brock rock.I still like DOKKEN & LYNCH MOB.Shadowlife is the worst cd by DOKKEN.

From: Slik Vicc Date: August 5, 2004 at 12:26
I'm not trying to piss anybody off, but this album not as bad as the above reviews suggest, in fact it's pretty damn good. Songs such as 'I feel', 'Hello' as well as the fragile but awesome 'bitter regret' are great tracks. I think the message maybe 'be opened minded and enjoy' or 'be an average dokken fan and don't.'....

From: sue-donim Date: August 5, 2004 at 13:05
If open mindedness comes into play why not add NSync, The Cure and countless other bands that have released terrible records. If open mindedness means having to listen to shite, then i'm all for the close mindedness majority. Shite is Shite whichever way you sell it. The fact of the matter is that 990f Dokken fans would have given this the benefit of doubt upon release-but it is so awful 990f Dokken fans has seen it for what it is-a very poor album by their usual standards. Average fan or no

From: Slik Vicc Date: August 6, 2004 at 8:32
There are no comparisons to be had between this album and one made by NSync.....The pop industry is more than happy to churn out the same generic rubbish to spoon-feed you, whereas this band have taken a risk and experimented. Why should bands release album after album using the same formula just to evade so-called 'fans' deeming their work 'shite'.......anything that deviates from the norm you seem to consider some sort of abomination....and it's starting to bore me.

From: Slik Vicc Date: August 6, 2004 at 8:33
continued...Led Zeppelin would have been f**cked when they released '3' with this mentality in their fan base. Whilst I appreciate that this album is this is no Led Zep 3 it does contain a lot of quality, well written material. I personally don't understand the 'we have been cheated' feeling in these reviews, so one genuine question, is it the songs that you people don't like or the style change? Enquiring minds want to know.....

From: melodic metal Date: August 6, 2004 at 13:11
Let me explain something. my band DIVINE JUSTICE has played 80's metal(ratt/dokken/judas preist style) from 1988-2002 and went to every american record label that matters,and were always told the same thing. your music isgreat melodic metal but it's too 80's. come back with something that we can sell and we'll talk. recently we dropped the tuning down to get more of a modern metal sound and record companies are like we can probably sell this. if it's not modern & heavy america won't listen!!!!!!

From: melodic metal Date: August 6, 2004 at 13:25
(continued) it is very unfortunate but this is the way it is. Ipersonelly own every dokken album except this one(and dysfunctional was a bitter pill to swallow) but i think that every band should have the right to evolve(erase the slate) and take thier music to the next level. I like dokken make music that i want to make and if people like it, all the better but if your truly a fan you will understand that my music is my vision, not yours.

From: Rockhead Date: August 7, 2004 at 8:41
Personally it is BOTh. Because the style of the album is not to my liking, by default the songs are unlistenable as I believe the 2 linked. I have nothing against change, but if a recird is bad, its bad. It would appear 990f writers feel the same way. If you don't like something, you don't like it end of discussion. To try and attack fans loyalty in your words Slik is a little unfair. You like it great!! just don't slag the 99% that don't.

From: Rockhead Date: August 7, 2004 at 8:43
PS with Led Zeppplin 3 the songs still sounded like Led Zepplin they didn't try and sound like anyone else and were true to themselves. This Dokken album sounds like the blatant band wagon jumping that it was AND it didn't sound like Dokken. Bands are made and broken by the album paying public. On this occassion the public made themselves known and Dokken reverted style overnight. Credibility is also an issue here perhaps?

From: Slik Vicc Date: August 8, 2004 at 10:14
Easy Rockhead, I'm not trying to slag anybody buddy! All I'm saying is that I hope that people that read these 'reviews' get a positive slant also, because like it or not the imaginary '990f Dokken fans' that you and Sue-donim quote don't actually exist, its just the 99% that post here. I used to think that rock fans were more opened minded about music but now I'm not so sure....however I do understand your the question, is it bandwagon jumping or experimentation...

From: Slik Vicc Date: August 8, 2004 at 10:33
If Dokken were trying to sound like anyone its kind of lost on me because frankly this album doesn't sound like any contempory rock/metal bands to me....but still I personally believe its all about the songs do you like them or not? however I'm just surprised by the amount of vitriol...

From: Rockhead Date: August 8, 2004 at 13:17
Slik in regard to the majority of Dokken Fans hating this album (the 99%) feel free to check out the various message boards and reviews sections of other rock music sites. The facts don't lie-this album is universally slated by the vast majority. I am all for freedom of speech and opinion but the fact is tmost hate this album pure and simple. In regard to the vitriol I believe disapointment plays a big part-they alienated alot of fans with this album and with 'our music' in the doldrums it hurts

From: Rycheage Date: August 8, 2004 at 13:41
I think that many 'hair bands' that opt to go for this sound are probably treading water just to stay alive back in 96-98 days.I don't blame them because this is their livelihood.It's just that hairbands and modern nu breed DO NOT mix.Many of the hair bands don't have the lower register to their voices to make it work and gather any notoriety at all.Many are just tagged as a good try and cast aside by both parties,AOR/Hard rock lovers and the nu breed community alike.

From: Slik Vicc Date: August 9, 2004 at 8:44
I agree with Rycheage to a degree, these bands are stuck between a rock and a hard place (excuse the pun) when musical climates change. However the song writing on this album is both diverse, intelligent & far better than the majority of one-trick pony metal bands that now use the WWE as their musical springboard. My theory is because this album had a change in style many fans didn't give the actual songs a chance and totally disregarded them.....

From: Slik Vicc Date: August 9, 2004 at 8:45
I know it doesn't sound like trademark Dokken, but just maybe it should be appreciated for what it is, as oppose to 'trashed' for what it is not. I doubt very much that I will be able to convince any haters of this album's many artistic merits, but maybe new listeners to the band may give it more of a chance because their expectations are not set in stone....

From: Marla (MJ) Date: August 9, 2004 at 9:09
Y'all definitely have my curiosity up now... I don't have this one.....WHY is it so bad? Is it the music? Is it the lyrical content? If it's all 'whoa is me....hate the world' crap....I'll take a pass.... So, it doesn't sound like Dokken....who DOES it sound like?

From: AOR freaky Date: August 9, 2004 at 10:17
Marla (MJ) : it sounds like a grunge act ! Dark ! Negative ! Think you have an idea now !

From: T-Bone Date: August 9, 2004 at 20:54
There's nothing even remotely interesting on this cd. It's similiar to how Warrant went from Dog Eat Dog to Belly To Belly sound, and how Motley Crue went from Dr. Feelgood to Generation Swine. Completely alternative and boring. Nothing fun or catchy. Both Dysfunctional and Shadowlife aren't worth even pursuing. Dokkens new cd has been growing on me lately. Get that one instead

From: Rycheage Date: August 9, 2004 at 22:20
Like I said in a previous post, only the song 'Puppet On A String' is good. The rest are just completely incoherent babble. The songwriting is terrible and the playing is just as bland. It is dark and very negative. At least Def Leppard's 'Slang' had some redeeming qualities.

From: Marla Date: August 9, 2004 at 22:21
Thanks!! Got the new one....lovin' it. Definitely pass on this one then....

From: Rockhead Date: August 10, 2004 at 4:38
Sorry Rycheage gotta disagree on the Dysfunctional album-there are some excellent tracks on that release (too high to fly is one of the best things they've ever done)

From: Rycheage Date: August 12, 2004 at 22:26
Hey Rockhead, I don't think I mentioned 'Dysfunctional' at all. That album is good, but I meant this was crap. If I did mention 'Dysfunctional' I apologize. I think it is good also.

From: Rockhead Date: August 13, 2004 at 4:43
A thousand apologies Rycheage. It was T-Bone!! OOOOOPPPPSSS!!!

From: Christine Date: August 14, 2004 at 3:24
Marla, don't even bother! Trust me on this one...

From: Slik Vicc Date: August 14, 2004 at 6:14
Marla, don't bother thinking for yourself either...

From: Marla Date: August 14, 2004 at 10:41
Excuse me Slik Vicc?? Actually....I DO think for myself quite often,!!! However.....I DO value my friends' opinions....and isn't THAT what these pages are all about??? Btw....I did look around, and found this for cheap cheap...and actually I do kind of like 'Bitter Regret' but the rest?? Ack...I'm glad I didn't pay big bucks for it...

From: Slik Vicc Date: August 16, 2004 at 7:13
You think for yourself 'Quite often', Cool!! I'll be interested to here your opinion after you have listened to it a few more times. The positive reviews on other sites seem to be that its a 'bit of a grower', that is, if you give a chance, unlike some of the music fascists here....ha ha!! As far as dark and negative is concerned, maybe its a bit more introspective and philosophical but surely you people don't want listen to 'happy clappy' music all the time?....on second thoughts.

From: Marla Date: August 16, 2004 at 9:06
'Happy Clappy' But then 'dark and dreary, slit my wrists....oh whoa is me'......definitely NO! How's about a happy You like this....I don't...and that's cool. No need to get cocky about it. Now....I'm going to go listen to some 'Hell To Pay'....Have a nice day.

From: Slik Vicc Date: August 16, 2004 at 12:33
Sorry Marla, didn't mean to get in your face, I just think 'The most hated rock album' tag that this release seems to have is a bit harsh...still what the f**k do I know!

From: Marla Date: August 16, 2004 at 12:50
No prob. Slik. Sorry I got smart-assed too. 'The most hated rock album'?? Hmmm.....nah, that tag would probably go to my most favorite Def Leppard album....'Slang' Kinda funny what people like, huh?? I DID listen to this one again....and now the dang chorus of 'Convenience Store Messiah' is stuck in my!!!

From: Geoff Date: August 16, 2004 at 20:38
I guess, just for the record I should add my comments as I have not yet. I LOVE Dokken, but no amount of that is ever going to change the fact that in my mind this is probably the worst album I have ever heard in my life. I like a lot of modern hard rock, have a very open mind and always give Dokken releases a go. But to me, this is utter crap and the only growing it's done on me is as a burden, dragging down my collection like a slow and dreary 10 tonne weight. It'll go soon. 1/10

From: VainBoy80's Date: August 17, 2004 at 9:02
I agree with a few of the above reviews, this album is one of those that sneaks up on you after a few spins. From the stunning 'Cracks in the ground' to the seemingly Beatles inspired 'Convenience Store Messiah' every track seems to stick inside your head after repeated plays. Maybe the negative reviews only listened to it only a couple of times!

From: Christine Date: August 17, 2004 at 15:39
VainBoy - I tried, believe me... I'm a huge Dokken fan but this one is just awful.

From: SlowMo Date: August 19, 2004 at 11:14
An audacious album, which took a lot of risks, its different, but on the whole it does work. Jeff Pilson is said he was disappointed that not enuff people gave it a fair go....not surprising when something you work hard on is simply labelled 'Crap' by an two-bit critics that don't have any musical talent to speak of. To quote Kurt Cobain 'Self appointed judges judge more than they have sold.'

From: SlowMo Date: August 19, 2004 at 11:16
To all the bleeders that may respond with the usual 'We put the band where they are, so we own their ass' argument, don't bother because frankly you don't know what you are talking about....Its their band, their vision, their talent & your what....well????

From: Rockhead Date: August 19, 2004 at 12:36
...Hard earned F**kin' money that bought this shite!! This is a cheap cash in, nothing nothing less that got all the criticism it deserved. After this album Dokken went straight back to a more fan friendly sound. Don't spout about vision and talent-If the band genuinely wanted to go in a new direction why not follow it through? It didn't make em any money so changes were made. I have nothing against new sounding albums if they are good-this isn't. Even Dokken thinks this sucks.

From: Slik Vicc Date: August 19, 2004 at 14:50
Hard earned F**kin' money, considering most bought and sold Shadowlife in second hand stores and on ebay, so its hardly investing in the band. Anyway since when has buying a Dokken album entitled people to dictate their direction?

From: Slik Vicc Date: August 19, 2004 at 14:51
Old school rock fans are clearly alienated by this album, fine, but the 80's are gone, hence Dokken updated their sound, all of their recent albums have contemporary elements. If the 30-somethings are so upset by this go listen to the old albums. Personally I think that this genre should produce albums that not ‘cookie cutter’replicas...hail SHADOWLIFE!!!

From: Rockhead Date: August 20, 2004 at 5:46
Agreed Slik-most bought AND sold this slab of shite. I stand by my comment I paid full price for it on release and got a twelth back on ebay. Hardly a great return (a bit like this album)

From: Rockhead Date: August 20, 2004 at 5:52
I like elements of all the albums post SHADOWLIFE . I take my hat off to you for your unfaltering support of this album, however to suggest people that don't like this are blinkered is a little silly. Also with regard to the buying public dictating a bands career or decision making process-it happens all the time-espeically with the hordes of band wagon jumpers this type of music has generated. To deny the fans and album buying public have no impact is niave.

From: Slik Vicc Date: August 20, 2004 at 9:37
Dokken are only guilty of one thing with Shadowlife, trying something different. Talking about bandwagons is just stupid as it doesn't sound like anything else that came out in '97. The songs on this album are the sounds of a band trying to break free from its constraints. Dokken were trying to invent a niche in a difficult musical climate for hard rock. The album failed from a commercially standpoint not necessarily an artistic level.

From: Slik Vicc Date: August 20, 2004 at 9:39
the reason I object to people calling Shadowlife a 'slab of 'shite' is because they clearly have no idea how hard it is to create new music. We should understand it is supposed to be freedom of expression not just entertainment to satisfy the 'fast food mentality'. They didn't write this album to piss older fans off and probably just hoped they would evolve with them. Just because it goes against peoples preconceptions reinventing yourself is still not a crime, so stop with the 'Rip off' claims

From: Warhead Date: August 24, 2004 at 16:19
Nomatter what style you enjoy, this disc will still disappoint. Very, very bland songs. Nothing inspiring. Correction, if you like the sound of drowning melodies than this is for you. There are only parts of 2, maybe 3 songs that are good. I said parts, not the entire song. Sleepy time.zzzzzzzz

From: charvel man Date: September 8, 2004 at 2:20
This cd is very alternative style which is why I understand why most dokken fans don't like it It does have a few good songs through. But I only listen to it once in a blue moon. Which says something right there.

From: AOR fan Date: September 22, 2004 at 2:35
Hey Slik Vicc, I totally agree with your nice comments too...the Rockers have no idea how hard it is to create new music!!!

From: KAN FROM TAIWAN Date: October 10, 2004 at 23:40

From: jeff Date: October 12, 2004 at 15:58
bitter regret is the only decent song on this cd.

From: Propane Date: November 30, 2004 at 11:02
This is typical Lynch crap! Let him find his country roots and replace him already!

From: Date: January 9, 2005 at 10:14
i agree with everybody here that dokkens shadoelife is in fact the worst album of all time.i mean this cd sucks's like grundge/alternative not metal.what in the hell were they thinking putting this out.this album should be in the history books for suckiest release ever.listening to this cd is carrer suicide

From: AHUEA Date: January 14, 2005 at 10:40
what a shame

From: HOREX Date: May 3, 2005 at 4:58
Yes...yes...great alternative shit = SHADOWLIFE.Music for adolescents who are dazzled Nirvana.Worst album of all time.Grunge go to hell!!..

From: John Date: May 4, 2005 at 15:33
I don't mind grunge per se. It does bother me however when a band writes bad songs. I can understand a change in direction if the songs are good. These songs suck.

From: HOREX Date: May 4, 2005 at 23:33
"2 years after Dokken's best known line-up reunited the quartet issued its second reunion album,1997's SHADOWLIFE.While the album saw the band switch record labels,they retained their '90s musical direction-the music is heavier and darker than their'80s work,but Don Dokken's melodic vocals remain.Is similar in style to such '90s Seattle bands as Soundgarden and Alice In Chains rather than the bands with whom Dokken was associated in the '80s such as Motley Crue and Quiet Riot.

From: HOREX Date: May 4, 2005 at 23:40
...It includes such hard rocking standouts as "Puppet on a String," "Cracks in the Ground," and "Hello.".....end review...Who to f**k write this review???"Melodic vocals remain.."???..where???You are def??Only one decent song is "Bitter regret"...another is shit...Don Dokken tel.."this is worst album..." and this is true...By Jerry

From: Horex Date: May 5, 2005 at 4:50
Now I have stopped drinking hopfully my reviews will make some sense, I love this doesn't sound like grunge at all!

From: HOREX Date: May 6, 2005 at 9:24
Who are you??Horex - hardly?!You are Don Dokken,that this you can declare??Do you have his opinion and I my,but this album really fail...look up...Bye Jerry

From: mauricio Date: October 17, 2005 at 18:06
hi-from COSTARICA, que decir de este disco de 1997, la verdad cuando lo compre y vi su portada me parecio genial el diseño y me deje llever por el y lo compre y cuando puse el disco me dije que para que putas lo es el DOKKEN de DYSFUNCTIONAL,ONE LIVE NIGHT con la aclamada reunion. primero pones su best seller el BACK FOR THE ATTACK y luego pones SHADOWLIFE y te dan ganas de llorar. LA VERDAD NO HABIA NADA INTERESANTE EN 1997 y la culpa de este disco la tiene GEORGE LYNCH Y KELLY GRAY.

From: pereira Date: December 28, 2005 at 0:15
GRACIAS A DIOS KE DON DOKKEN KITO DE ENCIMA A GEORGE LYNCH!!!! ese chico solo traia problemas a esta banda, ya fue grande en los ochenta, pero en esta epoca se cayo defenitivamente!

From: dokkenfan Date: May 18, 2006 at 16:28
There is only one reason to buy this cd. Buy it if you are a hardcore Dokken fan who wants to own all their cds. If you do buy it get the Japanese version with How Many Lives and Deep Waters as bonus tracks.

From: sanxdowntherainbow Date: March 27, 2007 at 19:30
Sad to say it, but this cd SUCKS! Dokken is my favorite band of all time, but this record, it's a shame to say it, but, it should have never been released. Ohh lord, please forgive for posting this, but it's true!

From: Japangea Date: April 6, 2007 at 11:57
Depressing loner,Don Dokken,sings something depressed.Not a bad album as this style fits Don's voice.I always feel pain when I hear "Bitter Regret" which was made for Robin Crosby(Ratt) by Don.

From: glamrockerarchie Date: May 2, 2007 at 16:35
shit cd. the only song worth listening to is puppet on a string if you can get over that its dokken its actually a decent song. but other than that you cant really go wrong with dokken

From: Rambo Rockerman Date: January 20, 2008 at 10:40
What happen here,it's pretty bad for Dokken.Bitter Regret was a great althou.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: November 8, 2008 at 12:24
A big mistake.....dull album....not even gonna rate it...

From: MetalianStallion Date: January 16, 2009 at 3:01
From the first note your ears will tell you something UNHOLY pierced the air. After high hopes for the bands previous effort 'Dysfunctional' that let me down some what I was hoping for Dokken redemption in 'Shadowlife'. The album title unfortunately was appropriate as the band should have went into the rocker witness protection program to lie low for a while after dropping this grunge deuce bomb. On the bright side this CD adds to my drink coaster collection including: Trixter,Van Halen III,Manowar,Fozzy,Jesse Camp - & the 8th Street kidz,Scorpions- Eye II Eye,TNT - The New territory-Atlantis,Ratt - Collage,S/T(1999). more?

From: rick kerch vzla Date: April 25, 2011 at 21:16
Being more specific about this album is still....PRETTY DULL!!! ...a mistake in the career of the band undoubtebly...if you are looking for "good songs" i'd say more than good,standable but at the same time forgettable ones ...."Sky Beneath My Feet","Hello","I Feel" & "I Don't Mind" rate?.65/100

From: petermexico13 Date: February 22, 2016 at 19:59
Next! I think George Lynch is guilty! just hear this and the horrible Lynch Mob Smoke This ! (this is the worst cd that I Bought with Generation Swine of Mótley Crue!!

From: titothetitan Date: May 15, 2018 at 14:13
This album is an insult to the fans. It doesn't sound like Dokken AT ALL! The two bonus tracks in the japanese release are as boring as the rest of the album. An 80's band trying to play grunge is outrageous. What were they thinking?

From: titothetitan Date: April 26, 2019 at 14:55
For me this is in the same level of King Kobra - Hollywood Trash, maybe worse.

From: MetalllianStallion Date: September 23, 2024 at 4:35
Don Dokken in a recent interview brought up that he owns the patented DOKKEN logo visible on all their albums, except "Shadow Life". I missed his encrypted warning when it was released, and bought/returned this one. Don put all the blame on Lynch for this turd, as unlike "Dysfunctional" a few years earlier, this album has no redeemable qualities in retrospect. I've even heard this album was a deliberate attempt by George to put a fork in Dokken and ruin their career.(who knows). Don is squawking a lot in recent video interviews and may be trying to add his revisionist spin on the band, as many do in their favor. Don said Lynch said to him at one point, "You know what the problem with this band is". He pointed to the DOKKEN logo on the stage. The truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. Jeff Pilson Slams Don Dokken Claim, as "Desperate and Weak" + George Lynch, Mick Brown - Interview 2024

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: September 23, 2024 at 11:19
I bet at the time, if he said anything at all about it, Don would have explained the new logo as a fresh start in a new decade, saying goodbye to the '80's different things to say now, etc. In other words, the same thing lots of his contemporaries were saying about their "updated" new music around that time. However, he's been telling that story about George pointing to the backdrop for decades now. Is it really revisionist when you've been saying it all along?

From: MetalllianStallion Date: September 24, 2024 at 3:25
@Doghouse, it's time to eat some crow 🐦. Don's quote (INTERVIEW LINKS PROVIDED) " I REFUSED TO PUT MY LOGO ON IT". Therefore, Don not giving his band name trademark "logo" that he owned at this point, his stamp of approval, so to speak. This is obliviously true by looking at the album covers. Your comment "fresh start in a new decade". Didn't the decade start in (1990) as Dysfunctional (1995) had the original Dokken logo? Is it possible Don's lying now and he was gung-ho for Shadowlife to be released in (1997) with a new logo, and a new relevant Dokken for the late 90's ? Not likely. Interviews with Lynch and Pilson admitted that much of the material had been written as a non-Dokken side project. Don was absent for most of the songwriting process. The bulk of the music for Shadowlife was written by Lynch and Pilson and then sent to Don to add lyrics. Don told Metal Edge that producer Kelly Gray told him, "knock off that harmony shit. It's my job to get you out of that '80s thin

From: MetalllianStallion Date: September 24, 2024 at 4:13
"History is a set of lies agreed upon" - Napoleon Bonaparte. When people get into their twilight years, some come clean and admit their wrong doings in their life, hence the term 'deathbed confession'. Or they can go the 'sugar coat' route of embellishing their past to make themselves look in a more favorable light. I believe Don at 71 is mixing fact and fiction in his recent revisionist interviews. He is telling the truth about the legalist issues with the band and rehashing butting heads with Lynch. But he is 'revising' his contributions in being mainly responsible for Dokken's success in their prime. Jeff Pilson in a recent interview expounded on the band splitting revenue equally 4 ways, even though Don recently said "Mick Brown didn't do shit", as far as the writing songs process. Don Dokken - Up From The Ashes (1990) was exhibit A, of Don calling the shots with hired guns. It was a good album, but it's not the original recipe that broke big. Give credit were it's due Don.

From: MetalllianStallion Date: September 24, 2024 at 4:21
'Don Dokken on their Shadowlife album why it failed and all the challenges he had making it! Why Don Dokken owns the band name Dokken Don Dokken on Mick Brown, "He didn't do s***" Jeff Pilson Slams Don Dokken Claim, "Desperate and Weak" Forgotten Hard Rock Albums: Dokken, "Shadowlife" (1997)

From: Lasse Date: September 24, 2024 at 5:34
MetalllianStallion - I used to listen to most Dokken and all members' albums, but today I am more critical. Their hey day albums 1984-1988 were totally amazing, especially Lynch's guitars and Don had very strong vocals at that time era, totally smooth and strong. In-band fighting and all, still three gems and solid live album in '88. Just learnt that it was Pilson with the engineer that made a prank, so bad it come to cost them the hot shot producer at the time; Tom Werman simply walked out from the sessions of Tooth & Nail. Pilson let Lynch believe all these years that Tom said things he never did, all edited. Lost some respect there. Without Werman, they did not get the guitar sound they wanted, still made platinum. My no. 1 Dokken album will always be Back for the attack, EVERYTHING is beautiful on that one+ they used the killer duo for the mixing, Steve Thompson and Michael Barbiero, taking the sonics even higher. This one "Shadowlife" is their worst. The Reb album was not too bad.

From: MetalllianStallion Date: September 24, 2024 at 5:53
@Lasse, I was literally listening to that Tom Werman interview on the FULL IN BLOOM youtube channel right now talking about his beef with Lynch during the making of Tooth and Nail. The host is one of the better ones today of the 80's hair band era squeezing out some gold nuggets of the past. I agree with you on "Back for the Attack' (1987) being Dokken at their peak of powers. Jeff Pilson seems like the more cool headed original member these days giving more unbiased truth about the band's hey day, as he got along with both Don and George. As Jeff has said Don had booze and prescription drugs issues, but wasn't into coke like the other 3 members. Tom Werman Fires Back at George Lynch's Dokken 'Tooth and Nail' Comments, "Just Bull****!"

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: September 24, 2024 at 6:12
Oh, I know Don was never gung-ho about Shadowlife, and was publicly washing his hands of it as early as the very next record. But it would have been a pretty bad business move to say you refuse [present tense] to put your logo on the album you were currently promoting. Hard to believe he wasn't saying the same sorts of things everybody from the Crue to Megadeth were saying around the same time about their own very unpopular albums, at least long enough to get through the cycle. As for Werman vs. Lynch, it doesn't appear Mick Brown had much use for Werman either on Tooth And Nail.

From: Lasse Date: September 24, 2024 at 6:52
Cool Doghouse and Stallion, don't know if this will last as a valid link: A little late, but it's almost as if Jeff Pilson is trying to apologize to Werman, and also giving the man a little more credit albeit way too late. Then that Don and Tom did not have chemistry, those things happen. Tom used a guy called Geoff Workman at the time, but after finding out him (and Jeff) intentionally wanted to make Werman look bad, Tom fired Workman and started using an even better engineer, I think it was Duane Baron. Werman: "I do keep in touch with Duane Baron, Eddie Delena and Gary Ladinsky - all great recording engineers." Werman did Girls, girls, girls, Open up and say ahh, Against the law and some more with those engineers. Don also said, might have been around 2002: "Jeff always wanted to be frontman or guitar player! But he got stuck with bass, but he never seemed happy with that position. But Mick's loyal, he's still with me."

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