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[Dokken Band Picture]

Artist: Dokken

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CD Title: Long Way Home

Dokken Long Way Home Album Cover Dokken Long Way Home Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 2002

Label: Universal (Japan)

Catalog Number: UICE-1024


Don Dokken vocals, acoustic guitar
Mick Brown drums, percussion, vocals
John Norum lead guitar
Barry Sparks bass


1.  Sunless Days  4:20
2.  Little Girl  3:44
3.  Everybody Needs (to Be With Someone)  3:15
4.  You  3:47
5.  Goodbye My Friend  4:06
6.  Magic Road  3:31
7.  There Was a Time  3:53
8.  Heart Full of Soul  2:28  Cover: The Yardbirds
9.  Under the Gun  4:23
10.  I've Found  3:43
11.  Dancin (The Irish Song) Japanese Bonus Track  5:03
12.  Only Heaven Knows Japanese Bonus Track  3:17
13.  Let It Be True Japanese Bonus Track  4:39
Total Running Time:  50:09

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Tony Date: August 18, 2002 at 17:58
What can you say about this you know?? Ecspecially after the awesome 'Erase The Slate'? Not horrendous but NOT a Dokken album. Pretty much a solo Don Dokken album and hey if you're cool with that you'll dig this. Very mellow and he sings his ass off but it's bordering on 'your parent's' music if you catch my drift. Why have a killer guitarist like John Norum in your band if you're not gonna use him? Have a gut feeling Don's heart isn't into this genre of music anymore in my opinion.

From: Sunless star Date: August 20, 2002 at 10:43
¿Alguien me puede decir qué hace un pedazo de guitarrista como John Norum en un disco en el que apenas hay solos? Y los que hay, salvo alguna excepción son tan cortos que tampoco dan para mucho... Aún así, John está increíble cuando le dejan. Simplemente algunos buenos temas sin más, falta gancho, se quedan a medias. Esperaba muchísimo más de un disco de Dokken con John Norum a la guitarra. No me extraña que John se marchase para hacer algún concierto con el mago Ronnie Le Tekro y otras cosas...

From: freddy de keyze Date: August 22, 2002 at 7:40
It's very difficult to write this about Dokken, because they were once one of my fave acts (days of Back For The Attack, Under Lock And Key, Tooth An Nail), but since George leaved, Dokken is Dokken no more. Erase The Slate was rather good, but this one is a real disappointment. No songs, no power, no harmonies, no great guitar solo's. It's sad, but Don should call it a day, and the european version is only 37 minutes long, a real scandal. Sorry, but avoid !!!

From: kcmo rocker Date: August 22, 2002 at 20:21
i am also disappointed in this cd...its good but this isnt dokken...erase the slate really had me thinking they where going to kick ass again...and then this ouch....only reason i rated them where i did is cause they are one of my 5 fav bands...please go back to rockin with dokken...not snoozing with dokken

From: dokken6008 Date: August 24, 2002 at 1:52
So far without my vote we have a 4.75 out of 10 rating for 'Long Way Home' out of 12 voters. Two words: BULL--SHIT!! What is up with this? 'Shadowlife' was Dokken's only true waste. 'Sunless Days' is a Dokken classic and 'Goodbye My Friend' is a great ballad--what is the problem here? Yeah, the album is too short, and yeah, that poser George is gone, and yeah, hip-hop boy Jeff is gone--so what? There are at least 6 very good songs on 'LWH' not counting the import. You guys are full of it. 8/10

From: music man Date: August 24, 2002 at 8:03
I guess it all comes down to what your personal expectations of a band's new music should sound like. To me it sounds great, to some it obviously dosen't. Has anyone heard the 3 bonus tracks on the import and do they sound like the rest of the disc.

From: JLPRocks Date: August 27, 2002 at 9:57
Let me preface my comments by saying that I am a HUGE Dokken fan..and have been since 'Breaking the Chains'.. but I can't bring myself to really dig this cd. It's ok....and there are some fairly good songs on the disc, but it doesn't have the edge that I look for in a Dokken release...and that's a shame because Don's vox sounded really good on this release. A 7 out of 10 from me..

From: Tracer-X Date: September 5, 2002 at 5:13
I can still remember the day I got Breaking The Chains. It just blew me away. As did the next few releases. Then shadowshite. After Erase The Slate came out I thought yeah they're getting there groove back. This record,even though not as bad as shadowshite, is still Shite!

From: Jason24_2002 Date: November 28, 2002 at 16:42
This is in response to Dokken6008...What do you mean hip hop boy Jeff? Since when is Jeff Pilson into hip hop? In general about Long Way isn't too bad. It's not as heavy as past Dokken material but considering that Don is a heavy smoker, his voice is fading and keep in mind that he's not as young as he used to be but he can still throw a hell of a rock show when he wants to. Dokken formed in 1979 and this is 2002...Lets hand it to them.

From: T-BONE Date: November 28, 2002 at 23:38
Rumor has it that Reb Beach will be rejoining Dokken for the Whitesnake/Dokken/Scorpions tour in 2003. Wild Mick Brown is also rumored to be with Dokken. Doncha just love rumors?

From: T-BONE Date: November 28, 2002 at 23:42
As for Jason24_2002, That was a rather redundant statement saying he is not as young as he used to be. None of us are for that matter. You figure that if it was hurting your, you'd quit smoking as much? It's a poor excuse for the poor effort on this CD. He needs to go back and listen to the glory days of Dokken from 85-90 and get reinspired there. Quit with the new age shit.

From: dokken6008 Date: November 30, 2002 at 6:26
Hey, Jason24_2002 (the name really flows doesn't it?)-- Having wasted far too much time on message boards justifying my statements, let me tell you this: Get informed. I happen to know Jeff Pilson's projects, past AND present. It is public information. Do a little research. Go on a search engine. Just don't bug ME. The 'glory' days of Dokken are over unless something drastic takes place within the next decade with the band. I have no faith in ANY band. We're all just humans.

From: vince Date: January 14, 2003 at 0:22

From: Gar Date: February 27, 2003 at 23:10
I just listened to this one back to back with SHADOWLIFE (I know... I'm a glutton for punishment). Man, the difference between the 2 was like night and day. SHADOWLIFE was downbeat and dull. LONG WAY HOME was bright, energetic, and positive. Yeah I know it ain't BREAKING THE CHAINS, but that era is long over. This has more mature writing than ever before, plus the songs are uniformly good. Don did a great production job, too. Its still Dokken, they're not trying to follow trends here.

From: vikingo666 Date: March 14, 2003 at 19:46
el don dokken se ha comido un acido y se cree un beatle mas?

From: Van Alan Date: March 19, 2003 at 5:38
There are some really good ballads, but when this formation of Dokken tries to really rock out, 'Under The Gun', they sound tired. Not a bad CD, but not as heavy as 'Erase The Slate'.

From: keebler Date: October 8, 2003 at 1:35
everybody keeps putting this cd down and i don't know why i think it's very good,my only problem is it's to short.

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Whiplash1972 Date: November 8, 2003 at 2:10
Not Dokken's best,but still better than 990f the 'music' that litters today's landscape.'Sunless Days','You',& 'Goodbye My Friend' are great songs,and 'Little Girl' would have been a SMASH back in the late 80s/early 90s.I also really enjoy the Yardbirds cover 'Heart Full of Soul' I recommend snagging the 3 bonus tracks(Dancin',Only Heaven Knows,Let it Be True) offa Kazaa, as they're actually pretty good,and they put the total running time over 50 mins if you wanna do your own 'import' disc!

From: DokkenDude365 Date: January 3, 2004 at 8:45
I happen to think that this album is very good. It shows how creavite they can be. All though i do long for another Tooth and Nail/Back For The Attack. As long as Don keeps Wild Mick Brown around Dokken will never have a bad CD in my book.

From: Fat Freddy Date: January 5, 2004 at 12:11
This one's OK but not essential either. I've heard that it was actually supposed to be released as a Don Dokken solo album but the record label made him stick the Dokken band logo on it at the last minute. Anyone know if there's any truth to that? It would certainly explain why there are so many 'mellow' tracks on here... well, at least it's not as bad as SHADOWLIFE.

From: pablo Date: January 12, 2004 at 11:09
Muy pausado y melódico ,te deja un poco frio pese a que las canciones están bien compuestas y producidas

From: Metal Pete Date: January 14, 2004 at 14:25
Dokken does not need to do another fockin ballad for as long as they live! It only lessens the appeal of classics like 'Alone Again', Slippin Away, and 'From the Beginning'. Lean on the guitar, Don, and listen to us--WE WANT ROCK!!

From: The Scarab Date: May 9, 2004 at 23:43
I agree with dokken6008,You have some decent songs on this album.'Little Girl' can be considered to be a Dokken classic in my book.At least 6 really goods songs on this offering.Wait til you hear the new c.d.'Hell To Pay', new guitarist Jon Levin is a shredder,You'll be saying Lynch who? and Barry Sparks is amazing,great singer as well.Heard them in concert last night and they blew the roof off.Dokken is Back For The Attack.

From: Metal T Date: May 27, 2004 at 9:41
Hey Don, all im gonna say is the upcoming record 'Hell To Pay' better not be crap.Since this one has now been delayed until July. Don't promote the hell out of this one and then lay a f**king terd.

From: Border Rat Date: June 26, 2004 at 8:19
This disc is good.It has 8 rockers and 2 ballads.I would'nt mind getting my paws on the import with the 3 bonus tracks.It's such a shame that we all could not get 13 tracks on our long way home cd regardless of where we live!

From: Warhead Date: August 24, 2004 at 16:26
Sunless Days and Little Girl=Decent Grooves/Everybody Needs (to Be With Someone)= Heard better/You=pretty good Goodbye My Friend=This is why Don's friends leave him...lame material like this. Magic Road=The title belongs on a Spinal Tap Cd There Was a Time=not for this song/Heart Full of Soul=Let me guess, Don has a 6 yr. old and he/she is writing poems Under the Gun=don't blame him...just look at the remaining titles Dancin/The Irish Song/Only Heaven Knows/Let It Be True 1/2 good 1/2 funny

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Whiplash1972 Date: August 24, 2004 at 16:53
Well, considering that 'Heart Full of Soul' is actually a cover of a Yardbirds song, NO, I don't think Don's kids had anything to do with it.....

From: Geoff Date: August 25, 2004 at 5:58
I must admit that as a huge fan of prime Dokken I too was dissapointed with this, and it pains me to say so. It is a lot better than the sell-out days, yes. But it is nowhere near as good as 'Erase the slate' and I am glad to say that I also like 'Hell to pay' better. I just don't think Dokken do the slow rock well. They excell when big riffs and harmonies are in order, and they are both absent on this, which is still a good to decent CD - just not what you think of when thinking Dokken.

From: KAN FROM TAIWAN Date: October 10, 2004 at 23:57

From: onemorecast Date: November 8, 2004 at 23:35
I really liked this one. sunless days is a great track and little girl has a great groove. The yardbirds cover was good song too. some nice ballads on this one too.

From: Propane Date: November 30, 2004 at 11:13
I have come to expect only one good song per album these days, and Don does not dissapoint. However, please pick up the pace. I now want two per album.

From: AHUEA Date: January 14, 2005 at 10:35
First track rocks, the rest blows

From: Edu winger Date: December 23, 2007 at 9:10
I like this album very much. best song for me is Everybody needs (to be with someone). John Norum doesn't shine but did a good job.

From: Rambo Rockerman Date: January 20, 2008 at 10:44
It's a good CD,but not to the standard they set in the late 80s.

From: hair metal again Date: July 7, 2009 at 3:40
the "long way home "album is ok i guess.not the best they did but it has many classy moments like "goodbye my friend","little girl","sunless days".for me dokken had always been a pleasure

From: metalmaniac777 Date: January 3, 2010 at 11:18
It's "Sunless Days" for anyone expecting another stellar Dokken album, 'cause this disappoints like a "Little Girl" craving a cherry lollipop but given a dead rat instead. In life, "Everyone Needs to be With Someone" and Don Dokken needs to be with someone who will kick his butt back into hard rockin' high gear. If "You" buy this CD, expect some solid singing from Don, but in service to mellow, laid-back, limp-wristed tunes. Maybe it's time to say "Goodbye my Friend" to the Dokken we all knew & loved and revisit those old albums to remember when the band actually walked a "Magic Road" in the metal world; yes, it's true, "There was a Time" when Dokken actually rocked hard & heavy with a "Heart Full of Soul." Then they released some dismal sell-out albums and found themselves "Under the Gun" by fans clamoring for a return to form; judging from the comments, not many people consider this CD to be that return to form. Personally, "I've Found" it to be a total waste of time.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: May 30, 2011 at 22:39
I know that this one sounds "alternative" and is not the sound we'd like to listen in any Dokken's album but in my case i've found this one quite a goodie..."Under The Gun" rocks good,"I've Found" is a beautiful song along with "Goodbye My Friend" & "Sunless Days","You" & "Magic Road" are 3 songs that nice too listen to...up 2 you guys...85/100

From: the rocker Date: May 30, 2011 at 22:49
I like this cd,but if you listen to SHADOW LIFE then this one you won't think it sounds alternative.

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