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![[TNT Band Picture]](/bandpics/tnt.jpg)
Artist: TNT
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CD Title: Firefly
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1997
Label: Victor (Japan)
Catalog Number: VICP-5829
Tony Harnell lead and harmony vocals
Ronni Le Tekro all guitars, vocals
Morty Black bass guitars
Frode Hansen drums, percussion
Dag Stokke keyboards
1. | Firefly | |
2. | Angels Ride | |
3. | Tripping | |
4. | Daisy Jayne | |
5. | Somebody Told You | |
6. | Month Of Sundays | |
7. | Only The Thief (whistles at night) | |
8. | Heaven's Gone | |
9. | Moonflower | |
10. | Sunless Star | |
11. | Soldier Of The Light | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: John |
Date: October 1, 2001 at 15:06 |
I absolutely didn't get what the band was trying to do with this one until I pulled it out a couple of months ago and gave it another spin. It's grown on me and rocks quite nicely.
From: Jenni |
Date: January 19, 2002 at 18:34 |
It did that to me, too. You have to let it grow on you. After the days go by, you will finally realize that Month of Sundays is the best song on here! Soldier of the Light should have been on Intuition as originally is awesome, well until Tony loses his voice at the end haha.
From: Don |
Date: February 23, 2002 at 16:30 |
Sorry folks, this one just ain't happening for me. I tried to let it grow on me, and it only grew like mold on bread. This is a terrible CD, and I'm sorry to say so.
From: motley |
Date: July 9, 2002 at 15:52 |
this cd is just plain fucking long gone crap that happened to a lot of bands that fell into the grunge trap to survive. Luckfully I have the 3 nites in tokyo cd in the same box-thats the only reason not to throw this out otherwise this is just a matter of boring yourself with a cd. PUKE PUKE PUKE!!!!
From: Bryan |
Date: July 28, 2002 at 1:47 |
Visit Tony Harnell's new Official WESTWORLD band site:
From: david |
Date: August 16, 2002 at 6:45 |
Pienso que musicalmente avanzaron mucho más con este disco. Los solos de Ronnie son mucho más experimentales y me impresionan cada vez que los escucho. En cuanto a Tony, canta ahora mucho mejor que antes. Varía mucho más de registros y los clava todos. Las canciones no son tan melódicas, pero a mí me encantan. En su día pensé que era el mejor disco de ellos. Ahora pienso que simplemente es tremendo (uno más). Pero eso sí, como Transistor, para escucharlo sin prejuicios.
From: |
Date: November 29, 2002 at 11:10 |
El único disco que he tirado a la basura en toda mi vida, ¿qué querían demostrar? a la gente les gustaba el hard de "Intuition" o de "Tell no tales" pero esto me parece reirse de los fans. Lo siento pero no he vuelto a comprar un disco suyo.
From: JAVIER |
Date: November 29, 2002 at 11:12 |
El único disco que he tirado a la basura en toda mi vida, ¿qué querían demostrar? a la gente les gustaba el hard de "Intuition" o de "Tell no tales" pero esto me parece reirse de los fans. Lo siento pero no he vuelto a comprar un disco suyo. lo mando otra vez porque se me olvidó firmar
From: robert |
Date: November 30, 2002 at 10:10 |
Este no tiene nada que ver con esas 2 obras d arte:INTUITION y tell no tales.Pero es un disco interesante, temas como HEAVEN'S GONE, demuestran LA CREATIVIDAD d estos genios, lo que pasa q a los q nos cautivo su epoca ochentera, este y el Transistor, nos deja descolocados, simplemente diria q son muy diferente, aunque personalmente me quedo por supuesto con INTUITION. Habra q esperar haber q hacen estos maravillosos genios..
From: dag i. |
Date: February 17, 2003 at 15:52 |
crap-big crap! don`t waste your time with this album. listen to tell no tales and have fun!
From: alexxx |
Date: August 5, 2003 at 19:00 |
al prinsipio no me gusto mucho pero escuchandolo bien no es tan malo
From: TIM (2) |
Date: May 27, 2004 at 4:22 |
The lowest point of their career, and almost unlistenable for me. Even the vocals aren't very good, and I can't believe I would ever say that...
From: Andii Vamp |
Date: August 13, 2004 at 4:28 |
Been a TNT fan for many years here and have loved how this band can just keep progressing. Intuition is still a classic(My fave TNT album being STILL Tell No Tales) and i heard this album tonight and at first listen i thought "Wow, what a difference!". It took me a while to get a hold of, but you know? It grows on you in a GOOD way and LeTekro's end soloing in Daisy Jane is just some of the finest i have heard this amazing musician do. A different sounding TNT yes, but not as bad as what i was e
From: Andii Vamp |
Date: August 13, 2004 at 4:31 |
..."expecting" i was going to say at the end there haha! A fine album and i don't get why so many people are down on it. Been a TNT fan for years, well since i first ever heard "Knights Of The New Thunder", and sure this is different but still.. nice to see the guys play about with styles. Transistor on the other hand is a corking album... but that is another review
From: Krash Dizazter |
Date: August 13, 2004 at 11:47 |
Being a TNT fan...I had read reviews about this album on how they were trying to be someone else and fans weren't liking it. To me a band can't stay one style all the time it would be too boring, so on that note I give TNT thumbs up for trying something different. Excellent album in my opinion...especially the songs TRIPPING and DAISY JANE...these song show that TNT arent' afraid to try something else in style. All in all, I find TNT's FIREFLY an excellent album that shows diversity.
From: Geoff |
Date: August 14, 2004 at 22:44 |
In reference to this album, I actually question the so-called fans more than I do the album. I love everything TNT has ever done, and this is certainly no exception at all. Unfortunately I only have the 'Firefly and live' album and am missing a few of these tracks, but what I do know is that 'Tripping','Daisy Jane', 'Month of Sundays', 'Sunless star' and 'Month of Sundays' are 5 of my favourite TNT songs ever, with hooks truly as big as they come. Just a brilliant album... and I cannot
From: Geoff |
Date: August 14, 2004 at 22:47 |
...understand what fan of TNT would dislike this! Yes, it is VERY different to previous efforts, but aren't TNT just liked for the brilliant songs they record? That's why I like them, and that's why I love this album - brilliant songs. I prefer 'My religion', but for me they did nothing wrong on this album - just progressed naturally and belted out some great, very melodic and hook friendly songs! Sure I miss the riffs, but the songs are still there...
From: dckiss |
Date: August 15, 2004 at 14:33 |
Geoff I have to say that this is not a favorite of mine. I am a true fan of this band I own every album they have done. I bought each one on the day of release as they are one of my favorites. I think that you can be a fan of any band and not like everything they have done. For instant I am a HUGE Kiss fan but like most Kiss fans I will tell you they have put out a lot of Crap over the years. So relax and don't be so hard on the other fans if they don't share your opinion
From: Geoff |
Date: August 15, 2004 at 23:03 |
Hey dckiss, I do apologise if it sounded as though I did not think people were real fans of the band - that's childs play and not for me to decide, and of course you're entitled to your thoughts. It's just always puzzled me that although the sound is very different on this CD, it still has all the brilliance of any other TNT release, just in a slightly different method of show. Still, you dislike it, I love it. That's cool, just wanted my 2 cents too. And I'm very relaxed BTW.
From: R.S. - Rocks |
Date: December 2, 2004 at 10:14 |
I gave this CD a second chance after many years - and I finally like it. This is not their typical style but it rocks quit good. Best songs are "Soldier of the light", "Heavens gone" and "Angels ride". But the albums "My religion" and "Tell no tales" are a lot better.
From: howe |
Date: January 12, 2005 at 7:45 |
This is probably TNT'S most underrated album. It's a pity because "Soldier of the Light", "Tripping", "Daisy Jayne" and "Month of Sundays" are among the band's best compositions.
From: Bobby De |
Date: October 2, 2005 at 21:08 |
Wow, Grow on! Grow like a bad aftertaste or bad fart. Wow! One of the premier metal bands of all time. Im talking superb vocal, guitar, and melodies. This albm was so bad I just barely skimmend through the songs before I had to open my car door and puke......(oh by the way I also cried after i puked)...dam , I had to apologize to myself.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: January 6, 2008 at 22:40 |
Nada que ofrecer realmente (si a ver vamos no se como tildar este cd,si como experimento para bien o para mal o un "lack" de inspiracion por parte de la banda).El sonido completamente ajeno al TNT clasico (toques Grunge)y sin un horizonte definido para sus fans (las bandas evolucionan pero...asi?).En lo particular es un album que puedo escuchar y aunque no sea tan placentero escucharlo tampoco es que sea enteramente malo (simplemente es otra "nota" mas nada)."Moonflower" es una cancion melosa y
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: January 6, 2008 at 22:43 |
...y hasta agradable pero para eso esta "Without Your Love" del famoso y aclamado "Knights Of The New Thunder".Solo para fans...50/100
Date: July 20, 2011 at 11:51 |
Even the dead is scared, this is so baaad!
From: petermexico13 |
Date: May 19, 2015 at 20:51 |
Siendo un gran fan de esta banda, porque me considero su seguidor desde la primera vez que los escuché allá por 1986, y desde entonces he intentado conseguir cada trabajo de TNT como grupo, así como todo lo que han hecho sus integrantes a lo largo del tiempo, puedo decir que la primera vez que escuché este "Firefly" me quedé confundido con el sonido y estilo. Al hacer un recuento de cada disco se nota una evolución importante y así en cada escucha este trabajo es uno de esos discos que van creciendo en aceptación, al mismo tiempo que vas descubriendo cada sonido y cada parte que te hace reconocible cada uno de los estupendos temas, así pues "Angels Ride" "Tripping" "Daisy Jayne" y la grandiosa "Month of Sundays" al día de hoy, me parecen unas de mis favoritas de toda su trayectoria. Sin duda TNT es un grupo que siempre antepone la calidad ante lo comercial, y Tony y Ronni son una de las mejores mancuernas que han existido en la historia del Hard Rock de todos los tiempos.
From: hair metal again |
Date: May 4, 2022 at 11:56 |
A def masterpiece for TNT and one of the best of the great 90 s hard rock scene! bought it when it got out and was stunned by its musicianship, songwriting and diversity!"mont of Sundays","daisy jane","firefly" and "somebody told you" are great songs indeed! essential by any means and equal to Intuition in my book
From: hair metal again |
Date: May 4, 2022 at 11:57 |
A def masterpiece for TNT and one of the best of the great 90 s hard rock scene! bought it when it got out and was stunned by its musicianship, songwriting and diversity!"mont of Sundays","daisy jane","firefly" and "somebody told you" are great songs indeed! essential by any means and equal to Intuition in my book
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