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CD Title: Coastline
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Category: Melodic Rock
Year: 2003
Label: Vinny Records (Sweden)
Catalog Number:
Helena Rosendahl vocals
Thomas Hansson guitars
Lars Melin keyboards
Tomas Munters bass
Jan Hedlund drums
1. | Restless Heart, Restless Mind | |
2. | Breaking A Heart Is So Easy | |
3. | Masterplan | |
4. | Can't Live Here Without You | |
5. | Searching For An Answer | |
6. | Desperate Heartbeats | |
7. | Innocent Child | |
8. | Love's Not For Everyone | |
9. | One Step | |
10. | Save Your Love | |
11. | I'll Get Over You | |
12. | Miracle | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: Rycheage |
Date: June 15, 2003 at 1:26 |
There is no particular innovation in style, but quality is very high and will please fans of Heart, Pat Benatar, Witness, Black[N]Blue and Alyson Avenue, thanks to lovely and warm vocal harmonies supported by a solid and competent base where guitar and keyboards (but also drums and bass!) know how to play with class.
From: andyjessica 96f |
Date: February 22, 2004 at 10:43 |
one of the best female fronted bands to come out in a while.if you are into alyson avenue.nexx.and witness you'll love this gem.
From: |
Date: March 10, 2004 at 15:44 |
Buenisimo chabones, de lo mejor que se escuchó este años. Increíbles canciones y la voz de Helena fantástica.
From: Thomas |
Date: March 29, 2004 at 10:18 |
We are currently writing and rehearsing new songs for the next album, which will be out this fall. Thanks for checking us out! Thomas, Coastline
From: Paolo |
Date: May 5, 2004 at 9:23 |
Hey Thomas you made a very good album!! I love it! Please don't change your music direction in the forthcoming one...this debut is surely one of the best aor cd's in these years and probably the best one among female fronted bands!!!
From: |
Date: May 6, 2004 at 11:08 |
Thank you very much for the kind words, Paolo! I can assure you, we´re not going to change the direction by any means, however we´ll try and get it stronger, more varied but still with focus on the melodies. All the best, Thomas
From: Paolo |
Date: May 7, 2004 at 4:58 |
I only told what i think, Thomas. I hope your new cd will be out soon; give us another keyboards oriented Aor album in the way only Scandinavian bands can do!!!
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Jez |
Date: May 22, 2004 at 10:17 |
Good , if unspectacular release, raised by a great vocal from Helen Rosendahl and a solid band behind her. Songwise mostly good to a couple of pearlers (Restless Heart & Love's not for everyone). Would have been better with a slightly heavier production, but this is still a good release that will get an regular spin here.
From: Guardian 777 |
Date: July 17, 2004 at 10:30 |
Congratulations!!!! Excelent debut. We needed an album like that these days. Catchy, melodic, easy to hear. These are the type of albums that put a smile on your face when you hear it. Coastline is probably one of the best female fronted bands I've heard, and is on it's way to become such a classic like Laos, Witness or late Fiona's. 10/10.
From: z4roxx |
Date: December 15, 2004 at 18:34 |
From: Thomas |
Date: December 16, 2004 at 12:34 |
Things are running a bit slow at the moment but that's mainly due to record label politics. Most of the new material is finished and hopefully a new album will be released sometime during the spring. Keep the faith, Thomas
From: Jordi |
Date: January 7, 2005 at 5:01 |
Finura y melodía. Guais!
From: TIM (2) |
Date: March 11, 2005 at 6:13 |
Just a little more consistency in terms of songwriting and a 'fuller' production and we'd have a real winner on our hands here. Great keys and excellent vocals make this a disc I still play regularly. "Can't live here without you" and "Love's not for Everyone" are the highlights of a pretty strong all round release. 8/10.
From: Joan |
Date: March 14, 2005 at 13:38 |
Buen disco, aunque para mi pierde puntos conforme avanza.. la voz de Helena muy guapa.
From: SCANDI |
Date: December 31, 2005 at 17:49 |
Well, almost everything about this one is already said.. To summarize: It's nearest comparable to ALYSON AVENUE's debut and a little bit NEXX. It contains sweeeet keys all over, but lacks power a bit here and there. Otherwise, it's almost to recognize as even better than ALYSON AVE 'cos last mentioned debut stands out but is like a carpet to listen to in background. Best track on COASTLINE's debut for me is the ballad "Save your love". 8,3/10
From: Geoff |
Date: March 9, 2006 at 0:20 |
Lyrically very simple and (too) basic, which is my only real complaint. The songs are solid, well played - good choruses and hooks. It's not the most original ever, but good for what it is. Comparable to Alyson Avenue's albums, but not quite as good, IMO. Is it just me or does the lead singer look a lot like Jillian/Gillian from 'The Biggest Loser'?
From: Liger |
Date: December 20, 2006 at 4:18 |
Anyone knows about Coastline 2nd album? In 2004 the guitarist posted here a couple of messages telling they were going to complete the recordings of their follow up....after 2 years nothing...what a pity!
From: Thomas/Coastline |
Date: December 21, 2006 at 12:33 |
Hello Liger! Sorry to say, the recordings weren't completed and we broke up. It would've been great doing another album but things weren't really working out as they should have. Record label politics, poor sales and the fact that our singer quit. Best regards, Thomas
From: Liger |
Date: January 2, 2007 at 5:35 |
Hi Thomas! Thanks for your kind answer. I'm really sorry you broke up; Coastline s/t was and still is one of the best ff aor album of the last years. I know for sure you had a lot of great music still to offer!! What a pity....i was very curious to listen to "We've Crossed That Line", i'm sure this song was a potential hit! Best wishes!
From: JudithXR |
Date: January 14, 2007 at 20:01 |
Wow! PERFECT! WONDERFUL! AMAZING! Finally I have got more this incredible COASTLINE - Coastline '03 CD ---> (ULTRA MEGA RARE). :-) My rating is 100/100. :-) Ok! If you also LOVE all female HARD ROCK & AOR, contact me, e-mail :
From: juan carlos |
Date: December 7, 2007 at 0:16 |
Si te gustan las Female Fronted a lo Nexx o Alyson Avenue esto es mucho mejor aún y eso que la producción pudo ser mas pulida. Teclados muy bonitos y melodías de ensueño rodean al disco que por cierto es muy parejo aunque hay uno que otro tema normalillo sobretodo al final pero en global es una delicia. Díficil dar favoritas. Si me dan a elegir entre el primero de Alyson Avenue y éste pues a que me quedo con éste por un pelo y eso que con una producción A1 mi puntuación sería otra. 8.8/10
From: Harald |
Date: December 19, 2007 at 15:31 |
WOW!!! This is the best AOR album I have heard for many years, very much like Alyson Avenue but more polished, fronted by the wonderful Helena Rosenthal, she has such a beautiful voice. The chorus and the change of rythm in "Breaking A Heart Is So Easy" has to be heard to be believed!!! If we still had 1989 this would have been the most selling album of the years with at least 5 top 10 hits. Believe me and buy this before it becomes a forgotton classic and let´s hope they will do another CD soon
From: KurtmanJP |
Date: September 10, 2008 at 17:45 |
To me, sounds like a female-fronted version of Final Frontier with a bit of a lite AOR edge like T'Bell. "Masterplan" is my personal fave track. Sensational AOR song. "Breaking A Heart Is So Easy" "One Step" and "Can't Live Here Without You" are also among my favorites here. The rest is good, but not great IMO. I don't like the ballad "Save Your Love".
From: rbrigade |
Date: March 4, 2009 at 22:27 |
Wow! What a nice album! No connection to Witness or Laos, cause those bands had a harder/heavier musical approach with strong rhythm guitars. Here it's more AOR with lots of keys. The guitars are more descret but the solos certainly rock! The lady isn't the greatest voice in rock history but you can't but love her, she sounds sooooo sweet! 8,5/10
From: Kralli |
Date: May 28, 2011 at 15:25 |
Restless Heart, Restless Mind is a really good song. The others are not of the same quality. As someone above mentioned the lyrics feels almost too simple sometimes. And I think the lack of guitars are too obvious. More guitars and maybe a little less keys and this could have been really good. But I guess if you prefer keys over guitar you can really enjoy this album.
From: halfordhughes |
Date: May 29, 2011 at 23:16 |
this is very good female fronted rock album!
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: June 4, 2011 at 21:09 |
Whatever happened to this band after this self titled debut nobody knows but if we talk about this release we're talking about a very very but very pleasant one and yes,having Alyson Avenue and the spaniards of Nexx as the closest comparissons undoubtebly...nice vocalist in Helena Rosendahl(not so outstanding but she covers all the expectatives quite well)and good musicianship overall..."Restless Heart,Restless Mind","Masterplan","Can't Live Here Without You"(nice),"Searching For An Answer","Love's Not For Everyone" & "I'll Get Over You" are excellent songs indeed!!!...90/100
From: Pee Dee |
Date: September 26, 2011 at 16:12 |
I cannot understand why this got knocked down to 83. It is awesome - IF you're a female AOR fan. The comparisson's with Alyson Avenue are very accurate but I don't get the comments that its similar to Scarlet Rose and Nexx. Melodically, this is in another league to those two. Tracks like 'One Step' are what female Scandi AOR is all about. I can't say if its good or bad that their 2nd album didn't come out. It may have been a disappointment after this true classic collection of stellar tracks.
From: 123charpenay |
Date: July 26, 2013 at 9:49 |
agree with other comments.if you are fan of alyson avenue this record is for you.great scandi female bonus track (very good) on the japan japan version this album is a real raritie.
From: MelodicMetal4Ever |
Date: February 3, 2025 at 17:12 |
Incredible Album. Enjoy it tremendously!! Liked it so much I looked up what other bands Helena Rosendahl has been on except for coastline) Nothing....wait NOTHING. A voice like THAT and no other album has her singing on it??!! That's just wrong. Hope they make another.
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