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Adam Bomb Homepage
CD Title: Pure S.E.X.
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Category: Sleaze Glam
Year: 1990
Label: KBC
Catalog Number: 88561-5025-2
Adam Bomb guitar, vocals
Paul Feit bass
Sandy Slavin percussion
Neil O'Connor synth bass
Allen Wetton saxophone
Chris Meredith piano
Though not credited, guitarist Jimmy Crespo lists this album in his own discography.
1. | Pure S.E.X. | 4:09 |
2. | Youth Will Lead The Way | 3:40 |
3. | You Take Me Away | 4:31 |
4. | High Or Low | 3:22 |
5. | Dangerous When Lit | 3:13 |
6. | Lost In Time | 4:01 |
7. | You'll Never Know | 4:37 |
8. | Fallen Angel | 4:38 |
9. | Know Your Rights | 3:09 |
10. | What In The World | 4:19 |
| |
Total Running Time: | 39:39 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: M. Allen |
Date: October 30, 2003 at 17:12 |
There is barely a shred of talent evident on this CD, a very bad serving of cheesy glam. 'Bomb' is right, 'cause that's what this is, an album that needs to be blown up, smashed to pieces, & burned to bits. These guys are so bad, they make Nitro sounds like geniuses. Too harsh? Maybe. But eating raw roadkill that's been rotting in the hot sun for a week is preferable to listening to this crap again.
From: TIM |
Date: October 30, 2003 at 18:44 |
Don't kill over M.Allen, but I agree. . Man, this had to be one of the worst cds I ever picked up. Of course, I sold it to some unfortunate Ebayer- lol.
From: Gar |
Date: October 31, 2003 at 5:19 |
This ain't the best disc out there, but it was a big improvement over his debut, the godawful 'Fatal Attraction'. Pretty average stuff, not horrible, but not really anything to write home about either.
From: tomcat |
Date: October 31, 2003 at 14:07 |
on this album adam bomb tried to sound like billy idol or something..this cd has its moments like 'fallen angel' or 'youth will lead the way' but the title track (that is on the cd in two different versions) is pretty bad..
From: Shoemaker |
Date: November 3, 2003 at 17:34 |
My god, pure s.h.i.t !!!
From: TIM |
Date: November 3, 2003 at 21:04 |
That's exactly what I originally had in mind to say Shoemaker. I decided to be nice but shouldn't have. I agree-What a POS!
From: Dean |
Date: December 6, 2003 at 9:07 |
I hated this album too-but somehow i found myself on his site and for curiosity's sake decided to check out some of his recent stuff. It was actually pretty good. When his first album came out I remember hearing about a funny incident where a couple of the guys in Slayer shoved a cake in this guy's face. Considering how much shit this guy has had to deal with for his music you have to give him a little credit for sticking to what he loves. BTW-check out his cover of New York, New York. Hilarious
From: Kryiis Karl |
Date: January 17, 2004 at 4:42 |
In French you can call this a 'bouse' (to be pronounced booze) which is cow shit...
From: |
Date: March 5, 2004 at 19:50 |
I've heard a lot worse. Nothing original and extremely generic but i think it's ok. His third album, 'Grave New World' was a bit better. He's touring the UK right now so i might check it out - beats sitting on the couch (maybe).
From: memole |
Date: August 6, 2004 at 8:01 |
From: Andii Vamp |
Date: September 13, 2004 at 1:31 |
You guys are all insane lol! This album smoked!!! I had this when it first ever came out. Every song a winner on here. Even the very Sputnik-esque title track was awesome stuff. Always been an Adam Bomb fan and will continue to be. A very underrated and talented guy. How can you say that this album is THAT bad? The ballads alone are a reason to buy this!
From: Andii Vamp |
Date: September 13, 2004 at 1:33 |
Btw, i mean you guys are all insane in a nice way lol! I guess each to their own i suppose
From: JACK |
Date: November 3, 2004 at 11:58 |
just 3 words : COOL - COLLECTOR - CULT -
From: NIK645 |
Date: February 27, 2005 at 16:12 |
привет из России
From: Chad Bell |
Date: March 28, 2005 at 6:32 |
I'm so sick of everyone hating on this guy... Adam Bomb paid his dues, and deserves a bit of respect. At least he can actually sing, and play the guitar! You can't say that for half of the bands on this site! Especially most of the sleaze bands, whos singers sound like alleycats in heat. Oh well... I guess that man will never get his props.
From: Pit |
Date: April 6, 2005 at 19:29 |
Adam Bomb is one the best songwriters and guitar players on earth, half of those shitty bands out there better go to buy these records and learn how to play guitar in rock n roll. Respect. Pit.
From: CC |
Date: September 2, 2008 at 8:46 |
Havent heard this album in years, but just finally got round to replacing it on CD, so just been listening to it. Now, I always remembered loving the title track with its Billy Idol stylings but really couldnt remember if any of the other songs were that great. Well I have to say as the other songs came on, they brought back all sorts of memories, and I cant believe I forgot some of these tunes, as I used to love so many of these songs (amazing how time and memory goes). Is it a work of art or one of the greatest albums ever? No! But what it is is a great little pop/rock/glam album with some decent hooks and singable choruses!
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: July 12, 2012 at 18:51 |
A bomb of an album IMO!!!...all the songs are kinda major hit singles being "Dangerous When Lit","Fallen Angel" & "What In The World" the killer ones!!!...tracks 1(catchy),2(great),3(nice soft),4(rocks),6(AOR)& 9(great)are also very very appealing if you want me being objective(of course is a matter of tastes,remember)...recommended album...90/100
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