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CD Title: Afterburner
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Category: Southern Rock
Year: 1985
Label: Warner Brothers
Catalog Number: 25342-2
Billy Gibbons vocals, guitar
Dusty Hill bass, vocals
Frank Beard drums
1. | Sleeping Bag | |
2. | Stages | |
3. | Woke Up With Wood | |
4. | Rough Boy | |
5. | Can't Stop Rockin' | |
6. | Planet of Women | |
7. | I Got the Message | |
8. | Velcro Fly | |
9. | Dipping Low in the Lap of Luxury | |
10. | Delirious | |
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Existing comments about this CD
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Jez |
Date: April 14, 2003 at 15:06 |
Eliminator part 2 and nowhere near as good. Has some good songs, 'Sleeping Bag', 'Stages' and 'Rough Boy' is a good ballad. The problem arises when you play this back to back with 'Eliminator'. Now that you have done that i think you'll see what i mean.
From: James |
Date: April 14, 2003 at 22:15 |
I think this is a top notch album. love everything about it and i believe a better album than Eliminator.
From: TIM |
Date: April 15, 2003 at 15:17 |
I love this album. Can't Stop Rockin', Velcro Fly, Planet of Women, and Stages are my fav's. The rest aren't bad. These guys rock!
From: James |
Date: April 24, 2003 at 23:58 |
don't believe the low rating, this is easy a 9/10 cd.
From: chiro |
Date: June 4, 2003 at 21:50 |
From: Big Papa K |
Date: July 1, 2004 at 15:57 |
I actually like this one more than "Eliminator". If you thought the last album was 80's sounding, this one turns up the 80's factor even more with all the syntheisizers and electronic drums. Somehow, this works well with their sound, especially on "Velco Fly", "Planet Of The Women", "Stages", and "Rough Boy". 9/10
From: Uusiolli |
Date: August 5, 2004 at 17:10 |
Not as good as Eliminator. But how could it? Great record for partying.
From: Harry |
Date: November 15, 2004 at 11:56 |
Great CD! At the beginning of the song "Sleeping Bag" it sounded a little like rap, thank God the rest of it wasn't! This album was much better than Eliminator. They used alot of different sounds in addition to their traditional southern"hill-billy"rock sound to perfect this masterpiece. No one can be compared to this great band. It's hard to believe that "Afterburner" is almost 20 years old. It still Rocks! A Perfect 10!
From: Propane |
Date: December 4, 2004 at 18:06 |
These guys never disappoint, even on more commercial endeavors like this one. Hell, the girls were liking them now, so I don't blame them. They still didn't compromise, though.
From: Impaler |
Date: April 17, 2005 at 1:45 |
This may be 1 of the cheesiest albums ever!
From: Remastered Reason |
Date: June 7, 2006 at 20:02 |
This album is like "Eliminator" part 2. Why mess with a good thing? Better than "Eliminator"? Maybe. Maybe not. But who cares? Another excellent album from a group that ruled the rock world in the mid 80's. (Along with the big-hair
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: June 28, 2006 at 11:19 |
I Love this album is a Total Classic, se que hay muchos muchachos aca comentando y se tambien que pocos le toman importancia a ZZ Top, charlando con Tony Thunder(el mas experto en material escandinavo que existe) y Peterpoland sobre este disco concordamos que es lo mejor de ZZ Top y de lo mas grande en albums que existe, cuando llego a mis manos este cassete a finales de los 80 sabia lo que me esperaba "Rough Boy" era el tema abanderado un verdadero temazo AOR de pelicula
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: June 28, 2006 at 11:41 |
ZZ Top y este album fue uno de los que influencio en lo que ahora conozco sobre el mundo del AOR, es increible y yo que siempre critico a Big Papa K por su baja puntuacion ahora coincidimos totalmente, estuve esperando mas de 4 años para ver un comentario en español de este disco aca y nada, el Eliminator no fue la cumbre este lo es   Planet of Women, I Got the Message, Velcro Fly, Sleeping Bag, Delirious...   que temas un Rock Sureño/AOR con Sintetizadores y Baterias Electronicas
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: June 28, 2006 at 11:53 |
Y el otro corte que junto a Rough Boy convierten este en un Gran album no necesita mencion, el hispano que lo mencione se ganara un pase al paraiso, solo para conocedores.
From: lalorock |
Date: November 27, 2006 at 21:52 |
Este album lo tenía en LP de vinilo allá por el año 87 junto con el Eliminator, salió en edición nacional acá en el Perú, tiene unas canciones fabulosas desde ese Sleeping bag hasta la última Delirious, pasando por temazo tras temazo que esta demás decir que son excelentes, ahora que ya lo tengo en cd es una gozada escucharlo a todo volumen y sin esa "cancha" que se queda por tantas escuchadas, esa balada Rough boy Excelente y el temazo que se refiere el amigo Rafo Phoenix es Stages si o no?
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: November 29, 2006 at 9:16 |
Exacto lalorock ese es el tema, personalmente entre los 100 cortes AOR que mas me gustan, saludos y sobre el pase ya hablaremos
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: October 8, 2007 at 21:03 |
El lado suave de ZZ Top que a muchos nos gusto pero a que muchos tambien decepciono (no fue el caso mio).Apostaron por algunos temas de aor (como lo llegaron a hacer bandas como Molly Hatchet y Blackfoot) pero que de alguna manera la fanaticada y quizas el medio artistico no supo entender (en mi opinion personal,aceptar).De todas formas fue una etapa (los dorados años 80,cuando no!)donde muchas bandas se decantaron por el rock melodico/aor.Lastima que solo el intento fue en un solo album.80/100
From: melodicaor |
Date: February 27, 2010 at 2:36 |
One of my top 10 albums , not one bad song on this after many times listening to it !!
From: pie75 |
Date: August 22, 2010 at 9:14 |
a good follow up to eliminater nowhere near as good or as rocky probably a bit more commercial without as many memerable songs but still a good album love the sound to rough boy a worthy addition
From: 123charpenay |
Date: June 29, 2013 at 15:30 |
zz top at their best.extraordinary record.a real jewel a must have."planet women" is maybe the best track never writing and never played by a hard rock band.what a sensational song!!!!the top of the top!!!!the lyrics and the riff are simple ok but....what pleasure to listen it..zz top hard rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: 123charpenay |
Date: July 29, 2021 at 17:27 |
"planet of women" is my fav zz top song.seen zz top several times in concert in lyon.the last time was in 2019 at printemps de pérouges festival.zz top is like kiss,scorpions or ac/dc their concert are not some concert.this is some real show!!!!!!!!!!dusty hill was phenomenal,i had the feeling that this guy was born on a scene,a real show man.thanx for the pleasure!!!!!!!r i dusty will play bass guitar at paradise.
From: guitarrizer |
Date: August 25, 2022 at 8:52 |
It's like a greatest hits album itself
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