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Krokus Homepage
CD Title: Hellraiser
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 2006
Label: AFM Records (Germany)
Catalog Number: AFM CD 138-9
Marc Storace Vocals
Mandy Meyer Guitars
Dominique Favez Guitars
Tony Castell Bass
Stefan Schwarzmann Drums
1. | Hellraiser | 3:36 |
2. | Too Wired To Sleep | 2:43 |
3. | Hangman | 4:05 |
4. | Angel Of My Dreams | 3:45 |
5. | Fight On | 5:02 |
6. | So Long | 4:30 |
7. | Spirit Of The Night | 4:01 |
8. | Midnite Fantasy | 4:10 |
9. | No Risk No Gain | 3:52 |
10. | Turnin’ Inside Out | 3:51 |
11. | Take My Love | 4:56 |
12. | Justice | 3:45 |
13. | Love Will Survive | 3:36 |
14. | Rocks Off! | 3:51 |
| |
Total Running Time: | 55:43 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: Helix |
Date: September 29, 2006 at 10:15 |
have to say this is Marc Storace best singing to date. Seems like Krokus get better every cd. songs like hellraiser,fight on too wired to sleep and hangman will sure be classic some day. I would have to say this is one of the best cd so far this years.
From: 80's Hard Rock |
Date: October 2, 2006 at 8:49 |
Great to hear cd:s like this one, straight forward hard rock like in the mighty 80's!!! Great voice and great production! More cd:s like this one thank you!
From: the game |
Date: October 2, 2006 at 14:55 |
Excellent solid cd release by Krokus. This takes you back to the glory days of the 80's. Great vocals from Marc Storace as well as the songs, guitar solos and production. Fave songs are Hellraiser, Too Wired To Sleep, Hangman, Angel Of My Dreams, Fight On, No Risk No Gain, Turnin' Inside Out, Justice and bonus track Walking In The Spirit. Rated 9.5/10.
From: Metal T |
Date: October 4, 2006 at 11:14 |
D*mm fine release! Krokus took the time and it shows.Great sound,Storace vox are stellar (see the opening vox in "Spirit Of The Night) and the end results are proof.The only beef i have is that they should've thanked Von Arb' in the liner notes (he did keep this band rolling during the lean years).Anyway-Put this badboy in the stereo and look the h*ll out !!
From: patiscat |
Date: October 7, 2006 at 3:55 |
Great bluesy Hard Rocke release. For me this is a must have :-)
From: Heavy.AOR |
Date: October 8, 2006 at 17:27 |
BRILLIANT 9,9/10.Good stuff for year 2006 but for me best Storace vocals in band ("Blue - Blue 1991" fuking good clear AOR) or ("Marc Storace & China - Alive 2000" great Live )
From: Fat Freddy |
Date: October 10, 2006 at 9:26 |
Wow! The last time I heard a Krokus disc (which must've been around the CHANGE OF ADDRESS era),Storace still had an Afro and the guitarist (Von Arb?) wore leg warmers and played a pink guitar. Needless to say, that album sucked and I wrote them off. Imagine my surprise, then, when HELLRAISER came along from out of nowhere and blew my doors off! The disc rocks surprisingly hard and Storace's voice sounds like he hasn't aged a bit. This disc has been the biggest surprise of 2006 for me!
From: ninjapeter |
Date: October 18, 2006 at 3:07 |
Wonderful album, just the way I like it. Songs like these never age. This band still rocks as great as ever if not better. I now can't wait for the next album to knock me off my feet again. Thanks Krokus for keeping up the great work, I love you guys. I would rate this release a 9.5/10.
From: hardrockiowa |
Date: November 11, 2006 at 15:56 |
This CD rocks! KROKUS is back with a vengeance. On of the best CDs of 2006. 9.5/10
From: erik |
Date: November 18, 2006 at 11:34 |
WOW WOW WOW. Fantastic "comeback". Marc sounds better then ever. Love hearing those typical Krokus rock songs like Hellraiser, Too wired to sleep, Midnight Fantasy , No pain no Gain, Turning inside Out. Two fantastich midpased songs like Hangman and Love will survive. Fantastic ballad in So Long. Yep this cd has it all. KROKUS IS BACK
From: lucasgordon |
Date: January 23, 2007 at 19:36 |
******************************La banda mas famosa de Suiza sale al ruedo con un nuevo disco bajo el brazo titulado “Hellraiser” cual ya es galardón de oro en su país natal. Krokus tiene un “prontuario” bien extenso dentro de la movida metalera internacional logrando muchos discos de platino, vendiendo mas de 10 millones de copias y girando alrededor del mundo mientras las cadenas de video clips les daban rotación pesada a sus videos.
From: lucasgordon |
Date: January 23, 2007 at 19:37 |
La fiebre por el metal no es tal hoy en día, pero la calidad de Krokus sigue siendo impecable, a tal punto que accedieron al oro, cuando otras agrupaciones de mayor renombre no lo logran. Hellraiser una vez más demuestra que Krokus es una banda que recrea el mejor hard rock melódico. Marc tiene una vos que por momentos me recuerda a Brian Jonson (AC/DC) y por otros me recuerda a Ferry Ilous de XYZ, ya no tanto por el timbre sino por la forma de cantar y
From: lucasgordon |
Date: January 23, 2007 at 19:38 |
lógicamente el poderoso acompañamiento sonoro que recibe de quienes tocan en este cd.Van a apreciar guitarras bien metaleras,por momentos como en “Fight on” con sonidos un poco grabes,también apreciaran muchos solos de guitarras y unas bases impresionantes, propicias de un combo de primer nivel. Y para los amantes del metal con mas velocidad hay cortes como Spirit of the night.Hellraiser es un disco adictivo. Prepárate porque Krokus te llevará a un viaje sin retorno.Hits:To wired..& Fight on.
From: pie75 |
Date: August 2, 2010 at 2:12 |
picked this cd up cheap in a bargin bin even though i'd never heard it before i was familier with a few of their earlier albums so i thought what the hell it's cheap and should sound good and i gotta say the title track straight away won me over as did the rest not a bad song on here and great singing by marc storace
From: Doug |
Date: August 2, 2010 at 18:24 |
Getting this CD out of a bargain bin is rare. "Pie75" you got yourself a gem.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: March 17, 2011 at 22:03 |
Great album!!!...Krokus...such a band... ..."Hangman" is my personal favorite but you have some other killer tracks such as "Hellraiser","Fight On","Spirit Of The Night","Turnin' Inside Out","Justice","Rocks Off" & "Walking In The Spirit"(bonus track) more words need to be!.93/100
From: 123charpenay |
Date: February 17, 2012 at 8:52 |
love this record.maybe their best.only good songs no fillers.the ac dc influence is light is a good thing.i recommand the japan import cause the bonus track is great(live version of hellraiser).at this time i have seen them in concert in lyon in guest of statovarius.super concert marc storace and tony castell are real fantastics show man.mandy meyer is a guitarist who have a very hight level!!!!
From: elljam |
Date: May 19, 2012 at 11:50 |
Very consistent release with no bad tracks but also nothing that gets close to their glory days. They can write these songs in their sleep but needed to push it that little bit extra to find something great. "So long" is the closest to greatness.
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: December 26, 2012 at 22:40 |
Unless you just don't like Krokus, for whatever reason, there's just no excuse for not liking this album. Not many bands release music this strong 25 years into their career. Not exacctly a "comeback," as the band never really went away, Hellraisershould be right up theere with Headhunter as oe of the band's best albums. It's Krokus doing what they've always done,a nd what they do best: barroom boogie metal with a European flavor, with riffs galoreand singalong choruses. If you were ever into Krokus at all and don't have this one, you're seriously missing out.
From: MetalPete1031 |
Date: July 18, 2014 at 13:11 |
As a Krokus fan, I can't help but always look for them to find the spark as they did on Headhunter. 'Rock the Block' ain't it. I thought that was a good album, but this one blows that away. 'Spirit of the Night' is the closest thing to headhunter material I have heard them do. Very, very heavy track and a wonderful surprise - reason enough to buy this record. But thankfully, there's several other very fine tracks as well. THIS is their true comeback album.
From: hair metal again |
Date: April 30, 2020 at 6:34 |
very good release for KROKUS as always and i much agree with Doghouse in his statement!not many bands around soing thisthing for so many years !excellent guitar work by Mandi,great songwriting and overall a bunch of singalong classic hard rockers that will satisfy anyone!lov it
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