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[Rush Band Picture]

Artist: Rush

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CD Title: Vapor Trails

Rush Vapor Trails Album Cover


Category: Prog Rock

Year: 2002

Label: Atlantic

Catalog Number: 83531


Geddy Lee vocals,bass,keyboards
Alex Lifeson guitars,vocals
Neil Peart drums, percussion


1.  One Little Victory  5:08
2.  Ceiling Unlimited  5:28
3.  Ghost Rider  5:41
4.  Peaceable Kingdom  5:23
5.  The Stars Look Down  4:28
6.  How It Is  4:05
7.  Vapor Trail  4:57
8.  Secret Touch  6:34
9.  Earthshine  5:38
10.  Sweet Miracle  3:40
11.  Nocturne  4:49
12.  Freeze, Part Iv Of Fear  6:21
13.  Out Of The Cradle  5:03
Total Running Time:  67:15

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Rush CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: koogles Date: May 27, 2003 at 1:08
For Rush to release such messy slop like this, was unthinkable. The reality STILL hasn't set in. It may never. I always thought of Rush as THAT band who, in the face of all change & danger, would be a constant. A pillar of musical strength and integrity, never to waver to the mediocrity that surrounded them. Well, Rush did it. They turned into a muddy, unfocused band with barely a shred of melody or a sense of true progressive spirit. This is a disgrace. Alex never sounded worse. And the mix? F-

From: Rocker76 Date: June 26, 2003 at 12:04
Koogles, I have to admit that I agree with you in that I was somewhat disappointed in this one. It's grown on me a little and seeing Rush play these new tunes live helped a little. But I agree: I was expecting so much more from these 3 guys. I admire the back to basics attitude (the "Working Man" era) but I totally missed so many of the Rush trademarks on this. Don't lead your fans down a path for 3 decades and then leave them behind!!! Good but could have been a whooole lot better!

From: Rycheage Date: July 13, 2003 at 20:50
I really thought when I bought this that this was the return of Rush. Little did I know that other than "One Little Victory" and "Earthshine" that this would sound the same. Very boring and a let down for the masters of prog rock. They should have kept Peter Collins as producer. At least it would have had some life interjected into it. The only reason I keep this around is the aforementioned 2 songs. They really do rock!!

From: Brian Date: September 24, 2003 at 1:52
I'm still scratching my head. This isn't Rush. This is some slop I flushed down the pot in Seattle back in '94. Not my cup o' tea. I feel the 'dirty' sound lost it's point around '95 but millions are buying this stuff up. Give me The Stooges "Funhouse" lp anyday for my 'dirty' fix. Until then I'm STILL scratching my head!

From: Janxy Date: October 21, 2003 at 15:17
I don't want Rush to go out on this sour note. Its not fitting. The band came back from its darkest hour to deliver fans something they never in a million years expected, or wished for. Someone should have to clean out their desk under the supervision of a security guard for this debacle. If Kurtz were here right now you know what he'd be uttering.

From: Mr Mr Date: November 5, 2003 at 23:43
Shame on all of you "reviewers"! Despite being entitled to your opinion, you've all missed the mark here. Rush have never sounded tighter ( on tour ) and the new material is fresh and not nearly as stale as you allude to.Perhaps another listen to is called for, for the lot of you...

From: Knuckles Date: November 6, 2003 at 9:23
I couldnt agree more Mr Mr. I think Rush has did it again.I must admit,being a life long Rush fan I wasnt very high on this release,but I have listened again and this is a pretty solid release.Your comments about them on tour is bang nuts on as well,not to mention,do no hestitate,go out and buy the Rush in Rio dvd.It is so damn good in both sound and camera work.

From: René Date: December 6, 2003 at 16:00
Everybody has to listen in their own way, but if you listen (and look) to the songs on RUSH IN RIO, you know they stil are the best.

From: Brian Date: December 27, 2003 at 5:17
I really think you have to let this CD sink in. It works and it truly is Rush. I think you're all impairing your own judgement and you should really give this CD some space.

From: Nick Warhead Date: January 5, 2004 at 16:00
It's really not that bad. I was skepical at first but it grew on me after awhile. Its just different. It's more organic than were really used to hearing from Rush.

From: Brian Date: March 6, 2004 at 3:56
MrMr, my opinion is just that-MINE! Don't tell me I've missed a point when I know I haven't. This cd is shit. It was shit the first listen & it's shit on the last listen, and I mean the last. I won't play it again. SWISH! It's in the trash. Futhermore we're not commenting on Rush in Rio or their tightness on tour. The cd is Vapor Trails. Don't defend this piece of shit with another Rush offering. (Bad form!) Go ahead & be their disciples if you must. I say fuck'um & I'm done scratching my head.

From: Gar Date: March 6, 2004 at 18:18
Though this is far from their best work, in my opinion it's not a total loss. But unless you're REALLY into Rush, I'd avoid this. By the way, "Vapor Trails" is one of the worst album titles of all time. It sounds like a synonym for skid marks. "Hey Lou! I got a mess of vapor trails in my underwear!"

From: cntp44 Date: March 24, 2004 at 14:04
Shit? In my opinion, 'Vapor Trails' takes some time to get into, but then it works. Songs like Peaceable Kingdom, Vapor Trails, One Little Victory or Sweet Miracle are mowhere to be found on most of the releases since "Presto". This is millions of miles more appreciable than "TestFor Echo" or "Roll the Bones". There's flesh and bones in it, and some decent bass by Geddy. My only criticism is the sound. Yet, "Master of Puppets" is regarded a good album recorded in a trashcan. So what?

From: illimey Date: March 27, 2004 at 21:33
Well, with my strongly held opinion that Permanent Waves is the only essential album Rush have ever released I was not planning to get this one at all until I saw it for $3 second hand. I have to say, my old chaps, that I rather like it! Certainly way better than all other recent Rush I have heard. Still, Permanent Waves II it ain't. However IMHO it has melody, talent and intelligence which, these days, is half the battle. I'm happy to have this album in my collection.

From: TomSawYa Date: November 19, 2004 at 10:13
"This isn´t rush" - Definitely it is, but you may not accept it. "I was expecting so much more" - they don´t have to fulfill expectations after 30 years anymore. "This CD is shit" - Shit is something you cannot digest. Perhaps you´re better off with easier stuff. This album is not a rocket that ignites itself - you have to work on it. The reward may be, to catch a glimpse of what´s beyond the picture you painted of these guys and their way to express themselves.

From: Propane Date: December 3, 2004 at 12:23
They may as well start thinking about retirement with stuff like this.

From: howe Date: April 17, 2005 at 16:55
One of the best releases of the decade so far! Good radio hard rock with a new vibe, but also with that old prog feel. Very catchy songs here. 9/10

From: whitenyle Date: January 10, 2007 at 16:28
I used to agree with the above comments (ie, this was not one of my fave Rush albums) but after reading Neil's book, Ghost Rider, and then listening to the album again, I've been kind of getting a fresher perspective of Vapor Trails. I'm learning to appreciate it a little more tho my fave Rush albums are still Power Windows and Grace Under Pressure.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: March 7, 2018 at 21:51
A good album,you can hardly hear something bad about the power canadian trio...# 1,2,4,6,7,8,11 & 12 are going straight to my book of music.85/100

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