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![[Copperhead Band Picture]](/bandpics/COPPERHEAD.JPG)
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CD Title: Copperhead
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Category: Southern Rock
Year: 1992
Label: Mercury
Catalog Number:
Neil Carswell vocals, guitar
Jon Byrd guitar, vocals
Brad Durden organ, piano, background vocals
Tony Hawkins bass, background vocals
Eric Suttlemeyer drums, percussion, background vocals
Additional personnel
Joe Hardy acoustic guitar
Rodney Mills background vocals
1. | Busted | |
2. | Whiskey | |
3. | The Scar | |
4. | Brown's Gold | |
5. | Where Will I Be | |
6. | Keepin' On | |
7. | Highway | |
8. | Hard Livin' | |
9. | Lazy Days | |
10. | Not My Tear | |
11. | Born Loser | |
12. | Long Way From Home | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: The Fizzy One |
Date: October 2, 2002 at 21:45 |
This thing was damn hard to find even in '93! Nice bluesy hard rock, although I could've done without the piano. The first three tracks were all singles and are probably the best on the CD.
From: The Fizzy One |
Date: October 2, 2002 at 22:39 |
A good way to describe this would be to picture Tesla, circa Bust a Nut, mixed with Illusion-era GnR, and throw in some Black Crowes-y organ and piano to round it out.
From: The Fizzy One |
Date: November 25, 2002 at 23:56 |
I was listening to this again the other day, and perhaps the most intriguig thing about this band is the singer's voice. It's deep, but has range, rough but has melody. He sounds like he's lived hard, drank a lot, smoked a lot, but still has a lot of heart and fight left in him. Several of the songs don't rock out the way they should, however, nad just don't seem to stick as well as they robably intended. The Fizzpicks: 1, 2, 3, 9, 11, 12. They're from MOrganton, NC.
From: angry |
Date: January 1, 2003 at 9:37 |
the singing sound like zakk wylde!!bluesy album!!
From: James |
Date: January 1, 2003 at 16:42 |
Yes, Zakk but also Ricky from Blackfoot. I think the band has a real Balckfoot feel.
From: Fizz |
Date: January 26, 2003 at 17:41 |
I hear Zakk, but without all of Zakk's shortcomings (constricted range, etc.). Anybody know this dude's name? I was listening to the new CD by Sixty Watt Shaman recently, and the vocals on it are just so strained, and I thought to myself, 'THIS is what the dude from Copperhead should be doing, HE shouldbe in this band!'
From: jason (FA - Q) |
Date: March 23, 2003 at 0:04 |
I can't find any info. on this band? The only thing I have found was: Copperhead (1971-1973) Hutch Hutchinson, Jim McPherson, Gary Philippet, David Weber, Pete Sears, and John Cipollina-(legendary guitar player who died in 1989). But this isn't the same band. Someone said that the band on this page was from NC. John Cipollina was from San Francisco.
From: Reno |
Date: March 23, 2003 at 2:35 |
This is all I can find for info on these guys jason. Artists on the CD are towards the bottom of the page:
From: jason (FA - Q) |
Date: March 23, 2003 at 4:43 |
Here is the information that Reno is talking about. Eli Ball - Arranger Tom Dowd - Director, Producer Tag George - Mixing Assistant John Hanlon - Associate Producer Joe Hardy - Guitar (Acoustic) Bob Ludwig - Mastering Rodney Mills - Vocals (bckgr), Engineer, Mixing Jeff Powell - Assistant Engineer Neil Carswell - Guitar (Acoustic), Guitar, Guitar (Rhythm), Vocals, Vocals (bckgr) Michael Klotz - Art Direction Danny Caccavo - Assistant Engineer Don Klotz - Cover Design Eric Suttlemyre - Percussion
From: Reno |
Date: March 23, 2003 at 4:51 |
To break that down, Neil Carswell: Vocals Rhythm and Acoustic Guitar, Tony Hawkins: Bass Backing Vocals, Jon Byrd: Guitar Steel Guitar Backing Vocals, Eric Suttlemyre: Drums Backing Vocals, Joe Hardy: Acoustic Guitar, Brad Durden: Piano Backing Vocals
From: superglam |
Date: March 27, 2003 at 14:47 |
This is not the band from 1973....
From: Fizz |
Date: April 13, 2003 at 6:44 |
Neil Cartwell, huh? Damn, I love that dude's voice! It's a shame not all of the songs rock out like they probably could.
From: TIM |
Date: April 13, 2003 at 7:09 |
Hey Fizz, you check email these days?
From: |
Date: May 10, 2003 at 6:50 |
i'm from n.c.and let me say copperhead rocked bigtime.
From: Chris R. |
Date: March 3, 2004 at 18:00 |
Here is the skinny on Copperhead. They are from Morganton NC, as noted. They released the one CD on Mercury. It did relatively well regionally, there was no national marketing done by the label. Neil Carswell had some personal problems and left the band in 1994 or 1995, the label hooked them up with another singer, his name escapes me. They wrote a few more songs and played some local/regional shows and then folded. A real shame, they were a talented bunch of guys, but the early 90s were a
From: Chris R. |
Date: March 3, 2004 at 18:05 |
...bad time for hard rock and even worse for southern rock. I know all this because I lived in Morganton from 1975 till 1995 had a younger brother who went to school with Eric Settlemeyer. Additionally I tended bar at the Morganton restaurant ('The Original Emporium'...R.I.P.) where Guitarist John Byrd's girlfriend worked. I saw them live once and attended a couple rehersals. 'The Scar' was definately my favorite from their live perfomances. Hope someone wanders back here to see this.
From: Chris R. |
Date: March 3, 2004 at 18:14 |
Even more info. The Song 'Long way from home.' was featured in the movie 'Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man' with Don Johnson and Mickey Roarke. 'Busted' was featured in the movie 'Dr. Giggles.' Just prior to their demise Copperhead changed their name to 'Badd Bonez', a 'badd' idea in my opinion.
From: Cruise |
Date: March 3, 2004 at 18:40 |
I got this album a couple of years ago. How come no one on here is mentioning the fact that these guys are the Southern Rock version of Stryper. If i wanted to be converted i'd go to church! The music on this is pretty good but if you don't like Christian Rock then don't go near this. How come you don't get Buddhist Rock?????
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Whiplash1972 |
Date: March 3, 2004 at 19:01 |
'How come no one on here is mentioning the fact that these guys are the Southern Rock version of Stryper. If i wanted to be converted i'd go to church!' WHAT??? Man, I owned this as well, and I don't recall anything on this disc being remotely CCM or Stryper like? You're gonna have to site some specific examples on that. I picked this one up because I went to high school with several band members, but since Southern Rock isn't my thing, I eventually sold it to a friend. Refresh my memory....
From: James |
Date: March 3, 2004 at 19:49 |
Stryper? Christian Rock? W H A T ! ! ! you must have the wrong band in mind my friend.
From: Cruise |
Date: March 3, 2004 at 20:42 |
Dude, this ain't no mistake! I just checked. Read the lyrics to this album.I quote 'Let the past remind us Lord, and like the good book say, we gotta keep on keeping on Lord'. OK, so Stryper is an exaggeration but how many times can you mention the word 'Lord' on one record. Not every track but alot more than half. Seriously, check it out for yourself.
From: Chris R. |
Date: March 4, 2004 at 12:52 |
Copperhead was NOT a Christian Rock bank. Some of the guys might have been Christians but the band was purely secular. Which is to say they were together to make music, not to proselytize (sp). Religion, specifically Christianity, is very much a part of the culture in the South. That's why Country/Western and Southern Rock tend to have more religious references than say Rap or Modern Rock.
From: Chris R. |
Date: March 4, 2004 at 12:58 |
And besides, whats wrong with singing about your faith (or lack there of)? No one pokes fun at Glenn Danzig or Deicide or Samhain about their OBVIOUSLY anti-Christian lyrics. I would rather listen to something more uplifting personally but those guys have every right to sing about whatever they like without being marginalized for it. Christian musicians have the same right. If that's not your cup of tea, cool, but don't diss someone for their faith or having the guts to stand up for it.
From: Cruise |
Date: March 4, 2004 at 13:08 |
Sorry buddy, didn't mean to offend. I'm agnostic myself so i can't relate to these kind of lyrics. I just thought it was worth mentioning for people who haven't heard the record. Apologies - didn't mean to be a dick.
From: Kaelib |
Date: March 4, 2004 at 16:23 |
I'll end this controversy now. I'm Jon Byrd's girlfriend. Neil Carswell did leave the band due to personal issues. DB Bryant was his replacement. They were not together long before the project ended. They have never, nor will they ever regroup. Also, they are not a Christian band, but they are all great guys. They are from Morganton, NC.....all of them except for Brad Durden. Brad is currently rumoured to be playing with Artemus Pyle. Eric Suttlemeyer is playing periodically with Elijah Prophet
From: Chris R. |
Date: March 8, 2004 at 16:25 |
Hiya Kaelib. Thanks for posting! Tell John that Chris Randall from the Emporium says Hello (if he doesnt remember me i'll just die :-)). This thread is making me very homesick. lol.
From: Jonathan R. |
Date: March 25, 2004 at 16:12 |
I am so shocked to find this page. I am also from morganton and very found of the band their tallent and all of the guys. Those who are from morg. and familliar with the guys probably know Mark Lambert(rip). He was my step brother (i was about 8-11) when Neil tony and all the rest got there contract. It was the first cd I bought and the reason I bought a cd player. I feel strongly that this band Was extremely underated. I can say that all the guys just love to make music. I still listen to the
From: Jonathan R. |
Date: March 25, 2004 at 16:17 |
cd pretty often but its a burnt copy and skips ALOT. I still enjoy their music and wish they had made it farther than they did in there careers. For the people who have just listened and dont know the band members, This is true Music.
From: Fizz |
Date: March 30, 2004 at 0:34 |
Couldn't help myself. I gotta ask, If Copperhead's frequent use of the word 'Lord' makes them Christian, does that make Zakk Wylde a pedophile for addressing the subject of many of HIS songs as 'child?'
From: Kaelib |
Date: May 13, 2004 at 18:30 |
Fizz, the reason Neil used 'Lord' so often, is because his mental condition gives him a 'Jesus' complex......Jon want's to forget this project ever even existed - in fact, there will probably be a life/death confrontation with he and Neil someday. Jon and Tony are now in a modern rock band called Hybrid which is phenomenal. Those of you who are local should check them out!
From: Jonathan Reel |
Date: May 29, 2004 at 1:34 |
Thanks for the heads up on the new band. I will definatly check it out.
From: R.Hull |
Date: July 28, 2004 at 22:18 |
Had the album since the release.I still listen to it regularly. Great southern rock album. Would have liked to seen them live.
From: Jonathan Reel |
Date: August 24, 2004 at 19:55 |
KAELIB As you can see my name is Jonathan. I am from here in Morganton and Tony Hawkins was friends with my brother Mark Lambert. Anyway the point is that I rarely see Tony in town and cant find his number in the book. I WANT to hear this new band Hybrid that your speaking of and I could use your help. I really doubt Jon knows me but I garantee Tony will know my name. PLEASE HELP ME to contact Tony or pass my email on to him. I REALLY WANT TO HEAR THIS BAND! THanks
From: Kaelib |
Date: September 27, 2004 at 18:01 |
Hi, Jonathan...I just got back to this site and found your message. I'll gladly pass your message along to Tony. For more info on Hybrid, go to or come out to any of the shows. They play in Hickory just about every weekend between McGuffey's in the mall and Windy City Sundries on 127. You'll be astonished if you like Tool, Zeppelin, Stone Temple Pilots, Alice In Chains, etc. Hope to see you there!
From: hardrockr40 |
Date: October 13, 2004 at 14:22 |
I am from Morganton also and , I love this band. They Defiantly have a Blackfoot feel about them. I am very sure that Jason Davis was the replacement singer for Neil Carswell. One of the better spin-off bands that came out of the break up was Elijah Prophet which is Eric Settlemeyer’s band. They are worth checking out. I would like to say that, Neil Carswell was Copperhead, he is a very talented man I hope these two CDs will not be his last. PS. Neil's problems are not the only reason for break
From: weet |
Date: November 3, 2004 at 0:37 |
i have played with the b-3 player,brad for about 2.5 years. don't know anything about copperhead, but brad is a hell of a keyboard player. top knotch musician.
From: jaxs |
Date: December 30, 2004 at 16:14 |
Weet...I at one time had a website for the band Brad was playing with, but have since lost it. Do you have any info you could pass along on what he is doing now?
From: Rick |
Date: February 9, 2005 at 14:22 |
Have seen this band several times and was always really impressed with them. Like so many southern bands, they NEVER got the national exposure they deserved......I saw them twice and Caspers down in Gastonia and really enjoyed the show both times.
From: Rick |
Date: February 11, 2005 at 19:20 |
Would love to get a copy of the bands two cd's if somebody could put me in touch with where I could get them. Thanx Rick
From: jonathan reel |
Date: March 1, 2005 at 19:06 |
I know someone with 8 copies of the first cd.
From: neil |
Date: March 17, 2005 at 22:20 |
hi everyone, thanks for the profound intrest in copperhead. as for many who want copys of the debut it is no longer in print some can be found on ebay while live and lost can be purchased from east wind records, go to the site for info. if you are in and around morganton or valdese nc you can still find a few gems lying around. i'm proud to have had a part in the making of a great band also i take part of the blame for the demise thereof. thanks for the kind words from the fa
From: neil |
Date: March 17, 2005 at 22:26 |
ns and to jon and the guys i'm sorry and wish you good luck, peace,and fortune in your journey. i will be just fine
From: Jaxson |
Date: March 24, 2005 at 19:37 |
Neil....Do you know what Brad is doing now?
From: darkon |
Date: July 28, 2005 at 19:53 |
I have been a fan since my local newspaper did a a rticle on Southern Rock back in 93. I loved the CD so much that I basically had the cover tattooed on my arm , a meaner looking snake and no banner. To me this is the BEST Southern Rock album that has ever come out. I can't say enough about it. I am just sorry that I was too late to catch them live. ....Darrell
From: Raines |
Date: September 28, 2005 at 18:49 |
Neil Carswell is working on solo cd and has a new website at Come check it out.
From: headbanger4life |
Date: December 6, 2005 at 4:08 |
I'm not a huge Southern Rock fan and when I do listen to it, a lot of the bands sound the same or take the same approach. These guys a different and fresh sounding. They seem to mix southern rock, hard rock and some blues thrown in for quite a nice sound. My fav track has to be "Hard Livin'".
From: JSpillman |
Date: December 15, 2005 at 11:22 |
I first noticed the Rickey Medlocke "shriek" in Keepin' On and after that I guess I was trying to pick it out so I really caught the similarities in the vocal styles which is a very good thing IMO. But saying "Lord knows" means you have a "Jesus complex"? What about "Oh my God"? Agnostics can get pretty silly sometimes.
From: nineofwood_1 |
Date: January 22, 2006 at 9:07 |
It's amazing that people are still talking about this almost fourteen years after its release considering that it sold less than 20,000 units, a major flop considering the production and promotion costs. Only "THE SIX" will ever know the real truths.
From: DesignSpinner |
Date: May 10, 2006 at 7:47 |
Hey Darrell, I am the webdesigner for and I just updated to include a fans page (will be doing the same for Copperhead's site) and we'd LOVE to have a photo of you and your tattoo! You can email a photo to -- thank you! -Debbie
From: happy2849 |
Date: January 21, 2011 at 15:48 |
As far as Southern rock goes you could do a lot worse then this one. I like singers that sound like they have done it all, living, drinking, and having a good time.
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: October 9, 2012 at 18:22 |
The first single off this disc was "Busted," followed by "Whiskey," which made people, me included, think this disc must rock pretty hard. It really doesn't. Shortly after the first two tracks, it shifts into a more southern-rock direction, varying degrees of heaviness, from not at all, to not very, to kinda maybe sorta. Good songs overall, but occasionally boring, and a few tunes just don't seem to rock as hard as they could have, held back by organ and piano and a rather mild guitar sound. Neil Carswell has a great voice, though, and there are occasoinal flashes of greatness. Nothing touches the first two tracks, though, and for the most part, this is southern-rock disguised as hair-metal (rather than the other way around, like a lot of bands were doing at the time).
From: 123charpenay |
Date: August 3, 2017 at 11:53 |
totally agree with doghouse his comment is perfect.when i ve heard the two first songs i was very .two fabulous southern hard songs .but after....the level is absoluty not the same and at the end this record is a little boring.the two first songs are a fireworks but after the rain begin to fall.
From: hair metal again |
Date: October 16, 2023 at 15:04 |
pretty good release for COPPERHEAD recommended for rockers who dig that southern feel in the hard rock and especially BLACKFOOT or PRIDE &GLORY !fine production,remarkable musicianship but the songs could be better and catchier!"busted","whiskey" and "the scar" are the highlights
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