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CD Title: Deuce
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 2005
Label: Spitfire
Catalog Number: SPT 15260-2
Joe Leste Lead Vocals
Anthony Focx Guitar, Backing Vocals
Kenny Kweens Guitar, Backing Vocals
Mark Simpson Guitar
Timmy Russell Drums
Additional Musicians
Alex Grossi Guitar
Michael Thomas Guitar
Matt Starr Drums
Glen Sobel Drums
Roxy Saint Additional Vocals "Never"
Bonus tracks are from the 2006 European release on Perris Records.
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Existing comments about this CD
From: CC |
Date: November 30, 2005 at 9:50 |
Ok,I loved the debut album,so of course I was hoping for big things from this album. On first listen,my first thoughts were "This is good,just not as good as the debut". Now the more I listen to it,I still think its not as good as the debut,but this is more than a good album,its a great fucking album! If you take it as an exstension of the debut you will appreciate it more! Basically,if you like the debut,and the recent BT album,you will love this!
From: CC |
Date: November 30, 2005 at 9:51 |
Ok,I loved the debut album,so of course I was hoping for big things from this album. On first listen,my first thoughts were "This is good,just not as good as the debut". Now the more I listen to it,I still think its not as good as the debut,but this is more than a good album,its a great fucking album! If you take it as an exstension of the debut you will appreciate it more! Basically,if you like the debut,and the recent BT album,you will love this!
From: CC |
Date: November 30, 2005 at 9:52 |
I liked it so much,I posted the same thing twice. D'oh!
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: January 4, 2006 at 9:59 |
First listen, I'm hooked. Solid in your face rock with a nice meaty production. My only complaint, LeSte sounds great on the rockers, but he sounds a bit off on the slower offerings. But hey, I don't listen to BC for the ballads!
From: aMetalhead1966 |
Date: January 5, 2006 at 13:49 |
Here's one that frankly is way over-rated.The s/t was great cause it injected a newer/modern sound into hard rock but it didn't forget solos and such. With D.J gone,there isn't much going on...Rumor has it that they had a hard time getting anything worth-while down. It's not bad,it just could be so much better....
From: lucasgordon |
Date: February 16, 2006 at 13:27 |
***************Coleccionistas a parar la oreja!!! porque? Tengo en mis manos, no una, sino dos versiones distintas del último lanzamiento de Beautiful Creatures titulado “Deuce”. Como viene la mano? No sé, pero el mismo Kenny Kweens me hizo llegar una y luego Perris Records me envió la segunda, la cual trae más temas!!! El punto es que más temas, menos temas, empecé a escuchar “Anyone”, el primer track y me voló la cabeza en mil pedazos.
From: lucasgordon |
Date: February 16, 2006 at 13:27 |
Que buena banda BC, ya me demolió con su primer album homónimo, ahora reafirman que ésta es una banda contundente, está claro lo potentes que quieren sonar, y como lo logran en ambos Cd´s. El sonido es bien actual, pero no es NU metal, de hecho esta lejos de ser calificados con ese estilo, es un Hard Rock moderno, como lo es “Generation Swine” de Motley Crue (el disco más apreciado por Tommy Lee), o Velvet Revolver, por momentos se huelen aires a lo Orgy como en “Never”, tema que canta con Roxy
From: lucasgordon |
Date: February 16, 2006 at 13:29 |
Saint, una guachita linda que tal vez la pegue pronto. Joe Leste ya tiene vasta carrera musical con Bang Tango, y para los que busquen una especie de Bang Tango con otra formación, olvídense, no se parece a la banda glam de los ochentas. Kenny es un excelente bajista, hace un muy buen puente entre el baterista Timmy Russell y los guitarristas Anthony Focx y Mark Simpson. El disco tiene varios extras, por un lado los cuatro bonus track “Get Up”, “I Got It All” y “Tearin´ Me Up”
From: lucasgordon |
Date: February 16, 2006 at 13:30 |
todos en versión demo, y “Straight To Hell” en vivo, que solo se pueden obtener por medio de Perris Records de Europa. Otra sorpresa, hay varios invitados, además de Roxy están Alex Grossi (Bang Tango) y Michael Thomas (Tuff) que aportan sus guitarras, Matt Starr y Glen Sobel (Gary Hoey, Impellitteri) le dan a los parches en este álbum. Matt ya tuvo trato con Joe en Bang Tango y Glen fue el batero original de Beautiful Creatures.
From: lucasgordon |
Date: February 16, 2006 at 13:30 |
Una última particularidad es que la versión europea tiene una diferente portada a la norteamericana (la que están viendo es la europea). Increíble banda del nuevo siglo, excelente álbum, altamente recomendable. *********************************** Lucas H Gordon
From: Geoff |
Date: March 8, 2006 at 23:49 |
I think fans of the debut will probably enjoy this one almost as much as that one, but I have to admit that IMO it's not as good as the debut. Again, good solid heavy sleaze rock, but inferior to the debut.
From: Metalmusicman |
Date: January 1, 2007 at 14:40 |
If you like your rock in the vein of AC/DC or Guns and Roses or you like great sleaze rock. Hell even if you just liked their amazing debut. Then this one will be no disapointment as it picks up where the last one left off, but takes it to new melodic highs. Yes the band has taken the next step in their musical evolution and their songs have matured. They're still raw, but so much more melodic now. "Ton Of Lead" is the best guitar groove in years. What a killer tune! What a killer disc!
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: March 22, 2009 at 0:53 |
Didn't like this one nearly as much as the debut. The sound is even more modern-rock, and the songs just aren't there. The first five tracks are good, as is "Straight To Hell," but that's really about it.
From: erik |
Date: April 30, 2009 at 10:36 |
This has nothing to do with AC/DC. Modern sleaze rock is a better description. And melodic ?......
From: Buitre |
Date: May 15, 2013 at 10:27 |
When I first heard it I didn't like this one at all but after a few listenings I have to admnit that it'a a sleazy raw punch in the face. I haven't heard their first release so I can't compare (something most of you do) but if I find it I'll go for it.
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: August 30, 2021 at 16:06 |
I stand by my earlier comment that the songs are just not as strong on this sophomore album, but I also wonder if the passage of time had something to do with the general disappointment that met Deuce. By 2005, I think most of us had given up on the idea that party-rock was coming back, at least the way we remembered it. (The Swedish revolution was just beginning at this point and most of us hadn't heard bands like Crashdiet yet.) Knowing that the dream was dead, we could hear Deuce for what it was: a hard post-grunge album made by washed-up Sunset Strip stragglers. The debut was pretty enjoyable in 2001, but four years on, we knew Joe LeSte wasn't the guy who was going to bring it all back. Most of us had found new things to listen to and be excited about. The novelty of Beautiful Creatures had worn off. I was writing reviews for some website at the time, and got this as a promo—doubt I would have bought it like I did the first one. And after I wrote it up, I rarely felt compelled to
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: August 30, 2021 at 16:10 |
... revisit it. When I go through my CD's and weed out the non-keepers, Deuce is always on the verge of going in the box in the closet, but so far has gotten to stay on the shelf with its older brother.
From: Auslander |
Date: September 1, 2021 at 5:06 |
Don't get rid of it man. I know the temptation, but there isn't much from the mid 2000s that were better than it. Yes, I agree it's not essential like the debut, but it certainly isn't a stinker by any means.
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