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[Alice Cooper Band Picture]

Artist: Alice Cooper

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CD Title: The Eyes Of Alice Cooper

Alice Cooper The Eyes Of Alice Cooper Album Cover Alice Cooper The Eyes Of Alice Cooper Album Cover Alice Cooper The Eyes Of Alice Cooper Album Cover Alice Cooper The Eyes Of Alice Cooper Album Cover


Category: Melodic rock

Year: 2003

Label: Spitfire

Catalog Number: ?


Alice Cooper vocals
Ryan Roxie guitars
Eric Dover guitars
Chuck Garric bass
Eric Singer drums


1.  What Do You Want from Me?  3:24
2.  Between High School & Old School  3:01
3.  Man of the Year  2:51
4.  Novocaine  3:07
5.  Bye Bye, Baby  3:27
6.  Be with You Awhile  4:17
7.  Detroit City  3:58
8.  Spirits Rebellious  3:35
9.  This House Is Haunted  3:30
10.  Love Should Never Feel Like This  3:32
11.  The Song That Didn't Rhyme  3:17
12.  I'm So Angry  3:36
13.  Backyard Brawl  2:36
Total Running Time:  44:11

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Alice Cooper CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: M. Allen Date: October 28, 2003 at 16:03
A slight departure for Alice, featuring a lean, raw hard rock production style as opposed to the big wall-of-sound guitars sound he used on his last few albums. The songs still rock though, with muscular riffs, cool lyrics, and an infectious vibe that's hard to deny. Some will like this CD, others will hate it, but this is basically Cooper stripped down to his hard rockin' bare bones. Not a classic, but these "Eyes" are worth looking into...

From: vince Date: October 30, 2003 at 22:29
this is Alice Cooper returning to his roots......wayyyy back to his roots,think '70's style Cooper...........I like all of his stuff but this is his best work since "Raise Your Fist"!!AWSOME ALBUM!!!

From: JarWi Date: November 19, 2003 at 14:31
Oh c'mon, don't exaggerate!I'm Alice's die hard fan(atic) from the bottom of my heart but this one rather sounds to me like a wicked mixture of his blackout phase recordings from the late 70s/early 80s and Blink 182(blaaah!).When the gloomy Dragontown came out I thought it couldn't get any worse.Now I'm convinced I was unfortunately totally wrong.This album is more lively than the previous 2 but indicates by no means Alice's return to Love It To Death period.He should fire Ryan and Eric D.!

From: Rene Date: November 19, 2003 at 14:48
i AGREE with you JARWI. Its not a bad album, it far better then the two before but its sound to modern to me sometimes, sad but true.

From: Scott Date: November 19, 2003 at 18:16
Even with a modern rock producer like Mudrock, who has produced crap like Godsmack and Powerman 5000, Alice's sound, style and charisma still shine through. Perhaps "Man of the Year" has a bit of that atrocious pop-punk sound, but, this is not the case overall. On his last few albums Alice went for a modern metal sound. Alice is now revisiting 70's; the days of simple, fun rock 'n' roll. He is once again writing old school anthems. Full review:

From: Gar Date: November 19, 2003 at 18:21
This is Alice's most straightfoward "rock" album since "Hey Stoopid". His 2 previous albums were a little too much of a departure for his longtime fans, but this one should set matters straight. While this is by no means his best work it does contain some of his strongest songs in years. I particularly liked "What Do You Want From Me". Pure Alice attitude! "Be With You Awhile" sounds a lot like his 70s era ballads. If you haven't bought an Alice album in a long time, this may just be the one you

From: Gar Date: November 19, 2003 at 18:22
cont... were waiting for.

From: JarWi Date: November 22, 2003 at 14:29
And I still think Alice should get rid of his guitarists and re-hire geniuses like Kane Roberts/Jack Ponti/Vic Pepe/John McCurry as his songwriters. Only then would the next album stand any minimum chance of achieving the Hey Stoopid (please Gar, don't even make any slightest comparison between HS and this one, ok?) master quality.

From: Gar Date: November 24, 2003 at 18:36
Wasn't meant as a comparison. Just meant that this cd was his first since "Hey Stoopid" that wasn't a "concept" album.

From: XLNT Date: February 9, 2004 at 7:47
In my humble opinion this is the best album Alice Cooper has made in a long time. Straight up rockers with tongue in cheek lyrics from the man who never made it out of his teens. The dark and gloomy feel from the previous albums are gone and it sounds like the man is having fun making music again.

From: brian Date: March 30, 2004 at 0:48
This was A really good album for alice fans period!! I'm 29 and got into alice cooper when "trash" came out I love "welcome to my nightmare", "raise your fist and yell" and many of his other albums. Glad to see rock hasn't died it just got smuged a little.Over all i think this album was a great effort after the crap he did with "dragontown" Buy it you will be pleasently surprised!

From: holyroller Date: May 15, 2004 at 10:46
Great straight forward rock songs this time around. I really liked "Brutal Planet" but by "Dragontown" everything was starting to sound the same. Alice rules though, he's far more prolific and releases more new albums than most of his 70s contemporaries put together.

From: Rycheage Date: July 15, 2004 at 21:47
Alice gets back to basics on this one- 70's shock rock. "Detroit City" and "Between High School & Old School" reflect this best. Usually when an artist goes back to basics and embraces what made them famous in the first place, it usually works. "The Eyes Of ALice Cooper" is no different.

From: Uusiolli Date: August 3, 2004 at 5:07
This is one of my favorite albums ever. Some sick lyrics, and really back to the basics thing.

From: Uusiolli Date: August 3, 2004 at 5:15
I just noticed that my record has different tracklisting. Totally. Mine starts with #2, then comes 10,6,5,7,8,1,4,11,3,13,9 and 12. Strange, maybe we Europeans have a different version.

From: jack Date: August 11, 2004 at 5:55
Much like bands from the 80's hard rock/metal scene,they've become too modern like and different. The only band from that era that remains true to themselves and did not change one bit is the scorpion. the album unbreakable is ten times better tha this one.

From: Chad Date: August 12, 2004 at 23:47
While I agree with Jack that Unbreakable is a better album than this one, it is not by any means a bad effort by Alice. It has its moments and is worth picking up. If you like Brutal Planet and Dragontown, you will like this album. Alice puts out quality music. Period.

From: Dean Date: August 13, 2004 at 14:46
As is usual i disagree 100% with Jack(well kinda since Jack posts schizophrenic posts under most albums) but to me The Scorps lost it years ago-this album harkens back to old Alice(pre-Trash) and i for one think it's awesome. Too modern? This one? Lay off the crack pipe, dude. And when i think of 80's bands it's not Alice or the Scorps i think of- both of them originated much,much earlier and in many people's minds released some of their best material in the 70's. Jack-have you heard this disc?

From: Aussie Dave Date: March 20, 2005 at 18:00
A lot of people are saying that this is a return to his roots! But i think Alice has jumped on board with bands like The Strokes, The Hives etc. Sure the sound is more stripped back and the songs more tongue in cheek than his last few, but the classic song structures seem to be gone! A few great tracks: Novocaine, Man Of The Year and Backyard Brawl, but too many duds for me! Sond That Didn't Rhyme is pretty cool, he always seems to put one funny track on every album! Has done much better! 6/10.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: June 25, 2011 at 21:09
Aussie Dave i respect your comment but actually this album brought back Alice not a 100% to his roots but obviously more into what fans expected from him...Eric Singer brought freshness to Alice's band aswell..."Detroit City","Love Should Never Feel Like This","Spirits Rebellious"(nice),"Novocaine","Man Of The Year"(very nice)","Between High School And The Old School"(nice chorus line),"Backyard Brawl" & "The Song That Didn't Rhyme" are crazy to the bones songs!!!...enjoyable album...85/100

From: hair metal again Date: February 11, 2025 at 10:23
excellent release for ALICE COOPER returning to a more classic hard rock sound ,always writing down great songs with unique lyrics and fine attitude!"what do you want from me","be with you awhile","novocaine" and "backyard brawl" are the best songs ,but the rest is also remarkable creating a fine rocking vibe!you cant go wrong with ALICE COOPER ,all his releases new ones and old ones are essential

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