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[Alice Cooper Band Picture]

Artist: Alice Cooper

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Alice Cooper Homepage

CD Title: Hey Stoopid

Alice Cooper Hey Stoopid Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1991

Label: Epic

Catalog Number: EK 46786


Alice Cooper lead vocals
Joe Satriani guitars
Stef Burns guitars
Steve Vai guitar (track 7)
Vinnie Moore guitar (tracks 8, 11)
Slash guitar (track 1)
Mick Mars guitar (track 10)
Hugh McDonald bass
Nikki Sixx bass (track 7)
Mickey Curry drums
John Webster keyboards
Robert Bailey keyboards

2013 remaster + bonus tracks


1.  Hey Stoopid  4:34
2.  Love's a Loaded Gun  4:11
3.  Snakebite  4:33
4.  Burning Our Bed  4:34
5.  Dangerous Tonight  4:41
6.  Might as Well Be On Mars  7:09
7.  Feed My Frankenstein  4:44
8.  Hurricane Years  3:58
9.  Little By Little  4:35
10.  Die For You  4:16
11.  Dirty Dreams  3:29
12.  Wind-Up Toy  5:27
13.  Hey Stoopid Beba Edit bonus track  3:58
14.  Fire bonus track  3:04  Cover: Jimi Hendrix
15.  It Rained All Night bonus track  3:54
Total Running Time:  67:07

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Alice Cooper CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Alice Cooper are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Up The Glams Date: September 24, 2001 at 21:28
This album is a treasure! Every song here is a diamond! With no doubt the best Alice Cooper album (with Trash)! Wind-Up Toy rox ass! Buy that and "daddy won't discuss you, whatever the pain you are"!!!

From: MALLORCA´S ROCK Date: December 3, 2002 at 9:17
No es el trash pero casi. GENIAL 9/10

From: Warrior Date: January 22, 2003 at 13:43
A great follow-up to "thrash". No so good, but a great hard rock album anyway

From: Rocker65 Date: February 12, 2003 at 10:03
The guitarists are also SLASH and STEVE VAI at this album!!

From: Scott Date: February 12, 2003 at 16:57
Slick pop metal that is very unlike the Alice Cooper of old. "Feed My Frankenstein" is an amusing song as is the title track, but overall this is just not up to the standards of "Schools Out," "Billion Dollar Babies," "Killer" or my all time favorite Alice disc "Welcome to My Nightmare." The album features a host of well known artists: Joe Satriani, Steve Via, Vinnie Moore, Ozzy & members of Motley Crue, Guns n Roses, and Zodiac Mindwarp.

From: Tony Date: June 9, 2003 at 5:41
Good cd & "Feed My Frankenstein" is a classic but might have ventured a tad too far into the "hair metal" realm after his success with "Trash". Seems the "safest" out of all his albums and after his comeback probably didn't want to screw around with the formula. Still complaining about a Cooper disc not being his best is like complaining about "only" winning a million dollars. You still win when you have it!!! "Might As Well.." & "Wind-Up Toy" are awesome and some GREAT guitar stuff here.

From: Allan Jones Date: June 26, 2003 at 11:17
The classic album of Alice Cooper in the 90 decade. Hey Stoopid is a really great song, Feed my Frankestein is a good song too...Alice is the master of rock n´roll!

From: Scandinavia Date: June 27, 2003 at 17:47
A lot of people thought of this as a decline for Alice...well, not me! Here Alice really let's it all loose...And what a monster! Great, great, great collection of hardrock tunes with a lot of professional musicians aiding. You have the ballads, the rockers, the anthems & the inevitable "creepy" stuff that's Alice's trademark...All tracks are performed with high integrity and delivered thru' your speakers with a sound second to none. 10/10!!!

From: visitor Date: August 20, 2003 at 13:30
Quite a commercial sounding record from Alice... I don´t really like the title track, it´s a little too obvious. But Dangerous Tonight, Hurricane Years and Wind-up Toy are great hard rock songs!

From: Gar Date: August 21, 2003 at 23:49
Sure, it is a commercial sounding album. But then so was the excellent TRASH. This is a very good follow up to that gem. "Wind Up Toy" ranks right up ther with Alice's all time greatest songs. "Might As Well Be on Mars" is quite good as well. Overall, its not his best album. But it comes pretty close.

From: pablo Date: September 6, 2003 at 8:05
Tambien "Hey Stoopid" es un gran LP destacaria sobre todo los lead vocals de Alice ,está inspiradisimo a lo largo de las 12 canciones que conforman el disco

From: D'SIRE Date: November 21, 2003 at 15:04

From: Raevin Date: February 7, 2004 at 17:06
Warrior you idiot.. it's TRASH not THRASH. Sounds like you shouldn't be holding an opinion of hard rock music if you don't know what the hell you're listening too.

From: Big Papa K Date: June 25, 2004 at 2:09
This album continues the format of "Trash", but turns up the guitar more on the rockers, and also includes more ballads. Rockers like "Hey Stoopid", "Snakebite", and "Dangerous Tonight" are strong and the ballads such as "Love's A Loaded Gun" and "Die For You" are two of his better later years ballads. One problem with the album is the order of the songs. Tracks 1-7 alternate between rocker and ballad every track. The ballads should have been spread out a little more. 8/10

From: jack Date: August 11, 2004 at 5:51
I absolutely love this album. its metal like trASH. I like thier more heavier album like raise your fist and yell but i like this and trash more. This is what makes me enjoyed 80's type hard rock/metal much more than nu-metal or grunge even though i'm 20 years old.

From: scarecrow Date: December 3, 2004 at 14:23
u all die for this grant master piece of alice

From: Date: January 23, 2005 at 17:04
Alice's best album ever. Better than Trash, Babies and Nightmare put together. I humbly fall on my knees before the ultimate God of Rock and his master helper duo Ponti/Pepe. Enuff said.

From: JarWi Date: January 23, 2005 at 17:06
Alice's best album ever. Better than Trash, Babies and Nightmare put together. I humbly fall on my knees before the ultimate God of Rock and his master helper duo Ponti/Pepe. Enuff said.

From: Geoff Date: March 8, 2005 at 5:22
Even more consistent than the last one! This is an awesome commercial hard rock disc. 'Love's a Loaded Gun' is wonderful with it's delicious guitar, 'Snakebite', 'Dangerous tonight', 'Hurricane years' and 'Little by little' are all great commercial hard rockers, 'Burning Our Bed' a nice ballad, but 'Might as Well Be On Mars' is much better, and 'Die For You' is the best of the album for me- a sensational melodic gem. 'Wind-Up Toy' is a great closer too. Immaculate musicianship, great songs.

From: Aussie Dave Date: March 20, 2005 at 17:04
Great Foolow up to his smash hit album Trash! In the same style as Trash, with some fantastic guest musicians, this release didn't sell nearly as well as it should have. Maybe it was missing the big hit single like Poison, or maybe hard rock/metal was nearly at the end of it's reign. But with songs as good as Feed My Frankenstein, Little By Little, Hurricane Years and Die For You, this was a fantastic and a somewhat underated Cooper classic! 9.5/10....

From: poproxx2007 Date: January 11, 2006 at 18:24
For some reason I had never heard "Die For You"....I am a major collector with 10,000 hard rock/metal cassettes and cd's. Big Cooper fan but for some reason I never heard that great song! I think thats one of his best songs. I want to put together a Cooper Ballads discs. He has so many great ones!

From: metalmaniac777 Date: April 8, 2006 at 21:05
A stellar follow-up to "Trash," this doesn't quite eclipse its predecessor, but it does continue Alice's hooky hair-metal trend, resulting in the second-best album of his career. There are some monster choruses on this CD, almost ridiculously over-the-top and catchy as hell, all featuring wall-of-sound backing vox that perfectly combine power & melody. This is as essential to a hair-metal collection as hay is to horses; if you don't own this one yet, well, hey stoopid, what are you waiting for?

From: metalhead4life Date: November 10, 2006 at 23:57
metalmaniac777 sums it up perfectly again; this is one of Alice's top 3 albums; if you only want to own 3 CD's from him: Raise Your Fist and Yell, Trash, and this one are the ones to get.

From: dave Date: July 2, 2007 at 8:55
The Best Alice Cooper Album

From: dave Date: July 2, 2007 at 9:10
El Mejor album de alice cooper snakebite,dangerous tonight son de lo mejor que he oido en la historia de rock

From: dave Date: July 2, 2007 at 9:12
The Best album of Alice cooper snakebite, dangerous tonight are of the best thing than I have hear in the rock history

From: VICE Date: October 14, 2007 at 13:57
The album by Alice that hasn't impressed on my as much as the album "Constrictor", "Raise Your Fist & Yell" & "Trash" did... Although it has it's fine moments too. I really like "Dangerous Tonight" but the real stone cold killer here is titled "Feed My Frankenstein" which has a cool Metal riff & nice solos. "F.M.F." is an milestolpe along Alice's tunes he've made over the years.

From: iridion666 Date: November 5, 2007 at 13:45
hey stoopid e trash são os melhores discos de Alice nos anos 80 ,fortes musicas como feed my......,e hey stoopid com seu refrão marcante são os pontos altos desse classico do hard rock!

From: jan_vexel Date: November 10, 2007 at 22:23
best "hair metal" alice cooper album.

From: Maxi Date: February 23, 2008 at 9:50
fantastic release..! i think this is the best alice cooper CD ever released! check the musician that involved, damn..what a list!!! great sound, arrangement, etc..even thou 'Trash' is a damn great release, but i think this one is better!! hell yeah alice, how u make all the hardrock heroes joined in one release?? very recommended 9/10

From: kai Date: July 23, 2008 at 23:35
My favourite Alice release along with "Raise Your Fist And Yell", and for me, better than the previous album "Trash". Killer tracks like "Hey Stoopid", "Dangerous Tonight", "Snakebite", "Love´s A Loaded Gun" and the funny "Feed My Frankenstein" make a great hard rockin´ album.

From: DNOMYTE Date: May 22, 2009 at 19:50
improvement from Trash, only about half of this album is faceless, a solid B from me this time

From: hair metal again Date: September 16, 2009 at 10:05
hair metal perfection in the alice cooper way.this album is impressive in everything:terrific sound and songs,big choruses by ponti and pepe,great moments by desmond child and jim valance and of course the unique alice cooper.every tune is fantastic and the "hey stoopid" release is an all time classic.thanks alice

From: pie75 Date: July 12, 2010 at 10:04
this was the follow up to the mighty trash hard to follow up such a classic but alice gave it a pretty good shot great bunch of guest musicians great songs too the title track,loves a loaded gun,dangerous tonight,might as well be on mars,feed my frankenstine are all good stuff

From: CC Date: May 1, 2020 at 18:22
Trash was my first Alice album and is still my favourite by him, so when this came out it was an automatic purchase. The lead single, Hey stoopid sounded like a song that could easily have slotted into the Trash running order and would have fit perfectly, but overall this album kinda dialled back on the hair metal overload of Trash and mixed in a little bit of older school Alice into the mix too. While the title track, Loves a loaded gun, Burning our bed & Feed my Frankenstein all pretty much fall into the same sound as Trash to differing degrees, songs like Might as well be on Mars, Wind-up toy & Die for you all have elements of classic 70s Alice, albeit mixed with the more hair metal sound of the previous album. One track, Dirty dreams, kicks off with a guitar riff not a million miles removed from The Sex Pistols (reminds me of God save the queen every time I hear it). Overall for me still one of my fave Coop albums, but a few steps behind Trash for me.

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